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KOTFE Level 60 character creation is bugged


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Just one more thing that shows what a lack of proper beta testing and vetting can do. This is something that could very well have been caught and resolved long before going live had BioWare really any understanding of good testing procedures.


100% this. Bioware seems to lack all tenants of good SDLC. From unit testing on up to regression testing. And by how slow they are to fix things, clearly they don't use change logs. Or proper code management.

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Why? so it can bug out again? I would rather the try to fix the issue, THEN restore the tokens rather than waste countless hours restoring tokens that will just bug out again and lead to more tickets, calls, emails etc.


It will be restored when they've narrowed down the bug and fixed it.


Helps if you actually read my post. I said I'm happy to sit on it, I just want the token back because I don't trust them, and want to stop worrying about it. I have no intention of using it before these problems are resolved.


Or even if thats what they intend to do, they need to reply to my ticket from 2 weeks ago that hasn't even had so much as an acknowledgement advising me my token will be restored when the problems have been resolved AND leave the ticket open until they do, at least then I have confirmation they will restore my token. Ignoring me isn't helping anything. If they close the ticket without restoring the token I simply don't trust they will actually come back and restore the token when the issues are resolved. I'm a adult, restore my token but tell me in the ticket closure not to use it for now, I think I can follow that basic instruction.

Edited by ZavienUK
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Helps if you actually read my post. I said I'm happy to sit on it, I just want the token back because I don't trust them, and want to stop worrying about it. I have no intention of using it before these problems are resolved.


Or even if thats what they intend to do, they need to reply to my ticket from 2 weeks ago that hasn't even had so much as an acknowledgement advising me my token will be restored when the problems have been resolved, at least then I have confirmation they will restore my token. Ignoring me isn't helping anything.


Dude their ticket CS department barly speaks english. Ever called them? "Ello tank you for calling Star Wars da Old Republok, my name is Bob how can I help you? " Its like dude your name isnt Bob its probably Habib.


Most of them barly speak english let alone read it.

Edited by Zergnaut
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Hey folks,


After posting the workaround information yesterday, we continued to investigate the issues that some of you are experiencing with your Start at 60 tokens not being restored. It does appear that in some cases, a player can end up in a state where their start at 60 character does not create properly, and then their token is also not being restored to them. We are going to be removing the Start at 60 token off of the Cartel Market immediately. Also, in the meantime, we recommend that you do not use any Start at 60 tokens as it is possible that you could end up in this state as well. Note that start at 60 tokens include those bought from the Cartel Market, the GTN, and the free level 60 granted to subscribers in KotFE.


It is our goal to get this fixed ASAP, and the moment I have more information on when we will be fixing it I will pass it on. If you already experienced this issue, hold tight, I will be getting more information on how to get your individual states resolved as well (contacting CS, waiting for maintenance, etc.)


Thank you for your understanding, I will pass on information as I have it.




WELLLLL its a cash shop item so we can expect a fix ASAP. gotta keep the green flowing

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So its a bug in the matrix, great. At least Bioware is attempting to right the wrong. Im sick of people bashing the devs for a bug. I get it, SWTOR has seen better days in its beginning but a loyal SWTOR player respects a devs ability to right the wrong. Im happy that they are at least admitting to and attempting to fix the situation.


Yes, I had a couple 60s bug out on me, but i was lucky enough i wasn't charged for them.


We need more jelly fish like this! So things never change right? We need more bashing of devs and EA as the latter is the real problem. EA to make money you got to spend it some times. Hire them some quality programmers to help please!

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Hey folks,


After posting the workaround information yesterday, we continued to investigate the issues that some of you are experiencing with your Start at 60 tokens not being restored. It does appear that in some cases, a player can end up in a state where their start at 60 character does not create properly, and then their token is also not being restored to them. We are going to be removing the Start at 60 token off of the Cartel Market immediately. Also, in the meantime, we recommend that you do not use any Start at 60 tokens as it is possible that you could end up in this state as well. Note that start at 60 tokens include those bought from the Cartel Market, the GTN, and the free level 60 granted to subscribers in KotFE.


It is our goal to get this fixed ASAP, and the moment I have more information on when we will be fixing it I will pass it on. If you already experienced this issue, hold tight, I will be getting more information on how to get your individual states resolved as well (contacting CS, waiting for maintenance, etc.)


Thank you for your understanding, I will pass on information as I have it.





So if I delete my Token 65 character I should get a new one once its fixed?

