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Hottie’s 4.0 Guide to PvP Operative/Scoundrel Healing


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Yesterday I had a great HPS game pulling over 7.3K HPS in a hypergate.

Screenshot of Game: http://imgur.com/m4m63Aw


If anyone is interested in my ability break down: http://imgur.com/HpNKtul


Note: I crossed out overall healing and HPS because for some reason it always scales up.


Things to consider:

- I was running AoE cleave gear set (full 208s), testing out 14%~ Alacrity with 33%~ Crit.


-I made sure to keep up 2 HoTs on 4 people for the whole match. I was refreshing with Surgical and using kolto wave/NR on CD.


-Majority of my kolto waves were interrupted (rip).


-Since I was being CCed and interrupted constantly you will notice that I didn't NEED to use Diagnostic scan often because my energy was always high.


-In the break down, 70%~ of all my healing in this warzone was from two abilities Probes and NR. Just think about that. I always stress that probes are important but that is just how important. Always use NR on CD and keep your probes up because as you see here they account for way over 50% of your whole healing EVERY MATCH.


-Weird things about Parser: It is counting every tick of Infusion aka the HoTs as well (that's why it says 220 but I didn't cast it 200 times...). Rebirth is the ending GM heal to everyone. It counts that as MY healing so ignore that as well. It also counts WZ medpacks into the overall healing, I would ignore that as well. The medpacks heal doesn't effect your HPS.




My conclusion using 14% Alacrity: I was using this build just for fun but I noticed it isn't as terrible as I thought it would be. My GCDs feel really smooth. I wouldn't personally suggest going anything above 14% because your crit/crit multipler suffers greatly. I still feel like 10-11% is the spot everyone should be at with Alacrity but it doesn't hurt going alittle more. I would say go enough Alacrity as you feel comfortable and have fun!


PS: Sorry for being slow on finishing the Hypergate kiting/position info. It's very time consuming since it is a very large map. I will try to get it done today.

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I'm assuming you are referring to the gear section and the optimal alacrity and crit?


With bolster.


Thanks, yes the gear section. Wasn't sure since it changes in and out of pvp.


So here's my other conundrum. I'm currently playing a vanguard dps build with tactics, so crit is probably the most important to me. I haven't seen any discussion on pvp regarding other classes and builds so I'd figure this was a good place to start.


Right now I'm maxxed out on Expertise of course. I put in augs splitting between Mastery and Crit. Right now bolsterd my crit is around 43%. My mastery is around 4800, which I believe is below the recommended amount. I do use a crit quit a bit, especially with the crit ability we get that adds around 25%. Seems like I need to reduce some of the stats, so I was wondering what I should replace it with? Would alacrity help my build, or power?

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Thanks, yes the gear section. Wasn't sure since it changes in and out of pvp.


So here's my other conundrum. I'm currently playing a vanguard dps build with tactics, so crit is probably the most important to me. I haven't seen any discussion on pvp regarding other classes and builds so I'd figure this was a good place to start.


Right now I'm maxxed out on Expertise of course. I put in augs splitting between Mastery and Crit. Right now bolsterd my crit is around 43%. My mastery is around 4800, which I believe is below the recommended amount. I do use a crit quit a bit, especially with the crit ability we get that adds around 25%. Seems like I need to reduce some of the stats, so I was wondering what I should replace it with? Would alacrity help my build, or power?


Alacrity. I wish i could help you out with bolster but I started off with full PvP gear in 4.0. :( Aim for having 33%+ crit and 10%+ alacrity.

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Guide Updated:


Shield Probe


Tip: Shield Probe/Defense Screen is an absorb and currently can absorb acid ticks in an arena after the timer goes off. This works just like Static Barrier or Force Barrier which both also absorb acid ticks. Once acid consumes the field you can no longer able to heal yourself or allies that when absorb abilities come in. If possible try to save your Shield Probe after the acid consumes the arena field. Also use your roll if anyone tries to attack you have a 30% change to dodge the damage. Then do damage to make sure the other team dies before you do.

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Yesterday I had a great HPS game pulling over 7.3K HPS in a hypergate.

