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Lord Scourge : Identity Error


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I fired up my trusty Sentinel yesterday to start KotFE. Boy, was I surprised, when I discovered that outside of the expansion, when I knocked off a mission while Scourge was healing me, that he in fact is no longer Lord Scourge.


Every. Single. Statement. As a healer, he speaks with Sgt. Rusk's voice related to his abilities.


Now, it may not be beyond a Sith to engage in a little deception, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't lower himself to imitate a member of the military while right next to you. Even if you do make him suffer the indignity of being your medic.


And I imagine he'll be thrilled when C2-N2 is allowed back into the universe.

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  • 1 month later...
I just finished leveling a Guardian through the story and every time I use Scourge as a healer comp his voice is Sgt. Rusk's, there is not problem with Sgt. Rusk . I sent a in game bug report a few weeks ago there has been two large patches after I have turn this in. Can you please fix this. Granted I will not be using Scourge for a long time I just started this Char in KoTFe but I would like to know when and if I get him back his voice will be his own.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
NO longer on just healing , he now sounds Rusk when I used him on my recent Jedi Sent, as a tank. But yet when you have the conversations on the ship, he's himself, just when he's being used as a comp in either Heal, Tank or DPS does he sound like Rusk. Could be worse, he could sound like HK and Treek Combined. lol
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It's not just Scourge spouting healing lines in Rusk's voice when tanking. Iresso does a mean Zenith in heal stance impression when tanking. I've also noticed that while Bowdaar still growls in "Wookieese", the yellow text translations give him healing lines while tanking. Edited by docbenwayddo
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OMG. They ruined his voice? His lines?


They need to fix this right NOW. I can't wait to use Scourge again, I would run with him all the time, but I've been patiently waiting until the story brings him back to me, instead of using the kiosk.


I hope they get this solved by the time he makes his return to KotFE.

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OMG. They ruined his voice? His lines?


They need to fix this right NOW. I can't wait to use Scourge again, I would run with him all the time, but I've been patiently waiting until the story brings him back to me, instead of using the kiosk.


I hope they get this solved by the time he makes his return to KotFE.


This. I was so upset over this. Scourge's voice is like velvet, to have it be mixed up with Rusk was so irritating. e_e I was a sentinel as well so I had no use for a tank. In the end I simply gave up and had him tank just to hear that glorious voice.


I can't wait to hear his healing lines.

'I have you, Jedi.'

'Peace is a lie.'


I know these aren't his actual healing lines but if they were... oh boy, every scourge fangirl will be impregnated.

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Interesting. My Jedi Knight has no access to Lord Scourge or any other original companions aside from T7. How did you even summon him? He's not in my companions list, even on other non Fallen Empire planets.


Use the terminal in the commander's quarters of your alliance base to summon back any of your old companions, for non story play, provided they don't have an alert.

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This. I was so upset over this. Scourge's voice is like velvet, to have it be mixed up with Rusk was so irritating. e_e I was a sentinel as well so I had no use for a tank. In the end I simply gave up and had him tank just to hear that glorious voice.


I can't wait to hear his healing lines.

'I have you, Jedi.'

'Peace is a lie.'


I know these aren't his actual healing lines but if they were... oh boy, every scourge fangirl will be impregnated.


Ha ha, yes indeed.


This is another thing that I really want to see fixed. I hear Vector has an identity problem too. I thought I could get around Scourge's issue by putting him in tank mode, but no, he STILL does some of Rusk's lines in Rusk's voice.


Please fix this. A lot of my favorite companions are being affected by this bug and I miss hearing their real voices.

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This. I was so upset over this. Scourge's voice is like velvet, to have it be mixed up with Rusk was so irritating. e_e I was a sentinel as well so I had no use for a tank. In the end I simply gave up and had him tank just to hear that glorious voice.


I can't wait to hear his healing lines.

'I have you, Jedi.'

'Peace is a lie.'


I know these aren't his actual healing lines but if they were... oh boy, every scourge fangirl will be impregnated.


I'm pretty excited about hearing all the different lines for the different roles too. :D I just can't believe they'd muck up something as fantastic as Lord Scourge's voice. I was a sentinel as well, but I'd run with him so I could hear stuff like "You insect!" or "Die!" or..."There is no more to be said." :p

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  • 9 months later...
BUMP! Has this issue at least been acknowledged or maybe even reached a "we're working on it" stage? I simply can't stomache having scourge out and hearing him tell me I'm alright over and over again. It could quite possibly be the most insulting thing they could have done to his character by forcing him to utter those words.
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BUMP! Has this issue at least been acknowledged or maybe even reached a "we're working on it" stage? I simply can't stomache having scourge out and hearing him tell me I'm alright over and over again. It could quite possibly be the most insulting thing they could have done to his character by forcing him to utter those words.


Yes, please, fix the voice issues. It's been going on for way too long, like a lot of other things. :/

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