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"The amount of credits dropped from defeated NPCs has been greatly reduced."


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Translation: they're going to control how much you can earn in a day through time sinks (level sync) and limiting credit sources to mission rewards. This is a pretty major nerf.


Credits are about to become a lot more valuable.


This will increase the number of credit scammers/credit sellers & spammers plus cheating.. Nerfing credit is bad idea. Increase it and these scammers go bye bye...


Have to wonder about these credit nerfs, it gives impression that BIOWARE fully supports these credit scammers in trying to get people to lose real life money to these online criminals...

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It should be noted that before 4.0, just leveling, you could get 3-5mil credits easily grinding 1-60 content.


Now, we don't pay for skills, we don't need to gear our Companions and profession training is cheap.


So, doesn't it make sense to lower the amount of credits entering the system if only to cut down on credit inflation?

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It's a good thing I make virtually none of my credits from inefficiently farming mobs, then.




This will increase the number of credit scammers/credit sellers & spammers plus cheating.. Nerfing credit is bad idea. Increase it and these scammers go bye bye...


Have to wonder about these credit nerfs, it gives impression that BIOWARE fully supports these credit scammers in trying to get people to lose real life money to these online criminals...


Ironically, this is wrong. People always value their time more than their money, because time is tangible and money is just a number in a world where your bank keeps your money on a different continent as an entry in a database.


Increasing credit production will actually fuel sellers because if it's easy to obtain credits for both players and goldsellers, players will be lazy and goldsellers wil farm their millions (of both credits and $).

Edited by Diviciacus
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It should be noted that before 4.0, just leveling, you could get 3-5mil credits easily grinding 1-60 content.


Now, we don't pay for skills, we don't need to gear our Companions and profession training is cheap.


So, doesn't it make sense to lower the amount of credits entering the system if only to cut down on credit inflation?


Really 3-5 million credits?


Took my Merc 1-60 doing all class missions and never gotten over 850,000 credits. So do not see how it is possible to make 3-5 million credits. (This includes Splicing and Treasure hunting).

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Really 3-5 million credits?


Took my Merc 1-60 doing all class missions and never gotten over 850,000 credits. So do not see how it is possible to make 3-5 million credits. (This includes Splicing and Treasure hunting).


I assume you leveled during 12x XP and didn't bother doing anything except class quests.

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It's a good thing I make virtually none of my credits from inefficiently farming mobs, then.




It was, at one time, possible to make 10 - 15k per minute, if you knew how to do it. Per. Minute. I play the GTN too, of course, but it's not that efficient. Just less of an active grind is all. Do both and you could make a lot more.

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Increasing credit production will actually fuel sellers because if it's easy to obtain credits for both players and goldsellers, players will be lazy and goldsellers wil farm their millions (of both credits and $).


BW:A should compete by selling credit booms, and credit explosions, for CCs in the CM. Anyone who wants credits could then do so without getting banned, because such a system would've been authorised by the firm in charge.

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Credit Credit bills y'all


Sitting on 230mil credits and I don't buy CM stuff for resale.


I sell crafted stuff and flip cheap stuff.


What this means is that I buy stuff that someone posts at a low price and relist it at a higher price that I know it'll sell at. it's free credits and easy to do once you know what the floor prices are for the various markets.

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Don't forget the escrow limit for non-subs. BW has a small interest in combatting inflation so that more items will fall under the escrow limit. More items under the escrow limit, a higher "sales velocity" on those items.


This is a long term fix to a problem that took a long time to get where it is.

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It should be noted that before 4.0, just leveling, you could get 3-5mil credits easily grinding 1-60 content.


Now, we don't pay for skills, we don't need to gear our Companions and profession training is cheap.


So, doesn't it make sense to lower the amount of credits entering the system if only to cut down on credit inflation?


Even assuming we accept that number, which I would agree with Falonarion about is suspect, but for the sake of argument; it took about 8 hours using optimal levelling(ie spacebarring the story entirely and Makeb at 47) to do 1-60 during 12x. It will now take at the very, very least double that since you have to do planet storylines as well. In reality, much longer, since you need to do the storyline flashpoints too, and you can't overlevel as much. Lets say 25 hours /played to go 1-60, and use the maximum end of your estimate; 200K per hour. At the lower end, more like 120K/hr. And that's before the nerfed credit drops, so even if we accept that starting number, it's probably going to be half that or less now.