Screenshot of Game: http://imgur.com/m4m63Aw


If anyone is interested in my ability break down: http://imgur.com/HpNKtul


Note: I crossed out overall healing and HPS because for some reason it always scales up.


Things to consider:

- I was running AoE cleave gear set (full 208s), testing out 14%~ Alacrity with 33%~ Crit.


-I made sure to keep up 2 HoTs on 4 people for the whole match. I was refreshing with Surgical and using kolto wave/NR on CD.


-Majority of my kolto waves were interrupted (rip).


-Since I was being CCed and interrupted constantly you will notice that I didn't NEED to use Diagnostic scan often because my energy was always high.


-In the break down, 70%~ of all my healing in this warzone was from two abilities Probes and NR. Just think about that. I always stress that probes are important but that is just how important. Always use NR on CD and keep your probes up because as you see here they account for way over 50% of your whole healing EVERY MATCH.


-Weird things about Parser: It is counting every tick of Infusion aka the HoTs as well (that's why it says 220 but I didn't cast it 200 times...). Rebirth is the ending GM heal to everyone. It counts that as MY healing so ignore that as well. It also counts WZ medpacks into the overall healing, I would ignore that as well. The medpacks heal doesn't effect your HPS.




My conclusion using 14% Alacrity: I was using this build just for fun but I noticed it isn't as terrible as I thought it would be. My GCDs feel really smooth. I wouldn't personally suggest going anything above 14% because your crit/crit multipler suffers greatly. I still feel like 10-11% is the spot everyone should be at with Alacrity but it doesn't hurt going alittle more. I would say go enough Alacrity as you feel comfortable and have fun!


PS: Sorry for being slow on finishing the Hypergate kiting/position info. It's very time consuming since it is a very large map. I will try to get it done today.


I want such matches, too...

On my server I am lucky if I get a zerg in bgs because usually (I am playing pubside) my teammates derp around and end up getting killed 3v1 (1 imperial ofc kills 3 pubs... lol)


Once I had a great match in novare coast with 3 healers and a tank. Great zerg in mid, kept probes running on 7 allies and used RN and waves on cd. Ended up with 7.410k hps (might upload it if you want)


Current problem and why I don't enjoy healing atm is the overload of incompetent dds puttin up too little dps to heal for me and ofc the three quadrillions of sorchealers per team...

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I want such matches, too...

On my server I am lucky if I get a zerg in bgs because usually (I am playing pubside) my teammates derp around and end up getting killed 3v1 (1 imperial ofc kills 3 pubs... lol)


Once I had a great match in novare coast with 3 healers and a tank. Great zerg in mid, kept probes running on 7 allies and used RN and waves on cd. Ended up with 7.410k hps (might upload it if you want)


Current problem and why I don't enjoy healing atm is the overload of incompetent dds puttin up too little dps to heal for me and ofc the three quadrillions of sorchealers per team...


There is only 2 games since 4.0 launched where I had the perfect comp for me to get 7k HPS as an Operative. This wasn't even a good game.. my kolto waves were being interrupted, no one was stacking and I was tunneled taking 2mil dmg. I was surprised I was able to hit 7k hps truly...


Pulling 7k currently in a reg is extremely hard if you aren't a Sorc. The main reason is because if you don't have the perfect comp, you have to spend all your GCDs on defensives and kiting, which completely destroys your HPS (this on top of stuns/interrupts). Sorcs can still manage extremely high numbers even when kiting because their healing is all effective HPS and also of their main AOE is on the move. For an Operative to get 7k+ you need a good tank who catches majority of the burst, a team that STACKS majority of the match (lol never happens), 1-2 support healers and solid DPS who peels vs. a cleave team with good players who can sustain their DPS. Since we are still in burst meta, finding good cleave games which meets all these requirements is extremely hard.


You have to have a PERFECT comp on both sides with the same farming mindset. That is why there is sadly so few Operatives breaking 6k+ hps in regs :(.


PS - I'm still waiting for a good mid farm where I can clip at least 4 people in my Kolto Wave the whole match. You can easily do 8k or even 9k HPS. But yeah.. that is all up to RNG.

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4-5.5k is what I am getting average.

6k-7k is for great AoE games.

