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Early access - a slap in the face by ea


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You are correct. And it is so sad that some people just can't comprehend this.


What is sad is that people can't comprehend how the promotion was misleading, no matter how detailed the explanation, so I drew them a picture...




When I subscribed on September 29th I saw the timeline. Each element of the timeline clearly stated by which date you needed to be a subscriber on to receive that reward.

  • X Aug 10th had obviously already passed.
  • X As did Aug 31st.
  • ✔ Sep 30 was tomorrow, I subscribed in time for that reward.
  • ✔ Obviously Oct 19th was over a couple weeks away so I would get that as well.
  • ✔ For Early Access, on the far right, the date was the entire range of dates. My sub date was in that range.


An expected progression of the timeline would be as follows...







Here's what the timeline progression actually looks like...








Some people have given me the impression they'd have a hard time finding their ewok with both hands and map, so I'm not sure that pic will help. That's why I went ahead and fixed the promotion. A couple minutes in a Paintshop and voilà...




Note how the position in the timeline clearly demonstrates that if you didn't qualify for the companion you don't qualify for early access. Furthermore, the text of the early access element correctly states the conditions for earning the bonus.

Edited by Thunderstriken
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The rewards,early access was all discussed,,,HERE on this very forum weeks prior,Eric even commented on one thread to confirm the DATES.


Anyone when looking at the page they set up and just yah know reading it should of realized what the dates were.


Oh you did not read it? too freaking bad that lame excuse can be used as long as the day.


Oh you got an email and ignored and then come on the forums to complain and spend time trying to justify your laziness,lapse of judgement,whatever?


Again too freaking bad,,Oh and by the way this is not the ONLY forum where the dates were explained many times.

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So this thread is still happening. That's fantastic. Well, if people's goal was to bide time between early access and true launch job well done!


This is something that has really surprised me. Every time I come to the forum the thread is still on the front page. People just love to call someone else stupid, probably especially so in this case as those people haven't likely had much opportunity in the past.

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This is something that has really surprised me. Every time I come to the forum the thread is still on the front page. People just love to call someone else stupid, probably especially so in this case as those people haven't likely had much opportunity in the past.


I don't get it either. The need to publicly shame and put FELLOW community members down beguiles me. Considering, that if we treat eachother like crap, justified or not, the game dries up when people get tired of it and leave. If you didn't get early access you already feel like a 'Donk.' So, to have your fellow peeps kick you when you're already down and out doesn't seem very supportive, constructive, or helpful. At the end of the day, we all buy things from, pvp with and against, raid, and general chat, with eachother. So why all of a sudden does it become "ok" to spit in the face of a community that just wants to be doing what they thought they could or would, with YOU? Especially on the heels of an earlier promotional email and website that does seem a little misleading if read, or rather misunderstood after reading.


Elitism? One-up-manship?


I'm sure I'll get trolled.


"They have a cave a troll . . ."



Edited by -staticmatic-
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No, people live for money, or rather they live WITH money, and when that money feels as though it's been wasted, it's incredibly frustrating, especially when friends/family wish to play with said person but they cannot.


It's failure to deliver a product, and by extension, not having the CSR bandwidth to deal with the requests for support.

This could have been alleviated with solid, fast customer support.

It doesn't have to be the status quo, but it will be if people accept it as the norm.


Hit the nail on the head.

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No, once again your lack of basic comprehension is showing. There is no way you can have a single action that can take place on four different dates. That means on each date you have the option to choose to be an subscriber or not. That makes the term correct.


You sure can. If you drive, walk, locomote, fly, sing, dance, (insert most verbs here) continuously or for more than 24 hours, you're still performing that action on more than one date, or range of dates.


you should be argueing in the case of these fellow gamers because MMO is not a single player game.




If you truly care about things like early access and subscriber rewards, don't unsub or sub and stay subbed when first identified, otherwise, live with the chance something goes wrong.


I don't always care about the rewards, but if I unsubbed for myriad reasons and just happened to be looking for a new game to play, I might come back and sub hopefully with early access if I received an email with an oddly worded promotion that lead me to believe I had early access when I met a condition. In this case, the condition would be performing the action of subscribing anytime from August 10th - October 19th.


In the end we all lose. Bioware is going to lose subscribers to this, they certainly lost me because of this. They did all this work to promote the expansion and bring back subscribers only to, well, as the title of the thread states, slap them in the face. That means not only less people for you to play with, but also less money coming in for future development.


Couldn't agree more. And as you stated earlier it wouldn't have taken a whole lot to correct, or at least offer apologies.


Now I've got bunch of people I wouldn't pay minimum wage to bring me coffee calling me stupid because they don't understand how words work. It's pretty ironic considering the topic at hand.


I like coffee. Sub-minimum wage delivered sometimes too . . .


