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@Bioware, there's still time to remedy Early Access...


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all mmos have early access including this one, that has had many already.. it will be fine, if people don't wanna play after 6 days so be it. :D


with the current low pop for a MMO I would want a single person to leave, let alone a bunch for no apparent gain

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I got caught as the initial page offer page did indicate that if you subbed between the dates and not over the dates you got early access.


I subbed two weeks ago, even thought at the time what was the point of early access if you could sub right up to the launch and get it.


For me, Im not phased I dont have early access and consider that Bioware worded it poorly and I took for granted it was a generous offer and not a hurdle that required 3 months of subscription to buy 7 days early access.


To those whinging, you dont want early access, as it normally takes at least 7 days for the major game breaking bugs to surface. This way when you do start you will know the work arounds or the things to avoid until fixed.

Edited by FrogSkin
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you guys white knighting bioware on the forums are pathetic go on to any fleet namely harb and ask about this BS. the majority are pretty upset about this shady nonsense that can be easily fixed.


How am I white knighting? I am literally criticizing their stupid decision?

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SWTOR: "Star Wars: The Old Republic – Knights of the Fallen Empire is available for Early Access today for Subscribers who were active between July and early October. The digital expansion will launch on October 27, 2015 and is free for all Subscribers."


This is on their site. Very misleading.

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I'm not going to call BS or rage or any of that Childish nonsense. I don't expect to get Early Access. But come on people. The blazed the Early Access ad across the Home page and the Launcher for weeks and in neither of those places (the two places everyone would see it) was the requirement of getting all 4 Subscriber rewards mentioned. If it really were so simply so many people wouldn't be confused right now.


It's starting to remind me of a rather topical South Park episode that spent half it's time mocking and lampooning EULA's and how they're written purposefully trick people knowing that most users will never read the whole thing. This entire thing could have been avoiding by simply having "Get all 4 Subscriber Rewards to qualify for Early Access." The sentence would easily have fit onto the rewards banners on the Homepage and the Launcher and completely avoided any and all ambiguity. That the simple phrase wasn't used strikes me as good old EA doing what it frequently does.

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Someone made a comment that I think sums up the situation well:


Snickers is holding a sweepstakes from July to October. You wouldn't be expected to buy a Snickers everyday to be entered into the sweepstakes, you'd just have to buy a Snickers once.


It would never happen.


Sweepstakes began as a form of lottery that were tied to products sold.[2] In response, the FCC and FTC refined U.S. broadcasting laws (creating the anti-lottery laws).[3] Under these laws sweepstakes became strictly "No Purchase Necessary to Enter or Win", especially since many sweepstakes companies skirted the law by stating only "No Purchase Necessary to Enter",[4] removing the consideration (one of the three legally required elements of gambling)[5] to stop abuse of sweepstakes.[5]


However, Snickers does use an asterisk in this sweepstakes.

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you guys white knighting bioware on the forums are pathetic go on to any fleet namely harb and ask about this BS. the majority are pretty upset about this shady nonsense that can be easily fixed.


Yes but you must remember they DON'T CARE WHAT WE THINK!


I mean Honestly I am surprised they haven't just said "Ok you if where playing before October you can come in now"


It would shut up all of us and still get them money coming in since people would have a reason to want cartel Items.



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I think they can fix this by letting all subscribers get access to the new content starting on Thursday or Friday. That way the original Early Access earners still feel like they were rewarded and the new subs can still enjoy the content. :rak_03:


Having multiple tiers of early access is standard in the industry.

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I think they can fix this by letting all subscribers get access to the new content starting on Thursday or Friday. That way the original Early Access earners still feel like they were rewarded and the new subs can still enjoy the content. :rak_03:


Having multiple tiers of early access is standard in the industry.


As they were tracking sub dates for the rewards anyway I don't see why they didn't do a tiered early access reward as well. 7 days for all 4 rewards, 5 days for 3, 3 days for 2 and 1 day for 1 reward. Syncs up perfectly and people who didn't get all the rewards at least get some early access.

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As they were tracking sub dates for the rewards anyway I don't see why they didn't do a tiered early access reward as well. 7 days for all 4 rewards, 5 days for 3, 3 days for 2 and 1 day for 1 reward. Syncs up perfectly and people who didn't get all the rewards at least get some early access.


Ya but you can't have anyone be happy :)

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A lot of people are upset about not getting into early access, either because of a bug, because their subscription was dropped for a few days since July, or because they misinterpreted subscribing from July to October as subscribe between July to October.


I think it'd be generous to give all current subscribers early access. Active subscribers are left with nothing to do because the PvE content has been raised to 65, but they aren't 65 and can't level to 65.


If you don't have sympathy for those who weren't subscribed for a while or are in the "learn 2 read" club for those who misinterpreted the early access requirements, that's fair. All I'm asking is for BioWare to throw a bone to a lot of us who made a mistake. Personally, I wouldn't have subscribed until later had I comprehended the requirements correctly.





But the end game content in GF is now 50-65...so you get synched.

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As they were tracking sub dates for the rewards anyway I don't see why they didn't do a tiered early access reward as well. 7 days for all 4 rewards, 5 days for 3, 3 days for 2 and 1 day for 1 reward. Syncs up perfectly and people who didn't get all the rewards at least get some early access.


Too smart for your own good there, dear sir/madam.


Yes, I'm one of the "Unlucky/Uneducated" that didn't get the "Full Memo Read" about it. I missed Trench-Coat Day because my payday fell five days after the date. Up until that date, I had been Continuously Subscribed since Live Date, and my Account was live since Beta Group 235. Thousands of dollars spent in my household on the Cartel Market. Now, however, because of one missed Date, I'm going to go back to running EverQuest because my Family is doing KOTFE without me.


