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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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Signed! I created my legacy name back when the game first came out and I didnt realize it was supposed to be like a Last name or something. My guys name is Valik and I choose Vailk lmao so the way it shows up as a surname is Valik Valik lmao! So yes we def. do need a legacy name reset possibly when they release 1.2! PLEASE!
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I would love to be able to specify how Legacy members are related. The whole concept of everyone having the same surname is just odd. After all, you'd have to be extremely inbred to not have 4-5 (or more) different surnames present at a family reunion even though they're all descendents of the same "Legacy."

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I have a crazy idea; how about you click the "do not show Legacy" option in your preference and quit making a big deal about the Legacy name. Bioware has more important things to work on then a Name change. How about actually implementing the Legacy system or fixing some peoples fps? I would rather have good things that matter then a name that I can decide to show or not show.
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I have a crazy idea; how about you click the "do not show Legacy" option in your preference and quit making a big deal about the Legacy name. Bioware has more important things to work on then a Name change. How about actually implementing the Legacy system or fixing some peoples fps? I would rather have good things that matter then a name that I can decide to show or not show.


I love my legacy name and don't want to change it, but I still have sympathy for those who do. It may not be important to you, but it is important to others, so it's important.




Anyway, I have no doubt the ability to change your legacy will be implemented at some point. They just want to make you wait a bit first so that when it does happen, you feel like a hard won victory :p

Edited by Lunazen
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I love my legacy name and don't want to change it, but I still have sympathy for those who do. It may not be important to you, but it is important to others, so it's important.




Anyway, I have no doubt the ability to change your legacy will be implemented at some point. They just want to make you wait a bit first so that when it does happen, you feel like a hard won victory :p


Oh, Legacy is important to me, in fact, I used my actual name as the Legacy name. When I heard about the system my group of friends and I deeply thought on what to choose. Again one of my other friends who didn't have that time thought quickly and didn't actually choose his name till he was lvl 37.

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Where are we at with this? Will BW implement a name change for players?


I don't think Bioware has even really responded to this issue.. Other than to say that they have added in game screens that now warn people that their decision is permanent..


That says nothing for the people that chose when no such warning existed..


I feel that we should be allowed to change.. Even if it is just once.. :)

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When I made my Legacy surname with my BH (First toon to get it and first of my toons to 50), I was hoping that any toon that I got past chapter 1 would be able to change surnames. No such luck. Definitely agree with the OP on seperate surnames for different toons. I don't want to have to go to a different server just for a different surname. Seriously, BioWare.


Now, I saw a different post saying that the Legacy system was "hardcore". No. Negative. I have to disagree with that statement. It's not hardcore. It's just laziness on the part of BioWare to stick ALL our toons, regardless of race/faction/profession with the same surname.


That said, I've made the best of it so far. My BH now has a "brother" who is a Smuggler. Both use twin pistols, as well. As for my other toons, they only have one name so far. Kind of makes sense for Sith Warriors, since Darth Vader was title and full Sith name. Nobody referred to him as Anakin Vader. Also, my Trooper only has one name, since it's Rank and Last Name there. God Bless the Hide Legacy option. lol

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Heres a new one, I just achieved my surname, and I was thinking about it real hard, and whilst thinking about it my 11 year made the surname.....Qunatrillious....really? I am so mad at him, he is in his room right now and will stay there so I don't say something I will regret later.


So now all my toons are "Quantrillious"


I really like my scundrel, she was to be my main and I wanted the name to mirror her in game persona.


Jeeze........what am i to do?

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My legacy surname was typed in as "SquarePods" and after it was confirmed it ended up "Squareppods", I don't know if the second capitalized "P" caused a glitch but I think it is BS that out of no fault of my own I am forced to live with an effed up name. Thanks for listening


One more thing while I'm on my soapbox, When are we going to be able to move to different servers? I don't think that I should have to pay extra to have this service considering that I am already paying a monthly subscription, however if you feel the greed or just to prevent abuse I would be okay to pay for this service.

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I'll be the first to admit that I made a mistake when I created my legacy name. I thought I was going to stick with my Jedi Knight... but I wound up later switching to a Sith Inquisitor.


