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KOTFE: Best Class For The Storyline?


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Exactly my thoughts, when it comes to raw force power and knowledge, story-wise there's no-one on par with Darth Nox. And no, don't even mention the consular - the class with the worse story I have experienced since I started gaming 20 years ago.


The inquisitor just feels right at home when it comes to Valkorian, his power, his children, and most importantly - his throne.


You must not have played many games over the years.

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The Agent was the type who stuck to shadows and is only effective in sticking to those shadows. Doing the whole big leader thing takes away what they can offer as everyone would now know their face.


Well, that hasn't been the case for a while now.



After the successful stealth mission on Makeb the Agent followed up in Shadows of Revan, ending up on first name terms with the heads of both force sensitive orders, and both galactic super powers intelligence agencies. Combined with the recruitment of additional agents from the old Minister of Intelligence and leading Sith Intelligence, he's more of a spymaster than an anonymous operative.


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Well, that hasn't been the case for a while now.



After the successful stealth mission on Makeb the Agent followed up in Shadows of Revan, ending up on first name terms with the heads of both force sensitive orders, and both galactic super powers intelligence agencies. Combined with the recruitment of additional agents from the old Minister of Intelligence and leading Sith Intelligence, he's more of a spymaster than an anonymous operative.


And I didn't think it worked great there either :p

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Seriously, a lot of people need to get their lore straight. Yes, I too think that a force-user makes more sense, the story of siding with Valkorion is perfect if you want to play an Inquisitor with an unsatable lust for power, just like Valkorion, or a Warrior who still is loyal too him - on Ziost you can proclaim to him that you still are loyal to him. As a Knight, as far as I know, your story later on revolves around finding and killing him so it is just logical that you are a major part once again and reject him, or fall for him as you become more and more desparte in the fight, you accept his power because you want to save the galaxy and get slowly corrupted by him, at least that is how I play mine out, and yes, my guy was a good guy the whole story from 1-60. As Consular you are this extremly strong force user, best played (in my opinion) as a good guy, a person of virtue and champion of the light side. Makes sense rejecting all his power, on Wookiepedia it even says that your grave becomes a force nexus, meaning you are very powerful in your own right. Also you killed his son which definitly won't go unnoticed. Maybe Valkorion thinks to himself "He did it once, why not again?", but I am aware that his to zakuulian children are much more powerful.

Overall they all suit it very well and everyone of them has very good reasons to reject or accept Valkorions power.

So, the non-force-users. That is difficult for Rep side. As a trooper you are just that. A trooper. Yes you might be an important part of the republican military, but you still are just a soldier. He could have a place as he is special forces and therefore extremly skilled so...it is passable if you close one eye. But the smuggler is not. He is a god damn smuggler, he might be good with the gun but he still is a smuggler. I won't play a smuggler, ever, because I refuse to think that a smuggler could kill a somewhat skilled force-user in a one-on-one battle. To me it doesn't make sense. If it does to you, good for you.

Now, Agent and Bounty Hunter. That is much more acceptable, in my opinion. As the Agent, you are the absolute elite of Sith Intelligence (or maybe some other organisation, however you roleplay your character if you do at all, for example mine is actually more of an ally to the Empire, he is a Chiss). You were trained to kill Jedi Masters and even Dark Lords if necessary, you were trained to resist the force, to infiltrate the strongest defenses. In the story you just proceed to do what you do best: Eliminate threats that no else can eliminate. As a Bounty Hunter, you are a Mandalorian or at least on par with the best of the best of the mandalorian elite. And what many here seem to forget is that Mandalorians are famed Jedi killers. They have heavy armor that supports them if they get attacked with the force, they have armors that can resist a lot of incoming damage. They are incredible warriors and could when strong and united even challenge the Republic and Empire. They are feared for a reason, and you are even feared among the feared as the Bounty Hunter. It makes absolutly sense that would be there.


Valkorion gives you reasons and those reasons make sense. If anyone is protected by plot armor, Valkorions children are. Everyone of the classes (accept Smuggler imo) poses a thread and is capable of killing them. As force users you even get made weaker by the plot as they throw you around despite you having one of the most powerfull force-shields in the galaxy. That is just silly, tbh.

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Valkorion gives you reasons and those reasons make sense. If anyone is protected by plot armor, Valkorions children are. Everyone of the classes (accept Smuggler imo) poses a thread and is capable of killing them. As force users you even get made weaker by the plot as they throw you around despite you having one of the most powerfull force-shields in the galaxy. That is just silly, tbh.


