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All this complaining


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Why must people always complain about everything, if the game is that bad just unsub and do something else.


People have been complaining about the rain for 10s of thousands of years, even though it won't change anything.


Other people have been trying to stop us from complaining for just as long.


We complainers still complain about the rain.


You still want to stop us? Good luck with that...

Edited by DalrisThane
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When i read the forums i see so much complaining about for example, the levelsync, early access and so on.


Why must people always complain about everything, if the game is that bad just unsub and do something else.


Just live with what they have done with the game, I can¨t find any reason to complain i think the expansion is great with every single thing in it.


So stop complaining or stop playing.


Just like you needed to vent about people complaining. Others feel a need to vent (and be heard) about what frustrates them with the game.

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When i read the forums i see so much complaining about for example, the levelsync, early access and so on.


Why must people always complain about everything, if the game is that bad just unsub and do something else.


Just live with what they have done with the game, I can¨t find any reason to complain i think the expansion is great with every single thing in it.


So stop complaining or stop playing.


How about you stop complaining? People are upset because a game they like to play is broken now. Just because YOU love it doesn't mean everyone has to. YOU obviously haven't been playing long if a number of changes that were made don't bother you. Don't like the complaints directed at the devs, don't read them.

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Level sync & the changes to companions have broken what I liked about this game, so I'm not paying for it or playing it any more.


It's not a complaint, it's a statement of fact.


There are many people who feel this way, and I agree at least with the Level Sync sometimes a game gets an expansion and it adds a few features, sometimes certain parts of the features to agitate or ruin a gamers experience. Some people become emotionally, financially, and have alot of time invested in their characters, so if many feel a change need to happen its better to focus it all, and weed out random complaints with no positive feedback other than saying something like "DEVS YOU SUCK!"


I have started a post about level sync and it has been discussed at large with many good opinions, if you agree that this should be a social option under preferences than please visit here




Just say you agree and if you have any constructive feedback leave it there, try and keep it focused on the level sync.


Thank you

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I wait for the crybaby's to tell me its not fair. So then like when my kids say it i can tell them a Fair is a place with rides and games. Everyone thinks because they pay for the game its theirs to decide how it works and what it should have. In the End its Biowares IP and they can do what they want to it. If we as the consumer don't like what they have done then we always have the choice to leave. I personally love 4.0 and the story was amazing. Glad Bioware went back to their roots. And thanks Bioware because i love what has happened i will continue on subscribing and look forwards to more of this story being released.
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I wouldn't mind all of the feedback if more of it was simply constructive, or condensed into threads specifically about those topics. While I think that posters are entitled to his/her opinions, the frustrations must arise for developers when players only provide:




Or when you pop onto the forums and there are dozens and dozens of topics on 'exactly the same thing.' It appears that a lot of players are posting new threads because they didn't find the thread already stating what they want to state, or feel their opinions need to be highlighted among the masses. (We're all special snowflakes, you know.)


I feel like we all need to go back to school and be able to backup what we're saying with reasoning, and genuine feedback. I.E. I really enjoy the companion changes because I can assign my favorites more than one role, depending on what I need. Or, I hate the companion systembecause 250K of influence is too much for one person to grind out on each comp.


The posts that provide that sort of constructive feedback are sort of lost in the sea of blind hate or love threads.


I mean, I guess spam posting hate/love stuff works too. *Shrugs*

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Your damn right my horse is high, and at least I have the balls to admit that. Instead of coming on here and trying to sensor somebody in an open forum. The difference between him and I and even you is I realize you are entitled to your opinion. Do you see what I just did there?


Yes. I saw exactly what you did. You mistakenly used the word "sensor" when you should have used the word "censor" while attempting to make yourself sound intelligent. I suggest you get off your high horse and scale down to a pony.

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I wouldn't mind all of the feedback if more of it was simply constructive, or condensed into threads specifically about those topics. While I think that posters are entitled to his/her opinions, the frustrations must arise for developers when players only provide:




Or when you pop onto the forums and there are dozens and dozens of topics on 'exactly the same thing.' It appears that a lot of players are posting new threads because they didn't find the thread already stating what they want to state, or feel their opinions need to be highlighted among the masses. (We're all special snowflakes, you know.)


I feel like we all need to go back to school and be able to backup what we're saying with reasoning, and genuine feedback. I.E. I really enjoy the companion changes because I can assign my favorites more than one role, depending on what I need. Or, I hate the companion systembecause 250K of influence is too much for one person to grind out on each comp.


The posts that provide that sort of constructive feedback are sort of lost in the sea of blind hate or love threads.


I mean, I guess spam posting hate/love stuff works too. *Shrugs*


I can only speak for myself, what can I say that hasn't been said? I just wanted to make my point and go tbh and that's pretty much what I am doing. I loved to play this game now it really sucks. The flashpoints are buggy and with the low level players in them they take forever not to mention the reward is back to basic comms or whatever the new crap is called. I have 1000 of them and don't really need anymore. The level sync is annoying more so in dailies. Seems most gear you get now can't be modded etc, the list is huge. Planet vendors are gone including all that gear (without warning) watch it pop up on the cartel market.


Game is just broken imo and although I like some of the changes like the companions or the robe clipping issue being fixed the bad out-weigh the good and I can't bring myself to stay online for more than 30 min or so before losing interest. All the content has been moved up to lvl 65 so there isn't much I can do anyways not having "early access". But it is what it is, I might still play every now and then but I wont put any more money into it.

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I wouldn't mind all of the feedback if more of it was simply constructive, or condensed into threads specifically about those topics.


Thats why I started my topic on the subject of Level Sync, its great for any company to get feedback and its more hurtful to the community and changes to the game if people limit themselves to "This change sucks balls, **** you BW!" and even "Stop whining babies, DEAL!".


If people want change and that change doesn't bother or affect you than people should allow those that it does to voice their opinion as you are freely able to, denying positive feedback just makes things difficult to tailor a game that is enjoyable to a wider audience.

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How about you stop complaining? People are upset because a game they like to play is broken now. Just because YOU love it doesn't mean everyone has to. YOU obviously haven't been playing long if a number of changes that were made don't bother you. Don't like the complaints directed at the devs, don't read them.


O belive me i have played for a very long time, and i still like the changes they have done.


But maybe i see things in a positive light instead of a negative one.

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