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Is This Really What People Want??


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Quoted for truth...



See...while you were playing (insert super grindy MMO's here) I was playing games like the legend of Zelda, the soul reaver series, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, & of course kotor 1&2. I don't play THIS game as an mmo. As far as I'm concerned, none of y'all even exist in game. This is apparently as close as we'll get to kotor 3. Even the devs promoted it as being "like kotor3-10".


Since launch, they've added content aimed primarily at the MMO & RP crowd. They've added PvP maps, OP after OP, and QoL features that RP enjoy. Those of us who enjoy solo game play have waited patiently for more solo friendly content. We're finally starting to get it, and folks loose they damn minds.



They'll be adding new OPs & PvP maps for y'all to run over and over and over again to get that "power lvl 9000" main hand. And when you get bored with THAT after a month & start complaining about "needz moar OPs!"...cats like ME will STILL be playing through the 1-65 single player experience and enjoying tha hell out of it.



*drops mic and creates new character to start over with.


I have done the story like 40 times, 4 or 5 times with every class, and sometimes even more times. I have enjoyed the leveling experience from 1 to 65 far more than I thought. What do I have to keep doing? Again the same story another 40 times?


I don't play PVP to get my "power level 91929292939" equipment (in deed, I only have pvp equipment with one or two alts, the rest are stuck since I didn't get SoR until KotFE has been released). I play pvp because i am TIRED of repeating over and over the same stories. Maybe you are not. Maybe many of you are not. But some of us are tired, and want something that is really challenging, that is not so EASY as all the story is (if you want story to be a little funny you have to be underleveled or under-geared).


And PVP has got nothing new since... Quesh Huttball? Arenas?... Almost 2 years ago? And then some people say that PVP community has got a lot new content! :confused:

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Yes, this is exactly what I've been waiting years for. I left shortly after launch because I didn't want to grind through boring fetch and "bonus" quests to get to the story portions of the game. I don't give a hoot about raids or pvp either.


Having been a Bioware fan for years, I'm hoping the E.A. shooter/action wave is over and Bio can get back to their roots. Fingers crossed, but it does look like they're headed that way. :)

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I enjoy:







I do quite a bit of PVP. I don't do much raiding but haven't really gotten into it with this game, so the fact that there are no new Operations doesn't really bother me. The fact there are no new maps does bother me to a degree, but I'm still overall happy with PVP. I'm in a great RP guild, and the PVE solo gameplay is fun. So yeah, this is about 2/3 of what I want.

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Yes please! That's the reason I started playing SWTOR and fell in love with it.


The only thing that disappoints me is that we're not getting nearly enough story and cutscenes. I'm still sad that between original launch and KotFE we had like 3 years of no post-class story interaction with our companions.


Agree, It would be great for them to add to the companion stories. What was T7 really doing all this time, sure he was working with Lana, but there is a wealth of story just waiting to happen. That and why wasn't Kira (or your avatars significant other) along for the rescue? Maybe we will get some of that in the coming chapters. I hope so. I followed this game for years and drank the cool aid 4+ years ago. It was never about the "end game raiding or pvp", which I have zero interest in, it was always about the Star Wars story.


I said it once, and I'll keep saying it, "I LOVE THE CHANGES TO COMPANIONS! I took the time to unlock all the bonuses and raise their influence. It's very rewarding to see that "hard" work pay off. Finally they feel like contributing companions instead of helpless lackeys. Who would bring a near sighted, sickly, incompetent, decrepit soldier/jedi/droid with them and expect them to be anything other than a hindrance? I guess the handful of people that are pro nerf. :rolleyes:

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There is no real way to quantify reaction to the current state of the game as a player in this moment, but with time we could get a general idea of the retention ability overall.


I personally think class ability changes hurt retention the most.


It seems to me, aside from the normal hatred for SWTOR from launch bias and the original dev team, along with distaste for the F2P model and its draconian restrictions compared to the rest of the market that the lions share of complaints recently outside this forum sit with the removal of well liked animations and abilities, nerfing of long time abilities and play styles, and the general borking of animations. Right now, IMO, the ability sets are hot messes.