*Everyone but Smuggler works* hehe I like how you think only the smuggler. The Agent is not trained to go against Force Users. The Sith don't want to train non force users to go against them, that's the whole point of Chapter 2. "What?! They can talk down a Darth from their evil plan?! Kill her! Okay, we'll just brainwash her!"


Even the dialogue in the class story is "You can't do it!" and "Out of my league here!" until they decide eh, we'll forget that part for this fight against a Jedi. :p


Just so good, you can't even lead Sith Intelligence. :p

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.... But the smuggler is not. He is a gosh darn smuggler, he might be good with the gun but he still is a smuggler. I won't play a smuggler, ever, because I refuse to think that a smuggler could kill a somewhat skilled force-user in a one-on-one battle. To me it doesn't make sense. If it does to you, good for you.



Um, Han Solo... Just saying in the official lore He is the only pilot to ever shoot Darth Vader, and he did it while flying a freighter. Several times in Star Wars lore, very powerfully force sensitives have not been trained to use the force, and they end up on paths like Smugglers and Bounty Hunters. The Nomadic life calls to people strong in the force.


So good for you not playing one of the classes, and missing out on some fairly important lore in the game. I personally have played every class to finish the class story arcs. I found that they did justice to each one, and every PC no matter the class or race is exceptional for many reasons. Each one could easily be force sensitive with out knowing it.


Also if you do play a Smuggler, he will basically hint you are force sensitive yet ignorant of the force. It makes for an interesting angle to the story.


Also Smuggler Flirts, some of the best dialog in the game.

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You don't want to mention the class that is out right stated just how powerful a force user they are? :p


You not liking the story, is not an indication that they're weak.


Awwww that's so cute you mean the part in chapter 1 scene 1 where some jedi whose name matters not tells you you're powerful in the Force? That's so cute!


Or did you mean lifting up a big debris chunk on Taris? Or killing the so-called children of the emperor? Lol. That's so powerful I think I'm ******** my pants right now.


The fact that some random npcs SAID consulars are powerful doesn't mean jack **** if it remains as words.


Have you played the Inquisitor or do I need to write you a resume of actual PROOF found in-game as to why he'd crush the consular like a plastic cup? I'm not hating, stupid writing and lame storytelling pisses me off, especially when people actually think it's OMGSOGREATANDPOWURFUL.

Edited by ZzZeroZzZ
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You must not have played many games over the years.


And you must have played the *******st games in the universe to think the consular story is good.


See how fun it is making assumptions on people I don't know? I can do it as well as you.

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I think the best is Jedi Knight(at least for the Republic side) because he is a Force-sensitive and had engaged the Emperor before.


I can simply explain why Jedi/Sith is looking more appropriate:

In each SW movie there is always a distinction between force-sensitive and non-sensitive characters while they are in action.

For example, in Episode One when Darth Maul arrives Jedi are just "This is our fight". In Episode Six, while Luke is fighting with Sith, Solo and Lea taking down a generator at the planet and so on.

This distinction happening only with the most powerful Jedi/Sith, cause a powerful trooper can defeat a weak Jedi etc. The reason is simple:

The true force masters are too strong. They are reflecting every bullet, they can push you from the roof in a moment, burn you by lightnings or simply cut through your armor like it's made from cheese. So 1 vs 1 with a guy like that is suicide.


But every class works rather well in KotFE because it would be a discrimination that Jedi/Sith challenging Arcann while Smuggler(etc.) is fighting a 100 sky troopers.

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And you must have played the *******st games in the universe to think the consular story is good.


See how fun it is making assumptions on people I don't know? I can do it as well as you.


Yes, but you are making assumptions as well: you are treating your opinion (consular story is bad) as a fact that should apply to anyone. That's an assumption. The fact is all the stories in this game -- just as with all stories anywhere -- will appeal to different people for different reasons.


Story quality is very subjective. We learn that as children. Hopefully we are also taught as children to respect the opinions of others, even if we disagree with them, particularly when it comes to something like whether a story is any good or not.


See how fun it is being grown up and recognizing that people can have different opinions and that this is actually okay and isn't worth getting into "Is! Is not!" arguments about?

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But every class works rather well in KotFE because it would be a discrimination that Jedi/Sith challenging Arcann while Smuggler(etc.) is fighting a 100 sky troopers.


That's not discrimination. :p That's just making sense.


