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Spoilers! **Darth Marr´s Fate Discussion** KotFE


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What I think is going to happen:


I think Marr will be sort of a "ben Kenobi" type of feature. In other words, he will be able to give us advice/help from beyond the grave.

Same goes for the Emperor if we bowed. <although the Emperor isn't really out to "help" us - he wants to regain power over Arcann and get his throne back - I think he wants to make our character his vessel.


Although I can see the Inquisitor, if anyone, being able to encounter Marr's force ghost and incorporating it into him/herself.

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Lets make this abundantly clear. Here is a screenshot of the alliance window involving Darth Marr. Take a good read on the bottom.


I am well aware of what it sais. But if were suppose to believe Darth Marr is dead then it cant say in the contacts list that hes alive. Which he could be. Or that he could come back to life in the future of FE story.

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I am well aware of what it sais. But if were suppose to believe Darth Marr is dead then it cant say in the contacts list that hes alive. Which he could be. Or that he could come back to life in the future of FE story.


Why can't he stay as a contact? As a force ghost he can still offer advice/communicate with you, right? Wouldn't that make him a contact?

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Hes dead Lana and all the other force sensetives said they felt it. They felt him die, theres no leeway there you cant argue with that they felt the life leave his body.

Do you have quotes for any of these? The only one I can remember for Lana was where she was talking about Valkorion's death, not Marr's. Maybe I just didn't pick the correct dialog options to get the other ones.

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Do you have quotes for any of these? The only one I can remember for Lana was where she was talking about Valkorion's death, not Marr's. Maybe I just didn't pick the correct dialog options to get the other ones.


You can tell Lana that Darth Marr is dead. She then says "I know. We all felt it."

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You can tell Lana that Darth Marr is dead. She then says "I know. We all felt it."


That could mean many things. "I know. We all felt it." It could just be that they felt Marr get hit. Or felt him weak. It is still possible Valkorion healed him after or that Vaylin did. Or that an expert of surviving death (Valkorion) brought Marr back to life.

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That could mean many things. "I know. We all felt it." It could just be that they felt Marr get hit. Or felt him weak. It is still possible Valkorion healed him after or that Vaylin did. Or that an expert of surviving death (Valkorion) brought Marr back to life.


Or that's said to reaffirm he's as dead as a doornail. We see him take the hit, we get confirmation of his death and then we see his ghost.


What I would like to know is, why don't we see his ghost in person. :p

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Darth Marr is dead and I am 100% sure of this because like Vader, he is paet cyborg meaning he is weak towards lightning. Valk hit him with lightning which to me looked more raw and powerful than a Sorcerer's. Basically it's as if Palpy would have stricken down Vader with lightning.
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Darth Marr is dead and I am 100% sure of this because like Vader, he is paet cyborg meaning he is weak towards lightning. Valk hit him with lightning which to me looked more raw and powerful than a Sorcerer's. Basically it's as if Palpy would have stricken down Vader with lightning.
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Darth Marr is dead and I am 100% sure of this because like Vader, he is paet cyborg meaning he is weak towards lightning. Valk hit him with lightning which to me looked more raw and powerful than a Sorcerer's. Basically it's as if Palpy would have stricken down Vader with lightning.


Vader wasn't weak to lightning. He actually had inbuilt resistance to it. Sidious lightning is just that powerful.

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Actually someone else said before that if you start FE story, get Marr as a companion then travel to the Fleet he becomes a permanent companion. Unless you continue the story.


my sith marauder and darth Marr will RULE THE GALAXY!!!

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He is dead, get over it.


Also he was always a minor, apathetic character. His armor was silly looking, and his voice was way too intense to be anything short of laughable.


The only thing bad about Darth Maar's death was that I didn't get to deliver the final blow myself.



And now he's a force ghost, hanging out with his girlfriend: Jedi **** Satele Shan and her trashy boots... to the tune of "Across the Stars" no less. That music is only used in star wars when someone is in love. Darth Maar is pathetic.

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He is dead, get over it.


Also he was always a minor, apathetic character. His armor was silly looking, and his voice was way too intense to be anything short of laughable.


The only thing bad about Darth Maar's death was that I didn't get to deliver the final blow myself.



And now he's a force ghost, hanging out with his girlfriend: Jedi **** Satele Shan and her trashy boots... to the tune of "Across the Stars" no less. That music is only used in star wars when someone is in love. Darth Maar is pathetic.


^^ Are you that Knight he pushed off the old gits tower? If so... Butt hurt.. are you?

