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Thunder blast what are people hitting for?


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what r people hitting for? I am hearing other classes auto crits hitting for 17 - 28 k and I haven't even seen a 10k thunderblast? Is this by design? Or a bug


I'll be impressed by the first screenhot I see of a 10k TB.


ATM you can expect to get about 8k.

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And how much does it hit under force potency?


potency do not increase ur stats of crit, its a passive crit u recieve so turbulence does not get affect by it.



im 60 tb crit for like 9k 10k, so considering my 60 pt crit 22k and it doeas a LOT, yeah sorcs damage has left behind as ****, at least LOLthing, in madness is brainless and op as always i guess

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Considering my pt aty 60 crits 23k energy burst while my 61 sorc 10k on tb xD


Are you volunteering for TB to autocrit once per minute?


Because TB autocrits 100% of the time on a 9s CD so quit smoking that stuff and comparing it to a 6pc autocrit every 60s.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Doesn't sniper get 28k every few secs


Well, not exactly few - but yes.


They promiced to convert crit chance to surge on autocrit abilities. And it does work this way for sniper - hence 28-35K ambushes. Looks like sages didn't recieve the same treatment

Edited by Frenesi
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I think something is wrong here isn't there a 100% bonus on auto crits? So shouldn't we be seeing 18k crits?


Every percent of crit above 100% gets converted into critical damage.

With 4.0 we lost 20% crit damage from talents and around 10-15% surge due to the stat conversion.


Taking all this into account, it means that Thundering Blast hits basically for the same as pre 4.0 (assuming you're running around 30% crit).

We went from ~90% crit damage to ~90% crit damage on TB.

Edited by Sindariel
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Every percent of crit above 100% gets converted into critical damage.

With 4.0 we lost 20% crit damage from talents and around 10-15% surge due to the stat conversion.


Taking all this into account, it means that Thundering Blast hits basically for the same as pre 4.0 (assuming you're running around 30% crit).

We went from ~90% crit damage to ~90% crit damage on TB.


Why in gods name did we get nerfed this bad?


Can someone justify to me how we r hitting 2-4 times less than the other burst classes? How does this make it out of testing?

Edited by warstory
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Could this be intentional due to the wording on Recklessness?


I have noticed that upon activation the Crit chance buff is not reflected on the character sheet, so perhaps the way in which Recklessness works it does not necessarily affect our "crit chance." Either that, or its broken/bugged entirely.

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Why in gods name did we get nerfed this bad?


Can someone justify to me how we r hitting 2-4 times less than the other burst classes? How does this make it out of testing?


because nobody plays lightning, when madness can face roll almost all with 0 efforts. Besides lightn ing even pre 4.0 were a joke compared to othet burst classes, since my arsenal out dps my sorc on single target vs aoe :)

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Could this be intentional due to the wording on Recklessness?


I have noticed that upon activation the Crit chance buff is not reflected on the character sheet, so perhaps the way in which Recklessness works it does not necessarily affect our "crit chance." Either that, or its broken/bugged entirely.


I just tested it myself and i can confirm that Recklessness' critical chance does not get converted into critical damage when used with Thundering Blast.

Definitely bugged.

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