We don't see in the movies, one lone smuggler taking on the most powerful force users in the galaxy one on one. :p Even Fett was out matched when going up against Jedi who are top tier (which our PCs are, and which the big bad NPCs are).


However, this is a game with one storyline and they want to have everyone feel like they're awesome now (before they kept it to make a bit of sense, even if they screwed up a bit) because I'll tell you now, Smuggler's big bad Voidy wasn't awesome :p

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Smuggler's true big bad was Skavak though :D


Yes! Chapter 1 felt like I had a pretty epic villain. Yes, Skavak wasn't some big bad Jedi or Sith, but it was built up nicely! Voidy's build up was, *shrug* "He's a moff."


They're different storylines, they played out differently, often times the planet storylines contradicting your class storyline. :p


Going the one story route means it just won't make sense, though I know there's non force using fanboys/girls who will disagree just because it's their favorite class or they have to hate force users for some reason. :p I love dual blaster use, so I love the Smuggler Gunslinger and Hunter Merc, but they just don't fit in the (KotFE) story as much as some want to claim and point to the bit of valkie dialogue that get's thrown in there, to counteract the rest of the "Huh? What's going on? Whacky force users you!" and the *stands in back and twiddles thumbs as force users do their thing* moments :p

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While JK/SW know the emperor on a more personal level, after Valkorian dies you are imbued with his powers and with that aspect as well as the reactions of the NPC's seem more fitting for non-force users.


There is more shock and awe effect when you see a non-force user blasting lighting and force choking like a boss instead of your force user.

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We don't see in the movies, one lone smuggler taking on the most powerful force users in the galaxy one on one. :p Even Fett was out matched when going up against Jedi who are top tier (which our PCs are, and which the big bad NPCs are).


Technically, the one to defeat Vader in the original Star Wars movie was Han...although Vader was indeed somewhat distracted by Luke at that particular moment.

Edited by JLazarillo
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Technically, the one to defeat Vader in the original Star Wars movie was Han...although Vader was indeed somewhat distracted by Luke at that particular moment.


You mean ship to ship combat? Oh, yeah, if that's how the story decides to go instead of one on one combat like it has been doing, smuggler totally has a chance!

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Technically, the one to defeat Vader in the original Star Wars movie was Han...although Vader was indeed somewhat distracted by Luke at that particular moment.


The issue is that my Smuggler had not been soloing Revan with a fly-by strike, and I don't think she's going to have it as an option for the Arcy. :D Also, 'General Solo' had never been known as a true\public leader, not even in the novels. It was Leia's part to play politics. Han is a good guy and a great pilot, but not a leader or a front-line hero.


To think of it, 4-6 had no single person lead. It had a 'Triple Main Character', it's impossible to say 'Luke did it', it's 'they did it'. Remove any of The Three and everything's ruined.


'A Solo Jedi Supahero' trope comes with Dark Forces\Jedi Knight, and is valid for ep.1-3, though. Must be same for ep.7

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The story is more focused on being the JK or a force user class more and that is something I've learned will always be the issue with SWTOR storyline.


Though smuggler voice actor is great when he did the inspirational speeches in chapter 9.


As for how a smuggler can defeat a force user compared to the other non-force users being heavy trained combat experts well for me I think it is mostly due to the unpredicable combat style Smuggler has lore wise. Most force users are trained to fight people who are organized and trained combatants who they can mostly predict what they do next but smuggler combat style focus on them being a wild card. Not fighting fair and being unpredictable is a advantage in combat which is what Smuggler combat focus on. Even as a Gunslinger their combat style focus more on firing two shots at once with 1 shot have a higher chance to hit the enemy if they're not fast enough to block both shots instead of 1 shot at a time which is more easily blocked by a lightsaber.

Edited by EdwinLi
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The issue is that my Smuggler had not been soloing Revan with a fly-by strike, and I don't think she's going to have it as an option for the Arcy. :D Also, 'General Solo' had never been known as a true\public leader, not even in the novels. It was Leia's part to play politics. Han is a good guy and a great pilot, but not a leader or a front-line hero.


To think of it, 4-6 had no single person lead. It had a 'Triple Main Character', it's impossible to say 'Luke did it', it's 'they did it'. Remove any of The Three and everything's ruined.


'A Solo Jedi Supahero' trope comes with Dark Forces\Jedi Knight, and is valid for ep.1-3, though. Must be same for ep.7


No, it didn't have a single lead. But it only had the force user go after the force user and then 1-3 built that up, as well as the books.

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