7K+ Extremely lucky amazing AoE game the whole time vs. cleave.


7K+ -> impossible (just in teletubbies's world)

6k-7k -> impossible ... or just one time in your poor op life (or tell other players to stay in your aoe (hahahaha! .... impossible!))

4-5.5k -> Impossible in 80% of BG. Because :

- always tunnel

- always stun

- always interrupt

- other players always spread on all the map

- team mates ignore what is the def on a healer, and they know just watch dps meter ("what ? my healer is focused? Ho comon ! I can't break my dps")


I think, the real average hps with op is around 3.5 / 4k (on a real server with real players who can't know what is a team play)



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7K+ -> impossible (just in teletubbies's world)

6k-7k -> impossible ... or just one time in your poor op life (or tell other players to stay in your aoe (hahahaha! .... impossible!))

4-5.5k -> Impossible in 80% of BG. Because :

- always tunnel

- always stun

- always interrupt

- other players always spread on all the map

- team mates ignore what is the def on a healer, and they know just watch dps meter ("what ? my healer is focused? Ho comon ! I can't break my dps")


I think, the real average hps with op is around 3.5 / 4k (on a real server with real players who can't know what is a team play)




In a match where your team is anywhere but in healrange and spawnkilled then yes.


If your tean builds a so called zerg and keeps it up for a while then

-4k is easy if you're tunneled

-5k if you can use waves

-6k if you are not tunneled that hard

-7k if the enemy has a lot of aoe damage

-8k if you're left freecasting


I have achieved 7.41k so it's doable ... but ... rare

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7K+ -> impossible (just in teletubbies's world)

6k-7k -> impossible ... or just one time in your poor op life (or tell other players to stay in your aoe (hahahaha! .... impossible!))

4-5.5k -> Impossible in 80% of BG. Because :

- always tunnel

- always stun

- always interrupt

- other players always spread on all the map

- team mates ignore what is the def on a healer, and they know just watch dps meter ("what ? my healer is focused? Ho comon ! I can't break my dps")


I think, the real average hps with op is around 3.5 / 4k (on a real server with real players who can't know what is a team play)




Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not... xD

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For more theory crafting I also am trying out the old Arkanian PvE 2 set bonus which increases your RN/Cloud by 15%. This was because I was trying to see if I could make up for the loss of -3 off of cloud set bonus which you cannot get if you are double stacking Injection Proc....


Why stack this? This lets you keep your OP double stack of Injection (crits for 24k easily) while also not completely nerfing the hps of your RN/Cloud. This is also possible because our 4 piece set bonus for healing is garbage strongly outweighed by 15% to our RN/Cloud increase.


My set up is really weird. I used 2 fortitude augs (to get hp to 70k) also a mix of power/crit/alacrity augs to balance out my stats. The PvE 2 piece set bonus surprising bolsters to 2018 in a warzone (lol bioware)! The best bolster I could get with the PvE set bonus was green 190s (mods/enhancements) which could be found on fleet.


A run down on losses/gains:

My old min/maxed gear set:

70662 HP

Bonus Healing: 1635.5

Crit: 38.58%

Alacrity: 10.19%

+15% chance of a 100% crit Injection proc

+ 3 seconds off of RN/Cloud

+ 2 energy off of Injection/Fusion


New set:

70193 HP (-469 HP)

Bonus healing 1628.0 (-7.5)

Crit: 37.62% (-.96)

Alacrity 8.58% (-1.61)

-3 seconds off of RN/Cloud

-2 energy off of Injection/Fusion

+15% increase to RN/Cloud

+30%~ chance of a 100% crit Injection procs (stackable for 200% surge increase)


I will be testing this build in group/solo ranked. Remember if you want to test out this new gear set up that out of warzone you will have 1718 expertise and need 2018 to get into a ranked warzone. You will have to make 2 different gear sets, one with the old pvp gear and one with the pve gear. This way you can switch them out to queue and put on the pve gear when in the ranked wz.