I think some of the community are cutting off their noses to spite their face, as shedding subscriptions in a game they are playing will sooner or later catch up with them. You always rally behind your fellow gamers IMO if you like the game you are all playing, even if you might not agree 100% with them, as bottom line, games like this need players in them.


That's true, but exacting or not exacting change to help mold a community you enjoy playing in, doesn't mean you should 100% rally behind anything. But as I've said continuously, there's more to life than being right.




Yeah, I'm really sure the FTC will take up the plight of people who didn't get to play a video game 7 days early. And EA has an A+ rating from the BBB. I'm really sure your complaint will shake that. :jawa_biggrin:




Yeah, actually, they can and will if consumer outcry is great. Why don't you ask SOE about the "The Trials of Obi-Wan?"

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So I'm neglagent because I subbed every month, and didn't get a promotion because I missed a payment for 1 day?

I'm assuming that giving my own personal feedback and experience isn't tolerated at EA judging by all the *********** one-sided repsonses in this thread.


I'm done with all the white knights on this thread brown nosing the mods.

Lock the thread already.


"Was that 24 hours one of the 4 days listed? If not then you need to be calling customer service instead of whining on the forums."


Yeah, cause EA customer service is perfectly reachable and have a dedicated customer service line. Where you been living under a rock?

Sorry to hear you missed that day. Guess what? There is a guy in my guild that missed a payment by only one hour and he didn't get early access either. So your 24 hours is minor compared to someone who missed it by a single hour.


He called CS and still didn't get early access. He was upset but not cramming the forms with complaints. Your barking up the wrong tree. CS is where you should be posting this.

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Sorry to hear you missed that day. Guess what? There is a guy in my guild that missed a payment by only one hour and he didn't get early access either. So your 24 hours is minor compared to someone who missed it by a single hour.


He called CS and still didn't get early access. He was upset but not cramming the forms with complaints. Your barking up the wrong tree. CS is where you should be posting this.


You can't post in CS any longer. Those forums are "read only." It's merged with the EA Answer HQ whom have explicitly said they don't handle BioWare games, specifically SWtOR. Your friend not feeling emboldened to engage customer service really shouldn't give you the right to denounce or minimize someone else's billing negligence by one hour, one minute, or any length of time.

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So EA, I'm a subscriber, I pay my subscription every two months, but because I missed a day and was prefferred status for 24 hours, when I constantly subscribe every month, I'm getting no early access?


Instead, despite being a monthly subscriber, I'm now getting the same waiting time for KOTFE as free to play players?


Tell me EA, why the hell I should bother buying a subscription anymore if you're gonna pull this on us.


I really feel like EA is just taking one big dump on there loyal subscribers, and only rewarding those who purchase recurring subscriptions. I subscribed every month just the same as everyone else, but because I have to pay a certain way I feel like EA is not only slapping me in face but scruitnizing against me because of my financial situation that pretty much obligates me to pay in this manner.


I'm tired of EA pulling these stunts, and they really need to get their act together.

ALL SUBSCRIBERS should have gotten early access even if they qualified for the bonuses or not.

It's complete rubbish, its bad enough my level 400 crew skill has been rendered practically useless now with the new design changes but I have wait another 7 days to play KOTFE despite shelling out a monthly subscription as well as 10,000 cartel coins independently purchased every month.


Thanks a lot EA. I give you money and you give me the middle finger.

And all you fanboys that will post below and say


"OH but subscribers are still getting double XP and this has been posted on the forums for months."


That doesn't make any of this fair or sensible. All subscribers should have early access in my view.

Regardless of how they pay.


It's a freaking disgrace. I'm not paying 60-120£ a month on this game to be treated like a freeloader.

I feel like I have a right to be annoyed, even if some of you don't.


All I can say is lol

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There's a new search engine called Google, came out over 15 years ago. If you type something in that you don't understand you can usually get more info about it elsewhere... I guess some of the people who didn't get early access just don't understand this concept yet.
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There's a new search engine called Google, came out over 15 years ago. If you type something in that you don't understand you can usually get more info about it elsewhere... I guess some of the people who didn't get early access just don't understand this concept yet.


Not everyone thought there was necessarily a problem. Good of you to jump in at the last minute and get your two troll cents in on top of some pretty good non-flagrant conversation amongst community members trying to solve or exact change for a problem they didn't necessarily know they had until they knew they had it. It's players like you that give the rest of us a bad name and attitude. But, maybe this is the kind of change and impact you'd like to have. Being part of the problem as opposed to being part of the solution. Moreover, if CS isn't able to correct the issue for those that have it, making a post isn't necessarily being whiny . . . it's your voice to find a solution. Glad you chimed in.

