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PVP Records on the Shadowlands (4.0+)


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OMG bro I keep detailed records of every deathmatch I do in regs too! I write them in a Special Secrets Diary and it helps me deal with my IRL insignificance. One time I lost my heart shaped key tho and I panicked because I didn't have anywhere else where I could brag about tunneling a pt that has all defenses on cooldown and is fighting someone else :(


Serious white knighting going on over here haha. I couldn't care less what you terrible players think about me. I only noticed this post because a guldie remarked to me how laughable it all was. I don't check the forums otherwise. Since swtor is thankfully the only medium where I am forced to interact with you, it is the only thing that is relevant to this conversation.


Obviously erdface was so incredibly lays potato chips about that incident he felt it necessary to whisper me not only that day but for the coming few weeks. Judging from his post he's still mad about it.


I'm just calling you people out for being bad. Once again, queue ranked if you want to prove me wrong.

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Serious white knighting going on over here haha. I couldn't care less what you terrible players think about me. I only noticed this post because a guldie remarked to me how laughable it all was. I don't check the forums otherwise. Since swtor is thankfully the only medium where I am forced to interact with you, it is the only thing that is relevant to this conversation.


Obviously erdface was so incredibly lays potato chips about that incident he felt it necessary to whisper me not only that day but for the coming few weeks. Judging from his post he's still mad about it.


I'm just calling you people out for being bad. Once again, queue ranked if you want to prove me wrong.


Dude, I was just telling you how I deal with my insignificance . You need to work out your own way that doesn't involve screaming "IM BETTERS DEN U IN A DEAD GAME!1!1!!!!!1!"


WHAT is with these ds people. I could say I want a cup of frozen yogurt and then I'd have to listen to a short essay of rage bc they're so incredibly touchy about swtor. We get it, you're the top guild on a second rate server of a second rate game. If you're done imagining that anyone is jealous of that, get back to me. :rolleyes:

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You kids are funny. Hey erd remember when I farmed you so hard when I was solo queuing on my Merc you sat at the pylon and then started logging and whispering me on your alts?


I dont even know who you are, other bad. The sea of non-factors tide rises and falls so often I can't keep track of all the trash.


Salt level for you both - Dead Sea


Queue ranked


You mean when you que sync with your guild in yolos. And pics or it didn't happen.

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You would need cross server . As it is now shadow lands isn't a very competitive pvp scene to lord over. But hey, if you like the small pond.:rolleyes:


That's exactly my point... Queue up so it isn't a small pond. How do you not get this? Either put your money where your mouth is, or learn your place and be quiet.

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You mean when you que sync with your guild in yolos. And pics or it didn't happen.


I don't take pics of every little exchange due to the frequency of such events. You can keep believing that DS queue syncs or whatever you want but it doesn't change the fact that you got farmed like the crops you are whenever you queued.


In summary. You're trash erd, noldoto, and whoever that third guy is. Queue up or shut up. Kthx.


As a side note, shout out to the members of TDR that have been queueing group ranked lately. Ggs

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I don't take pics of every little exchange due to the frequency of such events. You can keep believing that DS queue syncs or whatever you want but it doesn't change the fact that you got farmed like the crops you are whenever you queued.


In summary. You're trash erd, noldoto, and whoever that third guy is. Queue up or shut up. Kthx.


As a side note, shout out to the members of TDR that have been queueing group ranked lately. Ggs


I que when I'm on, I qued last week. Stop taking yourself so seriously, no one else does.

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I'm just calling you people out for being bad.


dont care if you think im a bad or trash or a nobody in a video game....anyone who thinks that being good in a non paying/rewarding video game is important is a mongoloid and should be treated as such.. even worse if you brag about it...sure its nice to be great at things but do you have to be such big fgts

Edited by dillingerescplan
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That's exactly my point... Queue up so it isn't a small pond. How do you not get this? Either put your money where your mouth is, or learn your place and be quiet.


My queuing won't fix the problem of small pond, because swtor ranked is a joke. Play a real pvp game or learn your place. Second rate dps on a second rate server shooting his mouth off smh

Edited by Quarast
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This is from The God King Frequencyz(RIP)(Peace be upon him):

noone knows who galen is, he're probably a *******, not sure why he's talking in here. Jalgo is only a god because I permitted him to ascend to the lofty heights i've been occupying since launch, you ******* peasants.

You're all trash and irrelevant non-factors. half of you *******s get an erection if your double premade wins a reg with 1 or 2 DS in it, thinking you single handedly defeated the entire guild with your amazing pvp prowess, that alone proves how worthless you peasants are. The mere Idea of besting such legendary heroes of PVP causes sexual excitement the likes of which you've never experienced. You are literal sub human trash, and should be considered blessed to even be graced by written responses from people such as myself. Bow down or get out, your words have no place here.

(Thanks Freq)


Oh how i miss this :)

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dont care if you think im a bad or trash or a nobody in a video game....anyone who thinks that being good in a non paying/rewarding video game is a mongoloid and should be treated as such.. even worse if you brag about it...sure its nice to be great at things but do you have to be such big fgts


No one here or anywhere really gives a rats *** about what you out of all people, cares about. You are a non-factor. A mistake that your parents regreted nine months after they ****ed that one time without a condom. Your dad probably was like "should have pulled out and did it on the carpet" that would have resulted in a more positive thing. What a nobody.

Edited by ped_i
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No one here or anywhere really gives a rats *** about what you out of all people, cares about. You are a non-factor. A mistake that your parents regreted nine months after they ****ed that one time without a condom. Your dad probably was like "should have pulled out and did it on the carpet" that would have resulted in a more positive thing. What a nobody.


go pick up your crayons off the floor, an adult might slip on them..lol you're so cute when you try . don't care if im a non factor. or a nobody. come up with something better, this has all been said before.

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