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I can definitely see how this new content is polarizing to players. I am mostly in the camp of, "I like it," but I have yet to get a chance to experience most of the changes as I've only been in-game for about three hours since the drop.


A few things that I like:


1. Access to companion stories based on level rather than affection (er., influence?).

2. Added dynamics of influence as a continual progression rather than affection as a rating of like/dislike.

3. Random mount / pet summoning!

4. Collapsed collections default, UI and character screen improvements, and ability to save keybindings as profiles.

5. Redesigned Heroic Moment is pretty cool.


A few things that are getting under my skin:


1. NO vendor access in the story (I'm only in chapter 2) in order to discard grey quality items, etc., and no access to legacy abilities, such as field mail or repair droids.

2. I periodically knock enemies into walls and such, making them effectively invincible, which requires me to run away, wait for them to give chase, and then go back to kill them.

3. Why don't all companion gifts increase influence? I mean, if it's not about liking something now, but total influence (positive or negative), then all gifts should illicit some sort of "memory" or influence on the companion.


So far, I haven't found any issues with level syncing. I think it is actually sort of interesting. I rolled through an imperial base on Tatooine as I was completing my companion stories before activating KotFE, and I was able to make it through without death, even though I aggro'd two champions. Granted, there was no chance I was going to kill them solo, but I as able to hold my own for a couple minutes, then finally made a strategic retreat to continue on my way.


All told, I have just barely scratched the surface. My sub is active through Feb anyway, so I have plenty of time to experience all the ins and outs of the changes before I decide what is next. :cool:

Edited by -Wes-
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I can definitely see how this new content is polarizing to players. I am mostly in the camp of, "I like it," but I have yet to get a chance to experience most of the changes as I've only been in-game for about three hours since the drop.


A few things that I like:


1. Access to companion stories based on level rather than affection (er., influence?).

2. Added dynamics of influence as a continual progression rather than affection as a rating of like/dislike.

3. Random mount / pet summoning!

4. Collapsed collections default, UI and character screen improvements, and ability to save keybindings as profiles.

5. Redesigned Heroic Moment is pretty cool.


A few things that are getting under my skin:


1. NO vendor access in the story (I'm only in chapter 2) in order to discard grey quality items, etc., and no access to legacy abilities, such as field mail or repair droids.

2. I periodically knock enemies into walls and such, making them effectively invincible, which requires me to run away, wait for them to give chase, and then go back to kill them.

3. Why don't all companion gifts increase influence? I mean, if it's not about liking something now, but total influence (positive or negative), then all gives should illicit some sort of "memory" or influence on the companion.


So far, I haven't found any issues with level syncing. I think it is actually sort of interesting. I rolled through an imperial base on Tatooine as I was completing my companion stories before activating KotFE, and I was able to make it through without death, even though I aggro'd two champions. Granted, there was no chance I was going to kill them solo, but I as able to hold my own for a couple minutes, then finally made a strategic retreat to continue on my way.


All told, I have just barely scratched the surface. My sub is active through Feb anyway, so I have plenty of time to experience all the ins and outs of the changes before I decide what is next. :cool:


Keep your eyes peeled for Power Droids (Gonk). They litter the various areas you travel through during KOTFE and are vendors.

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A few things that are getting under my skin:


1. NO vendor access in the story (I'm only in chapter 2) in order to discard grey quality items, etc., and no access to legacy abilities, such as field mail or repair droids.


There's med droids just around the next corner, you're almost there.

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Lots of people in the forums like it. Just the "Loudest" seem to want to spam things over and over again. Also ingame many people are excited and singing praises to the game.


Are you blind? We have a huge following of people happy with the game right now. What are you reading? lol


Sorry but I was in game last night. want to know what went around the most?


Story is good but it lasted about 6-7 hours tops. Leaving nothing but grinding out affection BW changed to make it a new grind and nothing else new. Not that the grind is really new other than it's increase from 10K to 250K so you can regrind it.


We have a huge following of people that like the story and the rest is a second rate design job. Not sure what little chat channel you were in but I doubt it was general.

