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Overpowered companions 4.0


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Yeah its not just companions who are overpowered due to unlocks, I checked a brand new level 1 warrior last night (who has all datacrons unlocked, all companions were at 10,000 affection with completed conversations and a level 50 human character) and my starting stats were:


Mastery: 252

Endurance: 102

Presence: 500 (I might be wrong about this as this would be the "base" amount)


Now I have just done a quick calculation from a website showing the new armourmech gear and that's like the stats of a level of nearly 16 character and this is without any gear at all.


Well you people wanted and got Datacrons for everyone, what were you expecting?


Now 10-32 Pvp WZ's will be as unbalanced as 32-60. Oh who really cares

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I agree. There should be some minor adjustments made to companions. They're just a tad bit TOO POWERFUL. However, I will admit that could be because I have full legacy unlocks and have leveled every class to at least level 55 with completion of chapter three. Edited by Karellan
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Great, can you hand out some examples of games where you do not need to do anything?


I'm sorry, do you want this game to be another game? If you like, you can go play that game.


This is SWTOR, where people come to play... SWTOR - not whatever game you want me to find.


Not to be snarky, but if this game just clones another, it loses what uniqueness it has.

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I'm sorry, do you want this game to be another game? If you like, you can go play that game.


This is SWTOR, where people come to play... SWTOR - not whatever game you want me to find.


Not to be snarky, but if this game just clones another, it loses what uniqueness it has.


Well this aint SWTOR no more its "My GodbotAI is roflstomping around while I slack and collect the loot"

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I'm sorry, do you want this game to be another game? If you like, you can go play that game.


This is SWTOR, where people come to play... SWTOR - not whatever game you want me to find.


Not to be snarky, but if this game just clones another, it loses what uniqueness it has.


Just saying it is no game design what BW hands out here:


Being able to go into a mob spawn and afk farm/do a quest is no game design.


And this is something that makes this game "unique"?


If a completely joke game is BWs goal, they could have just implemented a god mode button.

Edited by Neglience
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If you want a challenge go without a companion =)


This, dismiss your comps, or put them on passive, your troubles are over, stop trying to screw up our enjoyment of the game with your capricious demands, and actually find your own ways to challenge yourself.

Edited by sentientomega
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This, dismiss your comps, or put them on passive, your troubles are over, stop trying to screw up our enjoyment of the game with your capricious demands, and actually find your own ways to challenge yourself.


The problem is, these people don't want the challenge. They could seek it themselves. Instead, they wish to push their thought pattern on others. It's a passive-aggressive way of thought control.

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The problem is, these people don't want the challenge. They could seek it themselves. Instead, they wish to push their thought pattern on others. It's a passive-aggressive way of thought control.


Thats just wrong. I like the immersion of fighting together with my companion. If my companion is stronger than me, it just kills it. It contradicts the whole story of the game. I am the jedi that killed ****, not C2-N2.

Edited by Neglience
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Thats just wrong. I like the immersion of fighting together with my companion. If my companion is stronger than me, it just kills it. It contradicts the whole story of the game. I am the jedi that killed ****, not C2-N2.


Turn off all their powers other than their auto-attack.


At this point in the game, they are letting you craft gear equivalent in rating to HM Ops gear. The developers don't appear to be overly concerned with difficulty anymore.

Edited by Master-Nala
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It's going to get even crazier as we rank them up beyond influence 10. Every influence rank grants +50 presence while that companion is active. Any character that you had at 10k affection started 4.0 at rank 10 and that gives you +500 presence when they're out. That's an extra 500 that we never had before. Now try to imagine when you get a companion up to rank 50 and they're getting you 2500 extra presence. (What does that bring us up to? Something like quadruple or quintuple what it would be without this bonus?)


It's awesome that we have this new bonus, but the system definitely wasn't built around having the presence stat up in the ranges that it can now reach.


Be careful what you wish for in crying out against the change though. You know how hard they like to hit things when they swing the nerf bat around. (Contraband slots going from ridiculously high to excessively low Jawa scrap drop rates. Crafting conquest points going from being a multi-millions per week business for guilds to only being worth a couple thousand points on one single character in your entire legacy for the whole week.)

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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Turn off all their powers other than their auto-attack.


At this point in the game, they are letting you craft gear equivalent in rating to HM Ops gear. The developers don't appear to be overly concerned with difficulty anymore.


Sorry that makes no sense either. A jedi that does nothing than auto attack? Immersion killer.

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The problem is, these people don't want the challenge. They could seek it themselves. Instead, they wish to push their thought pattern on others. It's a passive-aggressive way of thought control.


Honestly, I'm inclined to agree; they know what they could do, they just hate that we're enjoying getting it easy, because they don't like getting it easy.


They also seem to forget that companions follow US around, and we take credit for everything they do; that's how it works, that's how it'll always work.

