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SWTOR - my biggest complaint


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It has a really long quest chain, it's nice but so what.


It is Star Wars, which is nice, but so what.


What is innovative, what has changed since WOW?


I don't see anything different, just trying to stay safe with the WOW formula. Don't get me wrong I don't even have a problem with WOW but what sets it apart other than it is the Star Wars Universe? Why make a game and add nothing new or innovative to the genre.


Take some chances BIOWARE!

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You've heard that expression 'Necessity is the mother of invention'? There's not going to be anything revolutionary until they find a place to do something revolutionary. The short version is that you can't just 'do it'. Gotta have a place that it can be done, the inspiration to work from, the resources to make it happen, and time.


More importantly I think it's a mistake to innovate for the sake of innovation. Or to penalize people for failing to innovate. Progress should be deliberate. Force new ideas and you'll get something that's only 'better' for as long as it's still new.

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What do you mean you don't see anything different?


They added in a much better story like you mentioned.


But they took out all those terrible guild functions, like guild bank, guild notes.

They removed achievements.

They added in a lot of bugs.

They took out LFD.

They removed that awful combat log, no more elitists!

They're not allowing anyone to use add-ons, ^

There's no flying in this game!

Hey, now we can keep those noobs out of the game because their computers can't run it! Get with times people.


I'm sure there's more great things I can mention but I have to go now.



Edited by Ilsildor
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So basically nothing is new except the new things you mentioned that you don't care about, so they don't count?


I enjoy playing it, that's what I care about.


Fair enough, hope you keep enjoying it.




AS for the story, I wish it was not quite so vital to do. I'd have preferred something a bit more like the saga of the endless questchain in Rift, an epic quest chain stretching right from teh start, through instances and onwards up to the endgame, but its optional. The problem, in my opinion, wiht the class stories in swtor is you have to do them, they funnel you in the same levelling chain for each character, teh main storey changes between classes but the majority of quests dont.

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they predict a 10 year lifespan?! HAHAHAHAHAHA that's a knee-slapping hilarious joke.


well if your so negative about the game quit, and dont bother posting on the forums because no one really cares if your here or not...forums are ment to provide constructive feedback and idea's about the game not stupid comments like yours.

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Nothing is new!


It has a really long quest chain, it's nice but so what.


It is Star Wars, which is nice, but so what.


What is innovative, what has changed since WOW?


I don't see anything different, just trying to stay safe with the WOW formula. Don't get me wrong I don't even have a problem with WOW but what sets it apart other than it is the Star Wars Universe? Why make a game and add nothing new or innovative to the genre.


Take some chances BIOWARE!


How about the narrative layer it has, the cinematic feel, choosing your answers...is that not new?

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well if your so negative about the game quit, and dont bother posting on the forums because no one really cares if your here or not...forums are ment to provide constructive feedback and idea's about the game not stupid comments like yours.


Forums are meant for both sides of the coin.


Seeing as this is the number 1 feedback method for the masses to the dev's, it stands to reason that people's complaints are just as legitimate as their compliments.


Seeing as so far these forums have been devoid of all but the most basic cut/paste dev response (even those have been few and far between) I for one personally agree with the sentiment that this game couldn't possible have a potential 10 year run in it's current incarnation.

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I guess I personally was hoping there would be something new in the well you know MMO side of things.


Quest chains are single player.


Now just off the top of my head I might add several worlds that the republic and the empire fight over...


Maybe who controls certain planets has certain benefits so there is incentive to control the worlds...


Maybe a war that has a final outcome and eventually the server resets when one side wins kind of like WW2 online...


Maybe someone can become the leader of the sith or empire on the server and make changes to the world...


These are things that are already implemented in other games on a very small scale.


That would be new and exciting for any mmo in my opinion, DAOC did some of that but since then...well i was hoping for more.

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How about the narrative layer it has, the cinematic feel, choosing your answers...is that not new?

I agree totally. With these sort of online games you see that they tend to bias the game more towards the MMO aspect, rather than the RPG aspect. SWTOR doesn't do that. It stays quite balanced if you ask me. I just love how this cinematic feeling can be shared with my friends and how we all can experience it together; something that wasn't truly possible with KOTOR.

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Nothing is new!


It has a really long quest chain, it's nice but so what.


It is Star Wars, which is nice, but so what.


What is innovative, what has changed since WOW?


I don't see anything different, just trying to stay safe with the WOW formula. Don't get me wrong I don't even have a problem with WOW but what sets it apart other than it is the Star Wars Universe? Why make a game and add nothing new or innovative to the genre.


Take some chances BIOWARE!


It has a really long quest chain, it's nice but so what. Isn't that the point of an mmo? To have long quest chains that revolves around your character? They are missions not quests...sorry this isn't pandacraft

It is Star Wars, which is nice, but so what. Exactly, it is Star Wars...which completely and utterly annihilates the competition in anything it comes into IF done right.


What is innovative, what has changed since WOW? Are you kidding me? Companions crafting for you, you sending them on missions to get you rewards, romance options, dialogue choice where you choose what you say then down the line the npcs you get to talk to are based on the decisions YOU made earlier, voice acting character all spoken to you for your enjoyment so you don't have to read a page long scroll, more immersion, better cutscenes, better music. That's just off the top of my head to. Oh yeah..player ships, better default ui, smoother gameplay, (yes, it is more smooth) looks better but not too...weird looking or demanding. Some others for ya ;)

You know what sets this game apart from World of Warcraft? Because BioWare CARES. There is a difference between trying to just make a profit off nerd rage gamers...and actually bringing something new into the mmo world. BioWare NEVER EVER promised they were going to DRASTICALLY change everything in the mmo world. Just bring more immersion, story, and choice in. That is EXACTLY what they did. They delivered their promises, in an amazing epic adventure that is in the Star Wars universe. THAT'S the difference between WoW and TOR. TOR is FUN WoW is a borefest now.

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Forums are meant for both sides of the coin.


Seeing as this is the number 1 feedback method for the masses to the dev's, it stands to reason that people's complaints are just as legitimate as their compliments.


Seeing as so far these forums have been devoid of all but the most basic cut/paste dev response (even those have been few and far between) I for one personally agree with the sentiment that this game couldn't possible have a potential 10 year run in it's current incarnation.

That's right...I forgot. It won't have a ten year run because YOU said it won't. I forgot..EVERYONE is all knowing.


I remember some guys on the forums who said TOR won't sell more than 200,000 copies and everybody will not play it a day after it came out....we all saw how that went lol :p

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It wont have a 10 year run because everything you mentioned is in WOW and when all the quest chains are done and you have done all the light and dark choices what is there to do that has anything to do with this being an MMO that hasnt been done in wow.


They tweaked the single player game alot I will give them that, but I can play single player with out spending money every month.


So good for you that the fact that it is Star Wars is good enough. I think to compete with WOW with the exact same end game style is a mistake and they should have done something different.

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