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Will there be anything left for FTP and Preferred?


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I am going on preferred, and I have been preparing for it. I am saving the KofTE story to play through, and I created, fast leveled to level 15-25 a bunch of characters, setting them up to 16 on the binger, and 8 - on another server.


So far as I am concerned, this gives me an unlimited free play time in PvP on a bunch of different classes. Yeah, it's 5 zones per, but on 24 characters, it's 120 zones per week. I think I can also do flashpoints. And class stories. Legacy gear will keep them all dressed up enough.


What's not to like?


I've subbed for 2 years, and, yes, it's super-convenient, but no longer necessary for what I want and have time to do in the game.

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I wonder how much flame I'll get for this one.


They get what they pay for so if they're unwilling to spend $15 a month on a sub to get the end game content then they've no right to complain.


you say unwilling. What if they are willing but just don't have the money. like my self I am about to loose my sub simply because my hospital bills are going to make it hard for me to have a luxury item such as a so called simple 15 usd a month. Does that mean I should belittled, ridiculed, and ignored simply because I can not pay the monthly fee because bills get in the way of that? Does it turn into "Oh your not a sub so you have no right to ask / complain / or sagest anything simply because we don't count you as a human being because you don't pay a monthly fee." kinda game? if so I will fill sorry for the players more then the failing game.


PS. In this day and age. Internet is now a need more then a luxury with how many companies require you to fill out online applications. And allot of the time a Internet bill is cheaper then just a phone bill or TV bill. Especially where I live.

Edited by devillemore
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you say unwilling. What if they are willing but just don't have the money. like my self I am about to loose my sub simply because my hospital bills are going to make it hard for me to have a luxury item such as a so called simple 15 usd a month. Does that mean I should belittled, ridiculed, and ignored simply because I can not pay the monthly fee because bills get in the way of that? Does it turn into "Oh your not a sub so you have no right to ask / complain / or sagest anything simply because we don't count you as a human being because you don't pay a monthly fee." kinda game? if so I will fill sorry for the players more then the failing game.


While I'm sorry to hear about hospital bills, the reality is that you're asking for a service for free and then wanting to be treated as a paying customer on top of it.


Let me know how long you'll have Internet service when you stop paying the bill. Or power, or water.


Now frankly I'd like to see options other than $15/month all you can eat. Maybe a 50 cent per hour rate, buy $10 worth, get 20 hours of play time that never expires, use it as you will. Some people prefer a pay-as-you-go plan over the all-you-can-eat plan.

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1 - Well I answered the Authorization issue already if anything pay one month for them if playing with you isn't incentive enough. You can than get them the artifact authorization for them or they can spend the cartel they just got on it.


2 - They do get reduced comms but its 10 not 20 comms is all. I know I played that way for a while its not like 10x7 on a daily plus another 20 for the weekly plus planet heroic which you can now pick up on the fleet that give you more comms are not enough to give them an item or two a week. That is assuming they are going for PvE Gear.


3 - Yes vendors were taken away but you can get all orange gear at level 8 on the fleet in the supply area and you can still get blue mods for that gear all the way up.


4 - I love companion system now and you can also pick them all up weapons at the level 8 vendor not like they need something nice its all for cosmetic look now anyway for companions....


5 - Depending on class yes it maybe harder to level because of skills but seriously the patch just came out.... They will adjust things and make it more balanced.


6 - CRAFTING IS GODLIKE.... I mean they made it so all classes make better gear now and its much easier with things they removed. On top of that if you sub for one month pick up 3 crew skills LOOP HOLE you can still use all 3 after your no longer subbing I have done it.... so trust me stop complaining tell them to SUB ONE MONTH and do everything on that last and they will be fine when they cant pay...


Crafting reverts back to the restrictions of your pay status. So if you sub a month you dont keep the 3 skills. soon as you attempt to collect or use you will be asked to select 2 out of your 3. and that third one will be locked and unusable.


2/3 items a week. Please. Thats a joke right. with the higher leveling speed you are going to need 3-4 items a hour not a week.


Crafting takes alot of time and money as a FTP / Preferred. And with their credit caps it means they wont be able to sustain them self as they level. because building that crafting rank will drain them.


Ever think a person might not like the look of the level 8 sets? And hell prices are already jumping up on the GTN now. The old vendors gave a way for preferred to be able to level for a cheap price. They don't get access to any top of the line gear as is. So yeah lets make it 100 times harder for them to find a reason to enjoy the game.