Edited by sentientomega
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Please quit begging Bioware to nerf the game.


If you want challenge, remove some armor, equip an older green weapon, or stop using a companion. All will give you the challenge you're looking for.


While you may have faith in this company, if Bioware grants your requested nerf, I can almost guarantee that they'll overcompensate and we'll all have companions that seem like non-combat vanity pets instead. 20 minutes after the nerf, you'll all be screaming to reverse the nerf, which Bioware will do in 3-4 weeks. Please, just NO.

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Please quit begging Bioware to nerf the game.


If you want challenge, remove some armor, equip an older green weapon, or stop using a companion. All will give you the challenge you're looking for.


While you may have faith in this company, if Bioware grants your requested nerf, I can almost guarantee that they'll overcompensate and we'll all have companions that seem like non-combat vanity pets instead. 20 minutes after the nerf, you'll all be screaming to reverse the nerf, which Bioware will do in 3-4 weeks. Please, just NO.


Equipment is purely cosmetic, you can not balance companions with it.

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I don't usually use healing or tanking companions so I can't really say how overpowered they are but for some reason i think the damage companions do less damage now. At least it feels that all the fights take a lot longer than before.


I don't have any numbers to back this up - just a gut feeling, so I was wondering if some number cruncher somewhere has some pre and post 4.0 numbers from dps companions dmg output?


I usually had at least one dps comp in good and optimized gear that i used to run with. Using healing companion always made everything easymode and on the other hand increased the time spent fighting trash. New dmg comps seem to be especially lacking in the AoE damage department.


Anyways, like I said it's only a feeling with no data to back me up, so if someone has some real numbers it would be nice to see how it really is.

Edited by Rujopetteri
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Hi all,


Sorry if this is being talked about elsewhere but I can't find another topic.


Why are companions severely overpowered now? I'm on Dromund Kaas and my companion (Mako, as a healer) has almost 3x as much health as I do.


Total agreement -- logged on last night for the first time in a few weeks and Mako (specced as DPS) was burning through mobs on Dromund Kaas. I didn't even have to heal her.


I actually prefer this absurd OP'd Mako as I am only an occasional and VERY lazy player. So my play style is now:


TAB - to target nearest enemy NPC

CTRL + 1 - let Mako unleash Hell

UP ARROW - move on to next objective



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Total agreement -- logged on last night for the first time in a few weeks and Mako (specced as DPS) was burning through mobs on Dromund Kaas. I didn't even have to heal her.


I actually prefer this absurd OP'd Mako as I am only an occasional and VERY lazy player. So my play style is now:


TAB - to target nearest enemy NPC

CTRL + 1 - let Mako unleash Hell

UP ARROW - move on to next objective




I used to do this with Xalek. Long before 4.0.


Issue is...?

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They're not overpowered. The stuff in the game has had the difficulty lowered. They understand that not everyone needs a challenge to stroke their ego - sometimes games are about fun.


They have metrics, you don't.


BOOM. This x10000000002. There is plenty of difficult content in this game. I enjoy "hard mode" stuff but sometimes I want to run around with my companion and feel heroic. You know... have fun?

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I don't have an issue with OP companions. Having OP companions speeds up leveling and reduces downtime. I have already leveled 12 characters I don't need the challenge anymore. If they put an optional way to reduce companion strength that is fine but you can pretty much guarantee 95% will run with OP companions. Edited by Mahrdol
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Please quit begging Bioware to nerf the game.


If you want challenge, remove some armor, equip an older green weapon, or stop using a companion. All will give you the challenge you're looking for.


While you may have faith in this company, if Bioware grants your requested nerf, I can almost guarantee that they'll overcompensate and we'll all have companions that seem like non-combat vanity pets instead. 20 minutes after the nerf, you'll all be screaming to reverse the nerf, which Bioware will do in 3-4 weeks. Please, just NO.


You have no idea what nerf means, rofl.

My advice for people who dont like facerolling content is, cancel your sub. I did. There are better things to do then artificially gimping toon becouse some idiots like to fart through game content.


I don't have an issue with OP companions. Having OP companions speeds up leveling and reduces downtime. I have already leveled 12 characters I don't need the challenge anymore. If they put an optional way to reduce companion strength that is fine but you can pretty much guarantee 95% will run with OP companions.


Oh i see... YOU dont need a challange. Maybe instead of ruining game for normal people, players like you shoud just buy level 60 toon.

Edited by Satanski
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Equipment is purely cosmetic, you can not balance companions with it.


Equipment is cosmetic but the Weapon isn't entirely cosmetic. The weapon barrel/hilt rating affects the companion's damage abilities, making them even more powerful. Look at their attack abilities with an empty weapon shell then put a high rating hilt/barrel in it. Massive damage boost. :rolleyes:

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