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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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Bioware breaks exclusives all the time in this game, Revan's Armor Sets were exclusive to certain Cartel Packs yet then you were able to get them in the Gold Armor Pack and now in a Grand Chance Cube. Yes they are very rare drops but the point is they were suppose to be exclusive to the packs that they were released in yet they broke that and yet they made other ways to obtain them. You don't hear anyone complaining about that and saying they should've remained exclusive to those particular packs.


That is not the same at all. They put the item in a CM pack and then later made another CM pack where you could get items from different CM packs.


What would make your case (even though still not as strong, as this still involves CM) would be if they put the entire set for direct sale on the CM. Yes, that would tick off people who spent $$$ on packs with a *chance* to get the items, rather than spending $ on the item itself.

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That is not the same at all. They put the item in a CM pack and then later made another CM pack where you could get items from different CM packs.


It's the same thing/idea, exclusive to pack or exclusive sub-reward to me there is no difference, you take it and move it to another pack it's no longer an exclusive, it's just another thing and that's the point you guys are trying to make and my point is it happens. So that's how I look at Nico or anything else, it's another item for Bioware to put out and make money off of later.


What would make your case (even though still not as strong, as this still involves CM) would be if they put the entire set for direct sale on the CM. Yes, that would tick off people who spent $$$ on packs with a *chance* to get the items, rather than spending $ on the item itself.


They have done so actually the Temple Guardian Armor Set was a set exclusive to the Club Vertica Nightlife Pack and as you can see linked here by Dulfy they released that entire armor set for direct sale on the Cartel Market.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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It's the same thing/idea, exclusive to pack or exclusive sub-reward to me there is no difference, you take it and move it to another pack it's no longer an exclusive, it's just another thing and that's the point you guys are trying to make and my point is it happens. So that's how I look at Nico or anything else, it's another item for Bioware to put out and make money off of later.




They have done so actually the Temple Guardian Armor Set was a set exclusive to the Club Vertica Nightlife Pack and as you can see linked here by Dulfy they released that entire armor set for direct sale on the Cartel Market.


Maybe i am wrong, but I don't remember BW saying that the ONLY way to get the Revan set or the temple guardian set was via the packs, or even the CM, for that matter. That is where they put them and made them available, but that is NOT the same as saying that "these sets are EXCLUSIVE to these packs or the CM."


That is not the same thing as the exclusive subscriber rewards, which were advertised as exclusive and the terms and conditions stated that to obtain them you MUST be subscribed on the specific dates for each specific reward.

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Maybe i am wrong, but I don't remember BW saying that the ONLY way to get the Revan set or the temple guardian set was via the packs, or even the CM, for that matter. That is where they put them and made them available, but that is NOT the same as saying that "these sets are EXCLUSIVE to these packs or the CM."


That is not the same thing as the exclusive subscriber rewards, which were advertised as exclusive and the terms and conditions stated that to obtain them you MUST be subscribed on the specific dates for each specific reward.


Exactly. Releasing it in a pack =/= making it exclusive to the pack.


If they stated "We are introducing the Rainbow Unicorn Pack which has the Nugget of Truth, exclusive to this pack!" then, yes, I would concede your point.


As it is, you mentioned armor, which was never announced to be exclusive, available in a CM pack and then available later in a CM pack.

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Exactly. Releasing it in a pack =/= making it exclusive to the pack.


If they stated "We are introducing the Rainbow Unicorn Pack which has the Nugget of Truth, exclusive to this pack!" then, yes, I would concede your point.


As it is, you mentioned armor, which was never announced to be exclusive, available in a CM pack and then available later in a CM pack.

I'm done trying to make my point which is this: It doesn't matter what anyone who thinks this was just an exclusive thinks, it's about what Bioware thinks and they think about money and Nico will make them money, this isn't a guess, this is fact. I have no doubt in my mind as big of a demand for these two as there is they will re-issue them cause it will make them a lot of money, whether that be re-issuing them as a sub-reward or directly on the Cartel Market.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I'm gonna speak as someone who got the HK-55 companion sub reward, I couldn't care less if Bioware turned around and re-issued him at a later date, it would not hurt or bother me at all, I have no right what-so-ever to tell any player that comes to subscribing to this game after the fact that they are ****-out-of-luck and to "suck it up." If it will bring money to this game that will help the developers fix it and make it better and do better at their job, then I'm all for them making money that can go towards the game.


