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Can we kill Quinn now?


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The Force doesn't work on weakminded creatures. Quinn is one of the quite smarter ones. It is not only hard to belive but most improbable, he was forcepersuaded by Baras to undermine us.


Beside that, he used his chance of reliability up with the SW when he tried to attack the SW. Malavay should have known better. One thing has the SW in particular, he always grow over the hardest trials. How hard was for him calculating this properly? After almost 2 years of knowing the SW... Well acutally this should be absolute obvious, "You do not take the SW head on if you want to win!". He should have shoot a mass distruction weapon on us, unannounced. Covering as much of n areal as possible. So we can't escape. Then he would had a 50/50 chance to get us. But no he had to use 2 droids. I felt kinda disapointed. He wasn't even trying, but gloating, ...yeeees, he really thought, he might had a chance. Freaking maggot! He mocks the SW, and now we have to endure that face? ...AGAIN?!


BW sould really think the idea through of adding him back in the game. If some companion need to be killable then Malavay shoud be this one for sure. You wanna have him, fine, but most of the SW dedicated players have the impression he is nothing but a splinter under our nails.

I for one do really badly want my hands on his throat as a SW.


Baras managed to coopt and corrupt generals and admirals, not some few prestigious figures in politics, the military, and within the Jedi even, and then went along to destroy a whole slew of them, too. Unless we're to assume they're ALL mere weak-minded creatures who only served Baras for his sterling personality and utterly trustworthy character, it's not some leap to assume there's more to his weaving an intricate web of secrets and resources than a unique Force ability that allows him an exceptional degree of manipulation.


Or do you assume Vitiate, too, was ONLY weakminded when he went to Voss after Baras directed him there? Lies and deceit, the Force itself -- whatever it is, Baras is a sneaky-a**ed SOB; that much is plainly obvious.


As I said, how and in what capacity force was used on Malavai Quinn, it's outrageous to think it was NONE and that Quinn is any LESS manipulated against his will than all the other sundry characters the story points out were coerced, manipulated and otherwise controlled by Darth Baras, too. Quinn himself endured years of the man's manipulations, and even then manages to stave off Baras all the way to that absurd moment on the Transponder Station ... seriously, two battle droids, Quinn? That's it?!


I actually give Bioware enormous accolades for creating such a complex and interesting character, rather. Kudos to them! I can't wait to see Quinn again.

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Seriously. Why would she even be angry with Quinn? He outright SAYS he was forced. Nah, my Warrior put the blame where it belonged -- buh bye, Baras.

Forced? He seems to enjoy it too much to have been 'forced' to do it. He's gloating about how the droids will kill you and is absolutely giddy about which companion he'll get to kill after you're gone.

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The Force doesn't work on weakminded creatures. Quinn is one of the quite smarter ones. It is not only hard to belive but most improbable, he was forcepersuaded by Baras to undermine us.


Beside that, he used his chance of reliability up with the SW when he tried to attack the SW. Malavay should have known better. One thing has the SW in particular, he always grow over the hardest trials. How hard was for him calculating this properly? After almost 2 years of knowing the SW... Well acutally this should be absolute obvious, "You do not take the SW head on if you want to win!". He should have shoot a mass distruction weapon on us, unannounced. Covering as much of n areal as possible. So we can't escape. Then he would had a 50/50 chance to get us. But no he had to use 2 droids. I felt kinda disapointed. He wasn't even trying, but gloating, ...yeeees, he really thought, he might had a chance. Freaking maggot! He mocks the SW, and now we have to endure that face? ...AGAIN?!


BW sould really think the idea through of adding him back in the game. If some companion need to be killable then Malavay shoud be this one for sure. You wanna have him, fine, but most of the SW dedicated players have the impression he is nothing but a splinter under our nails.

I for one do really badly want my hands on his throat as a SW.


1. I do wonder why he didn't just lead us into the station and just pump the room full of poison gas, I mean, it works on Makeb if you're slow.


2. I wonder what he was planning to do to deal with the rest of the crew after the SW is dead. Did he think his two probably severely damaged droids would be able to take them on? Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if he did underestimate the crew.

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Forced? He seems to enjoy it too much to have been 'forced' to do it. He's gloating about how the droids will kill you and is absolutely giddy about which companion he'll get to kill after you're gone.


