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Will there be anything left for FTP and Preferred?


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But thats like that from launch. Selling quickbars is dumbest idea ever. But it didnt pop out with KOTFE. These people have tendency to blame KOTFE for stuff from F2P launch lol


Well, yes, it's an old wound, but it still hasn't healed. ;)


4.0 did alter the way the game is played by everyone in a number of ways. Hopefully with a few more patches to get the kinks/bugs worked out, fewer people will be angry about the changes. I'm not holding my breath, this is SWTOR we're talking about here, but a fella can hope... :)

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The low level level 8 sets will not satisfy that craving for individuality like it did just a few days ago when you can mix it with a large assortment of options to choose from. Like I have stated before I am a sub. I know for many I should not care about lowbies or noobs. even FTP or preferred in allot of your eyes.

My comment was made in the context of people going, "Oh, woe is us, we are undone. There are no comms equipment vendors on Fleet, where will the non-CM players get their moddable gear now?". The answer is that you go to the level 8 comms equipment vendor who is *still* on Fleet and you buy adaptive custom shells with 32-rated blue mods in.


And it annoyed me, whence the last line.

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its real sad how many of you don't give a damn about these small things that really do matter when you all have used the same NPC's when you started out. Not just out of convince but out of necessity because Coms are plentiful. Credits when your forced to craft are not for a FTP / preferred. And anyone who has never been a FTP or a preferred would never understand the limitations of what a credit cap can do to you. Yeah you can ***** and whine that they should just go sub so they don't have to have a credit cap. But why the hell should they if there was a way for them to get good things for cheap that every one in the game has used at some point. if this keeps up you people will be pushing for it to go back to pay to play just because you don't like people simply asking why content was removed making it even harder for our pocket challenged brothers. Not every one can shoot out money from their *** cheeks. And whats said 70% of the player base is FTP or preferred. the subs are a low few. Because allot of people can only spend 5 or 6 USD here and there so bashing them because they want to keep what little joys or conveyance to their game play while us subs run around in our fancy new levels and companions is not too much for them to desire. After all the game is FREE TO PLAY. Should at least be a little bit enjoyable to do. Other wise it will become "FREE TO SUFFER" Not saying add a bunch of free crap for lowbies / ftp / preferred players. I am simply wanting to know. If everything is being moved to 60-65 only. What is left for them to do and enjoy if all the small things are taken away from them simply because they can not afford to sub.
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Hey bolts for brains I am not a FTP I am a sub. and quite frankly I have not found one thing I have liked about this so called expansion. Why is it anyone wants to stick up for a FTP they are called whiners. The fact of the matter is the game is a FTP game with optional Sub and Cartel market.


Uhm, no. It is a standard AAA MMO with a F2P option, not the other way around. If it were F2P with a sub option the F2P restrictions would not be so heavy.


A little love towards the larger end of the player base would be nice seeing there are less bus then their are FTP and preferred. And honestly 15 USD is allot for some people. Not every one has the luxury of shooting out random amounts of money from their back sides with Bills having to be paid.


Why? They, overwhelmingly, do not contribute to the health of the game. The cartel whales are... guess what ... subscribers. To think otherwise is foolish. Why spend hundreds per month on the CM and skimp out on $15 for a subscription? That makes no sense when you factor in free CCs for being subbed and free CCs for referral links. No my friend, there simply is no logic to the claim that the F2Pers "support" the game.


$15/month is .050c per day. Sad truth is if you can't afford that your priorities are out of order. Skip Starbucks two times per month. I know all the hipsters will think something terrible happened to you, but life is about making decisions.


And even before you go on about getting a better job or saying some wise crack about him working more and play less games. Fact of the matter is I personally have to work 3 jobs and I play this to wind down stress not add to it. I have to sub at least once every few months because my budget with 3 jobs don't exactly cut it with student loans hospital bills. Children and house payments and other random bills. So take into the account not every one is gifted with a silver spoon in their thermal exhaust valve and show a little respect for people who want to Enjoy a bit of the game and not be bogged down be so many restrictions that they should call it a Trial rather then a FTP game.