There are a lot of entitlist in this game and I will never be one cause I could really care less, as far as I'm concerned I got HK-55 first and he will always be special to me because he's MY companion, I'm not ****** at all that I see others who have him so why should it bother me if they re-issue him? If you're gonna be all "You're sol" and "Suck it up." and you aren't hurt by the fact that others who subscribed at the same time do too, why be a dick about it if they released him again? My point is other people have him besides you, you're not the only one. I'm not the only one with HK-55 so why should it bother me if they re-issued him?


Same with Nico, or any other sub-reward, why care if they re-issue him? It's not that big of deal... It's just a popular item that can get Bioware more money and we as a player base need to be more concerned about putting more money in Bioware's pocket then being "You're SOL" and "Suck it up."


Speaking as someone that got HK-55, Nico, the PArty Jawa, a Founder title, etc... No. All this stuff was exclusive. All that said, there'll be new stuff in the future. You missed out. Sucks for you. THERE WILL BE NEW STUFF IN THE FUTURE.

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] Sucks for you.

I could careless anymore. Have fun telling people to suck it up. It's this kinda of crap that's gonna push people to stop playing the game, not the not getting the stuff they want, the way you people act. Who wants to pay for this ****? And before anyone says I am I've already stopped paying money, I'm just waiting for my time to run out so I am not paying for anything as of right now and this crap here is why.

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I'm done trying to make my point which is this: It doesn't matter what anyone who thinks this was just an exclusive thinks, it's about what Bioware thinks and they think about money and Nico will make them money, this isn't a guess, this is fact. I have no doubt in my mind as big of a demand for these two as there is they will re-issue them cause it will make them a lot of money, whether that be re-issuing them as a sub-reward or directly on the Cartel Market.


Yes, it is up to BW... who told us exactly how to qualify for these items.


If they re-issue Nico, then I promise to drop to preferred status for an entire month. Maybe more.

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I could careless anymore. Have fun telling people to suck it up. It's this kinda of crap that's gonna push people to stop playing the game, not the not getting the stuff they want, the way you people act. Who wants to pay for this ****? And before anyone says I am I've already stopped paying money, I'm just waiting for my time to run out so I am not paying for anything as of right now and this crap here is why.


Care -space- less. Also, no it isn't why people stop playing the game. You weren't here on the required time. It wasn't a big secret or anything, you had plenty of advanced notice. You just didn't meet the qualifications. You and like 2 other people constantly whine and complain to get things you weren't here for, and all of you were players of SWTOR before the required time. You missed out completely due to your own fault....


The stuff was exclusive. Stop trying to turn your personal want for something into something bigger than what it is.


I bet they'll release something else exclusive after your sub lapses and you'll come back a year later wanting that too.

Edited by GelstonJ
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I could careless anymore. Have fun telling people to suck it up. It's this kinda of crap that's gonna push people to stop playing the game, not the not getting the stuff they want, the way you people act. Who wants to pay for this ****? And before anyone says I am I've already stopped paying money, I'm just waiting for my time to run out so I am not paying for anything as of right now and this crap here is why.


So... none of this is even relevant to you? :confused:


Somehow, I doubt that. I want you to stick around. I think you will. But subbing/not subbing based on forum-posters? That's just... I don't even know the word for it. Petty is the only word that comes close.


If you're done with it, then your opinion is irrelevant. Thank you for notifying us to ignore anything you post.


Oh... please reconsider. You know... for the kids.

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Yes, it is up to BW... who told us exactly how to qualify for these items.


If they re-issue Nico, then I promise to drop to preferred status for an entire month. Maybe more.


I only continue to keep my sub active because I want the exclusives. I'm back actively playing now, but for the last 4 months or so I wasn't. I kept subbing purely for the exclusives.


If they were to make exclusives.... Not exclusive anymore, I wouldn't have subbed when I wasn't playing.

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I only continue to keep my sub active because I want the exclusives. I'm back actively playing now, but for the last 4 months or so I wasn't. I kept subbing purely for the exclusives.


If they were to make exclusives.... Not exclusive anymore, I wouldn't have subbed when I wasn't playing.


Bingo. You are the poster-child for my entire point about sub-exclusives. Thank you.

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Care -space- less. Also, no it isn't why people stop playing the game. You weren't here on the required time. It wasn't a big secret or anything, you had plenty of advanced notice. You just didn't meet the qualifications. You and like 2 other people constantly whine and complain to get things you weren't here for, and all of you were players of SWTOR before the required time. You missed out completely due to your own fault....


The stuff was exclusive. Stop trying to turn your personal want for something into something bigger than what it is.


