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Early access - a slap in the face by ea


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You shouldn't. But you also shouldn't expect to get something you didn't pay for.


I am paying for this month though and the quality of my game play is reduced due to the update. I don't care about the expansion like I said, I want to play with my friends and thats why I play. By putting me on hold they are cheating me out of a weeks worth play, that is how I see it and that is the feeling I get. You don't have to agree, that wont change a thing.


I learned my lesson though so don't worry, next time I will pay when I can advance which in this case would be on the 27th. Fool me once...you know the rest.

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They really did a poor job not letting everyone in on the 20th a pathetic low move since we are all mostly subs.


Why? I mean they advertised early access as being one of the perks of being a subscriber for that period of time. So that's not something they can just take away.


If you want to say that having early access at all was a bad idea. Well that's something different, and something I may be inclined to agree with. It was clearly a marketing gimmick designed to get people to sub back in July and stay subed through October.

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I am paying for this month though and the quality of my game play is reduced due to the update. I don't care about the expansion like I said, I want to play with my friends and thats why I play. By putting me on hold they are cheating me out of a weeks worth play, that is how I see it and that is the feeling I get. You don't have to agree, that wont change a thing.


I learned my lesson though so don't worry, next time I will pay when I can advance which in this case would be on the 27th. Fool me once...you know the rest.


I play with my boyfriend and right now he is unable to play due to being in basic at the Air Force and I am waiting for him to be able to play again. I would say if they are true friends they would wait for you. You would just need to let them know you can't do the expansion until then.

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You would just need to let them know you can't do the expansion until then.


But people can't really do the expansion together, can they? As I understand it, it's pretty much designed to be solo only. So I'm honestly confused at what he's not able to do.

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I want KOTFE and I want it NOW NOW NOW NOW! How dare Bioware expect me to read and stuff. This is an outrage. I am a subscriber, dammit! I am owed Early Access. Give it to me now!!!111one


I was sent an email, as were several others, that talked about subbing and early access, but nowhere on in the email did it elude to a time required to sub, nor did the page it took me to. Was I supposed to assume there were strings attached that were not mentioned in the email?

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Did BW intentionally mislead anyone? I think most would argue no. But would they have far fewer subs if they had updated their page after august 10th to say: Early access is CLOSED for anyone not subbed by or prior to August 10th. I do think they realized this. Sending out emails to get people to resub with the promise of some item many could care less about would not have netted them many resubs or subs.


This thread shows some degree of $ they gained by not updating their page to prevent any confusion. I don't think BW is stupid.


Well put.

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I was sent an email, as were several others, that talked about subbing and early access, but nowhere on in the email did it elude to a time required to sub, nor did the page it took me to. Was I supposed to assume there were strings attached that were not mentioned in the email?


If the email mentioned Early Access, it surely linked you here: http://www.swtor.com/fallen-empire


All the information you needed was there. When Early Access starts, what you need to do in order to qualify, everything.


No email after August 10th even mentioned Early Access.

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No not when it mattered to EA but when it mattered to me. I don't care about early access because I don't care about the story. What I do care about is being split up from my guild for a week when I pay like everyone else does. I don't always have time to play and much less do I have time to play their little game because they can't get their pocket full enough.


I payed this month and out of this month I lost a week of game time due to being punished for not being a sub for god knows how long to please them.


It sounds like you need new friends.

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So I can't play but I can come here to talk about the game. I don't have a dog in this hunt as you note. I just like arguing.


Same reason I'm here. I have time to kill, watching file transfer status bars or checking that the web filters are filtering properly just won't hold my attention for the next hour. Arguing with people online relieves the boredom of a Friday afternoon, until someone breaks a printer again.


I wanted to argue with someone who would never change their mind, and no US Presidential Candidates are taking my calls today, so here I am.

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But people can't really do the expansion together, can they? As I understand it, it's pretty much designed to be solo only. So I'm honestly confused at what he's not able to do.


Well I cant pvp with lvl 65 players now can I? I can't be of much use in an op with lvl 65 players either and neither are a part of the expansion. They are options taken away from me to grant those with one payment "early access". I can't buy the gear for my level anymore either. All gear is now changed to 65 even the vendors in the dailies have been changed.