Three jobs you say? With student loans? Having student loans to pay means that you have completed undergraduate university. Ya know, because they don't come due until you graduate. So now I have to question your choice of degree? Doesn't seem to me like it was worth the loan if it didn't land you a job. Underwater synchronized basket weaving doesn't lead to a job (read most liberal arts degrees) . My point is, you don't need a silver spoon to make good decisions. Hospital bills? Isn't there a law that gets everyone insurance?

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If there's one thing that's wrong with swtor it's the elitist attitude from people who think others shouldn't get much because they don't pay. I was f2p then preferred and now a sub but i don't have that elitist attitude which i can see above. Sad how you elitists are spoiled.


Paying customers are spoiled? So I guess if McDonalds had a Free to Eat program, paying customers shouldn't complain about having to wait in line behind those not paying? Is that your stance?


Hate to tell you but out here in the real world, money talks and bull sh*t walks.

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Next stop all merchants in the game that are not tied to expansions directly will be removed from game. Why. Because we don't want anyone except the hutt cartel also known as subscribers playing the game. What a stupid community we have as a whole. Free to play and preferred do have something to offer. Free to play become preferred who spend a few dollars here and there when they can. They suffer because they cant make a monthly payment. So when every thing is removed for just expansion users only because of your mind set. You are going to ***** and complain when you payed all that money and the servers go down because there are just no longer enough players to support a reason to keep the game going. It has happened to meany of MMO's in the past. It will happen if this keeps going. So get off your *********** high horses and think of what it means to be a community of players. Not Sub and not subbed. A sub player should have the perks they get. A free player should at least retain the core game and its core features. A preferred should something a little in between. Why? Because a free to play did not offer anything to the community other then their presence. Why should a preferred get a little more then the core game. Simple they have offered to the pool with their donations to keep things going. Subs yeah they should get allot more because they give out allot more then the other two. But removing the core features of the game just because some one is not a sub is wrong. its like going to a public pool and being told hey you cant use the pool because you are not a member of the exclusive Hot Tub club. When the game shuts down because people stop playing in droves because its no longer fun or everything has turned cartel market only. Just don't lump me up with the subs who voted for it because they don't like preferred or free to play people in the public pool as they sit around in their own hot tubs.
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Paying customers are spoiled? So I guess if McDonalds had a Free to Eat program, paying customers shouldn't complain about having to wait in line behind those not paying? Is that your stance?


Hate to tell you but out here in the real world, money talks and bull sh*t walks.


Sorry to say. We gave out free cheese burgers in San Francisco last year at a Mc Donalds. Customers paying with cash did not ***** or complain when they ordered their combo meals because the person in front of them got a free cheese burger. Fact of the matter is I saw paying customers allow a few free to eat people before them, So yeah. In the end every one gets something. Cheese burger might be small but its still something. We did not jack the cheese off the burger last minute and hand it over to a paying customer. gave every one their burger equally.

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Sorry to say. We gave out free cheese burgers in San Francisco last year at a Mc Donalds. Customers paying with cash did not ***** or complain when they ordered their combo meals because the person in front of them got a free cheese burger. Fact of the matter is I saw paying customers allow a few free to eat people before them, So yeah. In the end every one gets something. Cheese burger might be small but its still something. We did not jack the cheese off the burger last minute and hand it over to a paying customer. gave every one their burger equally.


If you were giving out free cheeseburgers, why were there paying customers?

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What most of these people don't seem to grasp is that a new player, right now, isn't going to think 'Hey, account isn't so hot right now but look at these other ones, I should subscribe', rather he's going to think 'Why am I wasting my time on this load of rubbish?'


In order to tantalise someone you have to make it tempting in the first place.


The changes to crafting coupled with removing half the gear vendors and also replacing the old heroic mission rewards with lockboxes (that f2p/pref can't open unless something else has changed lately) is only going to make them frustrated, thus driving them away.

