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Everything posted by umbralillium

  1. While working with Iresso on healing mode on one of my consulars, I noticed he was using Zenith's healing comments. Lord Scourge also uses Zenith's healing comments (most notably 'Battlefield's the best teacher.' which is recognizably Troy Baker's voice). I also still get Kaliyo's comments on Vector and Raina on my agents.
  2. I haven't checked my other agents, but I have this bug on my level 34 agent. So far, Vector's only said Kaliyo's "All right-make me look good." I did get one of Vector's lines earlier when I quick traveled and he ended up dying. >_<
  3. I'm getting this on my female bh and the new male 60 I created, which triggers a conversation with Torian. I try abandoning the quest and it just pops back up again, so that is DEFINITELY NOT a solution.
  4. If you're carrying two of the same blaster, you won't be able to tell, but DW weapons are both showing on one hip. All of the DW characters I've logged into so far have had the same issue since 4.0 dropped last week.
  5. OMG YES. My main's hair goes from a really lovely auburn to brassy copper with the new styles. O.o
  6. Seriously. I would be happy just to be able to use the messy buns that most of the other races get on my miraluka main.
  7. Seriously. It should be called 'unkempt'. It's definitely NOT an afro.
  8. Specifically for characters of color. I wouldn't put any of the current 'colored people' styles on my characters of color, as they're all terrible. Did the devs look at pictures of people of color AT ALL when they were designing those hairstyles? Give me box braids, give me GOOD LOOKING dreads (not that weird bun thing), give me an afro that doesn't have weird points all over the place. Hell, at this point I'd take the curly buzz that males get on my WOC because it would fit her storyline. Just something that doesn't make me cringe in sympathy when I see it. While we at it, a wider variety for Miraluka and Cathar would be awesome, too. It baffles me that some hairs were excluded for both that would work just fine with the miraluka's mask and the cathar's ears (the buns, for instance, or the braided Leia style that was released on the CM). And what the heck is up with the colors for the new styles? My main's nice auburn hair turns bright orange when I look at her with the new styles.
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