So what if the companions have 3 rolls. You can define how they act in the roles. The skills that made each companion unique are no longer there. So all the companions are exactly the same except for conversations. I feel that its too damn bland. I rather have the choice of do I want my character to be a AOE spammer or a Single Target DOT'er. Over "Generic 100%"


you treat free to play and preferred like they are vermin. you piss and **** all over them when they are just every day people like any subscriber. Yeah so what they cant dish out money every damn month. Dose not mean they don't have the right to enjoy the game on fair terms. Subs get allot of bonuses and access to things. So we have no right to complain that a FTP or preferred should want some basic items back. I feel bad for them because they are being penalized on top of the restrictions. And then belittled by people who think they are *********** kings and queens of the world because they spend 15 usd a month.

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While I'm sorry to hear about hospital bills, the reality is that you're asking for a service for free and then wanting to be treated as a paying customer on top of it.


Let me know how long you'll have Internet service when you stop paying the bill. Or power, or water.


Now frankly I'd like to see options other than $15/month all you can eat. Maybe a 50 cent per hour rate, buy $10 worth, get 20 hours of play time that never expires, use it as you will. Some people prefer a pay-as-you-go plan over the all-you-can-eat plan.


Wait how is asking for the return of the core game vendors acting like a paying customer? and I am a *********** sub. I am a paying customer so in your eyes I have every right to demand. ***** and complain as I like. And don't forget a preferred has to pay something at some point to get that status too. And no one is asking for BW to give them access to anything that is out side of their restrictions. Just to bring back things that where a core part of the game since the beginning because that was the only viable place for them to get what they need. And more so with the changes to the game. You act like some one is sitting here begging to be given subscriber benefits for free. When its about getting the FTP / preferred benefits back to the FTP / preferred. Because as it stands. On top of their restrictions they are now being restricted even more.


Maybe we should have Subs no longer get free cartel points seeing they don't need them. They are just a cosmetic item. . . . Oh no. Subs will go ape **** over that. But a sub wanting a FTP / preferred to have simple necessities that have no restriction value is bad because it makes FTP / Preferred sound like beging bots because they got screwed out of Green and blue gear they could buy with out having to spend every last credit they have to get it.


*********** ***** for ************ over something that does not hurt a sub in anyway. Does not even concern subs because we have it so much more easier and enjoyable then the folks who just keep getting stepped on because they cant afford sub. you should be ashamed of your self.

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Cant you just sub once, get to 60, and then go preferred?

Apparently with all the hate in this form even if you do that your still treated as *********** dirt. because your not a sub. Because every post I stated. Its FTP / Preferred I am concerned about.

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Did they? I saw these 208 purples you can get for basic crystals? Pretty sure they were level 65.


Check around the other side of the supplies section?


Also nothings getting changed for preferred, i havent had the chance to test if (course) but with 4.0... if the single player questing changes ahem i mean core world changes dont differ for player type (i dont see how they could do this logically) then thats one LESS advantage for entitler subs to gloat about, its one less sales pitch punishment for preferred.


Preferred access exists for the benefits of subscribers... nothing more. The game isn't free, but once you pay, the only people that notice are subscribers who think its the boogey man.

Edited by stockmks
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As a paying customer id be more then willing to give the FTP guys more things to do, I see a lot of hate in this thread for FTP but just remember this, this game is getting on the older side for a MMO, population isn't the best (in fact its light on most servers) and if you axe FTP players out of the whole end game then you just wont have much of a end game pop, plain and simple, it was fine when this game had a booming pop but now we need every single player we can get......imho
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Did they? I saw these 208 purples you can get for basic crystals? Pretty sure they were level 65.


Check around the other side of the supplies section?


Also nothings getting changed for preferred, i havent had the chance to test if (course) but with 4.0... if the single player questing changes ahem i mean core world changes dont differ for player type (i dont see how they could do this logically) then thats one LESS advantage for entitler subs to gloat about, its one less sales pitch punishment for preferred.


Preferred access exists for the benefits of subscribers... nothing more. The game isn't free, but once you pay, the only people that notice are subscribers who think its the boogey man.


not free? Its a damn free to play MMO with micro transaction and Donation benefits. Do not try and *********** call it a pay to play and say the Free to play and preferred status are just some damn free trial mode. They are not. They should have all rights to the "core" game and its features. They cant use artifact gear or even legendary with out having to pay for it. So what the hell is wrong about giving them just the basic gear vendors so they don't get even more butt ****ed with bog downs. its not like we are saying hey lets make preferred and Free to play exactly the same as subscribers. No. I am saying hey. Do not take even more away from them they already have too little as is.