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KOTFE launches in just a few hours and people are still complaining about early access... Get over it, you're not getting anything by whining on the forums, nor do you deserve anything.


The thread is still here because people like you just can't resist the urge to insult the intelligence of others, thus continually bumping the thread back to the front page. I don't understand the motivation of people like you either. Putting aside for a moment that you're just plain wrong, let's look at this situation as if you were correct. Let's pretend that people who mistakenly thought they qualified for Early Access had no valid reason to come to that conclusion.


What is served by insulting their intelligence? Even if there were no valid reason to believe they should have qualified, I would think that such a small and trivial error would fall into the realm of honest mistake. If this were the only mistake a person made in their life, it'd be a pretty incredible life would it not? If you got on an elevator and the person by the buttons asked which floor, but when you told them 16 they pressed 6, would you call them an idiot? "You moron! Learn to count you retard. I said 16 you idiot!" You actually might, but if you did, in doing so you would actually be more in the wrong than the person that made the honest mistake.


People aren't demanding they rebrand SWTOR with a My Pretty Pony theme. In fact, I haven't seen any demands at all. I've seen quite a few people, myself included, expressing frustration and disappointment that they mistakenly believed they qualified for early access and now don't have much at all to do for a week, but I haven't seen any demands. As such, I don't see any purpose being served by refuting people expressing their dissappointment.


"The beach is closed until noon on Tuesdays? I thought it opened at 11, darn."


"Well you were wrong moron! Learn to read idiot. You have no one to blame but yourself."


In this circumstance, someone else having Early Access is so infinitesimally trivial why would anyone care even the slightest little bit if anyone else has it? Much less how or why they got it, and how would "deserve" ever even factor in? Certainly there are times where early access is a sweet perk. There have been several MMORPGs where I had early access to the initial launch, which allowed me to get all the names I wanted, it allowed me to level a couple charcters out of the starting zones before the flood of unwashed masses came trampling through, and to some extent there was a tiny shred of prestige for being there first. I really don't see how Sam is affected by Bob having early access to this single player micro expansion to SWTOR in any way what so ever.


OK, snap back to reality. Even if people had no valid reason to believe they qualified for early access, attacking them and insulting their intelligence for expressing their disappointment doesn't make any sense either. Yet, in reality, people had a perfectly valid reason to believe they qualified for early access...


...they were specifically told by the promotion that if they subscribed they would qualify for early access.


Which makes attacking them and insulting their intelligence even more mind boggling.

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To be honest the only smart move here would've been directing his/her energy towards EA/Customer Service at phone and what not.


In my personal experience Customer service in SWTOR isn't that bad especially if you do not try to talk to them like a demanding, condescending 'IM A CUSTOMER WORSHIP ME' attitude. For example, I once had mistakenly paid for a subscription on the wrong account (I had two registered, one when I was F2P and another when I went Sub), and they easily switched it over. The same way with granted Cartel Coins.


I wouldn't be surprised if there would be a degree of leniency towards people that missed a day in a 3 month pre-payment necessity for access.

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"i missed a day subscribing and i DEMAND **** BE GIVEN TO ME BECAUSE I SUBSCRIBED ALOT BEFORE"


"ive been shopping in this place for 20 years and i missed yesterday's super 99% discount. and i DEMAND i get 99% discount TODAY"


"ive been paying for school for 3 years, i missed yesterday's final exam. i DEMAND A SPECIAL EXAM FOR ME TODAY"


"ive been buying hotdog in this place for 100 years. and you said you're out of hot dogs? i DEMAND HOTDOG NOW"



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"i missed a day subscribing and i DEMAND **** BE GIVEN TO ME BECAUSE I SUBSCRIBED ALOT BEFORE"


"ive been shopping in this place for 20 years and i missed yesterday's super 99% discount. and i DEMAND i get 99% discount TODAY"


"ive been paying for school for 3 years, i missed yesterday's final exam. i DEMAND A SPECIAL EXAM FOR ME TODAY"


"ive been buying hotdog in this place for 100 years. and you said you're out of hot dogs? i DEMAND HOTDOG NOW"




Is what no one is saying anywhere.

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I'm still wondering why Swtor sent me an email on September 20th, 2015 with the claim that if I resubscribed to the game, I would get early access to KotFE.


I'm not whining or demanding anything except the reasoning behind such a shady business move as are a lot of posters in this thread.

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I'm still wondering why Swtor sent me an email on September 20th, 2015 with the claim that if I resubscribed to the game, I would get early access to KotFE.


I'm not whining or demanding anything except the reasoning behind such a shady business move as are a lot of posters in this thread.


got that email too. except i read it and it said i'll get early access if i subscribed (insert months here). kinda stupid why they would send that obsolete email. but hey. its EA. maybe theyre just trying to milk us

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