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Legacy names -- allow us to change them


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Also people claim to have made a mistake with the legacy names.


This is just dressing up the fact they changed their minds and had another idea after they committed their choice.


If this is to happen, it should be on an equal footing with changes to character first name, server choice and advanced class choices, as people can claim that they also made a 'mistake' with those choices and are unable to change them.



If you make a typo with a first name, just reroll the character. Its level 1. No big deal. Or, you can make another character and that spelling error will never affect it. Legacy names however....If you make a typo you dont make it until your already long invested to your character and it affects all your characters on that server. Thats why I think Legacy name changes are far more important then basic name changes. Could be just my opinion.

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They really should have responded by now. An 70 page thread with numerous people upset should have at least warranted a "we're looking into it right now" response at least


so people can complain that the response is just "we're looking into it"?


the devs are smarter than we think. they do not participate in their own abuse!

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If you make a typo with a first name, just reroll the character. Its level 1. No big deal. Or, you can make another character and that spelling error will never affect it. Legacy names however....If you make a typo you dont make it until your already long invested to your character and it affects all your characters on that server. Thats why I think Legacy name changes are far more important then basic name changes. Could be just my opinion.


My main concerns are, if your a dev, and you create something that affects not only one character, but EVERY single character on that server, and even if you delete all the characters on that server, the name is stuck, I just believe any thing like that should have had a "fail safe" where if someone makes an error, they should be allowed to change it. I'm surprised one was already not in place. Like I said previously, its not like a level one character you can just delete and start over. The name is stuck with you and every character you make on that server.


Secondly, I did a google search and typed in "Star Wars Legacy name change". This thread alone is 70+ pages, and its just one of MANY threads created about this particular issue. The problem I'm having is, and I just went threw 6 or 7 of the threads, not in one thread did I see a dev or CSR even respond that they are looking into it. Seriously, it takes a CSR a whole 2 seconds to say "we are looking into the problem and stay tuned for updates". They have chosen the "ignore the subs" route, or at least that is what it feels like. For a console game, thats fine. The game has been created and it is what it is. For a sub game, where your income comes from a monthly billing service, you may want to get back to your subs instead of letting threads get this long and not respond once. Its just letting a fire build and build and sooner or later, its going to get out of control. IMO anyways

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so people can complain that the response is just "we're looking into it"?


the devs are smarter than we think. they do not participate in their own abuse!


Constructive criticism is not abuse. One of the first things they teach in Sales and Marketing is always respond to your customers, even if you think they are wrong. I have no doubt they are very smart people. They made an incredible game. And with every mmo, there is room for improvement. You listen to what the subs want and you communicate with them. No one on this thread said this is a bad game, at least not that I saw. And the only "abuse" that I see is people asking why have they not responded. You are right though. The "we're looking into it" would not be the best response, but a "we have some ideas we need to fine tune, stay tuned for future updates" would give the people that are upset by this the knowledge that something is being done instead of what you see that was created and that is a bunch of theories and assumptions

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If you make a typo with a first name, just reroll the character. Its level 1. No big deal. Or, you can make another character and that spelling error will never affect it. Legacy names however....If you make a typo you dont make it until your already long invested to your character and it affects all your characters on that server. Thats why I think Legacy name changes are far more important then basic name changes. Could be just my opinion.


If people can present me with examples of them making spelling errors in their legacy name, I'll change my mind. The majority of people changed their mind and wanted to pick another name.

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If people can present me with examples of them making spelling errors in their legacy name, I'll change my mind. The majority of people changed their mind and wanted to pick another name.


Read the thread. There were typos, UI errors and not knowing the Legacy name would be locked on for every character since it was never stated. Your welcome to start there...and I think that was just the first couple of pages. It goes on and on. Myself for example have 2 kids that play on the same server with their friends, yet unfortunatly, do to financial reasons we only have one account. If you have kids, then you can only imagine how much fun it is that have 2 kids role play and only one that got to choose the name, a name the other hates with a passion. If they knew ahead of time about it being locked for every character, it would have been chosen differently. I'm aware that one can just switch servers, but do you really think all of their friends are going to level other characters on other servers as well just for the days he logs on?

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I'm going to bump the thread and add my vote to allow Legacy name changes, whether for a price, one-time, or whatever. I love the concept, but it isn't implemented very well -- no explanation (though you can always Google it), no confirmation, no way to know if your chosen name is available except to try it, no way to suggest a name that isn't taken, etc.


In my case, I'm just a dork and I mistyped it, and being the spelling Nazi that I am, I'm not going to display a name that is obviously misspelled (well, unless you can't spell, then maybe you wouldn't notice). So, as with a good percentage of people, I will just never, ever display it. Which defeats the whole purpose, of course. Just hoping they make it possible at some point!