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not free? Its a damn free to play MMO with micro transaction and Donation benefits. Do not try and *********** call it a pay to play and say the Free to play and preferred status are just some damn free trial mode. They are not. They should have all rights to the "core" game and its features. They cant use artifact gear or even legendary with out having to pay for it. So what the hell is wrong about giving them just the basic gear vendors so they don't get even more butt ****ed with bog downs. its not like we are saying hey lets make preferred and Free to play exactly the same as subscribers. No. I am saying hey. Do not take even more away from them they already have too little as is.


Please don't think i hate preferred.. just see my post history if you can.. quite the opposite.


I don't really think about it like that.. as a fundamentally preferred player, how i saw it was, if you bought enough cc's for a new release game box price, used it to apply unlocks, you could pretty much get exactly the same game as subscribers did, minus escrow, the ability to mail credits, endgame (which is really optional), and some crafting nerfs... thats about it.. if you actually take your time and like doing all the content i thought subbing was a -disadvantage- to my playstyle as the xp was too fast.. even before 12x.


I think the only preferred issue that's worth taking forward, because its probably effecting all players preferred and subs, is the endgame restrictions. So bioware gave up on endgame for an entire expansion cycle. Raised it before, but their metrics may be significantly different if preferred was allowed in.. who knows, even subs who sub for endgame at the moment might benefit as well.

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I sub when I play because the sub fee isn't even relevant to my concerns.


I have friends aplenty that are here to RP and doing bother subscribing or trying very hard to get exceptional gear. I've seen some of them complain about this and that to do with the F2P setup, but I sing know what new hell next be charged upon them with this, if any.

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Oh, how about there are NO more gear vendors for pre 60 or 65 weapons or armor anywhere. Not on the planets and not on the fleet. I'm a sub and don't know much about free or preferred but aren't they limited by how many coms they can get? If so then they're going to have a very hard time since you can't buy any gear anywhere anymore. That's just one of the many things that are now missing. Good luck transferring those new crystals between alts. They took all the artifact boxes out too so now you're left with NOTHING but mods and orange armor and no way to easily get gear or mods even though you're alt is sitting on max coms and has nothing to spend them on. But hey I'm sure all those once free green items will be appearing in the Cartel Market soon so all the free players who can't afford or don't want to pay for a sub can not afford to buy them there also. Seems counterintuitive to me.


And to the OP I completely agree. F2P players are the blood of this game and without them it would be a very empty galaxy. Thank goodness for free and preferred players. You're right, not everyone can afford 15 dollars a month and kudos to those who choose to spend that 15 dollars on what's truly important: bills and their kids. People are having a hard time making ends meet and their entertainment should never make them feel guilty about not being able to fork over more money.


Excellent post.

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All the people complaining about F2P and preferred saying they should pay the monthly. They are a part of the community just as much as you elitist trolls. You wouldn't test drive a car with no wheels , a steering wheel and only the back seat to sit on would you? That's what F2P is currently and that's is worse than even a demo of a game. Preferred is not much better in regards to being able to use the game despite having put money into the game.

I haven't been able to login yet to see the vendors but friends have said that only the old pre-60s ones were around and those capped at 55. Before you whine about me being F2P I have a subscription which from the issues I have been hearing of is questioning whither to unsub till it gets fixed or not. Will have to check it out myself to make the determination.

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I understand that completely. But all I see are hates and flames just because some one does not pay a subscription any time they try and speak up for them self. back when I was FTP and preferred I relayed on the Commendation gear merchants and the standard gear merchants for gear till I was around level 50. When I was able to stop and gain a flow of income. Even then I still relayed on them allot for cosmetic looks because if I want to get something cool off the market i have to pay 100-300k which was most if not all my credits at the time. when i could just go to a basic gear or a commendation gear merchant and buy some good looking to decent times for repetitively cheap to almost nothing.


But the way it is. Subs will get 5 new things. A preferred and FTP will have something taken away. I know if I say its not fair to them people will just ***** and whine and say they should subscribe. But the point is. Its not about getting something new. its about keeping what little they have.