Running that lvl-50 Heroic at Corellia's Business Sector repeatedly(ie slaughtering the mobs in a corner, going outside, resetting, goto 1) was 600K/hr on average. And people have been doing that, and methods like it, for years: credit inflation has already happened, it's not preventable any more, it can't be mitigated. There are enough people on each server with substantial extant credit reserves that prices will remain high for months, perhaps years for rare items.


All BW are doing by making it more difficult to earn credits now is ensuring lots of folk are going to be prices out of nicer GTN purchases, which for me at least will merely make me annoyed and less likely to keep playing, rather than as I suspect they hope make me rush to the CM to throw cash at BW to gamble for what I want.

Edited by sosolidshoe
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Yes, it can be mitigated. That's what credit sinks are for. Or did you think it was pure happenstance that the Strongholds and Guild ships/headquarters were so expensive?


They were also added a year ago. I wouldn't say they're relevant to the current discussion. Anyone who wants those already has them, myself included.


Which is a good thing, because I'm certainly not going to spam dailies to earn what it would take.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Yes, it can be mitigated. That's what credit sinks are for. Or did you think it was pure happenstance that the Strongholds and Guild ships/headquarters were so expensive?


And who are those sinks going to impact more given these changes, people who've got tens or hundreds of millions in the bank, who likely completed all their strongholds months ago, or John Q Newbie who now has to try to afford everything in the game with 1/10th the income aforementioned already-wealthy people had when they were doing it?

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While this may have the effect...may...of making credits harder to farm by rmt bots, making credits harder to come by for players increases the desirability of buying credits.


So, a decision's been made that could actually result in more 3rd party credit sales, not less.

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This is done to curb credit spammers and nothing else. Should be careful what you wish for, any bets with the next 12 months all slicing boxes will have tech parts in and no credits. After credits were removed from the blue lock boxes I was expecting this though thought it would affect slicing first.
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While this may have the effect...may...of making credits harder to farm by rmt bots, making credits harder to come by for players increases the desirability of buying credits.


So, a decision's been made that could actually result in more 3rd party credit sales, not less.


This could be mitigated by BW:A selling credit booms/explosions directly in the CM, not as super rare spawns in packs; players would get what they want, credits, and BW:A would get what they want, CC purchases.

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And who are those sinks going to impact more given these changes, people who've got tens or hundreds of millions in the bank, who likely completed all their strongholds months ago, or John Q Newbie who now has to try to afford everything in the game with 1/10th the income aforementioned already-wealthy people had when they were doing it?


This ^^


You don't go out of your way to attract new players by making the new player experience suck in comparison to the vet player experience. Making money harder to come by in a mature game that is well into the cycle of gear cost inflation that hits all games is a mistake.


IF, and it's a big if, quest credit rewards are a lot higher than they used to be this effect will be mitigated to an extent. But it's also going to create a model where people quickly learn to go out of their way to avoid open world NPC combat and just navigate from one quest objective to the next; effectively making open-world NPCs something to be avoided at all costs since their ROI will be next to nothing.

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if they really wanted to stop gold farmers, they'd make cc's and credits convertable, like guild wars 2. They purposely refuse to do this because then people might not have to pay money to buy stuff on the cartel market. Oh how horrible that would be.
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if they really wanted to stop gold farmers, they'd make cc's and credits convertable, like guild wars 2. They purposely refuse to do this because then people might not have to pay money to buy stuff on the cartel market. Oh how horrible that would be.


Make credit explosions cost 2000-4000CCs, and credit booms 250-500CCs, would be my advice to BW:A, and BoP, I've actually seen them sell on the GTN for way more than they give.

Edited by sentientomega
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Give the ability to sell CC via the GTN. Effectively, that's what you're doing by allowing subs to sell account unlocks. I've seen this work very successfully in a different MMO. But that's another discussion.


This attacks credit sellers by making their product more expensive to produce. It's not going to meaningfully impact new players, who always did get their primary income from missions, because low level mobs dropped lousy amounts for credits anyway, except in certain very specific areas (the heroic 4s mentioned).

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I don't live to play the game. I enjoy a few hours here and there, if I wanted something could go find some gold stars out there and earn enough to get a dye at 45K, eventually get one executive couch for 200K. I come here to enjoy playing and not have to spend hours playing the GTN market or hours and hours crafting or repeating dailies hundreds of times. I was content to save a little and buy a little and congratulate the ones who can and do earn millions. Now, there is no way I can afford 2.2 million for a stronghold unlock, much less a nice piece of gear.


This is not a fix to address the spammers. This will only drive the casual gamer, like me, straight into their arms. Thank you Bio.

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