Note: For you new Operatives you will probably not be able to do this new gear build because it requires you to have the old Arkanian PvE gear which is no older in the game. :(




was hoping to reply on my main account...but...BW failed yet again - in-game issues but no notice via mail, message or forum message. its locked and no reason given other than in-game ToS, but I can use that account without issue...BioFail will get a call tomorrow :mad:




I've been running this in Pre-4.0. But post-4.0 I have not. it does work very well. I have not tried it since 4.0 due to deployment reasons but I'm back for a couple weeks before the next rotation and will check it again since someone else has had success with it. Many players looked at me funny at first then at the end of the match. things made sense. Agreed, in arenas, it isn't the best but regs, it can dominate when the right circumstances happen and RNG falls into place.


of course I cant find my 168 gear...LoL found 1 but don't help when I need the 2nd one for the 2 piece set bonus. LoL

I have a 146 and 162 set though. and my old 180 set bonus set as well.


BUT...the 162 gear does bolster to 2018

162 armorings with green 190 mods and enhancements and 208 augments does give full bolster.

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UI tips and Miscellaneous Settings


1) Camera Max Distance



Preferences -> Controls -> Scroll down to “Camera” -> Set to 100% -> Apply -> OK


This is pretty self-explanatory. This setting lets you zoom out all the way for a better view of the terrain. A good healer is one who can read the whole battle. You will not be able to do this unless you are able to zoom way out.



2) Show Cool down Text



Preferences -> User Interface -> Scroll down to “Cool down Settings” and click “Show Cooldown Text” -> Apply -> OK.


This will make it so every time you cast an ability, if it has a cooldown it will give you a countdown on his cooldown icon on your bar instead of just a blue animation. I have no idea why this isn’t default setting in the first place. Every healer should have this enabled. It will make timing cooldowns and healing abilities extremely easier.



3) Ability Action Queue Window



Preferences -> Controls -> Scroll down to “Combat”. You will see a droll box with options.

I believe default of this is .5. This means that every .5 seconds it will let you queue or re-queue a new ability to be casted in the next GCD. I personally switched this to 0.0 because of my reaction time. This means there is no abilities queued up and I manually have to use abilities whenever my GCD is up again. My reaction time is good so I personally don’t have any issues setting this to 0.0 as well as I am able to react better if the situation changes without having abilities in queue to mess me up.


The only issue with a 0.0 is if there is server lag you might miss clicking your GCDs on time. Just be aware of this. Overall, this is a personal choice but I would recommend the lower the better in this setting.



4) Removing background of action bars



Interface Editor -> Click main action bar -> Scroll down and uncheck “Show Background” -> Save


This is a personal preference with my action bars. It makes it so only the icon of your abilities are showing and not the blue trim on the bar. It also helps if you want to stack your actions bars closer together and reduces clutter.



5) Showing HP/Energy on your Player/Target Frame



Interface Editor -> Click on your Player or Target Frame -> Scroll and check “Show Informational Text” -> Save


Another utility that I wish was default. This lets you see the exact percentage of your HP/Energy.



6) Highlighting Buffs/Duration/Effect Sort Type



Interface Editor -> Click your Player Buff Tray -> A/B/C/D -> Save

A) Scroll down check “Highlight Effects”

B) Under “Effect Highlight Max Duration” put 1 minute and below

C) Check “Personal Effects”

D) Under “Effect Sort Type” choice “Apply time”.


This makes it so your buffs are highlighted on your toon’s buff bar. If there is another Operative healer in your group, you can set your HoTs apart from another players HoTs because yours would have a golden highlight around the buff. All the other settings will help you reduce clutter and make your buffs easier to see.



7) Highlighting Buffs/Duration/Effect Sort Type for your Target frame


Interface Editor -> Click your Target Frame ->

A) Increase the buff size

B) Click “Show Informational Text”

C) Click Highlight Buffs

D) Under “Effect Highlight Max Duration” put 1 minute and below

E) Under “Sort Options” check “Personal Buffs”

F) “Buff Sort Type” click “By Time Remaining”

G) Uncheck Personal Debuffs



8) Ops frames settings



Interface Editor -> Click your Ops frame -> A/B/C/D/E/F

A) Decrease the size of debuffs (.5)

B) Increase buff size (.6)

C) Increase Health size (144)

D) Increase Health height (32)

E) Click “show Health Text”

F) Click “show Only Removable debuffs”


The sizes are just personal suggestions, take them as you will. This will make your Ops frame buffs and health easier to see.


