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Of all the BAD decisions in 4.0, the new alliance "conversations" has to be the worst


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I can live with it on 12 of my 16 characters, but for the love of the maker, the smuggler female needs her smart aleck voice to be heard.


It was NOT a homage, it was cost cutting measure. Silly and stands out like a sore thumb, but not really that important in the long run....well except for the female smuggler. :mad:



Edited by mikebevo
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I actually LOVE the new look of the conversations but I'm torn between it because our character just stands there silent. This whole game our character has been talking but now nothing.


But on the other hand it goes with the game more and we have more options what we can say back. It's definitely looks very snazzy and I approve of it. But the whole game we have had our characters talking when we replied now suddenly they do not. BUT we have more options and the cinematics look great with the bars. and I loved kotor/kotor 2 style and in a way love this.


It's just odd I think the initial not seeing our characters talking. I'll force myself to adapt, but I still think it should be fully voiced. It would be 100 percent PERFECT if we had kotor style convo, with the more options that we now have, with our character talking. But in a way, I do like that I can imagine what my character would sound like. And do like that it pays homage to kotor. Let's see.


Simmer down folks

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No, please. Honestly, I never played kotor and this ruined my swtor experience.


I think this is just for the alliance system and stuff, sort of like paying respects to kotor in a way. I don't think it will be for the main story or anything.

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Underestimating the Mass Effect's convo wheel? lol


Look at this: http://www.supercheats.com/guides/files/guid/mass-effect/na-conversationwheel.jpg


Just like kotor convo style, the convo wheel that we have/had can provide upto 6 decisions.


That's exactly how I have said long ago that it should be like. If they end up making more choices, fill the left side up with 3 more choices!


But I think they did it this way for alliance system to pay respect to kotor. Let's see where it goes. I still think for a fully voiced game our characters should speak, but this is much much much better than the filth that was SoR with the quest givers. Yuck!

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But I think they did it this way for alliance system to pay respect to kotor.


Dunno man. I won't mind if they keep the kotor convo layout, doesn't hurt me. What truly bothers me is that my char suddenly being dumb and that while talking to Alliance members. Alliance matters to me following story.

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No. My character has shut up, but I won't. Not everyone buys the marketing BS about this being a nostalgic throwback to KOTOR. Some of us realize what a lazy, half-assed "feature" this is and aren't happy about it being forced on us.


I agree, shutting up is the worst thing we can do as players. We need to make sure they know we don't want to be muted dummies just standing there...if they think we're okay with it, next thing you know, this is how it will be in the future. Have to make sure that doesn't happen.

Edited by Lunafox
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I agree. This was a COMPLETE shift in the game into "1990's" game play and screams "We are some CHEAP MOFO's" on this stunt. Bad enough the "Test" from the datapad was pushed out during RISHI, but this takes it to a whole new level of CHEAPNESS.


Change it to look like the normal Middle Screen button and leave out voice over at least that would be the look/feel we have grown to love (okay semi-like).


I'm not playing KOTOR and I don't really want this game looking like KOTOR. (How old is it now?)

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I prefer this soo much more than Ziost/Rishi side quests.


Yea I would also prefer for our characters to speak but instead we have more dialoug options so the protagonist doesn`t bother me for those alliance cutscenes.


Oh please it's not more options they could just use the exact same recorded response for every one of the new "Choices" it's like Mass Effect where it was often the same line just implied tone.

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I'm not mad, just...confused.


Wouldn't it make more sense for our char's dialogue to be voiced and not the NPCs? o-O


well the reason they didn't is primarily cuts down on the number of lines of dialogue they have to record for every char. imagine every player voice having to record every option for every possible companion. Where the companion only needs to record the various options only once since every Player char will have the same options. So 8 classes, 2 genders x 48 companions * 4 options 3072 unique recordings) is a lot of dialogue vs just recording 48*4 (192 recordings).

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If it means more content at a higher frequency then have at it.


It feels like a slight step back but at this point I'll get over it haha. I didn't KOTOR so I could give no Fs about some homage facade lets get the content rolling out!

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If it means more content at a higher frequency then have at it.


It feels like a slight step back but at this point I'll get over it haha. I didn't KOTOR so I could give no Fs about some homage facade lets get the content rolling out!

You honestly think that if they can get away with doing things cheaper that they'll actually turn around and spend that money on more content instead of just pat themselves on the back for being cheap and shafting the customers?


Besides, for those who do like the KOTOR feeling, tell me, is this really the best feature from KOTOR you want in the game? Personally Pazaak, Swoop Racing and stuff like those that people have suggested make way more sense and would certainly fit the feel of the game unlike the unfortunate feature they decided on.

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You honestly think that if they can get away with doing things cheaper that they'll actually turn around and spend that money on more content instead of just pat themselves on the back for being cheap and shafting the customers?


Besides, for those who do like the KOTOR feeling, tell me, is this really the best feature from KOTOR you want in the game? Personally Pazaak, Swoop Racing and stuff like those that people have suggested make way more sense and would certainly fit the feel of the game unlike the unfortunate feature they decided on.


If Pazaak and Swoop Racing was easy for them to enter into the game, then they would have done so a long time ago. A chat option that just affects a side portion of the game really isn't that big a deal.

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If Pazaak and Swoop Racing was easy for them to enter into the game, then they would have done so a long time ago. A chat option that just affects a side portion of the game really isn't that big a deal.

It is an immersion-breaking departure from the long-time precedent of full VO carted out as a "KOTOR" throwback to mask cheap, shoddy work. The extra conversation options have added absolutely nothing to the game, but have certainly detracted from the enjoyment for a great many people (as this thread is evidence of)


I never said adding those feature were easy. However, if they are truly interested in respecting the former KOTOR players, might it be better for them to focus on bringing to the game key elements from the original and not slapping a terribly applied conversation system not unique to KOTOR onto a game that has, till now, been full VO?

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Lol. Wow... such rage over a tribute to KoTOR. Because that is exactly what it is. It's fine for what it is...

You act as though everyone here has played KOTOR and enjoyed it's conversation system.


The various story elements on Taris, various other planets, and the entire Revan arc (arcs?) are all KOTOR throwbacks that no one ever complained about. Those made sense, didn't break from the game's style, and were for the most part enjoyable or unnoticeable.


This was just a bad idea, poorly implemented, with an excuse slapped across it to mask their poor work.

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It is an immersion-breaking departure from the long-time precedent of full VO carted out as a "KOTOR" throwback to mask cheap, shoddy work. The extra conversation options have added absolutely nothing to the game, but have certainly detracted from the enjoyment for a great many people (as this thread is evidence of)


I never said adding those feature were easy. However, if they are truly interested in respecting the former KOTOR players, might it be better for them to focus on bringing to the game key elements from the original and not slapping a terribly applied conversation system not unique to KOTOR onto a game that has, till now, been full VO?


Doesn't break my immersion.

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