I bet they'll release something else exclusive after your sub lapses and you'll come back a year later wanting that too.


I literally have no intentions of returning as a sub after it lapses and you can live in your fantasy all you want that it's "not why people stop playing" cause it sure is for me. And no I'm not *********** whining just cause I agree with someone doesn't mean I want the item, as I said I didn't even care to sub for Nico in the first place but because people want him I'm support them cause no one supported me on another issue I had in this game a long while back and so what? I want to make it where others are happy? Big deal! You all can think what you want of me but you don't even know me, you have NO idea what I am like, I help people and if this will make someone's game worth while that's what I care about cause I care about what happens to this game cause despite all this I made some great friends and have no intention of not playing the game after my sub lapses but I sure as heck am not paying for this crap.


The things I've wanted out of this game I've pretty much gotten with the exception of a few Cartel Market items but other then that I really have no care for the sub rewards we been getting recently, I got HK-55, I got the KOTOR bike, I got both Revan outfits and quite a few other Revan related items, as far as I'm concerned that's all I've ever cared about where this game is concerned cause it's a continuation of KOTOR and Revan is all I've ever cared about.



So... none of this is even relevant to you? :confused:


Somehow, I doubt that. I want you to stick around. I think you will. But subbing/not subbing based on forum-posters? That's just... I don't even know the word for it. Petty is the only word that comes close.


If you're done with it, then your opinion is irrelevant. Thank you for notifying us to ignore anything you post.


Oh... please reconsider. You know... for the kids.


As I said I'm trying to better the game for others cause it hasn't gotten better for me and the suck it up ******** on things I've just happened to support cause I want people to enjoy the game they way they want, I've had enough. I came on here to suppor that's it you all can assume all you want I wanted Nico, or whatever, none of you asked me if I wanted to these items cause as I said my main focus and interest has and always will be Revan.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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As I said I'm trying to better the game for others cause it hasn't gotten better for me and the suck it up ******** on things I've just happened to support cause I want people to enjoy the game they way they want, I've had enough. I came on here to suppor that's it you all can assume all you want I wanted Nico, or whatever, none of you asked me if I wanted to these items cause as I said my main focus and interest has and always will be Revan.


I assume that you realize that you are basically turning that around to say, "Suck it up," to the people who actually qualified for the item. Or, am I not understanding your hypocrisy?


Oh, I forgot; You're leaving, so your opinion is irrelevant.


It might take me a while to get used to that. :p

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I assume that you realize that you are basically turning that around to say, "Suck it up," to the people who actually qualified for the item. Or, am I not understanding your hypocrisy?


Oh, I forgot; You're leaving, so your opinion is irrelevant.


It might take me a while to get used to that. :p


I'm not telling anyone to suck up anything. IMO there is no reason for any of us to come on here and tell people they can't have something for any reason cause they pay to play this game and they have every right to play it the way they want cause it's their money that they are putting towards items like Nico or whatever and if they are not satisfied with the game and leave that hurts the game and hurts the rest of player base. The less money coming into this game, well you get the gist, I'm done on this subject now. I'm tired it's 1 in the morning and I've got other things that are more worth while to do with my time then sit here and argue with people over people telling people they can't get their money's worth out of this game.

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Guys, you may as well bang your head on the wall than try to reason with DE. It's like he lives in his own little fantasy world. No matter how many times you quote terms and conditions, etc., he'll still argue. His "Doesn't Care" disclaimer doesn't mean he doesn't care about the items, it means he doesn't care what anyone else thinks, or what's right.


So, if you want Nico, go find Doc Brown, borrow his DeLorean, find a 1.21gw power source, go back a year and subscribe.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Guys, you may as well bang your head on the wall than try to reason with DE. It's like he lives in his own little fantasy world. No matter how many times you quote terms and conditions, etc., he'll still argue. His "Doesn't Care" disclaimer doesn't mean he doesn't care about the items, it means he doesn't care what anyone else thinks, or what's right.


So, if you want Nico, go find Doc Brown, borrow his DeLorean, find a 1.21gw power source, go back a year and subscribe.




Sorry, the BTTF trilogy was on TV this morning. :D

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It's not a question of caring whether other people have the special shiny thing. It's not about trying to keep people from having things they want.


It is a matter of principals. Some people stand up for them and others allow themselves to be walked-over. To go back on such things would call into question BW's integrity. Why would I bother subbing for the thing (which is their ultimate goal; to get subs) if I knew I'd be able to get it later? ***EDIT*** And why would I ever trust them again when they say something is exclusive?


