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please do not nerf companions


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Companions are fine as they are, please don't nerf.


Companions are the statistical par, if your player character isn't as good as a companion something is wrong. Your gear isn't augmented or not up to your level, companions only bypass the gearing aspect.


(And never mind that maybe someone else just enjoys a relaxing hour of SWTOR instead of looking for that next adrenaline fix.)
MMORPGs are the worst type of game to get a quick adrenaline fix. First Person Shooter and Real Time Strategy are way better suited, their multiplayer are quick initial time investment. MMORPG you need to reach max level and then gear up to play high end PVP, the other genres are quick, connect to server, and enjoy the same match as everyone else. Edited by Falensawino
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I hope companions get nerfed back to reality.


and sooner rather than later. Many will have access to KotFE this Tuesday so hopefully they adjust companions when the servers come down early Tuesday morning.


I alt tabbed out of my act 3 boss fight and my healer companion killed Thanaton. Thats obviously not how its supposed to work.

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if people find them overpowered and want a challenge, they can always disable their abilities and just have them do basic attacks. or put them on passive.


but in their current power state, they are quite literally the only thing that makes level sync tolerable for someone like me. currently the main reason I'm even bothering with influence is to make my chosen companions even more powerful. I like it that I can chose to group rather then being forced to group and that, again is thanks to companions power level. I like it that me having done all the stories - makes this much of a difference.


so please. keep them at their current power level. to me, right now? they are nearly perfect. the only thing that would make them better is being able to customize appearance of their gear.


thank you.


ON the appearance part, Is it why i can change my companions appearances still, is because my toons are still in old story mode, and with the one New LVL 60 character, i made and started The NEW KOTFE story mode. Her new companions i cant change do to the fact it is the NEW STORY MODE? Because i sore i read we could still change gears in Companions but just cant add mods no more?

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I hope companions get nerfed back to reality.


and sooner rather than later. Many will have access to KotFE this Tuesday so hopefully they adjust companions when the servers come down early Tuesday morning.


I alt tabbed out of my act 3 boss fight and my healer companion killed Thanaton. Thats obviously not how its supposed to work.


So,.. you're asking for a challenge.. in a game.. where STORY is the main component. Right. Companions are fine, leave them alone.

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I hope companions get nerfed back to reality.


and sooner rather than later. Many will have access to KotFE this Tuesday so hopefully they adjust companions when the servers come down early Tuesday morning.


I alt tabbed out of my act 3 boss fight and my healer companion killed Thanaton. Thats obviously not how its supposed to work.


We didn't realize Bioware had access to your computer or your brain in such a way as to force you to alt-tab.

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if people find them overpowered and want a challenge, they can always disable their abilities and just have them do basic attacks. or put them on passive.


but in their current power state, they are quite literally the only thing that makes level sync tolerable for someone like me. currently the main reason I'm even bothering with influence is to make my chosen companions even more powerful. I like it that I can chose to group rather then being forced to group and that, again is thanks to companions power level. I like it that me having done all the stories - makes this much of a difference.


so please. keep them at their current power level. to me, right now? they are nearly perfect. the only thing that would make them better is being able to customize appearance of their gear.


thank you.


Agree 100%. It is now possible to solo, short-man, even duo instances! My spouse and I love to play together and this change to companions has made it entirely possible for us to do so, working through planetary missions including flashpoints, without having to wait in queues, etc. We can now play SWTOR our way. Although we both are founders, we have not played through so many flashpoints because of the difficulty of getting a reliable party/group together.


We both LOVE the change to companions, which essentially gives companions as much fire/tank/healpower as another player. And yes, anyone who believes their companions are overpowered, DOES NOT have to use them in combat. Please do NOT nerf them...they're AWESOME!:)

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I alt tabbed out of my act 3 boss fight and my healer companion killed Thanaton. Thats obviously not how its supposed to work.


He's warned you before this, he does remember *some* of his combat training. He just avoids demonstrating how much when you're watching. After all, one day that urge to build a really top-class tomb for you might be too great for him to want to delay the glorious day any longer.


More seriously, /signed and against a nerf. I'm still finding if my companion and I take on three equal mobs, I'm taking down two of them and either getting a bit of help finishing off the second, or else giving my companion a bit of help finishing off his or her first, as a reliable result. We chose our companions because they were powerful. Why would we bother employing a tank who hides under a table screaming for mummy?

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I just hope they don't nerf them especially as tanks, they are finally what they should of been at launch as tanks. I don't even bother putting mine on heal, just DPS or Tank.


They need to fix them thou, my comp stands out at 20m+ range as a melee attacks for a while then zooms in.



Have to remember that we can't gear our companions any more and every one is feeding them gifts and influence now to pump their stats up. But as the Xpac goes on and we get better geared as players, the gaps will start to close between us and our rank 50 companion.


On a side note, any one have 558 bonus presence with out their companion at their side datacron+human+all comps from classes? If you do that math, you should get +58 from datacrons if you have them all like i do as SHOWN in my Legacy window but i am missing 10. The same 10 that my toon had before patch and lost just from the patch it self.

