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Bring 12XP Story Back Please!


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I think I discovered something, I think story missions scale UP with your level, this is VERY bad because I think this has already put me in a bind. Makeb's level cap is 56, but I'm 57, the missinon scales up to 57 to match my level so I don't feel over powered.............. WHAT IF I WANT TO FEEL OVER POWERED!!!!!!!!!!! What if I want to whip the floor with the AI enemies! And because the mission is now 57 and I'm 56 how the hell do I beat the thing!
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As a returning beta/launch player I was lucky enough to enjoy 4 days of 12x EXP and I loved it. Don't get me wrong I love the new patch too but I vote for them to bring back the 12x EXP for class missions.


My reasoning? It was amazing? I've just done two more planets since the patch and did not enjoy the planet missions nearly as much and I really wouldn't want to do them again next time around.


It's not the end of the world but yeah just adding my vote in to the pot to bring back Progression through class missions only. (or at least give us the option to)

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I'm a returning player who was never really into swtor when it came out. There was way too much grind for my liking, I just wanted to experience the story. I had originally subbed and cancelled it out of frustration with not being able to progress in the story in a timely manner.


Recently, I got a marketing email that said you were returning to a story driven model. This appealed to me. I subbed a few days ago and was pleasantly surprised at how effective the 12X XP was at helping me do what I wanted to do - just play the story!


So today I logged in and started playing the character I've been playing - leveling now feels slow as molasses again. I'm having to play through all these (planetary?) missions and it feels distracting from the main story arc.


I was really starting to get into the game too... sad. I don't think I'll keep subbing if there's no story boost incentive. I don't want to waste my time killing womp rats. I'll be back when I get an email saying the XP is back in fashion :)


Recently? Sorry charlie, you got that email back in March/April since the event began on May 4th. "Recently" you started playing again could be the truth, but you got the email when everyone else got it. They also ran 12x this time last year for 2 months, you got an email about that too.


You choosing to not take advantage of it until the last minute is no one's fault but your own.

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As someone that recently returned to play with a friend, the 12X's is what kept me around for the last 2 weeks. I leveled a sorc and an agent which I wouldn't have done otherwise. Since I don't have early access (which I knew I didn't qualify for) I started a BH yesterday and it's painfully slow. The side quests are annoying and most take you completely out of your way of the class story's that I have been used to.


I could easily get to 12 or 13 just doing class missions on starting planet, now I'm only 16 and almost done with DK and all it's planetary quests. I'm thinking they reverted it so that you opt to buy a 60 but I don't think they realize that a lot of us that came back were just looking at an opportunity to see the other class story arcs, buying a 60 takes that away so I'll probably quit over the week since I can't even play with the guy who invited me. I could wait until next week and then make a 60 but then I lose out on all the story arcs up until that point which defeats the purpose of the game, at least to me.


The point is, if end game is the goal, then the 12x's exp didn't hurt anyone and only helped those that were looking for something to do or experience a story that haven't seen yet. At the least they could have waited until actual release to turn it off. Just my opinion.

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I really enjoyed just playing the story only leveling up. I'd like it implemented again for subcrbers that have already seen the planet/side quests.

i have sub'd since beta and played multiple times, i find it very laborious grinding again. (since i came back)


if we have to buy it. make it account wide, lasting a week per consumable.



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As someone that recently returned to play with a friend, the 12X's is what kept me around for the last 2 weeks. I leveled a sorc and an agent which I wouldn't have done otherwise. Since I don't have early access (which I knew I didn't qualify for) I started a BH yesterday and it's painfully slow. The side quests are annoying and most take you completely out of your way of the class story's that I have been used to.


Thing is you don't have to do the side quests, just the planetary and class. They run side by side to each other location-wise. The one thing that would help though, because I just did Belsavis as a JK, is for them, once both questlines are started, to number them, so you know which to do in what order so they line up geographically


I did half of the class quest from Belsavis last week, so going into it having to essentially backtrack to planetaries is a bit of a pain. So if they could help us figure out which to do when so we're in the same location for both, that would be a HUGE help.

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There is no difference between the 12x and what we have now!! You still rip through the content, what are you complaining about? Are you really that bad at gaming?


Heroic moment has 2 minutes up, 3 minutes down, Healing companions will tank heal and kill everything on the screen in a heroic area while you afk, and cc off targets based on their quality.... this game couldn't be more easier if it were produced by Hasbro.


No wonder group finder is filled with idiots.

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There is no difference between the 12x and what we have now!! You still rip through the content, what are you complaining about? Are you really that bad at gaming?

