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[BUG] Torian Cadera vanished ...


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So I finally got a reply to my CS ticket. While my response was less robotic it is still 100% useless. I really wish they would properly address this issue and fix it. They seem to be under the impression that they already fixed it.


They told me: Fix was already deployed for missing companions but if still having an issue to reset class mission and voila! Companion should re-appear and I should be able to go on my merry way.


How about no? Ive tried this 15+ times on Fleet and various planets and it DOES NOT work. :( Torian is still missing from companion and crew windows and now he is missing from intercom cutscenes as well when he was showing up in them before. :( He's 100% GONE.


We seriously need a fix for this issue rather than having it brushed under the rug. Their "normal" fixes arent working for this bug. >.<

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Here is what Customer Service told me :



I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, Human-Cyborg Relations.

Thank you for contacting us about the issue you encountered. This particular case appears to have been caused by a bug within the game that will need to be corrected in a future game update and as such, cannot be corrected by Customer Service.

To allow us to identify and correct these issues, we would request that you submit a Bug Report on this issue. Bug Reports submitted though the In-Game Help Center go directly to our development QA team and not to Customer Service. To submit a bug, you can type /bug in your chat window or select Bug Report from the drop down when creating a new ticket in the In-Game Help Center.

We also recommend checking the latest patch notes at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for information on any fixes or changes in our game updates or our Known Bugs list, located at the top of our Bug Forums which can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=417.

We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing.

Galactic support is our specialty…


Protocol Droid M0-T0

Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service


Hoping this issue is fixed in the next patch, because I seriously cannot play female BH without Torian. :(

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I understand that this is starting to really affect people, it's totally put a halt to my game-play as of a couple days ago. My new hunter was going to be my first to tackle the Fallen Empire, and without Torian, who I was going to use as her main companion and romance, she cannot progress in her story. Even though I have other characters to work on, my momentum and enthusiasm have been dampened. However, I am no stranger to game breaking bugs, and I had a feeling something like this would happen when they first announced major overhauls. All I can suggest is that we wait until Tuesday, which is normally when things happen, and hope they fix it then. In the meantime I suggest that all who have this issue send a bug report in-game.
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Since 4.0 Torian Cadera, companion to the bounty hunter, has been missing in action.


There is a thread on this forum http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=845858 reporting this bug that is now 8 pages long. Many of the posters in that previous thread have stated they have put in an in-game bug report, and received various answers to this issue .... none of which have resulted in the return of our missing companion.


After aquiring Torian on Taris he appears in the hold of the bounty hunter ship, grants one conversation, then vanishes upon transition from the ship. He cannot be summoned, he cannot be deployed for crew skills. He is not on the ship for conversations.


Personally I have progressed past Taris, having done Quesh and Hoth - I do not wish to progress further without this companion.


My own bug report merely generated the standard "thanks for the report" response. Please at least acknowledge that you are aware this is an issue - it is not currently listed in the known bugs section of the support forums.

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I also am having this issue with Torian missing. I finished the Taris class quests, accepted him into my crew, etc. But he does not appear on my ship, in my crew skills window, in my companion window...nowhere. I tried going to Quesh and Hoth, hoping that unlocking Blizz would somehow get Torian back as well, but no luck.
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Add me to the list! I tried resetting my quests many times, I have even gone back to Taris to see if I accidentally left him in the spaceport!!


I did talk to him on my ship before I put him in my party, if that's anything to help the devs figure out this problem!

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It's just happened to me too - finished Taris (class and planetary arc), did the intro intercom chat, then the individiual welcome aboard chat, logged out to get some lunch, came back, he's vanished. I've submitted a bug report in game as well, hope they can fix this soon :(
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Exact same thing happened to me. Tried to reset the quest, but that didn't work at all. Just as someone else said he appears for a brief time after the quest on Hoth but he's gone when I accept the quest on Voss.


Opened an ingame ticket and I'm now waiting for a response. Hopefully they do something about it..

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Has anyone gone through KotFE expansion with any news about Torian?


I've heard that all companions are gone right at the beginning of the expansion, so I'm just wondering if there's some strange coding related to that and the fact we have to rescue Torian again before that expansion (from what I've gathered). But I'm just going through speculation, but I can't help it, this is really bothering me!


I have no idea about any of that, as I'm at the start of Quesh and will not move on until I get Torian back.

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It would be one thing if we could summon him on our old ship after we get the terminal in KOTFE and finish up the conversations, but since there's no dev response or anything, they are leaving a huge number of BH just stuck waiting on a fix/answer. Right now, it's "we will fix it sometime" generic response is all anyone seems to get.
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Hi, having a similar issue here. After Belsavis, went back to ship with Torian. Went into ship to speak to Torian. Torian was thusly missing, and has been totally unavailable since. I don't want to move ahead the story without one of my companions, and this is my only character NOT affected by the Flagship bug, to boot (which renders all characters in a SH or FS totally unreachable).


Normally, I can overlook bugs and glitches, but this new crop-up of bugs pretty damn well near game breaking.

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+1 Opened a ticket as well.


Rushed through a new BH, finished up Taris, got the quest to go to Quesh, all well and good. Talk to each of my companions once, Mako gave the "no quest" bug, convo with Gault, convo with Torian, head to the Fleet to fix up inventory and what not. Go to finally pick up some Crewskills, open up my menus and notice Torian is not listed. Try to dismiss Mako and make Torian my companion, and he's not there. Go back to my ship, and he's not there.


Sad. =/ Was looking forward to the BH arc again.. hope it get's fixed soon.

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I posted earlier but I have an update:


Since I'm a dude and have no care to romance him I just kept going without him. Sure I was losing some friendship points or whatever but .. eh. I have plenty of companion gifts.


There was a... event... uh.. after Belsaris. Spoiler alerty type event. But he was in my crew after that event.


So if you want him back just have to miss like three planets without him. Apparently.


Edit: oh wait nevermind when I got off the ship at Voss he was gone. He was my active companion, too. Thought if I didn't remove him the game wouldn't remove him. Bleh.

Edited by Obeekwan
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I posted earlier but I have an update:


Since I'm a dude and have no care to romance him I just kept going without him. Sure I was losing some friendship points or whatever but .. eh. I have plenty of companion gifts.


There was a... event... uh.. after Belsaris. Spoiler alerty type event. But he was in my crew after that event.


So if you want him back just have to miss like three planets without him. Apparently.


Edit: oh wait nevermind when I got off the ship at Voss he was gone. He was my active companion, too. Thought if I didn't remove him the game wouldn't remove him. Bleh.


Yes, this happened to me. I got a quest and performed it, he showed back up in my crew for a short time, then was gone again and I haven't seen him since.

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Same issue here, he disappeared after his first conversation. Mako also had a weird quest that had no text in it.


From what I have read the Mako quest without text only effects female bounty hunters, as it is part of her romance option for MALE bounty hunters. Abandoning the quest just prompts her to give it to you again, currently.


Pressumably this will be fixed eventually and female BH will no longer be offered the quest.

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