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thats not fair. make a mistake with first name and at lv 1-5 oh well, re-roll


but the "mistaken" legacy name not only screws a 30+ character but any other alt characters on a server for all time. There is an obvious difference there.


I totally agree! Something that greatly affects all my characters! I have 8 and my main is named Leonyx.... It is Leonyx Leonyx.... I changed it to the title, but I just wish it was a better last name.

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I'm going to bump the thread and add my vote to allow Legacy name changes, whether for a price, one-time, or whatever. I love the concept, but it isn't implemented very well -- no explanation (though you can always Google it), no confirmation, no way to know if your chosen name is available except to try it, no way to suggest a name that isn't taken, etc.


In my case, I'm just a dork and I mistyped it, and being the spelling Nazi that I am, I'm not going to display a name that is obviously misspelled (well, unless you can't spell, then maybe you wouldn't notice). So, as with a good percentage of people, I will just never, ever display it. Which defeats the whole purpose, of course. Just hoping they make it possible at some point!


Agreed allow for a legacy name change. Really think each character should be allowed their own sirname also. Dunno about most folks but I consider each toon a seperate entity with their own very different background and ancestory,

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I also like to treat each of my characters as separate individual entities with their own names etc.

Maybe they could have had the option to tie the Legacy with a shared last name or maybe had it tied to some other thing like an organisation / ‘guild’.

Example: a noble house like those on Alderaan. Surname for members of the family and Non-Surname for ‘employees’.


The only way for the Surname legacy to really work is if your characters are either ALL Human or ALL Zabrak as they are the only races able to be all classes.


But if we must have the Legacy tied to a name / title then at least let us have the option to change it if we have ‘messed-up’, no matter if it has to be paid for with in-game credits or real money.

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I'm on board for this one-



My current two characters *are* cross faction, and are sisters, and for me, the enforced family relationship gave me a great springboard for their storylines (the orphaned smuggler who last saw her pregnant mother being dragged off as a slave by Sith, and subsequently heard tales years later of a vicious Sith witch slaughtering everyone in the village where she grew up... and the Korriban slave who grew up to be a Sith Inquisitor and later slaughtered everybody in a small village on Balmorra as part of one of her missions)... but, the thing is... I could perfectly easily have just *given* them the same surname, had I wanted.


I don't much want all my characters on that server to *all* be part of the January family- for one thing, I'll eventually get around to playing a non-human... so I think surname should be *unlocked* at Legacy level 1, and then at Legacy level 2, the option to create *additional* surnames (and re-assign them on existing alt characters) ought to become available, as one of the legacy features.


While we're at it, it'd be nice to be able to customise how one's character's referred to in the 'opening text'. Title + Surname would be a nice option, as Title + Forename looks *weird* with some titles.

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I'm befuddled at some people's incapability to simply roleplay how eight varied people from a wide array of different backgrounds just might, possibly, be related to one another. In a world where adoption seems so common a thing, where people tend to be so mobile, where marriages and families are so diverse, where races and species alike intermingle c-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-l-y, why would it be so difficult to think there might, maybe, be bonds of kinship between a mere eight seperate individuals?


My Twi'lek was adopted/raised by a human and took his name as her own. He had cousins, some of whom had children of their own. Not all of them ended up on the Republic side of the game, either. The Twi'lek girl he saved from slavery and raised up as his own had numerous siblings likewise sold/dispersed throughout the galaxy, as well. Regardless of race/species, though, they're all tied together into a common "legacy", and each will rise and fall according to his/her own determination.


Still, I'd rather just wait until the Legacy system is fully implemented before asking it be changed, however. In the meantime, I'm not overly concerned about a name option I can actually turn off. What I'd like to know, in fact, is if my characters can ever take the surname of their spouse upon being married. Being able to call my character Cadera or Riggs would be awesome!

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I'm befuddled at some people's incapability to simply roleplay how eight varied people from a wide array of different backgrounds just might, possibly, be related to one another. In a world where adoption seems so common a thing, where people tend to be so mobile, where marriages and families are so diverse, where races and species alike intermingle c-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-l-y, why would it be so difficult to think there might, maybe, be bonds of kinship between a mere eight seperate individuals?


My Twi'lek was adopted/raised by a human and took his name as her own. He had cousins, some of whom had children of their own. Not all of them ended up on the Republic side of the game, either. The Twi'lek girl he saved from slavery and raised up as his own had numerous siblings likewise sold/dispersed throughout the galaxy, as well. Regardless of race/species, though, they're all tied together into a common "legacy", and each will rise and fall according to his/her own determination.


Still, I'd rather just wait until the Legacy system is fully implemented before asking it be changed, however. In the meantime, I'm not overly concerned about a name option I can actually turn off. What I'd like to know, in fact, is if my characters can ever take the surname of their spouse upon being married. Being able to call my character Cadera or Riggs would be awesome!