Edited by LordArtemis
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No, what I really want is the continuation of each of the eight original class stories with full expansion on companion stories. I also want an offline mode where I can run said stories with the iteration of gameplay mechanics I found most enjoyable, free from random interference due to some unforeseen effect in raids or PVP, content I couldn't care less about.


But since that isn't going to happen, this will do for the time being.

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There is no real way to quantify reaction to the current state of the game as a player in this moment, but with time we could get a general idea of the retention ability overall.


I personally think class ability changes hurt retention the most.


It seems to me, aside from the normal hatred for SWTOR from launch bias and the original dev team, along with distaste for the F2P model and its draconian restrictions compared to the rest of the market that the lions share of complaints recently outside this forum sit with the removal of well liked animations and abilities, nerfing of long time abilities and play styles, and the general borking of animations. Right now, IMO, the ability sets are hot messes.

The inability for my wife & I to level through the expansion side by side courtesy of the entire expansion's story being solo-mode only (other than meeting up in a few non-instanced waypoints to share buffs and defeat some mobs together), combined with flashpoints & Ops going full tactical without the option for non-tactical, is what killed it for us.


MMOs that function as a single player game with a multiplayer grouping option for end game aren't MMOs ... they are a single player game with a multiplayer grouping option for end game. I'll pay a monthly sub for an MMO. I won't pay a monthly sub for a single player focused P2P game that updates its cash shop more than it does its playable content.


Red will never become the new blue for people who can see through the smoke.


What this has done is make console titles relevant again. Maybe that's what they are doing ... whittling this game down into a console port.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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The inability for my wife & I to level through the expansion side by side courtesy of the entire expansion's story being solo-mode only (other than meeting up in a few non-instanced waypoints to share buffs and defeat some mobs together), combined with flashpoints & Ops going full tactical without the option for non-tactical, is what killed it for us.


MMOs that function as a single player game with a multiplayer grouping option for end game aren't MMOs ... they are a single player game with a multiplayer grouping option for end game. I'll pay a monthly sub for an MMO. I won't pay a monthly sub for a single player focused P2P game that updates its cash shop more than it does its playable content.


Red will never become the new blue for people who can see through the smoke.


What this has done is make console titles relevant again. Maybe that's what they are doing ... whittling this game down into a console port.


That's was I was kinda trying to say. But In different on the MMO part. That's what I felt about the expansion. Along. It feels like a single player game. From the Level syncing - mandatory things like events and others. Once again. That's how I feel about it. I'm 38 year old disabled guy. Who's not even married. No offense.


No offense: This is part I agree with: MMOs that function as a single player game with a multiplayer grouping option for end game aren't MMOs ... they are a single player game with a multiplayer grouping option for end game. I'll pay a monthly sub for an MMO. I won't pay a monthly sub for a single player focused P2P game that updates its cash shop more than it does its playable content. <-----This part I agree with.

Edited by MikeRindos
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None taken. :)


I get the feeling Bioware was hoping that tugging on the heartstrings of its core player base to fondly remember days of yore and the game's ancestry would foster KotFE's success. (Picking on baby boomers?) What they should have simply done was continue improving SWTOR the MMO instead of regressing it into a myopically linear KOTOR3. But that's merely personal opinion which carries as much weight as a single cartel coin.


The story would have remained impactful even allowing group participation. So maybe they were just afraid groups would spacebar through the dialogues because that's what groups in this game have somehow been conditioned to do. (Their loss imho.) Or perhaps they felt that keeping it solo would enhance replayability via limited exposure per trip through.


Hell, I don't know. I guess the one thing I do know is that the game I've been loyal to since closed beta is going in a direction I have no desire to follow.


C'est la vie.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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None taken. :)


I get the feeling Bioware was hoping that tugging on the heartstrings of its core player base to fondly remember days or yore and the game's ancestors would foster KotFE's success. (Picking on baby boomers?) What they should have simply done was continue improving SWTOR the MMO instead of regressing it into a myopically linear KOTOR3. But that's merely personal opinion which carries as much weight as a single cartel coin.


The story would have remained impactful even allowing group participation. Or maybe they were just afraid groups would spacebar through the dialogues because that's what groups in this game have somehow been conditioned to do. (Their loss imho.) Or perhaps they felt that keeping it solo would enhance replayability via limited exposure per trip through.