Edited by Paulsutherland
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Valkorion "You felt cheated when I killed him.", meaning yes, he states that he's dead.

"Even when my life depended on it, I did not see him until it was too late." - Rather clear way of saying "I'm dead because I didn't see him before it was too late." As a force ghost, quite clearly. It's unlikely that he's in carbonite. Marr was not needed. Valkorion didn't need Marr. He didn't have plans for Marr. Marr is a pure Sith, and Valkorion is disgusted by the Sith's old ways. Marr is a sith for life, Valkorion would not let him live (most likely, in any case). It was simply meant to demonstrate how powerful Valkorion is.

Oh, and the lightning from Valkorion towards Marr seemed much more dangerous than any other lightning in SWTOR pre-kofte. It's natural that it bursted him too hard and that his body couldn't handle it.


Valkorion's lightning ; Doesn't have to be weaker than the powershow at the Asylum. Look at how easily he knocked out his son earlier. And Arcann states "Father is not as strong" or "Father is weaker", after he's shocked by the PC. Meaning; Valkorion's lightning to kill Marr was much more lethal. Simply smaller. May a small blade be more lethal than an enormous mace made of paper? Yes. The lightning attack on Asylum is extremelly powerful, but it's most likely not as lethal as the attack on Marr.


Also, Marr wasn't ready to defend himself.

Also, Arcann is likely stronger than Marr.

Also, Valkorion's direct use of force are likely more powerful than when he's in "brief control". Keep in mind that the PC body will simply die off, most likely, if it wields his full power. The Inquisitor may be the excepation due to the possible force-related "immortality", but still just maybe.


Sorry, bro, Marr is dead, that's how it is. I liked him, but he died a "hero's death" by refusing to kneel. Personally I kneeled, obviously, as any intelligent being would do in that position(unless they don't value their lives!)

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<<Personally I kneeled, obviously, as any intelligent being would do in that position(unless they don't value their lives!)>>


well, that's how my agent felt as well.


However, my Jedi was totally ready to do a "obi-wan Kenobi " - there is no death, only the force -

only the story forced her to actually do the deed -

while if you kneel, Valk is actually "assassinated" by his son <who "blames" you to the people of Zakuul.>

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I really hope Bioware hasnt killed him of for good.


First I just want to point out that some besides myself think Darth Marr´s death is false.


One player said


"As for Darth Marr I still think that its a false death, played out specifically like that as a teaser to make people think hes dead, but irrespective of if you kneel or not, the emperor zaps you as well and you both wake up in a kolto tank each as its being drained away."


I agree with this. The only thing that makes me sceptical is that hes seen as a force ghost/spirit talking with Satele Shan. I have a theory about that.


So here are my points and my theory why I think Darth Marr is alive.


it appears to be something i wrote a few weeks back during the last livesteam with eric in the throne room, before kotfe launched. i just saw what happened to marr and realized there are other possibilities that could exist. there was nothing after the kneeling up to the spirit encounter with satele when i played kotfe when it was out in early access. who knows what could of happened in those few years.


darth marr is over 70 years old, hes sat on the dark council over 40 years of his life and he could of learned of any number of rituals, skills or things that could of helped him survive the lighning blast from valkorion. for all i know this war with arcann could very well be valkorion controling your character in a similar way to revan in the maelstrom prison, holding him in stasis while the emperor dominated his mind. i mean valkorion as far as we know is just another puppet, he could just as easily transfer into another body like arcann or vaylin and take charge with you (knocked out from the force blast) and darth marr (who was shocked out of it) unconcious and very much under the emperors influence. you saw what he did on ziost, he could control almost every being out on the planet until the few jedi and the sith decided to sacrific themselves to create the next wave of death for vitiate to feed off.


but you cast your thoughts to lana beniko and its very possible vitiate could of easily taken control of lana if he wanted to, his power is substantially more then what lana has, it would only take a flake of his ability (which would be considered equal to any force using lifeform strong in the force in the physical realm) and then slightly more to overwhelm her. but consider what valkorion stated as well, he wanted to let the hero live to be apart of valkorion, he could of done the same to lana, because he wanted it that way. who to state he didnt do so with darth marr as well? we all know vitiate/valkorion is a snake when it come to words, he could of lulled you into thinking he was dead when really he wasnt.

Edited by Celise
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Interestingly enough, in chapter 3 when you first get out of the carbonite, if you run really, really fast in the "carbonite storage secure sector" map, you will notice the door closes before you can gain access to the area on the extreme left. I think Darth Marr may be in there in carbonite. The area is included as "mapped" but is dark.
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