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I am personally a sub but I have to ask. With the removal of allot of content pre level 60... What will there be left for a preferred to do? They took away all the Commendation gear. My bad I mean "Crystal" gear. pre 65. Will FTP and preferred be stuck sitting around with their thumbs up their butt collecting Commendations 1 day a week. I mean before this update their was still allot they can participate in and even enjoy and even feel a since of achievement about. But now... I am a bit scared to ask my friends to even play this game with how bad of a turn it took in just 1 update.


what exactly was removed pre-60? I haven't started a level 1 in the exp but what was removed?


Quests were streamlined. Optional quests are still there you have to toggle them on. FPs that have story based stuff have solo mods so you can actually see them then bypass.


So what was removed?

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what exactly was removed pre-60? I haven't started a level 1 in the exp but what was removed?


Quests were streamlined. Optional quests are still there you have to toggle them on. FPs that have story based stuff have solo mods so you can actually see them then bypass.


So what was removed?


Off the top of my head, in addition to what I said above, the dailies on Ilum and Belsavis are gone, and the ship droid has mysteriously disappeared (though I think that's a bug). I've heard things about all the other bonus series' too but haven't actually checked.

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Off the top of my head, in addition to what I said above, the dailies on Ilum and Belsavis are gone, and the ship droid has mysteriously disappeared (though I think that's a bug). I've heard things about all the other bonus series' too but haven't actually checked.


Did you toggle the quest thing in the log and recheck the dailies? According to patch notes the dailes were not supposed to change. Maybe it's a bug.

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Lets take our Delorean back to a time we were all young.... I started playing MMO's when I was 16. Problem was I was in high school with no job and no real income. When I did have the money and asked my parents if I could give them it and if they would activate my sub they said "NO GAMES ARE A WASTE OF YOUR TIME!" So I had to save for two months worth and would go buy sub-card at walmart.... This is for WoW not this game... but the point is the same. Most players that cannot pay are young or in college and literally if its between this and eating in college I would chose to eat. It is hard to be free 2 play in most games but you can find loop holes that CAN help you and knowing this loop holes made my life in gaming SOOOO much easier for when I fell on a month a two of tight budget.


First - Sub for at least one month or buy cartel coins..... BUY the ARTIFACT EQUIPMENT cartel item so you can use them account wide.....


Second - WHEN YOU SUB that ONE TIME! Add your phone or Authentication Key.... IF YOU STOP SUBBING YOU STILL GET 100 CARTEL A MONTH!!!


Third - You can do 5 flashpoints a week DON'T DO THEM ALL IN ONE DAY... unless you have no other choice and its the only day you can play but if you do it once a day you can pick up the daily mission from the supply area on the fleet and get more COMMS that way.....


Fourth - Creds are easy to come by.... ITS BOUNTY CONTRACT WEEK NOW! Do this on your chars and sell them via GTN or trade! You can make 50k off an item that LEVELS your CHAR and gives you CREDS and you can do it on ANY PLANET....


Final - STOP CRYING I was free 2 play for a while, went to pref and now I bounce back and fourth between pref and sub.... YES SUB is better for OPS but PvE is not the only content... I found playing on a PvP server can make PvP that much better because I can just go hunt people down if I cant do anymore Warzones or Flashpoints or ANYTHING ELSE.


OK now have a great day and lets be honest if you read this and don't take advantage of how to be free 2 play you shouldn't play this game and I am happy saying that because you have to work for things either IN GAME or OUT OF GAME to make it worth your time.....

Edited by _Anderal_
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Third - You can do 5 flashpoints a week DONT DO THEM ALL IN ONE DAY... unless you have no other choice and its the only day you can play but if you do it once a day you can pick up the daily mission from the supply area on the fleet and get more COMMS that way.....


Correction: They can do an infinite amount of flashpoints. The only thing that is restricted to 5 is the loot from the last boss.