To the people for whom these things matter (and granted, that isn't everyone by any means), surnames are of huge importance. We were the people who booed (loudly) when you announced the decision to link legacy names to surnames; and we're the same people who still cringe every time we have to choose between a Twi'lek and a Sith Pureblood on opposite factions either having the same surname or having none at all. I'm not going to lie and pretend that I represent everyone, or even, perhaps, a majority -- but I am hardly the only person who cares about this.


Back to the topic at hand, I chose the wrong surname, and wound up choosing a different character as my main. She will either now have to have no surname (unacceptable), or the wrong surname (also unacceptable), or I can abandon my guild and reroll on another server. As awful as such a prospect is, this is the direction I am now learning.


Because there is no method to change surnames at present (you can't petition to have it done [which begs the question -- what happens when someone chooses a profane legacy name?], you can't delete every character on the server to reset it [which I would have been willing to do] -- you literally cannot do anything but leave the server), if you make a mistake, mispelling, or simply choose something you wind up hating, that's it. There's nothing that can be done.


And I would be willing to pay -- PAY! REAL FRIGGIN MONEY -- to change my surname right now. I cannot. I am offering hard, real-life currency in exchange for such a process, and am being turned away. Hell, even if I was holding my hand out and asking for a one-time change for free, I don't think that would be that extreme an expectation.


But no; not only does Bioware not want my money; they have apparently constructued a system with the legacy that is so profoundly and rigidly 'locked in' to the core of the game that something as simple as a name can't even be changed by a GM. That's just foul design -- there's no way around it. To say I am disappointed would be a profound understatement.



I agree! i messed up tooooo!:mad:

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Support/bump/my two bits.


I really don't see why they have so much trouble with this at this stage in the game's development...as right now, pre-1.2, it's just a name, and numerical data on experience/level. [Yes yes, I know, it's much more, but for simple looks, that's what it is]


Now being as large a topic as it is, I haven't looked over every page, but another game, recently gone Free to Play, City of Heroes/Villians, has a Global ID system, and while it crosses over all servers, its used as a sort of similar fashion. You pick your name and it's "Permanent" With a mulligan given to the players once in a while, and in my experience of playing for years, even when it was Pay to play, you could change this name once, usually, a year. This name automatically identified you as this player, no matter which character you were on, and also served as a secondary type of friend's list. So it is tied to a: Character, An Account, Chat Logs, Credit Data in the F2P such, A Friend's list, an Ignore list, basically your entire Identity in the game, as a player within the game, and for a Permanent option, I've changed it more than 4 times, for free, without even having to beg a GM for it.


Asking for one change, even if it's free one time, then a small handling fee the rest, isn't quite as "Horrible" and "Lame" as some people may think, we are already paying $15 a month, why not have 25 cents of that go to a single, or yearly freebie of "I was stupid" or "My friend/son/brother screwed me up."

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Forgive me if this specific idea has already been suggested, but what could be done, instead of just giving us a legacy name, is at a certain level (either before or after legacy unlock, such as 20) give us a prompt to create our own surname per character.


I know I'm name dropping, but it is something EverQuest did in their game (the first one at least) and it added another feel to it that made it special.


Now, tack on that Legacy at the end of Act 1, and it can be completely different, or (if someone wants it) can be the same as that first character's surname.


However, in order for players who RP a lot, being able to set a different surname (if wanted) would be amazing. It would also allow us to link our characters together, if, say, two people in game got married in game for whatever reason (RP or otherwise).


Being able to change the surname at that time (perhaps by getting a surname voucher from a vendor, perhaps worth a bit of money, like 100,000 creds or something) would be something to aim for. It would also give more to the RP community, and help those who want different surnames for their characters while still having a legacy that crosses all characters.

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Yes to changing Legacy names.. It's nice that you all added a dialogue telling people that it would be a permanent thing.. What about the people that got their legacy before you added the dialogue..


I would like to chang emy legacy name please.. I would prefer not to pay a cash fee for it, but I would if it meant I could change it.. :cool:

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