Hell, I don't know. I guess the one thing I do know is that the game I've been loyal to since closed beta is going in a direction I have no desire to follow.


C'est la vie.


Keep preaching brother. Keep preaching it brother. Well Said.

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There is no real way to quantify reaction to the current state of the game as a player in this moment, but with time we could get a general idea of the retention ability overall.


I personally think class ability changes hurt retention the most.


It seems to me, aside from the normal hatred for SWTOR from launch bias and the original dev team, along with distaste for the F2P model and its draconian restrictions compared to the rest of the market that the lions share of complaints recently outside this forum sit with the removal of well liked animations and abilities, nerfing of long time abilities and play styles, and the general borking of animations. Right now, IMO, the ability sets are hot messes.

Speaking of F2P restrictions, they hardly even make sense anymore with current model of new content being gated behind subscription. They should just remove most of authorizations and stuff and provide the best/most enjoyable 1-50 trial they can so more people sub. A big trial but trial nonetheless. At this point there's a long gap between 50 and KOTFE's release cycle.

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The inability for my wife & I to level through the expansion side by side courtesy of the entire expansion's story being solo-mode only (other than meeting up in a few non-instanced waypoints to share buffs and defeat some mobs together), combined with flashpoints & Ops going full tactical without the option for non-tactical, is what killed it for us.


MMOs that function as a single player game with a multiplayer grouping option for end game aren't MMOs ... they are a single player game with a multiplayer grouping option for end game. I'll pay a monthly sub for an MMO. I won't pay a monthly sub for a single player focused P2P game that updates its cash shop more than it does its playable content.


Red will never become the new blue for people who can see through the smoke.


What this has done is make console titles relevant again. Maybe that's what they are doing ... whittling this game down into a console port.


This is exactly the same as my wife and I. Just unsub'd both of us for the time being. In the end the game we enjoyed has been morphed and changed so much, and sorry but we're not paying for a single player game with group endgame as you said, which I might add is old content they just tried to put makeup on a pig to say it is all new again do it! Sorry not buying that at all.


In the end people can debate on here all they like over and over in all sorts of threads but time will tell because the wallets of people will speak. If this costs them bigtime in profits guess what, it failed.


For me I can go take $30 a month till the next chapter and go buy Battlefront on console and actually play with or against the wife. It suffices for a StarWars fix if we need it.:p

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This is exactly the same as my wife and I. Just unsub'd both of us for the time being. In the end the game we enjoyed has been morphed and changed so much, and sorry but we're not paying for a single player game with group endgame as you said, which I might add is old content they just tried to put makeup on a pig to say it is all new again do it! Sorry not buying that at all.


In the end people can debate on here all they like over and over in all sorts of threads but time will tell because the wallets of people will speak. If this costs them bigtime in profits guess what, it failed.


For me I can go take $30 a month till the next chapter and go buy Battlefront on console and actually play with or against the wife. It suffices for a StarWars fix if we need it.:p


You know after next chapters. I'm going cancel and go over to Star Trek. I hope they mess don't mess that up.

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The story is the only good thing about TOR. The people who think it has any other redeeming qualities are morons and delusional. The PVP is awful. The gameplay is tedious and they're making it less so. I'd rather wait 6 months for well-written content because, guess what, I don't spend all of my time playing this game. Imagine that. If you want an MMO that gives you 6 months of boring content, that's on you, go play all of the other games. GW2 has better PVP. Wildstar has better gameplay.


Look at my sig, bro.

That is your opinion bro, I really did enjoy swtor combat before this awful patch.

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I'm not trying to get ppl to quit. But just question this 4.0. Thing don't be deceived. Decide for yourselves. Remember what I said from other replies use you heart. Ask yourselves does it feel and look like a single player game?.. That's it.


I leave with that thought.

