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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So all the people upset about level sync.


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I saw a few people in chat that was worried about it, but feel with the changes to your crew. They are able to do content faster and easier thanks to some of the changes.



So pretty much 99 percent of the things people was crying about became moot because you can still what you did before, but faster.


Level Sync sure is the end of the world. So now it is doing what we all thought it would. A system that will be tweaked around, but makes it where people should not be able to do world bosses.


This is the end of SWTOR as we know it right?

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I think it is a nice idea but there is no need for it once you reach max level, just slows down those who want to experience old content or run stuff quickly. At least have an option to turn it off like they did with 12x XP.


People are saying that they kill faster and even with the level sync the pacing is faster thanks to how strong your followers are. So at the end of the day, the changes just made it so that people can solo bosses.

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I saw a few people in chat that was (were) worried about it, but feel with the changes to your crew. They are able to do content faster and easier thanks to some of the changes.



So pretty much 99 percent of the things people was(were) crying about became moot because you can still what you did before, but faster.


Level Sync sure is the end of the world. So now it is doing what we all thought it would. A system that will be tweaked around, but makes it where people should not be able to do world bosses.


This is the end of SWTOR as we know it right?


If you're going to make a troll post to gloat about something you feel you are now - in hindsight - correct about supporting, at least have the decency to use proper grammar.


As a point in fact, "we all" is sort of improper, because if there are two sides to an argument, that sort of precludes everyone being a part of that "we all" stuff.


Level sync has been in the game for two days, and there are reported bugs as far as XP rewards already. Obviously it's not perfect, so how about we just give things a couple months, so the honeymoon period of the new expansion has a chance to fade, and people can take a more reflective look at the changes.

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People are saying that they kill faster and even with the level sync the pacing is faster thanks to how strong your followers are. So at the end of the day, the changes just made it so that people can solo bosses.


Previously I didn't even have to fight anything. Ever. I had so many levels above the mobs they just ignored me. So no matter how fast you can kill things, it will always take more time than before.

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Previously I didn't even have to fight anything. Ever. I had so many levels above the mobs they just ignored me. So no matter how fast you can kill things, it will always take more time than before.


Never did dailies and stuff?

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I think it is a nice idea but there is no need for it once you reach max level, just slows down those who want to experience old content or run stuff quickly. At least have an option to turn it off like they did with 12x XP.



But you aren't really 'experiencing' it when you are just aoe'ing the entire planet in one shot, are you? It isn't like you have to grind through it. Enemies who were 1 shot are now 3 shotted. Heroic moment has a ridiculous uptime, and a companion healer will tank, kill, heal, and cc priority targets smarter then the majority of human players ever will.


If you want to experience content, youtube it. I cant see how plowing through it with a single keybind is fun, if dominating npc's this way gives you some sense of gratification, I feel bad for you. Plus, you potentially ruin the fun of anyone who actually wants to play the game for the sake of gaming by ripping up their targets in one shot as you mindlessly pass by.


Go play wow already, take your 100 into STV and get your jollies.

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Level Sync is bad, but not for the reason I feared.


I feared we would be completely gimped and lose the feel of having gained in power and skill as we level.


Instead, we now have fights that are absolutely no challenge but provide massive XP rewards. Absurd XP for absolutely nothing is just as bad as chumps turning into hard fights.

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If you're going to make a troll post to gloat about something you feel you are now - in hindsight - correct about supporting, at least have the decency to use proper grammar.


As a point in fact, "we all" is sort of improper, because if there are two sides to an argument, that sort of precludes everyone being a part of that "we all" stuff.


Level sync has been in the game for two days, and there are reported bugs as far as XP rewards already. Obviously it's not perfect, so how about we just give things a couple months, so the honeymoon period of the new expansion has a chance to fade, and people can take a more reflective look at the changes.


For one, I don't need to gloat, as victory has been mine the moment 4.0 changes happen. Second off, Grammar means very little to me because I am typing on a phone with a stupid auto correct, while riding in style with a friend. You can be jealous now. Oh and bugs happen. It will get tweaked.

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Everything got one shotted in dailies in 192/198. So it essentially change nothing? GG, thanks for the dev time on a feature that changed nothing?


Common sense is lost on you. It did change things, World bosses for one, and second it will be tweaked and paved the way for future stuff.


So the future is looking bright.

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Common sense is lost on you. It did change things, World bosses for one, and second it will be tweaked and paved the way for future stuff.


So the future is looking bright.


How? Level sync doesn't make players of different levels equal. It doesn't make the content on the planet relevant. It only makes for relevant new content on old planets if the lower level content becomes challenging, which it isn't.

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For one, I don't need to gloat, as victory has been mine the moment 4.0 changes happen. Second off, Grammar means very little to me because I am typing on a phone with a stupid auto correct, while riding in style with a friend. You can be jealous now. Oh and bugs happen. It will get tweaked.


Not bad, troll.


"Victory"? Now that is a good laugh. You couldn't link to one thread with multiple pages of discussion on level sync prior to June 1st of this year, so it's not like you were in the vanguard of people begging that level-sync be added to the game.


You're just a sad little fanboi/BioWare apologist that ended up supporting something BioWare has added to the game.


Like I said, give things a couple of months to settle down, and then see how many people are against at least a toggle for level sync.


But you enjoy riding in style with your Mom, little troll.

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Not bad, troll.


"Victory"? Now that is a good laugh. You couldn't link to one thread with multiple pages of discussion on level sync prior to June 1st of this year, so it's not like you were in the vanguard of people begging that level-sync be added to the game.


You're just a sad little fanboi/BioWare apologist that ended up supporting something BioWare has added to the game.


Like I said, give things a couple of months to settle down, and then see how many people are against at least a toggle for level sync.


But you enjoy riding in style with your Mom, little troll.


I don't agree with you so you are a troll. Classic, oh and I just came back to the game because of 4.0 changes. So this worthless game became something worth supporting. I know..I know it is rough for people to understand that 4.0 brings in new blood. The old Swtor was bad. This one is shaping up to be good. Simple as that.

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Level Sync is bad, but not for the reason I feared.


I feared we would be completely gimped and lose the feel of having gained in power and skill as we level.


Instead, we now have fights that are absolutely no challenge but provide massive XP rewards. Absurd XP for absolutely nothing is just as bad as chumps turning into hard fights.


We have had this for awhile, it was called 12xp before.

Edited by Vember
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Everything got one shotted in dailies in 192/198. So it essentially change nothing? GG, thanks for the dev time on a feature that changed nothing?


Delusions are strong in this one. What you claim is bantha poodoo because even in the bonus set 192/198 from HM ToS and Ravagers mobs in the daily areas didn't get one shot.

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Delusions are strong in this one. What you claim is bantha poodoo because even in the bonus set 192/198 from HM ToS and Ravagers mobs in the daily areas didn't get one shot.


You mean the daily areas you aren't synced in like Ziost and Yavin? If you weren't one shotting everything in Black Hole, I'm not sure what to tell you.

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