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Taris is a brutal grind


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After coming out of the impressive Coruscant, the new gamer is thrust into the drab and tediously monotonous Taris. This I have to say is not the best place to put a world like this; it should have come much later in the leveling.


The quests here, just keep going on and on, and it's Rakghoul quest after Rakghoul quest.


The Chasing history quest I think I must have been back and forth through that area 4 or 5 times chasing the holo-journals and once one gets to the end, they have to go all the way back to the other side to retrieve number 5, and then back again to finish the area.


Just when one thinks they are done with this world, you meet a quest giver at the port who asks you to go back for "bonus" quests.


I went back thinking I would get a quest or two for a nice upgrade, but it's been quest after quest again through frustrating maze obstacles, now I'm just hoping I'm almost done so I can leave this awful world.


This I have to say is not the best way to introduce a new TOR player to this game. It's almost enough to make one want to unsub.


I was supposed to be on Nar Shaddaa 3 levels ago according to the planet level description, now I'm gonna be trying to burn through that one as well.


I just hope I get a nice orange for these bonus quests on Taris.


Please, in the future, make the zones and the quests a little more enjoyable. I'm sure it will be helpful for retention of the player base.

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umm first of all Taris you can leave that planet once you hit 20 in fact your story quest should only take you to about level 20.


the rest of tar is is optional and TWO tar is is actually pretty cool i just don't like all the walls. but the sense of scale is kinda awesome.


why don't you get in your ship and leave the planet already.

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I did most every quest on Taris and don't think it is a grind. I don't think much of this game is a "grind".


I will say that I didn't enjoy Nar Shaddaa, simply because I had just finished Coruscant, being a city world, to go to a destroyed city world, and then onto yet another city world.

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See one of those people running around? invite them to group with you. Makes doing bonus content 100 times more fun, and 100x faster.


Also, you don't need to do bonus content.


I do agree, though, that Taris can feel repetitive as towards scenery. But there's so many cool and unique quests! Like the one with the Nakghouls, the exiles, etc.

Edited by Lu_Bei
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Taris... never... ends...


Seriously, it's ridiculously repetitive. I went from 19 to almost 26 on Taris with only one run each for Hammer Station and Athiss. Kill Rakghouls, run around, kill Rakghouls, run around, kill pirates!, run around, kill Rakghouls, run around, ...


I enjoyed some of the stories, especially those relating back to KotOR. I also enjoyed my class (JK) story on Taris. What I didn't enjoy was the running around because the map is so large and we don't have speeders, yet.


Here's hoping that NS is more enjoyable, even though I'm starting at nearly level 26!

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No grind at all. If you find lvling a grind I think MMOs aren't for you.


Have you played the last two WoW expansions? Those quests were fun and varied. One moved through the zones in path that made sense instead of running back and forth over and over again.


The quests on Taris are all very similar and repetitive and all over the place, which has one going back and forth all over needlessly. I've played a number of MMO's and one thing that questing should be is fun and not tedious, especially a new MMO if it wants to keep the players.

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