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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jedi Covenant's 4.0 PVP Rekkids


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Type - Warzone

Name - Andariel

Class - Juggernaut

Category - DPS - 4198.47

Rank - 2

Category - Overall Damage - 3690455

Rank - 2



Type - Warzone

Name - Shorumna'ti

Class - Mercenary

Category - Biggest Hit - 29551

Rank - 2



Type - Warzone

Name - Shorumna'ti

Class - Mercenary

Category - DPS - 3905.27

Rank - 2

Category - Overall Damage - 3549890

Rank - 2



Type - Arena

Name - Snïper

Class - Sniper

Category - Overall Damage - 2830194

Rank - 1



Type - Warzone

Name - Snïper

Class - Sniper

Category - DPS - 4846.55 #postnerfsweg

Rank - 2


Edited by SpikesShayGrass
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not sure how this ranks, but...

Type - Wz

Toon - Lisavani

Category - 750k+heals/damage




Type - Wz

Toon - Imma'turtle (used to be turdle)

Category - Overall Damage, 3.8m

Rank - 1



Type - Wz

Toon - Imma'turtle(Turdle)

Category - Dps, 3869.9

Rank - 2


Also K'senia my sage's new name is Turtleness, if that means anything.

Edited by NeverGiveUpp
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It really shouldn't be this way. Regardless of round or overall it's still dps.


Makes sense to me... But for every 1 post like this I'll get 4 in my inbox of people telling me about my "mistake" when one of these 1 rounders slip by me. Especially when their full match total gets eclipsed by these 1 round wonders. So general consensus by the community is to show the complete match totals.

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Makes sense to me... But for every 1 post like this I'll get 4 in my inbox of people telling me about my "mistake" when one of these 1 rounders slip by me. Especially when their full match total gets eclipsed by these 1 round wonders. So general consensus by the community is to show the complete match totals.


Sounds like salt. And jelly.

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Makes sense to me... But for every 1 post like this I'll get 4 in my inbox of people telling me about my "mistake" when one of these 1 rounders slip by me. Especially when their full match total gets eclipsed by these 1 round wonders. So general consensus by the community is to show the complete match totals.


I also agree that we shouldn't do overall tabs, I think we're the only server who does this anyways lol.

Also K'senia add my dps for pt ;-;

Edited by NeverGiveUpp
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Name: Nildrick

Category: HPS Operative/scoundrel





Name: Benthic

Category: Damage taken Assassin/shadow





Name: Nildryck

Category: Overall damage Powertech/vanguard


replacing #3 spot



Name: Nilldrik

Category: DPS powertech/vanguard





Name: Nilldryck

Category: Biggest Hit Mercenary/commando





Name: Nildryck

Category: DPS powertech/vanguard (this is a different toon than the other pt/vg dps)




Edited by ClayFa
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