Refusing to be bored does not make someone bad at gaming. Refusing to repeat content three or four times does not make someone bad or a filthy casual or whatever else you want to call us. I just have better things to do.


I played BH and SW at launch but haven't been back in years. I always liked the class stories but the tedious grind kept me away. 12xp was just enough to get me interested. I finally played through the Agent story and got Trooper into the 40s so I am happy with my experience in the past month. I was looking forward to the Jedi classes but now that 12xp is gone, I have already cancelled. That doesn't impact the community as I was playing solo anyway but the change does take money away from the game. I would have subscribed for several more months at least.

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I thought it was supposed to be 12xp until the 27th when early access ends. is it the 27th? I'm subbed so where is my level 60 character? Non existent, that's where. Because it says that I have to buy tokens to get a level 60 character. No, I don't want to run through the whole game again just so I can play the new stuff when I've run it over 50 times with 50 different toons. I'm tired of running it. I came back specifically to play the new content, and now I can't do that without spending the next month running story that I've already seen over and over again. And about the level 60 character.... I put in a ticket, no reply (so their team is worse than it ever was because I never ever used to wait 2 days for a reply to anything). I posted on this forums and have received an excuse about how I should be able to access it by just going to create a character. Only that's the problem, I go to create a character and it tells me I need to buy tokens. Only there are no tokens on the marketplace for me to buy. I do NOT think I should have to wait for this.
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I agree, you had 6 months to take advantage of that. However, I agree with the slow leveling again, as it forces you to enjoy the other content, like the Heroics that you can do at any level (which is more storyline stuff), and the flashpoints, as well as encouraging pvp. If they left it at 12xp, then it wouldn't force you to explore other options, making that content useless.


It's actually a great idea on their part for the level sync, so that you can go back and enjoy content that you missed, while still getting rewarded for it. The best way to add new content is to make old content more accessible!:eek:

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I think it's a really dumb move. I was really enjoying levelling up characters. Now I'm not, and I'll go back to what I was doing before - not levelling up characters. I'm not sure what they're thinking here.

There is really no reasonable explanation for what they did.

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Few guys in this thread are so much ignorant. Seriously guys, you either refuse to accept the facts or check how the game works on your own. The XP is huge. If you want to skip even the planet main story you can use 25% boost and two or three legacy perks for the class story experience and you level up fast enough to 50. After 50 you visit a few flashpoints and you become 65. Generally flashpoints give you almost 1 level per run even without any flashpoint XP perks.. The XP increase is everywhere. Finally a new player can experience the background of the game's story and people who already saw the planet stories can put legacy perks to use once again. Edited by PavSalco
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I'm with you op. I just came back last month and was loving the class mission only leveling experience. I hope it is brought back sooner rather than later. That aside, the rest of the changes in this patch have been good imho.
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I want the xp boost back too. I tried to play some of my lower level characters before I judged (since they re-balanced the xp, they said), played and a few class missions...and gained one level. Still on the origin world and barely level 18. My run through with an alt of this class at me at level 22. at 28 a world after that.


I have 16 alts (One of each class, two genders to play through the class storylines). I don't want to have to ever play any of the planet stuff again, even if is "right on the way" with the class storyline. It still takes extra time I don't have. Thus without it, and this is the important part for them, "Why am I paying monthly for a game I don't have time to enjoy?"


With the class Xp boost I could sit down for half an hour and play through a class mission, get up mid way if I had to and continue when I got back, ignoring the side or planet missions I already played once on my main. Now I can't.


Perhaps they retooled the total xp curve with the area level matching and you can still survive on class xp alone but I am not seeing it, and they are not advertising it as such.

Edited by Ordeiberon
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12XP was great for the couple days I played it until I got burned out. Felt like the real Bioware single-player experience.


I think people who are more in favor of it's return are those who would prefer just to get to end-game content. I like to burn time on missions and grow slow and steady, most of the time. Now I'm in hurry up mode if only because I don't have my crafting set up, but once I'm settled in, I can play a new toon from 1-65 without too much rush or worry. As you can tell by my sig, I do practice what I preach.

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What I've done is do all the story and planetary missions, then pick up all the heroics. By the time I'm done with them I've been able to move on. I even skipped the planetary on some of the crappier worlds and leveled just fine. With the new "travel to heroic" buttons it's pretty easy
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What I've done is do all the story and planetary missions, then pick up all the heroics. By the time I'm done with them I've been able to move on. I even skipped the planetary on some of the crappier worlds and leveled just fine. With the new "travel to heroic" buttons it's pretty easy


I just returned to the game not long ago when 12x was still implemented, so I never tried the Heroics, are they solo-able now?

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