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KOTFE Romance Question


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For those of you who have played it fully, if you romance a character in your main story such as Rish and then romance Lana in SoR, does KoTFE consider Lana your romance, Risha your romance, or both? I ask because I do not wish to be locked out of my original romance if I flirt with Lana in SoR.
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For those of you who have played it fully, if you romance a character in your main story such as Rish and then romance Lana in SoR, does KoTFE consider Lana your romance, Risha your romance, or both? I ask because I do not wish to be locked out of my original romance if I flirt with Lana in SoR.


Since all "classic" companions are currently bugged and, frankly? I think that this is just the beginning of all of the changes (in other words: many tweaks are to come)... I'm not romancing anything on anyone that I'm not willing to lose serious points on just yet.


Granted, could be seriously wrong? But, that's just my thought atm.


Should qualify.


Pre 60? Should work fairly as it has (haven't played through that yet but it seems to be okay so far), pose 60 though... not making any decisions that can't be changed just yet- so, have only played through once on a "throw away" alt.

Edited by Dallayna
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None of the original romance characters are in the game yet, so no one knows for sure. All Bioware has said is that if you cheat on your romance with Lana/Koth/Theron, they will know and there will be consequences.


And like with most other choices in this game, the consequences won't really mean anything.

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The idea that there will be consequences is some what laughable, none of the companion romances are in the game and for the most part all you get is a letter saying good bye.


None of the choices made in the game so far have had consequences despite claims that choices would matter.


It is possible that a possible romance character will be coming in chapter 10 for one of the classes the same class that has strangely seen the most time given to previous companions so we may have an idea.


But lets be realistic, given the events so far and the fact that you go round the galaxy recruiting cross faction companions and forget about your love interests, 5 years has pasted, most people receive dear John letters should they come back the writers would know better than to have any choices made at this point negatively effect previous romances that may or may happen in the future. So you may as well play the expansion as the stand alone it is to the full rather than worry too much if some choice now will have an affect in something that may never appear in the future.



If kneeling or standing has no effect on anything who you rub noses with on one cut scene (or more if you done SOR) wont have an effect either.


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If none of the old companions are in the game, then why the heck did they said " if you recruit a companion that's favorable to Mandalorians, you'll be able to do quests for them" ? There's just one companion that fits that description.. and i'm not talking about Akaavi Spar.
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After doing the expansion, I'm more confident than ever that all the companions will come back at some point. This system is in place and now BW wants to slowly introduce them in an attempt to prolong the story. The fact that you get letters and other in game references to them tell me that their role in the story is only beginning. The question is not IF but WHEN.


If you want to keep your current romance, I would not romance any of the new characters in KOTFE.

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For those of you who have played it fully, if you romance a character in your main story such as Rish and then romance Lana in SoR, does KoTFE consider Lana your romance, Risha your romance, or both? I ask because I do not wish to be locked out of my original romance if I flirt with Lana in SoR.


If you fully completed a romance with an original companion as well as had a fling with either Lana/Theron later, you should get mail sometime during the start of KOTFE giving you a sense of your status.


For me I got one from Vector and one from Theron (yeah, tsk tsk, shame on me). Essentially, the game has made it clear that it knows I've been involved with both, and leaves it open for me to choose. You will get a warning if you truly choose to lock-in to a romance (which may then break up with the other).

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The idea that there will be consequences is some what laughable, none of the companion romances are in the game and for the most part all you get is a letter saying good bye.



Not really. MOST of the letters say "I am waiting for you", some - "I am going to run a search party". And only a couple are something saying "good bye". Here, you can read them all:


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If you look at the companion locator terminal in KOTFE it tells you that in future stories you will find your old comps, so it's possible that your choice to romance someone else will have actual consequences later but it may not be until chapter 10 or later. I should add that the terminal gives you the option to get your old comps back right now though or to wait until the story brings them back.
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I'm positive that there will be a discussion after the re-union in future chapters, provided you cheated on your wife/romance with Lana or Theron.


I think that there will be a moment like Jaesaa and Vette had. They both call you out on it and you have to choose who to be with. There might be differences with certain companions though. I'm sure there will be a choose moment when re-uniting with your LI. I seriously can't see Bioware locking out previous romances, even with the most conservative and old-school LI's.