9) Ops Frame/Buffs/Action Bar



Setting up a good UI for healing is tough. This is something you will really have to play around till you find a UI that fits all your needs. My advice is try to put the Ops Frame as close to your targets frame as possible. This will make it easier for you to see their buffs (HoTs) so it will be easier to refresh. I also try to put the Ops Frame/Buffs of your Target and Action Bar close to together so in one view you can see your cooldowns, players taking damage and if HoT’s need to be refreshed on the target.

My correct UI set up as an example: http://imgur.com/tfwNvgT




Updating my guide with this new section. If anyone has any questions with what I have written. Please let me know. If it's confusing I will revise it.


Thanks :).

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It has come to my attention thanks to VenusFallen on Dulfy that StarParse has a function that lets you do a Ops Frame overlay to help track HoTs. I tested this myself and it works great! I really suggest all Operative Healers to use this in PvP. It will let you know how many HoTs are stacked on each target in your frame as well as a timer when they are about to drop.


StarParse Website: http://ixparse.com/


My Ops Frame when overlayed: http://imgur.com/zVMjg7w




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It has come to my attention thanks to VenusFallen on Dulfy that StarParse has a function that lets you do a Ops Frame overlay to help track HoTs. I tested this myself and it works great! I really suggest all Operative Healers to use this in PvP. It will let you know how many HoTs are stacked on each target in your frame as well as a timer when they are about to drop.


StarParse Website: http://ixparse.com/


My Ops Frame when overlayed: http://imgur.com/zVMjg7w





This might be the greatest QOL change for operative healers ever. When the game launched, I was torn between PT (tank) and Op (healer). I went with the PT because 1) UI for healers was garbage, and 2) no gap closer. Still pretty sad that Bioware cannot give better/more UI options, and maybe even things like mouseover (ie don't have to click raid frame) ability, but yee-haw for a HOT tracker.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can confirm using the older 174 rated PvP armorings is nice.

Getting 22K-26K heals on injection.


Put on my PvE Recouperative Nanotech gear and it worked very well with the green 190 mod/enhancement


I had to toss on some fort Augs for the HP but stats looked ok.


Did do a personal best and third best HPS in an arena today running the double crit injection gear.

Just keep an eye open for those props and stim boost for instant heal as needed

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I've tried using this overlay and can never seem to get it to work right. the timers never show up in the right spots regardless of what order i put the HoTs on people


It's a little tricky because the overlay is designed for PvE. After every warzone you need to delete everyone who is in the last game off the overlay and reset it next wz. You need to hot everyone in order left to right, top to bottom so it places the names in the proper location on the overlay. I normally check the overlay to make sure the names are being tracked correctly and move names around before the match starts. The ****** part is if you skip a name in the ops frame because they are LoS it screws up the name players on the overlay.


I hope that makes sense...It's a pain but it works extremely well.


PS - I would love to give you a tutorial but my OBS doesn't track the overlay so It can't be streamed. blah :(

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to be clear, each column of 4 top to bottom? so the first row of 4 then the second? or the top of both columns then the second row of both columns etc? I tried it both ways and usually the timers show up 2 spots below the person I put it on.


Here is the steps to set it up:


1) Set a hotkey to locking the overlay IG. I set mine to shift+ctrl+Z. You can do this by clicking Interface -> Settings -> fill out: "Lock Overlay" section.


Example: http://imgur.com/hSdCmS4



2) Go in game and with the overlay unlocked.


3) Drag the overlay and resize it depending on your op frame set up.


4) Make sure the overlay has no names of past players within it. If it does click the "x" to remove all the names.


5) Lock your overlay by tabbing out or clicking your hotkey.


6) Go into a WZ and HoT players in column one from top to bottom, do the same for the second column. This sets all the names in your group in order of how they were HoTs and their names will appear in the overlay.


7) Unlock your overlay and make sure the players are in the right positions within the overlay. If not drag and drop them to fix the mistakes.


8) Lock the overlay and your are ready for battle.


9) After the WZ, unlock the overlay and remove all the names within it but yourself and 2-9 repeat.

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