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They're pretty strong at low levels but higher up the effect isn't as noticeable and it really does help the quality of life for players that want to play as they want versus having to take X companion or Y/etc.


Loved leveling as my Guardian and my Juggernaut, didn't have to worry what companion I had out....but soon as I picked a healer or a squishier DPS it got REALLY annoying super fast when you don't get the right companion right off or want to take another one but they don't compliment your skills and get you killed (or were dumb as a brick.) It's also nice they don't hit like wet noodles anymore.

Edited by Kai-Sun
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After grinding several heroics and SF on 3 of my alts I agree. Companions do not need nerf.

And really, if you want challenge just dismiss your companion. That what I did on my 3th playthrough of KotFE. Fights are VERY tough and long without comps, just try it.

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I agree, do not nerf companions. I personally find them being over-powered to be a magnificent gift. As an alt-aholic here, these companions will make the grinding of the game so much easier. I mean, let's be honest, why do most people come to MMOs, especially SWTOR? Most people came to SWTOR for the story. We don't really care about difficulty and most of us would prefer it wasn't difficult so we won't give up and not finish the story (something I had done on a few toons pre-update.) I also recall having to ask for help tons of times (especially with the stupid one-hit KO droid on Makeb,) and that to an extent ruins immersion for me. Even people who didn't come for the story probably came for the thing that attracts most people to MMOs, which is leveling and "being the best" against other players, etc. It's a power-play, and this update puts you in power faster. When I think of MMOs, I don't think of them as being challenging and fun, I think of them being experiences where I have the power - I make my own character, embark on my own story, etc. I also think of the extremely annoying grind which has turned me away from many MMOs.
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After grinding several heroics and SF on 3 of my alts I agree. Companions do not need nerf.

And really, if you want challenge just dismiss your companion. That what I did on my 3th playthrough of KotFE. Fights are VERY tough and long without comps, just try it.


Yeah I just finished doing a bunch of heroics on Belsavis and my comp and I were close to dying a few times. She has 85k health was set to heals, I've got 72k and was dpsing. Those higher level heroics have a lot of elites.

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So,.. you're asking for a challenge.. in a game.. where STORY is the main component. Right. Companions are fine, leave them alone.


If I want no challenge and a story I will pick up a book. Although for many in this thread, that is probably a challenge in itself.

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Comps are too OP now. Challenge has been greatly reduced. Comps are a huge part of the game, so, telling me to not summon them is not a solution.


Sure it is, because you're the minority looking for a "solution." Any other solution will affect everyone else, and that is hardly fair. You can't make everyone happy, and right now Bioware is focused on new players and alt-aholics who will spend money on cosmetic gear, character slots, and the like. Personally, I have many toons and these OP companions are a gift that makes grinding through levels and quests go by so much easier. While forcing players to challenge themselves without a gain is no fun, by changing it Bioware will be screwing over the other people. BioWare has to make a choice, and nobody knows what that choice is going to be yet, but until then, if someone really has that much of a problem with the companions, then disabling them is going to be much more productive then complaining on the forums. You can always enable them again right before you talk to people or make any choices. I used to do just that when I used Treek. Point is, right now you have a choice, and choosing not to do it because you don't like it isn't going to help you at all. If they annoy you that much, then you will disable them, if not, then you'll just keep complaining like an idiot while BioWare ignores you.

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They're pretty strong at low levels but higher up the effect isn't as noticeable and it really does help the quality of life for players that want to play as they want versus having to take X companion or Y/etc.


Loved leveling as my Guardian and my Juggernaut, didn't have to worry what companion I had out....but soon as I picked a healer or a squishier DPS it got REALLY annoying super fast when you don't get the right companion right off or want to take another one but they don't compliment your skills and get you killed (or were dumb as a brick.) It's also nice they don't hit like wet noodles anymore.


Maybe that is because your companion likes you Kai. Lana stands in the corner for my shadow looking at what to do. (smirks)

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I completely agree with the OP.


Companions are not at all overpowered, they are working as intended. Companion progression is no longer based on gear now, its based on your legacy presence, your character presence, and your companion influence. If you already have a lot of these things, then guess what! Your companion will be much more powerful because of it. By asking for a companion nerf, people are effectively asking the Devs to completely remove companion progression from the game...or at least make it so that it's not worth while whatsoever. If having high presence and influence doesn't have any effect at all (which is what the result of a nerf would be), then what's the point of even having meaningful companions? At that point, they are just dress-up clones...all of which are equally effective and have zero progression.


If some people are really so concerned about a "challenge" (I still find a lot of the content, esepcially the new stuff, challenging)...put your companion on passive, take your gear off, and enjoy your challenge, then. :D

Edited by heythereqt
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They don't need a nerf, but they do need some balancing at lower levels. They should be on par with your character through the entire game, not just the end.


And? What is "on par"? All purple bis gear for the level?


Its not BWs fault you have bad gear so your companion overshadows you.

Edited by Mikahrone
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