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This should be known for the most part but "SPOILERS" ahead.


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Anyone else pissed they already killed off HK-55 in the most pathetic way possible? I wouldn't have minded if Koth died or Lana but not HK, and if our choices DID matter this wouldn't be a problem. What do YOU think would have been better.
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Anyone else pissed they already killed off HK-55 in the most pathetic way possible? I wouldn't have minded if Koth died or Lana but not HK, and if our choices DID matter this wouldn't be a problem. What do YOU think would have been better.


Why do you think choice equals "Such and such companion can never die"


Also, I figure HK dying was their way to make those who obtained and have HK through Section X, don't go "My HK is now useless, everyone has one!" and still keep that content relevant.

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Anyone else pissed they already killed off HK-55 in the most pathetic way possible? I wouldn't have minded if Koth died or Lana but not HK, and if our choices DID matter this wouldn't be a problem. What do YOU think would have been better.


I dont consider self-sacrifice for his master to be the "most pathetic way possible".

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I thought his death was pretty abrupt. He just runs into view yelling, "Self-sacrifice!" and dies. I think the writers were trying to make it mean something since HK is very blunt and direct, so for him to say it that way would have "hit the feels" as they say, but it came across too ham-fisted for my taste, but that's me.


I'm of the view that HK needs to be put on the shelf for a while, as his character's starting to suffer from overuse, so I wasn't very sad about his absence. For the game, though, I thought it was humorous how the characters made a few throwaway remarks about his death and that was it. Unintentionally, I think, the writers cemented the point that SW characters in general don't give a rip about droids.

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I find the responses here funny guess "OPINION" is unheard of in this community. As for most pathetic way to die, yeah it WAS a pathetic way to die, but that's how I feel about it, oh but wait this is the SWTOR community, forgot about that I'm not aloud to think differently.
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Why do you think choice equals "Such and such companion can never die"


Also, I figure HK dying was their way to make those who obtained and have HK through Section X, don't go "My HK is now useless, everyone has one!" and still keep that content relevant.


What is drugs damn lunatic.

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