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At 5 am EST I used 2x the level 60 tokens as so I could create 2 level 60 chars. This is before the lovely warning about the bug in effect. I've heard about the tokens not being returned upon failed creation. My problem is that i used the 2 tokens before the warnings went up and ended up with 0 level 60 chars to be made! I've hard NOTHING on my petition regarding what the hell is going to be done about my 4000 CC that I spent on the 2 tokens or any word regarding my level 60 tokens. Okay I know they're working on it but how's about a little notice about what you guys are going to do about those of us who used tokens and can't make the level 60 characters! This is a horrid bug and its upsetting that there hasn't been a single thing updated regarding what exactly is happening and at least an approximate time as to when you'll be able to fix this? How's about a full list of what the problems are with the level 60 tokens, like how many of us are stuck consuming the tokens and having 0 as to the number of level 60's that can be made? Its not just that people get the token, spent it and then tried to make the level 60 char only to land on fleet with a level 1 and no token. There's people like me who spent the token or tokens and have 0 level 60's to make. Its not a matter of wait through the opening stuff or it may screw up. Okay I'm a touch pissy because it cost me 4000 CC and no one from customer service seems to care to explain anything regarding my concerns.:mad:
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If you have and use a token, and end up on fleet:


Here's what happened for me.


1. Did a char, used advanced to change the spec, ended up on fleet.


I DID NOT open my mail, buy anything or do anythign. Just deleted.


What I got back was the character creation screen said I had 1 lvl 60 avail. Not the token, the character creation unlock.


So I tried again.


This time, DID NOT change the advanced class. I waited until after the char was in the story.

Respec after.

I watched the intro vid.

It worked.


This was last night, 11/5/15. I imagine it will work again. Just don't go crazy changing things. And don't open stuff (get greedy). I think some of this, (or maybe one of these (not sure which one) is the key.


So I only had one problem, and "customizations" to character creation seems to bring it on. I did choose a standard class on the one that worked (cyborg for gunslinger) to be safe.


My $.02 worth

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Hey folks,


After posting the workaround information yesterday, we continued to investigate the issues that some of you are experiencing with your Start at 60 tokens not being restored. It does appear that in some cases, a player can end up in a state where their start at 60 character does not create properly, and then their token is also not being restored to them. We are going to be removing the Start at 60 token off of the Cartel Market immediately. Also, in the meantime, we recommend that you do not use any Start at 60 tokens as it is possible that you could end up in this state as well. Note that start at 60 tokens include those bought from the Cartel Market, the GTN, and the free level 60 granted to subscribers in KotFE.


It is our goal to get this fixed ASAP, and the moment I have more information on when we will be fixing it I will pass it on. If you already experienced this issue, hold tight, I will be getting more information on how to get your individual states resolved as well (contacting CS, waiting for maintenance, etc.)


Thank you for your understanding, I will pass on information as I have it.




But how do we get our boosts back that we lost? Yesterday i accidentally used a level 60 boost for creating a character when i went to use the normal character creation and not until this morning did i realize that i didn't get the boost back. But i made a sniper then loaded the game and it spawned me in as a level 1 sniper on the fleet. i deleted the character but didn't get the boost back and i should have 2 boosts left but i have only got one because it didn't refund the boost. How do we get them back?

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I just got the same issue...


I tried to create a level 60 BountyHunter Powertech in The Harbinger server, named "Exatech", and I took my time... I didn't skip any video, intro, or the scroll prologue; then I got my level 1 at the fleet... I logout, deleted the level 1 character and no token refound... :mad:


I sent a ticket, and took some screenshots for the record

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Ok first of all, the warning when you log in isn't clear. I though it was just the Cartel tokens that were hosed.. In fact, I didn't even think that as a subscriber, I even had a limit on the number of 60's I could create. Or that subs used tokens. I just assumed it work similar to other games (like WOW).


Now after trying to create (boost) two characters, and ending up as level 1 on the fleet (and no sound by the way) I have no more boosts. .


So when you log in your message should be "Don't use the 60 creation system at all until we fix it".


I best get my two boosts back.

Edited by cagthehack
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Same happened to me..tried creating one, finished creating and game bugged out..then had to wait an hour (!!!) to get back online as server was full Which is a disgrace as a sub, f2p's should be removed from the game if subbers are having to queue, or, Bioware need to make a few more servers to cope with high demand instead of just expanding existing ones.

When I acatually got in I had a new level 1, on the fleet! and a missing token.

Edited by wingrave
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