It's called choice and there is no reason why we can't support surnames unique per character. This isn't a revolutionary concept never seen before in any other MMO. Also while we're on the subject of RP I have characters on both Imperial and Republic who couldn't be more apart from the story. They do not share the same legacy. It's really as simple as that. Back on topic. /signed for change.

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It's called choice and there is no reason why we can't support surnames unique per character. This isn't a revolutionary concept never seen before in any other MMO. Also while we're on the subject of RP I have characters on both Imperial and Republic who couldn't be more apart from the story. They do not share the same legacy. It's really as simple as that. Back on topic. /signed for change.


Yea, choice. You've got the choice to create a surname and display it, hide it, or just demonstrate a "the legacy of" tag. Several choices, there. Last MMO I played, you had to pay real-world money to change your character's name and you never had a surname, shrug. And there was no surname option at all in the Beta of this game, either, which was a bummer, imo.


Bottom line, we don't KNOW what the full Legacy system is going to entail, yet. So you can't say, for sure, what you'll gain or lose by having eight different surnames. There could be benefits galore to having a shared legacy, and I'm eager to see what they are. Before complaining about it, anyway. That's just me.

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At the time that I needed to choose a lagacy name I didnt have any solid idea of what I wanted as a name, so I kept on closing the window. Now the game has selected a random name for me. To say that I'm annoyed would be putting it mildly.
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I'll be the first to admit that I made a mistake when I created my legacy name. I thought I was going to stick with my Jedi Knight... but I wound up later switching to a Sith Inquisitor.


To the people for whom these things matter (and granted, that isn't everyone by any means), surnames are of huge importance. We were the people who booed (loudly) when you announced the decision to link legacy names to surnames; and we're the same people who still cringe every time we have to choose between a Twi'lek and a Sith Pureblood on opposite factions either having the same surname or having none at all. I'm not going to lie and pretend that I represent everyone, or even, perhaps, a majority -- but I am hardly the only person who cares about this.


Back to the topic at hand, I chose the wrong surname, and wound up choosing a different character as my main. She will either now have to have no surname (unacceptable), or the wrong surname (also unacceptable), or I can abandon my guild and reroll on another server. As awful as such a prospect is, this is the direction I am now learning.


Because there is no method to change surnames at present (you can't petition to have it done [which begs the question -- what happens when someone chooses a profane legacy name?], you can't delete every character on the server to reset it [which I would have been willing to do] -- you literally cannot do anything but leave the server), if you make a mistake, mispelling, or simply choose something you wind up hating, that's it. There's nothing that can be done.


And I would be willing to pay -- PAY! REAL FRIGGIN MONEY -- to change my surname right now. I cannot. I am offering hard, real-life currency in exchange for such a process, and am being turned away. Hell, even if I was holding my hand out and asking for a one-time change for free, I don't think that would be that extreme an expectation.


But no; not only does Bioware not want my money; they have apparently constructued a system with the legacy that is so profoundly and rigidly 'locked in' to the core of the game that something as simple as a name can't even be changed by a GM. That's just foul design -- there's no way around it. To say I am disappointed would be a profound understatement.


I agree 100% that there should be a method for changing it. I am slightly dyslexic at times and when I got my legacy I was excited, and mistyped my legacy name. After putting in a ticket I was basically told "your SOL so sorry". Horrible thing to tell a customer. The legacy system is supposed to be this great important thing, yet I can't have a name fixed because I mistyped?!

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Yea, choice. You've got the choice to create a surname and display it, hide it, or just demonstrate a "the legacy of" tag. Several choices, there. Last MMO I played, you had to pay real-world money to change your character's name and you never had a surname, shrug. And there was no surname option at all in the Beta of this game, either, which was a bummer, imo.


Bottom line, we don't KNOW what the full Legacy system is going to entail, yet. So you can't say, for sure, what you'll gain or lose by having eight different surnames. There could be benefits galore to having a shared legacy, and I'm eager to see what they are. Before complaining about it, anyway. That's just me.


Correct. We have the choice to display, hide it or display "the 'X' Legacy", however, we do not have the CHOICE of having separate names. I suppose someone should have told George Lucas, "Um, sir, you cannot choose Solo as Han's last name since you've already chosen Skywalker for Luke's." How many questions would we be asking if every character of George's had the same last name? Sure, Skywalker is his legacy, but so is Solo, 3PO, Amidala, Fett, Hutt and so forth.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: allow unique Surnames (with a name change service) but also continue with the Legacy system in tact. Every character on one server should contribute to the Legacy of every character on that specific server. Surnames should have no weight in the matter. Do you think Obi-wan Kenobi contributed nil to the Skywalker legacy?


No one is talking about changing the Legacy System. Just the fail-logic involved in tied up Surnames and the double uniqueness of names and such. So relax, you can still have your cake and eat it too. This way - we all get cake.

Edited by selectone
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