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Prestart biggest fail is this


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No...what I am saying is that Bioware owes you nothing. Early is access to the game is a privilege that came from pre-ordering, not a right that you are owed because you ordered the game. BW never said that you would be guaranteed to play 5 days early they said that they MIGHT let you play upto 5 days early for pre-ordering. If they let you in on Dec 19, they have upheld their part of the bargain...for that matter, when they let you in on the 20th they still upheld their part of the bargain because they never guaranteed anyone early access.


Jolan from all the answers i gotten on this thread , yours was most professional answer...


at the other replier other then Jolans reply so far: the rest BUGER OFF sinds you might not know my experiences of lots of other prestarted games. Nor games i playd. And your answers were NOOBISH not even helping a slight of enclearance... STAY AWAY OF THREADS sinds you suys only search for discusion warfight and stick to your game in place of threads like this! AND STICK TO INGAME specific warrgames.


Thanks for the inclearance Jolan

Edited by AngelusVictor
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Prestart biggest fail is this : some people who preordered are able to play the real game 1 to 6 days longer then others ... ESPECIALY LONGER THEN EU clients that OLSO preordered this game!




reminder that the game olso said on your account that we have acces untill january somewhere... then we have to extend our subscription AGAIN for those who preordered


LOL dude why dont you take your own advice as posted in your signature.

Edited by tenaciousdean
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LOL dude why dont you take your own advice as posted in your signature.


cause im one of the persons that wants to pusch SW:TOR to a better higher lvl. I mostly search posibility sugestion to make the game better and to push SW:TOR to improvements.


I did that to see what SW:tor defence posibility are and through out this last months i saw improvements after i slamed theyre face to a wall showing them a flaw in theyr system.

slammed it where they dont even think of improving it.


i am not planning to make SW:TOR my future mmo game if they are not improving major things. Unlike other players here.

Edited by AngelusVictor
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dude so you admit you are NERD enauf to folow anny news thread of every major games in the world?


ok lets test you out, reply withing 3 min how are major FPS games and major FIFA future games going? ...


I stopped paying attention to this.


FIFA was in the WCG - nuff said


major FPS games. PC?


Still CS 1.6 and CS:S. With GO coming out that will only make PC FPS competitve gaming stronger.


want MOBA's?


LoL has 30 some odd million active accounts. Was also at WCG and TSM is still the team to beat. Our LoL team is currently ranked 4th in Alienware and just lost to the top seeded team 1-2 in a BO3


HoN - DreamHack was cool. The team we sponsor didn't do well but it was a great experience nonetheless.


Listen kid, stop whining. If this was a game you just lost it. Go back to Blizz with your tail between your legs and grief some kids over there. We have some work to be done in this here realm.





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I stopped paying attention to this.


FIFA was in the WCG - nuff said


major FPS games. PC?


Still CS 1.6 and CS:S. With GO coming out that will only make PC FPS competitve gaming stronger.


want MOBA's?


LoL has 30 some odd million active accounts. Was also at WCG and TSM is still the team to beat. Our LoL team is currently ranked 4th in Alienware and just lost to the top seeded team 1-2 in a BO3


HoN - DreamHack was cool. The team we sponsor didn't do well but it was a great experience nonetheless.


Listen kid, stop whining. If this was a game you just lost it. Go back to Blizz with your tail between your legs and grief some kids over there. We have some work to be done in this here realm.






took you over 15 min you FAIL

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so baasicly it BW will be saying it is my fault that i didnt heard nor know of SW:TOR yet on 21/7? That theyr advertisement did not reached me yet on that day, there for i have no right yet for an early acces beffor the 7 days are done?


Also, this statement is funny considering you're account was created 6/21/11... EXACTLYa month before pre-orders started...

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They've already let in more players than any other MMO headstart in history. We've known it's going to be a staggered launch for a long time. At the current rate, I don't estimate to get in until tomorrow afternoonish, but I'm not complaining.


Oh my GOD this guy is like a total moron Trion's rift early access first day filled every server + the ones they added put to shame star wars and was very stable any issues where handeled in a timely manner no servers where down with the only real down side being the long inital que. Get your facts straight before spouting out misinformation

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Regardless when you gain access, it's still free. Think of it as a line, or queue (and really, it is) and those that got in line first get to play before those that are lined up behind them. Whether you're intending to or not, you're sounding like a snotty little brat. You may be disappointed that you're not one of the first in line, but grow up and get over it.
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I feel ya pain.. Im as big of fan as anyone of SW. signed up to tha site 2009 soon as i heard about the game + reg for beta. played as much of the beta as I was granted and filled out as many bug reports to help the game run smooth at launch.




all because I didnt have the money when they demand it i dont get to play early..


i didnt put in my code till early in Dec so im guessing i might get 1 day free play, im annoyed but not much i can do.. just gonna sit back an watch the forums till i get that magical email :D

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Bioware this prelaunch you are doing is quite pathetic. I would be more forgiving if everyone who pre-ordered were surprised this week with you guys announcing that if you pre-ordered you might be able to gain early access. But in my opinion your whole marketing strategy to get people to preorder was if you preorder the game you can be playing it before launch. Bioware I expect better from you...EA I am not really all that shocked. So yes I am disappointed to the point where I went out and preordered months ago and I'm pretty sure I did this without even knowing about the pre-launch access. I got excited cause today (Dec 13) and tomm (Dec14) are my days off this week and was thinking hey I'm going to be able to play some serious SWTOR and then you guys pull this move. Shame on you. How you guys marketed this game with the pre-ordering and early access is awful cause in my opinion anyone who preordered the game at this point should be playing. I'm quite disappointed and am a very stubborn person and am rethinking my decision to invest any more time or effort into any of your current or future projects (Bioware and EA). A very disappointed Consumer.
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Stop crying people go look at the servers most if not all are full they said more people will get in tommarow then today go play somthing else i pre ordered on the 9th of this month id be happy if i get a day but hoping for a few hehe
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Prestart biggest fail is this : some people who preordered are able to play the real game 1 to 6 days longer then others


If rumors are correct then don't worry. With that time they will finish game, QQ and quit and bring more place for other sheeps.. moooore sheeps to cut from cash :D and you will never see them again.



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Bioware this prelaunch you are doing is quite pathetic. I would be more forgiving if everyone who pre-ordered were surprised this week with you guys announcing that if you pre-ordered you might be able to gain early access. But in my opinion your whole marketing strategy to get people to preorder was if you preorder the game you can be playing it before launch. Bioware I expect better from you...EA I am not really all that shocked. So yes I am disappointed to the point where I went out and preordered months ago and I'm pretty sure I did this without even knowing about the pre-launch access. I got excited cause today (Dec 13) and tomm (Dec14) are my days off this week and was thinking hey I'm going to be able to play some serious SWTOR and then you guys pull this move. Shame on you. How you guys marketed this game with the pre-ordering and early access is awful cause in my opinion anyone who preordered the game at this point should be playing. I'm quite disappointed and am a very stubborn person and am rethinking my decision to invest any more time or effort into any of your current or future projects (Bioware and EA). A very disappointed Consumer.


See you ingame dude!

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LOL Reading comprehension!!


Learn to read everything at length and absorb the information.


Give me, give me, give me... Sounds like the damned sea gulls from "Finding Nemo." Learn patience...ah forget that, if you don't have it by now you won't. Good luck in life, dumb people are needed to make the rest of us laugh!


BTW, OP, I smell troll

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