You (and/or others) can argue all you want that it will make more money for the game if they make Nico available via CM. But, I'm not so sure you're right. It may seem that way as a few suckers line up to buy him. But what is the overall cost?


A sub is worth more than even a $20 CM purchase. A CM purchase is a one-time thing with no guarantee of future purchase. A sub (while still not guaranteed) is much more likely to stay subbed beyond the first month. It's a more reliable source of income.


Think of it like a gym membership. Even if there is no contract, many people keep that membership active (by paying for it) based on the intention to go back to the gym. And there are a fair number who just forget about it, either way. This is what BW wants in a sub. If they continue to play, great. If they play often, even better. But if they forget and keep paying... well, the money is the same.


if that was the case the CSM debacle would have killed the game. The special snowflakes will get over it. I have all the subscriber incentives, so I am not "giving away" something I dont have. I subscribe to play the game, if I was just here for some artificially rare pixels I would have quit long ago.

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I still don't see it as a big deal even after this, while I understand what you are saying, it still not a big deal to me and wouldn't alter my opinion on BW at all, and as far as trust goes, never trust any company, no matter who they are, it's not just Bioware I'm talking about either, it doesn't matter what company, whether it be Bioware/EA, Nintendo whatever it doesn't matter, never trust them. All they are out for is money, that's it and if Nico is a way for them to make more money, I don't doubt they'll make it worth their while to do so.


Hang on, all you non-business dealing or even knowing people are SURPRISED a COMPANY is out for money?


Whoa whoa whoa. This is what burns my britches more than anything else you all *****, moan, and groan about. 'Omg, all Bioware wants is my money *cry, whine, sob*'


Alright, geniuses, how in the hell, exactly, do you people think the game continues on, the servers stay running, and the employees don't go work for another company? (And don't get smart and say people left, I'm talking just job wise, not creative crap wise).


Bioware is FIRST and foremost a COMPANY. (Definition: a business organization that makes, buys, or sells goods or provides services in exchange for money) They're making something, the game. They're selling something, the game.


Their website shows they're a company, look they have a mission statement, career opportunities, their values...YUP! They're a COMPANY out to make MONEY. Holy shazbots, they're in it, for money! Stop the presses and call the president we got ourselves a company IN IT to MAKE MONEY.


Guess I'm the only Business major here, Bachelors in Business Administration, who knows what a mission statement is, knows that Bioware will try to sell me items and I either buy them or I don't. I just don't understand how a bunch of gamers, who should be FAIRLY intelligent since gaming is a semi-nerdy/geeky thing to do, can not comprehend that Bioware is a business, whether they were backed by EA or not, and is here to make money not give us everything under the sun for free.


I just....I don't get some of you guys. Seriously. Stop with the freaking out that they're trying to get money, sell stuff, whatever for money. It's getting extremely annoying and this is why we can't have nice things.

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complaint complaint complaint <snip>


Maybe its because I just woke up so im groggy and misremembering.. but werent you leaving the game?


Your expending lots of energy tilting at windmils and beating dead horses for a game you -claim- to not want to play anymore...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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bioware can renegotiate the terms just like Darth Vader renegotiated the deal with lando calrissian. They have gone back on plenty of promises without the game imploding.....like not going a year without new operations


Poor example. An act of oppression is not negotiation. But if you want to use Vader's alteration of their deal as a precedent, then come back in 3000 years (since that deal won't be made until then) and maybe, just maybe, BW may reconsider.

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Poor example. An act of oppression is not negotiation. But if you want to use Vader's alteration of their deal as a precedent, then come back in 3000 years (since that deal won't be made until then) and maybe, just maybe, BW may reconsider.


You can feel opressed when bw sells your "exclusive" to others if it feels good. They have gone back on their word plenty of times so far, it isnt going to change any time soon. The world wont end.

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The world wont end.


Try explaining that one to Alderaan. :rolleyes:


Back to reality:


Again, they (BW) have never gone against their own T&C regarding sub rewards. To do so would violate the trust of the customers and business ethics.


Yeah, they've made some statements about content that they haven't fulfilled, but as far as promises go, the only thing I can think of is the whole fiasco with companions (it seems Becky Pepper has forgotten).


I don't remember them saying "We promise to add in new operations within a year." I remember them saying that they were going back to what the game was originally intended to be - a story driven game. Show a quote and give a link to someone at BW saying that they promise new operations. Otherwise you're just blowing smoke.

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