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PVP Records on the Shadowlands (4.0+)


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Highest PVP DPS Matches on Shadowlands (4.0+)



The purpose of this thread is to archive the various PVP records and achievements of players on the Shadowlands. While many players don't concern themselves with the pursuit of high numbers, it is interesting to see the relative performance and capabilities of classes as we move into a new patch cycle. For this content cycle, I have moved the leaderboards to a public Google Doc for easier viewing and maintenance. There you will see three separate spreadsheets; one each for DPS, HPS, and Protection. I intend to update this post periodically to reflect the content of the Google Doc, but you will want to access the Google Doc for the most up-to-date records. As always, your submissions should be posted here. Good luck!


Shadowlands PVP Records Google Document


Rules and Notes

- All matches must take place after 4.0 (October 20th, 2015)

- Shadowlands server only. Matches from other servers do not count, even if you have transferred to the Shadowlands

- No pre-mades of four DPS vs four healers

- Include your Discipline if your Quickbars are hidden. Also include the patch if possible.

- A new thread will be created if Bioware introduces a patch which drastically alters combat during the 4.x patch cycle.

- No acid farming will be accepted for healer parses. This is impossible to enforce, so please be honest



Much of this post and its structure was borrowed from Hoppin's 3.x PVP DPS thread. Thank you for your contribution and maintenance.

Edited by IndestructibleSD
Changed submission rules
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Thanks for doing this! I think you should also add a column for HPS and Protection.


3100 dps, arsenal merc, level 60. Not too bad for my first day of playing arsenal. Not sure if lowbies count, but in case they do.

In case you add a HPS column, here is one on my sorc.

5450 HPS http://i.imgur.com/EO07cUX.png

Edited by HaemmernZeit
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The spreadsheet has been updated with the entries submitted so far. Thanks for the entries everyone!

Thanks for doing this! I think you should also add a column for HPS and Protection.

If you look in the lower lefthand corner of the spreadsheet, you'll see there are three separate sheets: DPS Records, HPS Records, and Protection Records.

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3427.9 dps, Arsenal Merc. That was in a huttball with very little AOE and quite a bit of chasing. I have no doubt whatsoever that we'll see mercs breaking 4k in the next week or so.

Thanks for the submission. I agree that many of these matches are just placeholders to fill out the leaderboards as people experiment with the class and stat changes. Once people are in full Exemplar gear and the PVP min-maxing is more understood on a per-class basis, we'll see some crazy performances, at least relative to the numbers we were used to in 3.x.


Keep the submissions coming folks!

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http://puu.sh/l0oMV/ba08e5d67c.jpg played 2 games on the merc this was one of them.


wasnt an ideal wz for getting number but i actually decided to pvp a bit and got this. i'm sure if i ever get the right match ill blow this **** out of the water. If you look at the enemy team dmg you can see the conditions for farming as virulence were far from ideal. WTB good enemy healers.


Also just for lulz heres a biggest hit for if you decide to add a section for that http://puu.sh/kUla5/dd0eb3f3f9.jpg


I'm sure once we get some real matches where its not a respawn fest we will be able to see some real numbers.

Edited by sheabr
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