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Thanks, Jnaathra and OmenQ for the responses; I'll keep a look out for both! I tend to monitor my mini-map for vendor icons, and haven't seen any yet, but perhaps I am not watching closely enough.... That's what I get for starting the story with only about twenty empty blocks in my inventory. :D Edited by -Wes-
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Hmm, $15 for a good story content or $69 for a few maps in Battlefront. Hmmm. Talk about $15 being not worthy KotFE, lel.
yes, 15$ for 5 hours of gameplay vs 69$ for battlefront and weeks worth of repeatable enjoyment.
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Lots of people in the forums like it. Just the "Loudest" seem to want to spam things over and over again. Also ingame many people are excited and singing praises to the game.


Are you blind? We have a huge following of people happy with the game right now. What are you reading? lol

i love how in a single post, you deride people that disagree with you as being "few but loud" then turn around and claim to have insight on the overall impression on the game.


and you do this in every single thread

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Ah, subjective forum metrics. Love them, really. You realize that that's confirmation bias, right?


Let's have a look at the list, shall we?


Companions reduced to shells - Personally, I prefer this. I would consider this a great change.


Player Characters reduced to emotionless voiceless husks - I do not like this, but we still have proper voices in story cutscenes, and it's an improvement over the Rishi/Yavin method of the NPC just talking at us in the world.


Cannot customize companions anymore - You mean mechanically? I also prefer this, I would consider this a good change, as above. Can still do the old facial customizations and aesthetic gear customizations, which are - for me - the important parts.


Removal of surge was a complete blunder, now it is one stat for two stats, makes no sense - Means I don't have to worry about as many stupid numbers and can get on with experiencing the story. I like this change.


EXTREMELY short story line - I do not like this, but I do understand the reasoning. The more complex and numerous the cut scenes, the longer they take to create. Dialogue takes more time and effort than combat, in a video game.


No new operations - I don't play operations, so I don't care about this. Others might call this a good thing, because it means no time or resources were spent developing this content.


No new Warzones - I don't PvP, so I don't care about this. As above, others might call it a good thing.


Required to pvp for pve stuff, beyond dumb. - Completely agree with you here, but others' opinions differ.


Stuff people spent REAL life money on was taken away, never to be seen again. - This is the only one I would agree is probably universally bad, because you should never take stuff away that real money was spent on. I'm not sure if any other player would disagree with this assessment, but I don't think so.


See? I agree with some, disagree with others, and can also accept that others may not share my opinions. Very little is completely, totally and universally bad. It just falls under the head of "Stuff I don't like, but others might."


So basically you're the customer Bioware wants to cater to. You don't do group content, you perfer nothing but story. Thus enabling to put in minimal effort for maximum profit on an MMO.

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So basically you're the customer Bioware wants to cater to. You don't do group content, you perfer nothing but story. Thus enabling to put in minimal effort for maximum profit on an MMO.
yeah they already have these. they are called single player games and dont require a monthly sub
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Umm, people with high end PCs can barely get this game to run at high resolutions with a good framerate. Unless they want to port the game with medium graphics settings and no shadows, I don't see it happening on the current engine.


um, is this serious?


porting over games is a lot of work. still


Hehe, fools on you guys..


Then you also don't understand how consoles work. You do not need nearly as much hardware on a console, because the devs know exacly what platform they are designing for.


SWTOR actually runs decently on a modest PC, a lot depends on the PC being setup correctly and having a decent Internet connection, but a 4 year old Intel Core i5 and a three year old video card play it just fine at 1080p.


A PS4 or XBox One would also play it fine, with some tweaking.


^ this is largely correct. Don't believe it, Cities Skylines is going to Xbox One. That's right a 64 bit game that easily will use 8 GB of ram is going on Xbox One. And it uses up a lot more CPU power than SWTOR does considering I hit over 50% CPU usage on an 8 core CPU.

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^ this is largely correct. Don't believe it, Cities Skylines is going to Xbox One. That's right a 64 bit game that easily will use 8 GB of ram is going on Xbox One. And it uses up a lot more CPU power than SWTOR does considering I hit over 50% CPU usage on an 8 core CPU.
batman arkham knight
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Ah, just thought of another annoyance....