As I stated in another thread: Every other Expansion, Early Access, and Reward given was simple... "Be subscribed before X date". There was no "Be subscribed for THREE ENTIRE MONTHS in order to get something" until this expansion came out.


We took things for granted, and we were taken advantage of for it.

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Perhaps the doom sayers and tin foil hat wearers... were actually right this time.


There's a problem here. Because aside from knights and foils.. there's an unspoken assumption that the foils should be wrong to remain in happyland. If the foils are starting to be right Armageddon is coming.

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Another QQ Thread.


You didn't read all of the page! You just assumed like when you were children ( and some sound like they are or still are) that if you throw a tantrum long enough eventually Bioware will give in and let you guys have access. Too bad so Sad i feel for you or that might be indigestion give me an hour and ill know if it was supper. Your argument is your a Sub. Well congrats for being a new Sub you get this content on the 27th. You don't have to pay for it. AGAIN DONT AGREE TO ANYTHING IN LIFE WITHOUT READING EVERYTHING. You missed out for what ever reason not my problem. Most certainly not Biowares fault. It's on you as a consumer to read everything and/or to make sure your sub was/is in good standing.

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I just wanted to say that I resubscribed because I received an email on October 15th that said, "Last chance for Rewards! Subscribe by October 19th to get the Knights of the Old Republic Inspired Swoop Bike and more!" This email had a link that took me to this page:




I took that to mean that if I subscribed as soon as I got the email, which I did, I would get early access and the Swoop Bike. Why else is the box highlighted in orange as if I can still earn it? Why doesn't it say anywhere that it is too late to earn that reward? I feel mislead and disappointed.


edit: Also, I did notice today that it does have a disclaimer saying that you need to earn all four rewards to qualify for early access, but this disclaimer is past the "characters" and "chapters" pages, the pages that many people who don't want spoilers will try not to look at.

Edited by Rekia
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Well if English wasn't your primary language maybe I'd feel bad for you.


Nah I don't feel bad for you, it was all over the forums website, etc how to get into early release


shame on you not shame on BW, they gave you pretty simple instructions be subscribed from july 31st which moved to Aug the 10th until up to and including Oct 19th.


Pretty simple if you ask me,


I guess your Dog ate your homework also

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I just wanted to say that I resubscribed because I received an email on October 15th that said, "Last chance for Rewards! Subscribe by October 19th to get the Knights of the Old Republic Inspired Swoop Bike and more!" This email had a link that took me to this page:




I took that to mean that if I subscribed as soon as I got the email, which I did, I would get early access and the Swoop Bike. Why else is the box highlighted in orange as if I can still earn it? Why doesn't it say anywhere that it is too late to earn that reward? I feel mislead and disappointed.


So I went to that link, and the third line down the page, right on top of the list of rewards is:




Followed by a list of dates and rewards.


Also, if you would follow that asterisk all the way down to the bottom of the page you would have seen this:


To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates. Once you qualify you may enter and play Knights of the Fallen Empire on October 20, 2015, seven (7) days prior to live launch on October 27, 2015.


In nice, clear English.


Frankly, anyone that sees an asterisk and doesn't go looking for more information deserves whatever they get. To those who are bugged out of early access, I hope they fix it quickly, and compensate you fairly. To everyone else who wasn't subscribed on the right dates, who didn't bother to follow the asterisk, or for that matter even look at the forums and the dozens of threads of people asking if they qualify and having the T&C quoted and linked to, you don't get in. PERIOD. See you next Tuesday.

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I came back to this game because Bioware sent me an email. They could have sent me that email in July saying that I could get early access if I subscribed from now until October 20th, but they didn't.


They waited until October 15th, when it was too late, and they didn't say that it was too late. They sent me a direct link to a website that said, "Choose to be a Subscriber from August 10 to October 19 to receive the Early Access Bonus Reward!" This kind of sounds like "become a subscriber during this time and get early access." Not "maintain a subscription continuously during this time." I bet that's what happened to a lot of people.


I don't really care that much, I have other games to play. But I do feel like people who spend the next week playing a different game might not come back, which might not be a good business decision for Bioware.

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I came back to this game because Bioware sent me an email. They could have sent me that email in July saying that I could get early access if I subscribed from now until October 20th, but they didn't.


They waited until October 15th, when it was too late, and they didn't say that it was too late. They sent me a direct link to a website that said, "Choose to be a Subscriber from August 10 to October 19 to receive the Early Access Bonus Reward!" This kind of sounds like "become a subscriber during this time and get early access." Not "maintain a subscription continuously during this time." I bet that's what happened to a lot of people.


I don't really care that much, I have other games to play. But I do feel like people who spend the next week playing a different game might not come back, which might not be a good business decision for Bioware.


What part of from August tenth to Oct 19th is unclear

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I came back to this game because Bioware sent me an email. They could have sent me that email in July saying that I could get early access if I subscribed from now until October 20th, but they didn't.


They waited until October 15th, when it was too late, and they didn't say that it was too late. They sent me a direct link to a website that said, "Choose to be a Subscriber from August 10 to October 19 to receive the Early Access Bonus Reward!" This kind of sounds like "become a subscriber during this time and get early access." Not "maintain a subscription continuously during this time." I bet that's what happened to a lot of people.


I don't really care that much, I have other games to play. But I do feel like people who spend the next week playing a different game might not come back, which might not be a good business decision for Bioware.


same thing mine said, but I got mine mid sept, soon as I looked at the email (I had been gone from the game for a couple years, but had watched the new trailer for this xpac, looked cool) I opened my account and subbed, my bad I didn't read the rest of the fine print, why would I think the offer was invalid, it was sent to me by EA/BIO what would be the point of sending a invalid offer to someone? that is the problem, ya I know im not going to get early access now, I get it, but why send me a invalid offer?

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