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Sorry to resurrect this thread but I'm only just now playing/finishing the Revan content after coming back from an almost two year break and thought I better see what consequences awaited me before I kissed Lana. Now my question is from a different angle. Is there any reason I shouldn't romance her? I originally romance Kira but is that romance ever going to go anywhere, in story terms?


Bioware romances aren't usually great and usually reach a point in the story and then go no further, but then Bioware usually make single player games, not MMOs. With this being an ever evolving game, have they ever said whether your original companion stories will be continued or have they just been mute on that subject?

Edited by Ulfrik_Wulfgar
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I just want to know if I can romance senya.


My question is generalised. I just used Lana because my Knight is the first character I'm playing this content with so I don't know the names of the other potential romances. My personal story with Kira is at an end. I've completed all her personal quests and have maxed out her influence. I no longer receive mails or missions or conversations with her. It is, as with all Bioware 'romances', stagnant so new content is welcome but not at the expense of future content with the companion I've invested time and effort in.

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Where there's Flirt there's Fire. :p


...I really wish there was new content for old flames. Where I've gone so far as to get married in game (my Sentinel and my Juggernaut, oddly) those vows are going to stick. The only instance where I "cheated" was on Lemda Avesta, who isn't a real companion... she's a guest star on Makeb. If I seriously thought she might make it back into game as a romanceable companion, I would hold out for that.

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My personal story with Kira is at an end. I've completed all her personal quests and have maxed out her influence. I no longer receive mails or missions or conversations with her.


You will receive mail from your class romantic interest including Kira at chapter 4 if I remember correctly (she don't think that you are dead like everyone else because her bond with you still intact). So, no the old romance companion story is not an end and will continue. However, if you romance both Kira and Lana better prepare some explanation Kira will know. :p

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There is no cheating if there is no sworn exclusivity. Has the Catholic Church made its way in a galaxy far away a long time ago? LOL


See, this is close to what I'd like as an option for my Agent, talking with Vector, on the subject of her thing with Lana: "Excuse ME?? I happily share you with how many million bugs, and you're grumbling about one Sith??

Edited by RowanThursday
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See, this is close to what I'd like as an option for my Agent, talking with Vector, on the subject of her thing with Lana: "Excuse ME?? I happily share you with how many million bugs, and you're grumbling about one Sith??

My male agent is already officially married twice in the game :p (lady Voss and miss Temple) nothing says Kaliyo is not still a sex partner and he also has a very strong link to the former watcher/keeper/Sacha if and/or when the game allows. He even romanced SCORPIO :p

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You will receive mail from your class romantic interest including Kira at chapter 4 if I remember correctly (she don't think that you are dead like everyone else because her bond with you still intact). So, no the old romance companion story is not an end and will continue. However, if you romance both Kira and Lana better prepare some explanation Kira will know. :p


If you're not bugged.


Most people don't even know about romances disappearing because they don't know what they could have had. If you romanced a vanilla companion and didn't get a chance to tell Valkorian you found love in Chapter 2, you're bugged.

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If you're not bugged.


Most people don't even know about romances disappearing because they don't know what they could have had. If you romanced a vanilla companion and didn't get a chance to tell Valkorian you found love in Chapter 2, you're bugged.


I got extremely lucky with my romances on my main characters. My agent had 'many lovers' but I still got my letter from Vector when I chose that option. (Guess cause BEFORE Vector, I um...did stuffs) and I was able to lock in my romance with Theron on my two male characters (who never romanced the female companions). Though technically my male agent married Temple, I never got her letter, so that's fine with me, wasn't trying to marry her during my story anyway.


But my Jugg, Sniper, Powertech, Shadow, Assassin, Gunslinger, Guardian, and Vanguard all got the ability to tell Valkorian I'm in love with my husband companion and received their letters. (Haven't tried it on my other characters who are alts).

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I made a jump character, how does this work with the "vanilla" romances? Does the game choose for you? I don't remember having the option to tell Valkorion, also I've no access to do older missions aside from one on Alderaan.. (I wanted to do all the story after Makeb..)
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I made a jump character, how does this work with the "vanilla" romances? Does the game choose for you? I don't remember having the option to tell Valkorion, also I've no access to do older missions aside from one on Alderaan.. (I wanted to do all the story after Makeb..)


Insta-60 characters have no romances. They are also light sided if you're Republic and dark sided if you're Empire.

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