Legacy datacrons didn't port correctly. I have about 2/3 of the actual 'crons I picked up on my characters. maybe it just isn't showing up right because I have yet to log in on some of the characters that got them, but there are a whole bunch of 'em that aren't lit up when I logged into my main character (including Makeb, which are ones I don't mind never EVER having to hunt again). :(

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Speak with your wallets folks... it's the only way! BW ****ed up (again). :):eek::rak_04:


No suprise or shock there. Truly a shame, they could have capitalized on the new movie and revitalized the game, but they took the easy way out it appears.


@ the Battlefront content and "value" comments.. Value is a very opinionated thing. One mans value may be considered another mans trash. I'm not saying its ALL trash. I'm saying it feels like more work could have been put into it.


@ "They're never happy, you can never please them! Such a game for you does not exist!" Actually turns out WoW has these things called raids, encourages group content with massive amounts of in-game events (one of which is called 'time-walking'). Plus I found a nice guild to help me and whatnot. For all the scoffing and hawing at WOW these days, it sure seems like I know a lot more about their upcoming expansion than I ever did about KOTFE's.


You know, now that I think about it....it kinda feels like Blizzard's proud of the upcoming expansion. That they don't want to hide details of it in shame because they know players will talk about it on the forums.


Another thing that causes me great pause is Bioware's recent censorship of critics of level-sync. Again, I have to wonder why.


And to instinctively reply to those of you saying "Why don't you go play WoW if you dislike the new expac! Gosh!" Well, unfortunately I made the choice to do a long-term subscription to SWTOR prior to the expac's release. I trusted (hesitantly) that Bioware would provide a substantial amount of content to enjoy. I did not expect a storyline that could be completed in one evening without even trying.


It would be awesome if a Customer Service Rep got in touch with me via PM's so we could discuss the possibility of a partial refund of my six-month subscription and cancellation of my account. I don't want to be here anymore than you guys want to see my posts. But...until then, I shall make full use of the features available to me on this forum as a current subscriber.

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Also, when I see "meh, I finished it in one evening" I already know that this is one of those thread that regularly pop up when a new game or expansion gets released.




You know. If you gave up on any RL duties you can finish any game within a day or two. That's not a good argument against the content.

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Ah, just thought of another annoyance....


Legacy datacrons didn't port correctly. I have about 2/3 of the actual 'crons I picked up on my characters. maybe it just isn't showing up right because I have yet to log in on some of the characters that got them, but there are a whole bunch of 'em that aren't lit up when I logged into my main character (including Makeb, which are ones I don't mind never EVER having to hunt again). :(


You have to log in those alts for legacy to sync up the datacrons. Until you log them in, you won't get the effects.

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Also, when I see "meh, I finished it in one evening" I already know that this is one of those thread that regularly pop up when a new game or expansion gets released.




You know. If you gave up on any RL duties you can finish any game within a day or two. That's not a good argument against the content.


So because I had a Tuesday off that just happened to coincide with the day the expansion dropped my argument somehow lacks merit? Okay.

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Hehe, fools on you guys..




^ this is largely correct. Don't believe it, Cities Skylines is going to Xbox One. That's right a 64 bit game that easily will use 8 GB of ram is going on Xbox One. And it uses up a lot more CPU power than SWTOR does considering I hit over 50% CPU usage on an 8 core CPU.


Cities doesn't use 50% of my CPU, perhaps your computer is the problem. Game runs smoothly no matter how much else I'm doing at the same time. SWTOR has lower FPS in 8 and 16 man content whether it be PvE or PvP.

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Loved the story but OP is right


1 evening is all it takes to start and finish the story and content


What I see happening is people will sub for 1 month

do the content on multiple characters

unsub and wait for next content release



EA seems to be completely unable to design MMO content that engages you for 20-30 hours of play every 4-6 months


and thats where they suffer over and over and over

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Thanks, Jnaathra and OmenQ for the responses; I'll keep a look out for both! I tend to monitor my mini-map for vendor icons, and haven't seen any yet, but perhaps I am not watching closely enough.... That's what I get for starting the story with only about twenty empty blocks in my inventory. :D


Might be worthwhile to double check the mini map settings to make sure vendors are shown. I think some of the filters may have been reset.

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