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Please Nerf Companions


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I know I am going to get flamed for this but I'm going to say it anyway. Companions need to be nerfed. I can't speak for the tank or dps companion stances, so maybe someone else could chime in here on those points, but I have been using vette as a healer on my rage spec juggernaught ( level 57) wearing level 44 gear fighting around level 60 enemies and at no point do I lose health...let alone have any fear of ever dying or having to use heroic moment etc. I don't even have to use a medpack!!! The game is now flybu easy mode, and not challenging at the least.


I'm not sure if the companions have been over boosted so they could be tuned down later or what, but now I truly feel like I am Vettes companion instead of the other way around, her being more powerful than me. Something just not right about that.

Edited by Maraxuss
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I know I am going to get flamed for this but I'm going to say it anyway. Companions need to be nerfed. I can't speak for the tank or dps companion stances, so maybe someone else could chime in here on those points, but I have been using vette as a healer on my rage spec juggernaught ( level 57) wearing level 44 gear fighting around level 60 enemies and at no point do I lose health...let alone have any fear of ever dying or having to use heroic moment etc. I don't even have to use a medpack!!! The game is now flybu easy mode, and not challenging at the least.


I'm not sure if the companions have been over boosted so they could be tuned down later or what, but now I truly feel like I am Vettes companion instead of the other way around, her being more powerful than me. Something just not right about that.


Just wait until she starts healing you for 30k or tripling your damage

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I think companions are fine. I like the redesign.


I say keep them as they are and let people have fun.


This. If you feel your companion is too strong, dismiss it. :cool:



I'm telling you, you people making "nerf companion" threads, you're going to screw all of us. BW doesn't know how to 'adjust'...they will overnerf comps and we will be left with worse than what we had before.

Edited by Vember
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*flame flame flame*!!!!!!!! :rak_03:


But seriously. I like having companions be more powerful.


There is a difference between companions being powerful and companions being superior to actual player. My comps definetely fall in the second category, and they are only lvl 10 influence. Hell, if it goes this way, flashpoints will become 2-manable

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There is a difference between companions being powerful and companions being superior to actual player. My comps definetely fall in the second category, and they are only lvl 10 influence. Hell, if it goes this way, flashpoints will become 2-manable


My calculations are that lvl 50 influence comp will get bonus of 2500 presence add your presence to this and we are looking to digits in the number of 4000 as with the new % way of bonuses over presence we should be expecting comps with atleast 15k-20k hp on dk in heal/dps stance and 150k hp on max level don't wanna imagine the damage numbers as lana is already way past the 5 digit marker(without criting)

Edited by Valantines
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At least you have a companion. Since the update I have not seen Nadia Grell and I need her to complete my Jedi Consular class mission. Tickets appear to be ignored by Bioware so I am stuck. I'd take Nadia Grell whether she was under-powered or a veritable goddess of destruction just so I can complete this darned mission :(


To get into topic, though. I like the fact that the healer stance now actually heals rather than trying to merely put a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. It is also nice to be able to use your favorite companion regardless of their pre-update skill sets and use them in ANY role.


I don't feel they are overpowered - I think the issue with many is that they are MORE powerful than previously and people are quick to assume that this is bad for EVERYone, not just them. It isn't - I like the companions as they are, the ones I have anyway :)

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I don't feel they are overpowered - I think the issue with many is that they are MORE powerful than previously and people are quick to assume that this is bad for EVERYone, not just them. It isn't - I like the companions as they are, the ones I have anyway :)


No the aint simply more powerful than they were now they are more powerful than your character by a mile :)


PS: Nadia Grell was already the goddess of destruction imagine what she can do now :D

Edited by Valantines
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Agreed. They are absurdly OP.


Right now they are as strong, if not stronger, than the GSIsus droid.


I also think we have too many companions now, and very little reason to care about them (especially the Star Fortress recruits), while most of us don't have access to any of the companions we used to care about (including ALL previous romance options).

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I think companions are fine. I like the redesign.


I say keep them as they are and let people have fun.


Please don't change companions because some vet. player's are just complaining about everything. Its better for new players if companions are useful for a change.

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I'm not sure if the companions have been over boosted so they could be tuned down later or what, but now I truly feel like I am Vettes companion instead of the other way around, her being more powerful than me. Something just not right about that.


Well, this IS star wars so I guess the apprentice has become the master. In the next expansion she'll kill your main char and you play as her.

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Please don't change companions because some vet. player's are just complaining about everything. Its better for new players if companions are useful for a change.


I'm not against them being useful, and hell, I would have supported a reasonable buff to them to make up for level sync...but this is ridiculous.

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I'm not against them being useful, and hell, I would have supported a reasonable buff to them to make up for level sync...but this is ridiculous.


