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  1. To be honest I was completely against respecs except for within your chosen AC. However, that was back when BW was saying that your choice would affect your story somehow. Well either that got really dumbed down or BW just changed their mind about the two different stories and did away with the idea all together. Personally, now, I am all for respecs in all forms within the archetype. IF and only IF the stories were truly different would I be against this, because after having leveled a Merc, it was like pulling teeth while watching the grass grow when leveling my PT. Just my two cents...
  2. I have a 50 Arsenal Merc. Using Mako is like playing in God Mode. I always take on every champion and elite I come across, and with very few exceptions, I come out on top every time. Make sure Mako is geared in Cunning gear and keep it up to level. Make sure she is in healing stance or if you want her to do damage put he in her DPS stance; my Mako does decent damage. Make sure you are in up to level gear, control your heat, and you should be fine.
  3. LOL rage on brother... I do have to agree with the BH stuff. I have a BH main, and it's horrible (Huttball is the worst). I do OK in an open field, but if there are obstacles, hang it up LOS is a killer. I do way better with my SI Assassin. I don't have a Sorc, but my Assassin has plenty of tools to get the job done. I have been thinking about trying Pyro out (on my BH); from what I've seen it has more mobility, not sure about the damage though. But, preach on brother, preach on...
  4. Yes, I support a feature that gives tangible feedback. As a DPS, I always used Recount to help me with timing and rotations. It is an invaluable tool. Now, I know that there are those out there that have the "my numbers are bigger than yours" syndrome, but those people are jerks to start with and not having a tool that feeds back info doesn't change that.
  5. Yeah nerd raging because you can't PvP does nothing for anyone. I have a Merc BH. PvP is bogus for Tracer Missile. In the time it takes me to cast 2, my target is usually out of LOS. So, there ya go, the big secret, move and keep moving and we cannot cast. Oh and for my complaint since the OP has such disdain for Mercs and Commandos, how about we get some insta-cast stuff that doesn't build off of Tracer Missile. Huttball is an effing nightmare for me... Though admittedly, I absolutely hate PvP, and am only doing it for the gear. But, people like this OP kill me because they moan and groan about how something is effecting PvP, when if they get their desire, usually kills the PvE aspect of the play as well. And BTW, snipers hit for way more than we do, don't have one nor do I know what they do to do it, but let them setup behind that shield, and they'll put a hurting on you. Just my 2 cents...
  6. One of three things should happen. Either they give them pistols, shotguns, or whatever other close-ranged weapons there is. Change their base stat to Strength... Or, Make Aim hilts... Which just doesn't seem right some how. Either of these are fine with me. I do think if they swap them to strength then an Armormech won't be able to make them gear, which is also fine, since Synthweaving can't make gear for a couple of their companions.
  7. Any idea is BW is planning on implementing a system that would allow us to preview weapons like we do armor? Would be very helpful. I bought a pistol once and it was weak looking, so I just wasted my comms, though I did scavenge the pieces off it to bring my current one up to snuff.
  8. I did not know this. Very helpful, thanks!
  9. I am really a novice at Huttball, since PvP is not my thing. But... I can tell you what I know, since I have played quite a few times with my SI Assassin. 1. Passing works like point and click AOE. You clcik the hot key (or whatever) then select the area you want to throw it to. The closest person to the center of the area you threw to will recieve the ball, be it friendly or not. 2. No if you are stealthed you cannot recieve or pickup the ball. Which I think is a bit stupid. You should just be unstealthed when you click the ball or recieve a pass. I have never stealthed while i had the ball, but I imagine you would lose the ball. Also on passing... Just like in football if you don't have someone to throw to, it's better to throw it away than be sacked. Doing this will reset the ball to the center.
  10. I'm actually torn between this exact spec and a Merc spec. I've always played a melee class, but the Merc build looked cool. However, the more I learn about the AP build the more I like it. It seems to have a nice combination of range and melee, and seems to be a more viable spec for PvP. What are the advantages of this over a Merc-Arsenal build?
  11. LOL Reading comprehension!! Learn to read everything at length and absorb the information. Give me, give me, give me... Sounds like the damned sea gulls from "Finding Nemo." Learn patience...ah forget that, if you don't have it by now you won't. Good luck in life, dumb people are needed to make the rest of us laugh! BTW, OP, I smell troll
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