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As a returning player no this is not what I was expecting when I came back to swtor. I LOVE story, I read all the time, I played like 362 hours of Dragon age, still playing witcher 3, watch tons of anime , and hunt down good story games like its a job. But in the end if all I want is story I read a book/watch anime/movie. In my game definitely my mmos where I am paying monthly, I expect content and good gameplay. Not this read along bs where your companion basically carries you through the game. A game with no challenge isn't a game at all to me.
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As a returning player no this is not what I was expecting when I came back to swtor. I LOVE story, I read all the time, I played like 362 hours of Dragon age, still playing witcher 3, watch tons of anime , and hunt down good story games like its a job. But in the end if all I want is story I read a book/watch anime/movie. In my game definitely my mmos where I am paying monthly, I expect content and good gameplay. Not this read along bs where your companion basically carries you through the game. A game with no challenge isn't a game at all to me.


What is your response to the inevitable, "Challenge is supposed to be in the OPs/Warzones/Naked/No comps!!"



Edited by WDreamer
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If you're playing a BioWare game for it's gameplay, challenge, or group content, you're playing the wrong game. I play BioWare games because I like story in games, and they're the best at delivering it. If I want ANYTHING else out of an MMO, I'll go play World of Warcraft.


BioWare was always very up front about what SWTOR was when it was being developed: It's effectively a WoW clone with BioWare's writing team behind it. The storytelling is what sets it apart from other MMO's, something that other MMO's cannot easily duplicate. While some games will set themselves apart with minor tertiary features, they're often features that their competition can easily replicate. The longevity for an MMO is this simple question: How quickly can Blizzard incorporate our key features into World of Warcraft? The answer for SWTOR is: Never.

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Yes. This is what i really want. I grow tired of running the same OPS and FP's over and over again to get better gear to do the same OPS on a higher difficulty. I love the story part of this game, which was advertised since before the release back in 2012. Thats what makes this game stand out compared to other mmorpgs, it has a great story aspect. I do realize some people will yell "Its an MMO!" and to them i will say - Its also an RPG which means that story can and will play a big part of it.
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I play MH2015 as well...it was a rebranding yes...and it fixed some issues...but it did not take the game and make it from a Multi-player game into a single player game...


So there are no FPs, Ops or WZs? People that think they are running group content are what, deluding themselves? Hey, I solo the H2 SFs too, but I kept thinking, man, this would be so much easier with someone to push the buttons while I beat up the mobs. Guess what, if someone would have been available to group with, you know, making it a MP experience, I would have grouped up and done it. It's there, if one wants it. Trying to state that it's not isn't worth the time it took you type it.


MH2015 would have had to:


Turn Multi-Player into single-player (Cause thats what 4.0 did)


Remove all gear between lvl 8-60 from vendors


Nerf the drop rate of items (hell they actually IMPROVED the drop rate of items the last few patches)


Nerf the drop rate of cash


Turn Side-Kicks into Uber-Monsters (Personally I like this, I can let my 6 year-old niece play Star Wars and she doesnt die, so that works out)



Sure, some players at MH want a single-player version...but not all...and would it be fair to those players to just one day say "Nope its a single player game now, screw you and all the time/money/effort you put into this game, we dont care"...kinda what EA/BW did...


I dont want KOTOR3, when I started my journey with SWTOR it wasnt even in Beta yet...I bought the SUPER UBER DELUXE EDITION the day it was announced, I subbed for a ridiculous amount of time before even starting to play...


Why, because they said Star Wars MMO, not KOTOR 3...I wouldnt have dropped half the cash Ive invested in this game to KOTOR 3...To be honest I would have picked it up on the clearance section, same place I picked up KOTOR 1 and 2...


Sure all the Fanboi's scream KOTOR BEZT ZTAR WARZ EVERZ...It was ok, I played through Dark, I played through Light...then its in the bin with all my other old games...It really doesnt have a lot of replayability ..to be honest the Comics were better...I like Revan, dont get me wrong, awesome character...but honestly he was better in the books and comics...


So no all these Fanboi's yelling "THIZ IZ THE GAMEZ WE ALLZ WANTED"..no its not, its the game YOU wanted, not me...not a bunch of people I know...


You guys always scream all those other players dont come on the forums to support my position, cause theyre playing the game...same with mine...alot have a few months left on the sub, or are hoping BW actually fufills all its promises, so will wait a month or two more...and yeah theyre playing the game, cause they have a ton of time/money/effort put into it...but after awhile that just wont matter any more...theyll fade away to other games...


TL;DR after the opening line.

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