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I am personally a sub but I have to ask. With the removal of allot of content pre level 60... What will there be left for a preferred to do? They took away all the Commendation gear. My bad I mean "Crystal" gear. pre 65. Will FTP and preferred be stuck sitting around with their thumbs up their butt collecting Commendations 1 day a week. I mean before this update their was still allot they can participate in and even enjoy and even feel a since of achievement about. But now... I am a bit scared to ask my friends to even play this game with how bad of a turn it took in just 1 update.


You get 8 fully voiced class stories for free... That should be the extent of what f2p gets to begin with anything else is a bonus.

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You get 8 fully voiced class stories for free... That should be the extent of what f2p gets to begin with anything else is a bonus.


knoiw what. **** you. That kinda mind set is just wrong. its just like saying "You already get 1 slice of bread. your black *** don't need water to help it go down your dry throat because your just not good enough to lick our shoes"


when the servers all go down and the game fails. its people like you that caused it. Not the people trying to get buy and enjoy what little they have access to you jack ***.

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Know what. Forget this. How about you all just petition the game to go backed to the failed pay to play model and have 70% of the player base vanish. because honestly it seems like that's what most of you want because you have no respect for your fellow player just because they don't have enough money to sub.
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Did they? I saw these 208 purples you can get for basic crystals? Pretty sure they were level 65.



The 208s are all gear with modification in them. They are 65 level. But they go for 80 - 150 crystals each. The gear is all bind on pickup. That means that my character at max with 1,000 crystals (actually 984) can't gear himself and my freebe 60 which is now 65 can't gear himself because he went through the entire expansion and ended up with 80 so he can buy one belt.


There are no modification vendors post 59 except for one that sells level 60 green crap.


So upgrading gear will be hard for all and much more difficult for non subs.


If you are a solo player you are in deep doo doo with the expansion.


PS - You (even as a sub) can't craft anything without exotics that drop from HM flashpoints which leaves out many players.

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knoiw what. **** you. That kinda mind set is just wrong. its just like saying "You already get 1 slice of bread. your black *** don't need water to help it go down your dry throat because your just not good enough to lick our shoes"


when the servers all go down and the game fails. its people like you that caused it. Not the people trying to get buy and enjoy what little they have access to you jack ***.


Can't even get offended by the preposterous grammar you're insulting me with...



There wont be any game to begin with if people don't pay to subscribe, you don't deserve all the content if you're not paying to support the game. I mean you can literally download the game for free and play 75% of it without cost. How many other games can you do that with? Some people are just so self entitled to have everything...

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The 208s are all gear with modification in them. They are 65 level. But they go for 80 - 150 crystals each. The gear is all bind on pickup. That means that my character at max with 1,000 crystals (actually 984) can't gear himself and my freebe 60 which is now 65 can't gear himself because he went through the entire expansion and ended up with 80 so he can buy one belt.


There are no modification vendors post 59 except for one that sells level 60 green crap.


So upgrading gear will be hard for all and much more difficult for non subs.


If you are a solo player you are in deep doo doo with the expansion.


PS - You (even as a sub) can't craft anything without exotics that drop from HM flashpoints which leaves out many players.


Legacy Gear. You can put the mods from the Level 65 gear in it and give it to your fresh 60 who has no comms.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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Can't even get offended by the preposterous grammar you're insulting me with...



There wont be any game to begin with if people don't pay to subscribe, you don't deserve all the content if you're not paying to support the game. I mean you can literally download the game for free and play 75% of it without cost. How many other games can you do that with? Some people are just so self entitled to have everything...


dude. you can play a few hundred games 100% with no cost. Also No one is asking for ANY NEW CONTENT. Just the basic **** that was there since the start of the *********** game. I have been a sub since day *********** one. I feel bad about how every time something new comes out FTP and Preferred get locked out of things that used to be basic **** for them. Your dumb *** only thinks "Oh whiner because they cant do what I can as a sub." When this is about "Hey I am Free to play / preferred and I am suddenly locked out of things that where available to free to play and preferred."

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dude. you can play a few hundred games 100% with no cost. Also No one is asking for ANY NEW CONTENT. Just the basic **** that was there since the start of the *********** game. I have been a sub since day *********** one. I feel bad about how every time something new comes out FTP and Preferred get locked out of things that used to be basic **** for them. Your dumb *** only thinks "Oh whiner because they cant do what I can as a sub." When this is about "Hey I am Free to play / preferred and I am suddenly locked out of things that where available to free to play and preferred."


To be honest it's hard to take you seriously now with your bad grammar and constant attempts at insults... 4/10 OP just because I actually did try to bother arguing with someone of vastly inferior intellect.

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