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Overpowered companions 4.0


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Even if you don't gift just questing and the characters liking your dialogue choices can give you a ton of influence. I've gotten over 2000 influence for Qyzen in a single quest more than once already.


And that feels about right, given that there are 50 total ranks of Influence and I think each one take more points to get than the last. It's just the +50 Presence per level that's so crazy (or how much impact Presence has on companion stats, either one).

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You define them as to powerful , but i dont do as you do and just let them kill everything , perhaps stop being lazy and play and it wouldn't matter that if you left the comp alone it can win.


Just because you want to see if the game can be broken by your choices does not mean we all will do that , nor that the game is broken because you choose to play that way.


250 k influence is a lot to grind , if the comp are not powerful it is not worth working on them. People like you will cry and complain until they get nerfed then we will have no reason to work on them and the game will suck again as it will be a boring monotonous grind fest once more , but then that seems to be exactly what you want.



So true.

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This guy does nothing but complain , im pretty sure he is a paid representative of activision. To his point though , if i have max presence and i spend 100 k at level 10 to get my comp to lvl 20 influence they should destroy everything . Please dont listen to people like this guy , if they had made companions weak this guy would complain , if they were strong he complains , if they left them alone he would just do what he does and complain about other stuff.



Where did I said "make companions weak"? Are you even trying to read for comprehension, or are you just jumping to a conclusion because of the name next to the post?

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My legacy gives me 187 bonus Presence. T7 and Kira both gave me more than that almost from the time I got them. T7's up to rank 11 Influence and I'm just a little ways into Nar Shaddaa, so that's +550 Presence; absolutely dwarfing my legacy bonus. I don't see how my companion's power is coming from stuff I've unlocked by playing the game since launch.


You need to learn to play, I have almost 1400 presence on my main with Kira, went to the Black Hole as level 60 down synced to 52, in augmented Dark Reaver on a Focus Guardian.


The mobs are way weaker now, especially in the heroic, soloed the heroic quite easily, no different really than before 4.0 and doing it at 60.


This is from my combat log parse on the fight with Kovic.


I did 41,910 damage, Kira did the rest which is about 24k or so and I also missed my burst twice because of his leaps so my Focus Bursts hit without Singularity therefore my damage could have been a lot higher. DPS was 1.7k, so that would make Kira's about 0.9k dps.


Seriously, if you are getting out-DPS'd by your companion, you need to learn to play. Biggest thing I noticed was the mobs were a lot weaker, often times my companion couldn't even get in a hit before they were dead. Even at level 52 I was one or two shotting silvers who were level 50, but at no time was it because my companion was OP, those mobs were dying to me alone.


PS. My companion had about the same percentage difference of stats Khevar reported with his maxed out companion at 65. Roughly 30-35% more stats overall than me after syncing, yet their damage was a lot less than mine. Kira had 30k hp, I had 22k, the other stats were about the same difference, with the exception being I had more crit since they seem to be getting lower tert stats from presence. Power was a lot higher though, and tert stats were spread 50/25/25 between crit/acc/ala. It was about a 10% lower than my crit or surge.

Edited by Draqsko
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In the ops & encounters forum, I posted my disappointment with encounters (one encounter specifically) that use way, way, way too many stuns and knockbacks. I went on to say that, because I was stunned so much, I could have gone afk and waited for my companion to finish the fight. Apparently that's 100% true.


I think of myself, rightly or wrongly, as a casual. I'm not interested in really hard content... but I do expect that the content be tough enough that I need to actually push my buttons. That's not currently the case, and to me, that's a game design fail.

Edited by LordFell
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You need to learn to play, I have almost 1400 presence on my main with Kira, went to the Black Hole as level 60 down synced to 52, in augmented Dark Reaver on a Focus Guardian.


The mobs are way weaker now, especially in the heroic, soloed the heroic quite easily, no different really than before 4.0 and doing it at 60.


This is from my combat log parse on the fight with Kovic.


I did 41,910 damage, Kira did the rest which is about 24k or so and I also missed my burst twice because of his leaps so my Focus Bursts hit without Singularity therefore my damage could have been a lot higher. DPS was 1.7k, so that would make Kira's about 0.9k dps.


Seriously, if you are getting out-DPS'd by your companion, you need to learn to play. Biggest thing I noticed was the mobs were a lot weaker, often times my companion couldn't even get in a hit before they were dead. Even at level 52 I was one or two shotting silvers who were level 50, but at no time was it because my companion was OP, those mobs were dying to me alone.


Dude, half the point of the 4.0 changes was to make playing stuff like the Black Hole heroics NOT like running them with a character 8 levels too high. The math here is off.

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I just solo'd a boss-level... boss with over 300k HP and some hard hitting moves because Theron Shan can apparently outheal his DPS.


I'm waiting for max-influence comps to become a substitute for a full group. Will there be a reason to complain then?


Said it before, heals are on much shorter cooldown then they were before that is probably affecting them. They probably need to tone down the healing because companions used to not be able to heal that quickly before, now they can. But DPS companions? If you are getting outdps'd by a companion, after what I seen tonight on my main, you really need to learn to play. I made a ton of mistakes from rust and yet still pulled twice the DPS.

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Before expansions came out and the max level was 50 I could solo champs on my Jugg tank with a heal companion. Hardly game ruining.


Before expansions comps didn't have three times the health as the players either.


I set Qyzen in tank mode and the guy is a beast. Without any of my own input he can fight and win against almost any enemy because his health is so dang high that he'll whittle enemies down before they whittle him down. If he's in healing mode forget it. It'll take a while but he could probably solo anything on-level in heal mode.