Edited by PavSalco
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Correction: They can do an infinite amount of flashpoints. The only thing that is restricted to 5 is the loot from the last boss.


Wait so they can do the daily still? Just no loot in the flashpoint? If so OMG what are we crying about you still get comms and creds and XP!!! lol

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1.) All gear vendors from 1-64 have been removed.


2.) Heroic rewards have been changed to a lock box type that a FTP and preferred can not open with out authorizations


3.) The EXP has been modified to the point that its just a easy grind with only story content to 50. (I can get to 50 twice in a single day with out breaking a sweat)


with 3 being said. Only Subscriber gets a fair amount of commendations to mod gear with. Preferred slightly less. And FTP lower then that.


4) Crafting changes have been some what jumbled to a extent has been jumbled. Free to play get 1 crafting slot. Preferred 2. Sub 3. So you can see how frustrating its going to be fore a Free to play and Preferred to reasonably rank a craft to make the gear that was once sold for commendations. Not to mention the credit cap that Free to play and Preferred have to deal with.


5) Unique aspects of each companion was removed as well as their have been changes to their weapon types.


6.) Skills have been made harder to obtain by moving most of the skills up in rank with only a small few moved down.


7.) Due to restrictions allot of gear will be unavailable to Free to play and preferred due to the commendation gear removal such as the level 50 Basic gear which did not require authorizations.


you can get it from makeb but unfortunately getting it that way you will deal with authorization restriction.


That's just a tiny bit of changes that could massively affect FTP and preferred but.... Subs wont care because they have "sorta" new content to play with for level 60-65.


8.) oh... did I mention hard modes have been moved up from 50-55 to 60-65... yes old hard modes to fill in a gap of lack of "New" hard modes. This practically means if you buy hutt cartel to get to 55 (5 usd) You cant use the makeb gear. and the 50-55 HM's are no longer available for you. Just solo and story I do believe. which is a completely different experience.


Again this is just small things to "Most" subs who do not care about anything under level 60-65 or the players who are still around the 50-55 level caps simply because they cant afford a subscription.

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1.) All gear vendors from 1-64 have been removed.


2.) Heroic rewards have been changed to a lock box type that a FTP and preferred can not open with out authorizations


3.) The EXP has been modified to the point that its just a easy grind with only story content to 50. (I can get to 50 twice in a single day with out breaking a sweat)


with 3 being said. Only Subscriber gets a fair amount of commendations to mod gear with. Preferred slightly less. And FTP lower then that.


4) Crafting changes have been some what jumbled to a extent has been jumbled. Free to play get 1 crafting slot. Preferred 2. Sub 3. So you can see how frustrating its going to be fore a Free to play and Preferred to reasonably rank a craft to make the gear that was once sold for commendations. Not to mention the credit cap that Free to play and Preferred have to deal with.


5) Unique aspects of each companion was removed as well as their have been changes to their weapon types.


6.) Skills have been made harder to obtain by moving most of the skills up in rank with only a small few moved down.


7.) Due to restrictions allot of gear will be unavailable to Free to play and preferred due to the commendation gear removal such as the level 50 Basic gear which did not require authorizations.


you can get it from makeb but unfortunately getting it that way you will deal with authorization restriction.


That's just a tiny bit of changes that could massively affect FTP and preferred but.... Subs wont care because they have "sorta" new content to play with for level 60-65.


8.) oh... did I mention hard modes have been moved up from 50-55 to 60-65... yes old hard modes to fill in a gap of lack of "New" hard modes. This practically means if you buy hutt cartel to get to 55 (5 usd) You cant use the makeb gear. and the 50-55 HM's are no longer available for you. Just solo and story I do believe. which is a completely different experience.


Again this is just small things to "Most" subs who do not care about anything under level 60-65 or the players who are still around the 50-55 level caps simply because they cant afford a subscription.


They can't afford $15 but they can afford their internet to play the game.