Ridiculous to you.


Fun to me.


I've been here since 2010; I don't mind it. Leveling should be easy - it's the fourth pillar, it's the STORY. Why do you care how easy it is for someone to progress? Does their story progression offend you?

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Ridiculous to you.


Fun to me.


I've been here since 2010; I don't mind it. Leveling should be easy - it's the fourth pillar, it's the STORY. Why do you care how easy it is for someone to progress? Does their story progression offend you?


Absolutely not. I care that companions used to compliment your character. Now they essentially replace your character. It's essentially the same concept as the GSIsus droid or the Revan companions, you don't have to do anything anymore, just sit back and watch them do all the work if you so choose. This affects me as much as it affects other players. This removes anything that might have resembled challenge from the game. Last night, I ran the heroic/hm (whatever you want to call it) star fortress solo and without the buff, on a character in 190/192 mix, with a rank 12 companion, and at no point did I ever drop below 90% health.


I've taken low level characters through planetary missions, and even the ones that used to present a challenge are now stupidly easy thanks to these godbots following us around. Making companions "useful" and making them godlike are not the same thing.

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Ridiculous to you.


Fun to me.


I've been here since 2010; I don't mind it. Leveling should be easy - it's the fourth pillar, it's the STORY. Why do you care how easy it is for someone to progress? Does their story progression offend you?


Leveling shouldn't be easy - it should teach you your class. Even before 3.0 there were more then enough morons in endgame, with absolutely no idea what they are doing, expecting to be carried and destroying MY fun in group content. So yea, I do have a reason to care. Now it's gonna get worse... Oh wait. Bolster is even more OP...


They did ****ed up difficulty balance with this expancion. Sad thing is, if they ever try to fix this, window-lickers will revolt

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Well, this IS star wars so I guess the apprentice has become the master. In the next expansion she'll kill your main char and you play as her.




But I have to say I prefer this over weak companions that I cannot upgrade. (Devs' track record says when they nerf something, they overdo it. They're unfamiliar with the concept of gradual change and adjustment.)

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Leveling shouldn't be easy - it should teach you your class. Even before 3.0 there were more then enough morons in endgame, with absolutely no idea what they are doing, expecting to be carried and destroying MY fun in group content. So yea, I do have a reason to care. Now it's gonna get worse... Oh wait. Bolster is even more OP...


They did ****ed up difficulty balance with this expancion. Sad thing is, if they ever try to fix this, window-lickers will revolt


Some of us enjoy not having to waste our time fighting stupid npcs. Tedium / Grinding != difficulty.

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Leveling shouldn't be easy - it should teach you your class. Even before 3.0 there were more then enough morons in endgame, with absolutely no idea what they are doing, expecting to be carried and destroying MY fun in group content. So yea, I do have a reason to care. Now it's gonna get worse... Oh wait. Bolster is even more OP...


They did ****ed up difficulty balance with this expancion. Sad thing is, if they ever try to fix this, window-lickers will revolt


Making things more difficult certainly worked for Warcraft with Cataclysm. It almost certainly worked with Wildstar. Wait.. no it didn't.


In the day and age of the casual gamer, who flitters with the wind, the mantra of challenge and learn your class have been replaced with ease of access and ease of content. If they run into challenge, they move on to the next. The draconian raid or die mentality has been dead for quite some time. It's why Tactical Flashpoints and LFR are the new norm.


If you truly want challenge, play without your companion. Wear greens. Challenge is what you make of it, and if you depend on someone to do it for you, you'll always be disappointed.

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No I agree since this update went live it's become super easy now almost as if there holding your hand. I was all for my companions being buffed to compensate the lack of stat gear but this is a little ridiculous with the amount of damage they do now. You really can just stand there and let them do all the work if you wanted to. I have always supported this game since I started playing at launch but this update has left a bad taste in my mouth. This really feels like the new NGE for SWTOR.
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I know I am going to get flamed for this but I'm going to say it anyway. Companions need to be nerfed. I can't speak for the tank or dps companion stances, so maybe someone else could chime in here on those points, but I have been using vette as a healer on my rage spec juggernaught ( level 57) wearing level 44 gear fighting around level 60 enemies and at no point do I lose health...let alone have any fear of ever dying or having to use heroic moment etc. I don't even have to use a medpack!!! The game is now flybu easy mode, and not challenging at the least.


I'm not sure if the companions have been over boosted so they could be tuned down later or what, but now I truly feel like I am Vettes companion instead of the other way around, her being more powerful than me. Something just not right about that.


hey you little ****tard; if you dont like it that companions got stronger now than they were before and you dont die anymore while soloing heroics 2-4+ then QUIT THE GAME NOOB !!!!!!

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