Quinn says, "He's forced my hand." And he doesn't seem to feel particularly happy right then, can't even LOOK at the Warrior as he turns away and hangs his head. I've never really trusted much of what Quinn said during the entire encounter, mind you. When it's betrayal we're talking about, what's true and what's not becomes a murky question. So I made my judgment based on what I actually know about Quinn, not what absurd inanities he spouts off before his toys march into the room:


(1) He worked for Baras for years on Balmorra, because otherwise his career and possibly his life would've been compromised.

(2) He suddenly declares his willingness to join the Warrior's crew, immediately after Balmorra. Clever, clever man.

(3) He is a tactical strategist, almost genius-level skilled at considering maps and stratgems to achieve ultimate success in a battle situation. He's the one who charted the Warrior's success on Taris.

(3) He doesn't betray the Warrior to Baras after Quesh, travels to Belsavis with the Warrior instead and assists in destroying Baras' own sister, rather.

(4) He helps to free the Emperor on Voss, rather than undermining the Warrior and assisting Baras to keep the Emperor trapped.

(5) He might have failed to heal the Warrior, left her crushed under rocks on Quesh, or simply shot her in the back as they're running along. He knew where she slept, even! But he never does her direct harm. Never.


No. Something happened, something was done or said so that Quinn thought he had no other choice but to act as he did on that station. I always figured Bioware left it to the player to determine what nature it took, and played along accordingly.

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So, yo are arguing for if he is either a lurking snake, he deservs to live, or he deserve to live, because he was dumb enough not to take action at the proper moment?


Still, those are no arguments for my SW. He crossed her, peroid. Game over. He wouldn't be spared even if it might be true, Baras could somehow forcemindtricked him. Malavay is a traitor, and once a traitor, ever a traitor. No reason to take the risk. For what anyway? There are dozens of willing, lojal and quite intelligent officers in the military rooster of the Wrath. And all of them are apt to replace Malavay. He is not the One guy in a million after all.


I do however understand, some people do like him, what ever their reason might be. Thafrore I do not demand a "meet and kill" encounter, but only the choice to eiter let him live or to finish him off once and for all.

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Quinn says, "He's forced my hand." And he doesn't seem to feel particularly happy right then, can't even LOOK at the Warrior as he turns away and hangs his head. I've never really trusted much of what Quinn said during the entire encounter, mind you. When it's betrayal we're talking about, what's true and what's not becomes a murky question. So I made my judgment based on what I actually know about Quinn, not what absurd inanities he spouts off before his toys march into the room:


(1) He worked for Baras for years on Balmorra, because otherwise his career and possibly his life would've been compromised.

(2) He suddenly declares his willingness to join the Warrior's crew, immediately after Balmorra. Clever, clever man.

(3) He is a tactical strategist, almost genius-level skilled at considering maps and stratgems to achieve ultimate success in a battle situation. He's the one who charted the Warrior's success on Taris.

(3) He doesn't betray the Warrior to Baras after Quesh, travels to Belsavis with the Warrior instead and assists in destroying Baras' own sister, rather.

(4) He helps to free the Emperor on Voss, rather than undermining the Warrior and assisting Baras to keep the Emperor trapped.

(5) He might have failed to heal the Warrior, left her crushed under rocks on Quesh, or simply shot her in the back as they're running along. He knew where she slept, even! But he never does her direct harm. Never.


No. Something happened, something was done or said so that Quinn thought he had no other choice but to act as he did on that station. I always figured Bioware left it to the player to determine what nature it took, and played along accordingly.


Thank you. Finally someone who isn't all 'oh noes Quinn betrayed me, OFF WITH HIS HEAD'


I too think Baras manipulated Quinn into doing this. It's harder to imagine why Quinn would care either way for a male Sith Warrior, but a female Sith Warrior more often than not is MARRIED to him by this point. Which means, why for the love of Bubba would he invest time and his heart, marrying the Sith Warrior only to suddenly go 'bwahahahaha syke!' Makes no sense. So SOMEONE Baras or some old navy buddy had dirt on him or whatever to 'force' Quinn to betray his WIFE.


I'm in the camp of keeping my Quinn alive and well and my Sith War is waiting impatiently for her husband and baby daddy to return.