It's okay though I see the game and I can play it too. Looks like Rockstar games will be getting my money the next few months lol it's all the same to me.

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a lot of this thread is the same white knights defending Bioware. in Actuality they are keeping this thread alive and on top of the board allowing other scammed individuals to post there concerns so i thank you for blindly doing what white knights do so well. Defend the wrong and fight good. Edited by X_Vindictuz_X
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I find it funny people asking for EARLY ACCESS to be open to all subs....then it would have been called a release not early access. Did bioware mislead anyone, I honestly don't know. I retain that from(which if you look it up)=starting and to(again look it up)=through. But that's me. I did not find anything about early access misleading.


People keep mentioning a email Bioware sent out, I for one would love to see this email. I didn't get one and would love to look it over to see what it said so I can make an informed choice on if the misled anyone or not.

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a lot of this thread is the same white knights defending Bioware. in Actuality they are keeping this thread alive and on top of the board allowing other scammed individuals to post there concerns so i thank you for blindly doing what white knights do so well. Defend the wrong and fight good.


Who was scammed? And no not defending Bioware. I want proof of you being scammed.

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a lot of this thread is the same white knights defending Bioware. in Actuality they are keeping this thread alive and on top of the board allowing other scammed individuals to post there concerns so i thank you for blindly doing what white knights do so well. Defend the wrong and fight good.


Considering this thread will be moot in 3 days, who cares if its on top? The people erroneously claiming to be 'Scammed' have already lost.

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Considering this thread will be moot in 3 days, who cares if its on top? The people erroneously claiming to be 'Scammed' have already lost.


that will be determined by the FTC and BBB this thread and many others are serving as evidence and testimony. just so you know.


they also left the page up to make it worse for them. haha

Edited by X_Vindictuz_X
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The issue here is simple, OP made a mistake and didn't bother to read the rules.


Now OP wants special privilege but demands it for everybody because that way its not privilege. Even though this would screw over everybody else who did it the right way because OP feels screwed over.


Then when OP is given both reasonable and rude responses (Its a forum if you can't handle *** holes and brash people the internet probably isn't the best place for you.) OP address those who disagree with OP rudely and ignores those that give reasonable well thought out responses.


Then OP throws a pity party of one, saying they give up, boo hoo, I am entitled because I say so and I am not gonna play with you guys anymore I am taking my ball home.


OP, Buying CCs doesn't entitle you to anything other than the CCs you bought. Paying for your subscription doesn't entitle you to anything more than the subscription you paid for. I don't demand extra free food when I buy groceries at the same store for 6 months in a row. I don't expect extra benefits for subscribing to Spotify for a year. I expect to get what I paid for as per the terms of the end user license agreement and anything else is just a pleasant addition. This has been explained to you in every way possible, you were not denied something you were promised, nothing has been taken from you and you only have to wait a week.


You said it yourself that this is EA's way of getting free beta testing, why don't you just accept that answer and enjoy the fact that you're going to get the expansion with an extra weeks worth of polish. I have been playing MMOs long enough to know two things are always certain.


Some day the MMO WILL die, and its impossible to make everybody happy. So why bother trying to stop either one?

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It's pretty amazing how many people supposedly only missed Early Access by a day. Everyone had something come up on one day that forced them to not resub and then remembered the following day. Basically, everyone is using that as an excuse and throwing the blame at EA/BW. It's pretty obvious now...
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It's pretty amazing how many people supposedly only missed Early Access by a day. Everyone had something come up on one day that forced them to not resub and then remembered the following day. Basically, everyone is using that as an excuse and throwing the blame at EA/BW. It's pretty obvious now...


What's more sad is that they already pushed the date for early access back once. THEY GAVE A SECOND CHANCE, and some how these people still screwed it up! And some how they are STILL entitled.... smh...

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that will be determined by the FTC and BBB this thread and many others are serving as evidence and testimony. just so you know.


they also left the page up to make it worse for them. haha




Yeah, I'm really sure the FTC will take up the plight of people who didn't get to play a video game 7 days early. And EA has an A+ rating from the BBB. I'm really sure your complaint will shake that. :jawa_biggrin:



Edited by Master-Nala
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