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It's adorable that you guys think they're "overpowered," when all they are are buffed up for level syncing purposes. They're basically running around in the best gear available for their effective level. It only seems they're "overpowered" compared to what they were, when ~99% of the population didn't even bother to keep their companions moderately geared.


Couple that with many of the same people not having the full Presence bonus pre-4.0 and not realizing just how powerful companions were even when they weren't well-geared.


And couple that with the fact that most of the old content has been retuned for solo (aka player-and-companion) gameplay, and the illusion is increased even more. Not to mention their refusal to acknowledge that most of the leveling/soloing content has actually been made for soloing with a companion now. Hell, you can do most of it without a companion, yet apparently it's still the companion trivializing everything. /boggle.


What's really bewildering is how people are actually whining about it, while simultaneously whining that they're not able to "rofl faceroll" all of the old content due to level syncing.


All in all, it's incredibly amusing just what ignorant people will complain about and, more importantly, why.


But hey, if you really want to spend ten minutes killing one mob, strip off all your gear, dismiss your companion, and have at it. In most cases (except when the story demands it), no one is forcing you to use a companion. Or gear.


Best post out of the whole thread. Bravo!!

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If it's ever true, then something is wrong.


I won't say you're wrong.


The scale and the math need to be reexamined entirely, from scratch, so that a character with effectively no Influence, Presence, etc, still has useful companions, while someone with years in the game, multiple max-levels in their Legacy, etc, etc, etc, doesn't end up with an "Ops Boss" for a companion.


My concern is that the "solution" from Bioware will be a sledgehammer instead of scalpel, and for people who aren't at the high end of Influence, Presence, etc, the companions will end up about as useful as the passive pet toys.


Bioware has always over-reacted when it comes to anything that needs a nerf or buff, they don't act like they understand incremental change or nuance. If we're going to get another "nuke it from orbit" "solution", I'd rather put up with monster companions for some players so as to not end up with useless companions for other players.

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I won't say you're wrong.


The scale and the math need to be reexamined entirely, from scratch, so that a character with effectively no Influence, Presence, etc, still has useful companions, while someone with years in the game, multiple max-levels in their Legacy, etc, etc, etc, doesn't end up with an "Ops Boss" for a companion.


My concern is that the "solution" from Bioware will be a sledgehammer instead of scalpel, and for people who aren't at the high end of Influence, Presence, etc, the companions will end up about as useful as the passive pet toys.


Bioware has always over-reacted when it comes to anything that needs a nerf or buff, they don't act like they understand incremental change or nuance. If we're going to get another "nuke it from orbit" "solution", I'd rather put up with monster companions for some players so as to not end up with useless companions for other players.


Probably 99% of the player base(would end up with useless companions). I would wager only about 1% or less of the player base has full presence buffs.

Edited by jakeobione
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These players who are whining about overpowered companions will be whining like little 2 years when BW nerfs the companions down to the ground, they will be slaughtered by a mob like Daisy Duck, then those same whiners will be crying to they mommies because the game is to hard. BW does things on a simple scale........huge.
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My two cents:


Seems like Bioware has decided to capitalize on the strengths of the game by focusing on the storyline/narrative aspects; just look at all the new story content in the expansion, new chapters to be released later, "legendary" status for completing all storylines, etc. A powerful companion lets the player focus on the story, rather than having to worry too much about fights/gearing.


Are they powerful? Yes, but it doesn't bother me in the least, as a player who primarily likes SWTOR to enjoy a cool interactive Star Wars story. I know there are many players out there who play for other reasons, and that's fine, but I'd hate to see the nerf bat swing too hard because they are a louder chorus than those who have no problems with the changes to comps.

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My two cents:


Seems like Bioware has decided to capitalize on the strengths of the game by focusing on the storyline/narrative aspects; just look at all the new story content in the expansion, new chapters to be released later, "legendary" status for completing all storylines, etc. A powerful companion lets the player focus on the story, rather than having to worry too much about fights/gearing.


Are they powerful? Yes, but it doesn't bother me in the least, as a player who primarily likes SWTOR to enjoy a cool interactive Star Wars story. I know there are many players out there who play for other reasons, and that's fine, but I'd hate to see the nerf bat swing too hard because they are a louder chorus than those who have no problems with the changes to comps.


I have a Perfect example, and I know other people did this as well.


I would spend half the damn time avoiding all the trash and Silver/Gold mobs because combat was so tedious with lots of downtown. You know what I am talking about, raise your hands folks. I see you skipping all the trash too :).


Now with a companion that is actually worth a damn, I can enjoy murdering trash, and thrashing silver/gold mobs, I actually don't mind the combat.

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I have a Perfect example, and I know other people did this as well.


I would spend half the damn time avoiding all the trash and Silver/Gold mobs because combat was so tedious with lots of downtown. You know what I am talking about, raise your hands folks. I see you skipping all the trash too :).


Now with a companion that is actually worth a damn, I can enjoy murdering trash, and thrashing silver/gold mobs, I actually don't mind the combat.


I agree with this sentiment completely.

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These players who are whining about overpowered companions will be whining like little 2 years when BW nerfs the companions down to the ground, they will be slaughtered by a mob like Daisy Duck, then those same whiners will be crying to they mommies because the game is to hard. BW does things on a simple scale........huge.


Why do I see more rude people in support of OP comps than I do against it?

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Probably 99% of the player base(would end up with useless companions). I would wager only about 1% or less of the player base has full presence buffs.

You're underestimating this.


What with 12x allowing people to run class stories quickly, there's probably a LOT of players with really high presence. I've see the "legend" icon all over the place on the Shadowlands server since 4.0 dropped.

Edited by Khevar
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