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Why would he marry her? Because he wanted to come as near as possible to hers so that the she SW would let her guard down. It is quite simple. And the point is not of Barras having Malavay manipulated, but the fact Malavay took his offer for power freely and willingly instead of the SW offer of redemption. Malavay is the classical corrupt military officer he claim to dispise.


The thing is, why would any real Sith endulge this anyway? Malavay Quinn is in the first place a traitor and in the second just an used up ressource. And as for love? Well, what do you expect for a Sith to react to that kind of deep betrail? It's not the common "you are my sworn enemy, die!", but Malavay became through this particular action a very intimate foe. Any achetype of Sith would kill for less.

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So, yo are arguing for if he is either a lurking snake, he deservs to live, or he deserve to live, because he was dumb enough not to take action at the proper moment?


Still, those are no arguments for my SW. He crossed her, peroid. Game over. He wouldn't be spared even if it might be true, Baras could somehow forcemindtricked him. Malavay is a traitor, and once a traitor, ever a traitor. No reason to take the risk. For what anyway? There are dozens of willing, lojal and quite intelligent officers in the military rooster of the Wrath. And all of them are apt to replace Malavay. He is not the One guy in a million after all.


I do however understand, some people do like him, what ever their reason might be. Thafrore I do not demand a "meet and kill" encounter, but only the choice to eiter let him live or to finish him off once and for all.


Me? I'm just disputing the easy assumption, that to be a Sith you MUST hate and despise what Quinn did. As if what he did was even something he could control or change or otherwise do different. Or perhaps, that what he did was purely understandable, given the circumstances. You know, being manipulated by a friggin' Sith Lord on the Dark Council who'd manipulated countless others, not the least of which included Vitiate too.


This is the Empire. It takes careful manuevering just to survive in such a world, at least. As I said, my own Warrior never saw it as any sort of failing on Quinn's part, but that it was a coercive attack by Baras, in fact, and so she directed her anger accordingly. For her, there simply wasn't anything to forgive.

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I have to admit I cannot wait to kill him. Most likely with all my imp toons. However I do have a request.


Any chance you let us heal him back after we bring his health to 10% I would love to be able to torture him for hours before I finally kill him. Thanks.

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I have to admit I cannot wait to kill him. Most likely with all my imp toons. However I do have a request.


Any chance you let us heal him back after we bring his health to 10% I would love to be able to torture him for hours before I finally kill him. Thanks.

This in particular is not going to happen if we stay realistic. :D

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Forced? He seems to enjoy it too much to have been 'forced' to do it. He's gloating about how the droids will kill you and is absolutely giddy about which companion he'll get to kill after you're gone.


From what I recall from the scene, Malavai is regretful about having to attack you, and for the deceit involved. However, despite this, he's still proud of the trap he's set, and of his cunning. He's not really giddy about doing it, but he's taking consolation in just how awesome a set-up it is. Gameplay-wise, as I recall this is in fact the lamest trap ever, but whatevs. Pierce and Vette he just outright hates, though.


Anyway, the way I saw it, Quinn is a pretty loyal and devoted man -- he's just loyal to Baras, not you, because he both owes him his whole career and he feels Baras's plan is in the best interest of the Empire. Hence why when you beat and spare him, with him owing his life to your mercy and realizing he was wrong about your strength, he probably means it when he says he'll try to make it up to you.

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Anyway, the way I saw it, Quinn is a pretty loyal and devoted man -- he's just loyal to Baras, not you, because he both owes him his whole career and he feels Baras's plan is in the best interest of the Empire. Hence why when you beat and spare him, with him owing his life to your mercy and realizing he was wrong about your strength, he probably means it when he says he'll try to make it up to you.


Exactly my point. he is lojal, but not to the Wrath. It is not the point of not admiring his cunnig. He is after all formidable, but to the Wrath he is a traitor to the empire, and a traitor to the Wrath. Why should be the most prominent henchman, known to be in his actions absoute spare that particular imperial? The Wrath executed more brave, cunning and patrioting imperials than Malavay. Why didn't those had a chance, but Malavay should? What would make him special? ...beside he was our only healer in the companion group. -Exactly this was the only reason he was kept alive. This decision was only on metadesign of the gameplay made and not of the storydesign.

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