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Did you toggle the quest thing in the log and recheck the dailies? According to patch notes the dailes were not supposed to change. Maybe it's a bug.


I haven't managed to find the quest tracker thing, so I went to the rep base on Ilum and clicked every NPC I could find. The Heroic is still there, the others aren't.


Of course it's possible that they made them unrepeatable, and someone new could do them the first time.


At least Makeb is still OK, though that's not the free part of the game.

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There isn't anything wrong with this update, matter of fact I love it,


It cut out a lot of the bots you would see every where farm crap but there is a lot of stuff you guys can do out there instead of farming comms & creds so quit qqing that you cant farm comms anymore, geez I have notice that f2p always wants more crap for free, how about you tell your friends to fork out the extra 15 bucks a month, it isn't hard matter of fact its pretty damn easy instead of qqing about it on here:rolleyes:


I mean nothing against you here but this game needs to make money some how...


Sorry some of us dont lkme walking around in green or blue crap gear. So comms were a major change.

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1.) All gear vendors from 1-64 have been removed.


2.) Heroic rewards have been changed to a lock box type that a FTP and preferred can not open with out authorizations


3.) The EXP has been modified to the point that its just a easy grind with only story content to 50. (I can get to 50 twice in a single day with out breaking a sweat)


with 3 being said. Only Subscriber gets a fair amount of commendations to mod gear with. Preferred slightly less. And FTP lower then that.


4) Crafting changes have been some what jumbled to a extent has been jumbled. Free to play get 1 crafting slot. Preferred 2. Sub 3. So you can see how frustrating its going to be fore a Free to play and Preferred to reasonably rank a craft to make the gear that was once sold for commendations. Not to mention the credit cap that Free to play and Preferred have to deal with.


5) Unique aspects of each companion was removed as well as their have been changes to their weapon types.


6.) Skills have been made harder to obtain by moving most of the skills up in rank with only a small few moved down.


7.) Due to restrictions allot of gear will be unavailable to Free to play and preferred due to the commendation gear removal such as the level 50 Basic gear which did not require authorizations.


you can get it from makeb but unfortunately getting it that way you will deal with authorization restriction.


That's just a tiny bit of changes that could massively affect FTP and preferred but.... Subs wont care because they have "sorta" new content to play with for level 60-65.


8.) oh... did I mention hard modes have been moved up from 50-55 to 60-65... yes old hard modes to fill in a gap of lack of "New" hard modes. This practically means if you buy hutt cartel to get to 55 (5 usd) You cant use the makeb gear. and the 50-55 HM's are no longer available for you. Just solo and story I do believe. which is a completely different experience.


Again this is just small things to "Most" subs who do not care about anything under level 60-65 or the players who are still around the 50-55 level caps simply because they cant afford a subscription.


1 - Well I answered the Authorization issue already if anything pay one month for them if playing with you isn't incentive enough. You can than get them the artifact authorization for them or they can spend the cartel they just got on it.


2 - They do get reduced comms but its 10 not 20 comms is all. I know I played that way for a while its not like 10x7 on a daily plus another 20 for the weekly plus planet heroic which you can now pick up on the fleet that give you more comms are not enough to give them an item or two a week. That is assuming they are going for PvE Gear.


3 - Yes vendors were taken away but you can get all orange gear at level 8 on the fleet in the supply area and you can still get blue mods for that gear all the way up.


4 - I love companion system now and you can also pick them all up weapons at the level 8 vendor not like they need something nice its all for cosmetic look now anyway for companions....


5 - Depending on class yes it maybe harder to level because of skills but seriously the patch just came out.... They will adjust things and make it more balanced.


6 - CRAFTING IS GODLIKE.... I mean they made it so all classes make better gear now and its much easier with things they removed. On top of that if you sub for one month pick up 3 crew skills LOOP HOLE you can still use all 3 after your no longer subbing I have done it.... so trust me stop complaining tell them to SUB ONE MONTH and do everything on that last and they will be fine when they cant pay...

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