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Makes you wonder if KOTFE storyline is finished?


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I've been wondering lately, does anyone think the actual KOTFE storyline is finished, but they are holding out finished content from us to sell it as a subscription episodic game later?


How so? They said we would get 9 chapters to start for free and the rest monthly come 2016 granted they never said those other 7 chapters were free but most likely they are as for anything past that point there is no point in making speculations for things that could be a year away.

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First off its EA so like ME3 im sure they will grab for every dime that they can from us. I would feel safe saying if your a sub then those chapters yet to be released will be free. Probably cost CC if your free or preferred. Yet again its EA so could be everyone is going to pay more for those next chapters regardless of what your status is.
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I've been wondering lately, does anyone think the actual KOTFE storyline is finished, but they are holding out finished content from us to sell it as a subscription episodic game later?


I thought it was kinda obvious to be honest with you. It's not exactly a new approach or anything though. It's common for companies to purposely leave out features just so they can add them later as an "upgrade". Just take all the apple fanboys for example. Never in my life have I seen so many sheep line up for hours just for an extra half inch of screen and a slightly better processor in their phones. It's kinda sad.

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I'm sure the writing team has a pretty solid idea where the story will go, maybe not the final moments of the final episode. Honestly, they might be interested in seeing how the player based responds to the initial chapters before ending it.


If we buy-in to this storyline and people start subscribing they may take their time wrapping it up.


If we don't, they might wrap it up sooner and go onto the next master plan to make money :).


- Arcada

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Sam Logan of Sam & Fuzzy once said that, when he plots out major story arcs, he has the general direction down but the minute stuff (such as the Grrbils) can change depending on what works best.


I imagine the same thing is happening here. They have the major events. They know how it'll end. But some of the details might change. Example: Maybe there is a minor Mando sidequest in one of the chapters that they figure only an 8th of the players are interested in but it turns out that EVERYONE gets into it and it is agreed that it is the best part of that chapter. Without changing the end, they can expand on that quest in future chapters.

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First off its EA so like ME3 im sure they will grab for every dime that they can from us. I would feel safe saying if your a sub then those chapters yet to be released will be free. Probably cost CC if your free or preferred. Yet again its EA so could be everyone is going to pay more for those next chapters regardless of what your status is.


What they said is that you need to be subbed for future chapters. Anytime you sub you get the chapters you haven't got yet. Question is how patient are you?


Clearly the point is to reward subs and entice others to try a sub. Once you get used to a sub, unsubbing is rather limiting for many people. I hope it works out because an MMO is better off if it can live off subs. Too bad they messed up so badly in the first year...

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They have the major events. They know how it'll end. But some of the details might change.


I essentially agree with you, but its possible they have an ending in mind in terms of a confrontation, etc. but haven't quite figured out the specifics of how that will play out in terms of the future universe.


Breaking Bad is an example of a show that seems to have an arc, and certainly the writers had an "idea" of how things were going to play out but they apparently didn't figure out the specific ending until they started writing the last episode. Which is a good way to do things if you care about fan reaction; you can really tailor the experience to what people like.


- Arcada

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I essentially agree with you, but its possible they have an ending in mind in terms of a confrontation, etc. but haven't quite figured out the specifics of how that will play out in terms of the future universe.


Breaking Bad is an example of a show that seems to have an arc, and certainly the writers had an "idea" of how things were going to play out but they apparently didn't figure out the specific ending until they started writing the last episode. Which is a good way to do things if you care about fan reaction; you can really tailor the experience to what people like.


- Arcada


Only they can't do that... This game has hardly any devs left working on it... EA gives them a short leash (money wise)... The entire story was written and recorded so long ago... They can't just pay the actors to come in every other month and record again. They give them their standard compensation and they hammer out everything in one go.


Obviously a TV show has the fluidity to change on a whim because they literally record episodes in the weeks preceding broadcasts...


You don't just change a video game on a whim and make those changes into the final product in a short amount of time... It simply does not work like that.

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they have stated that they will continue to release new episodes on a monthly(?) basis. You will need to pay/sub to get them, but you wont need to pay for each episode. you can get the first x amount, unsub for 6 months, resub for a month and unlock the follow 6 episodes and unsub again.
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The script might be finished, but all the modeling/animations/VOs might not be done yet.




I'm sure they had the story finished before they even made the initial KOTFE announcement. But most people playing this game don't realize the amount of time and effort it takes to do all of the coding/animating/voice acting. Heck, just recording the voice acting for one short cut scene alone can take up multiple days worth of work and salary. The actors are required to record different lines, different tones for each line, expressing emotions. All of that stuff multiple, if not many times. It's no small feat.


I wouldn't be surprised if they finished the KOTFE storyline months ago, but have been working hard on the animations and voice acting this whole time.

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