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10 Good
  1. Not bad ideas at all. It's important to bear in mind that things like that are a lot of work, though. Not just VO for dialogue choices, or reworking all restricted gear, or bug testing alignment based decisions, or creating/altering/bug testing/balancing alignment based powers, but all of those things in addition to the bug testing/balancing/VO work for the game as it was.. SWTOR would've been months, if not years, later releasing. I don't know if the majority would want to sit for that. I wouldn't, even though I'd love to have it. I'm with you on the crystals, at least. That's dumb. Edit; in fact, we could compound the complications by stipulating that a dark side jedi wouldn't use the same dark side powers as a dark side sith. Or, that a dark side jedi is more like a grey jedi, and deserves his own powers. Would that be shared with light side sith? Would sith be locked out from lightside powers? They would probably mirror the powers, then. Would that even be worth waiting for? etc. Fun ideas anyway.
  2. You've heard that expression 'Necessity is the mother of invention'? There's not going to be anything revolutionary until they find a place to do something revolutionary. The short version is that you can't just 'do it'. Gotta have a place that it can be done, the inspiration to work from, the resources to make it happen, and time. More importantly I think it's a mistake to innovate for the sake of innovation. Or to penalize people for failing to innovate. Progress should be deliberate. Force new ideas and you'll get something that's only 'better' for as long as it's still new.
  3. Numerous ppl isn't hundreds of thousands. More people have the problem than complain about it but it's still not a huge number. It's frustrating as hell and I understand that, but this was a solid release. I had crashing and horrible fps, both of which were my fault. Automatic driver updates aren't always grabbing the most recent drivers, some are months (even years) old, and have to be found manually. They should be saying as much on the ATI/nvidia forums.
  4. The way I understand it is that bugs without immediate, obvious fixes, are usually marked for review to be fixed later. They prioritize bugs, things that kill the client usually come first. You know how it goes. My ui lags, sometimes companions use abilities I've disabled, sometimes I get the odd graphical glitch.. most of that will go unfixed for a few months at least. That's okay. Again by design. It shuts off when you are attacked and auto turns back on. But on death you have to reapply your buffs and re-turn on your sprint. Again, not a bug. Yeah, what Risq said. It's a toggle. Sprint is a toggle. You're stripped of all buffs and active effects when you die, unless the ability specifically says otherwise. This is 100% intended.
  5. Not really. I don't know why they do it, but I don't see why I should care either. What do you lose by setting it up now? You're not charged until the time you're entitled to is used up. Unless you have to use a gametime card, in which case you purchase it in advance. If you don't like the game, you probably can't return the card. That'd suck, I guess. Actually, you probably could return the card. I've done it. You'll only get store credit, but hey.. credit is goods. I don't see what there is to complain about.
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