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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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Everquest 2 used to have veteran rewards. Play the game long enough, you'd eventually get the reward. Originally the clock would stop if you unsubbed, but I think clock now ticks even as free to play. So instead of missing the promotional items forever, you just had to be patient. Want that big mansion? Play 9 years, it's yours....


I'd be OK with that sort of structure to rewards as well. However, I'll note that the "subscription runtime" rewards paradigm seems to be an older one, replaced in this day by the "immediate" style that we have seen in the past year.

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what they arent telling you is that Mcdonalds safety people repeatedly warned them the coffee was too hot. in writing. And the woman didnt get anywhere near the amount you think she got. the judge lowered the amount immediately. what she got just about covered her medical bills. I suppose you also blame the drivers for the pintos exploding. not to say that there arent a lot of frivolous lawsuits filed. Like the guy that picked up his lawn mower by the deck to trim his hedges and cut off his fingers. There are some though, that are right on target.


I was talking in general, not about one specific case. The vast majority of neusance suits never make the news.

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That's why I'm against opening it back up. It's not a material impact, only a cosmetic one. Otherwise, where's my dang party jawa?


Under my solution you can get the party Jawa but must pay for the time back to issuance. so back to Aug 1 of 2012 I believe

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Under my solution you can get the party Jawa but must pay for the time back to issuance. so back to Aug 1 of 2012 I believe


Those who were not subscribed on the appropriate date should not have the option to purchase the party Jawa, for any price.


The same goes for any of the other exclusive subscriber rewards.


It makes no difference how loudly the "entitled" players whine, cry or bang their fists on the floor. If a player did not meet the criteria to receive a subscriber reward, then they should not have that reward.

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Under my solution you can get the party Jawa but must pay for the time back to issuance. so back to Aug 1 of 2012 I believe


I'd have to check, but I've been subbed since around Oct 2012 or so, full time. What's my cost?


(It turns out to be really hard to do this in a satisfactory way, I think. Which is why everyone's moved to one and done promotions)

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As much as a demand for Nico and other older sub rewards, such as Party Jawa (which it's avaialablity is low so it's much harder to get the achievement with so many veteran players who had it leaving the game) that it wouldn't surprise me any if Nico ended up as a sub reward again in the future during the break between season 1 and 2 of KOTFE to keep people subbed during the wait.
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As much as a demand for Nico and other older sub rewards, such as Party Jawa (which it's avaialablity is low so it's much harder to get the achievement with so many veteran players who had it leaving the game) that it wouldn't surprise me any if Nico ended up as a sub reward again in the future during the break between season 1 and 2 of KOTFE to keep people subbed during the wait.


Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.


To date, BW has never made any exclusive subscriber reward available after the promotion ended.


It would appear from BW's history with regards to exclusive subscriber rewards that having Nico as a companion is likely forever beyond your reach.

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As much as a demand for Nico and other older sub rewards, such as Party Jawa (which it's avaialablity is low so it's much harder to get the achievement with so many veteran players who had it leaving the game) that it wouldn't surprise me any if Nico ended up as a sub reward again in the future during the break between season 1 and 2 of KOTFE to keep people subbed during the wait.


I'm not saying it's a terrible idea, but I don't seen them doing this. I would guess that a high percentage of current subs already have Nico. It wouldn't make sense to offer him as a reward to a bunch of people who already have him.


The party jawa, on the other hand... it's a relic. It's in the past. People just need to let it go.

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For those who didnt sub like me during the time period to the next xpac, Can we get Nico at all? or is he just a limited time companion?


Read this, at the bottom of the page. The first paragraph / bullet will answer your question. Or just hit the spoiler button and read the highlighted portion.



*Terms and Conditions

* To qualify for the Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards, the account must be in a Subscriber status as of 11:59PM PST//7:59AM GMT on the date listed by the reward. Knights of the Fallen Empire rewards are delivered through in-game mail or mission and are redeemable as of the launch of the monthly chapter(s). Players must have an active Subscription status to unlock 2 Days of Early Access for each Chapter.

*Players must have completed Chapters 1-9 to access their HK-55 Companion. After completing Chapter 9, players will receive an Alliance Alert that will take them on a mission to recruit HK-55.

** To qualify for the HK-55 Bonus Chapter, the account must continuously be in active Subscription status between January 11 - August 1, 2016. Once you qualify and the Bonus Chapter is released, you may enter and play the Bonus Chapter after you complete Chapters 1-16.



All this crap about "Maybe they'll bring him back in 6 months...ect." Is just that: Crap. False Hope. It's been 7 months since TFE released. They even extended the time to get Nico, but people are still whining about not getting him. No other sub reward has ever been re-issued outside of it's T&C window. They don't need to start now. It's a violation of trust to do so.

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I'm using the party jawa as an example somewhat sarcastically. I would no more expect them to make it available again than I would expect them to make the Founder's title available again.


The achievement, though, that is a little annoying. That I would expect them to remove from 100% planetary completion.

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Wow, this thread just keeps becoming more and more fascinating. The entitlement argument in particular, since literally no one has suggested these things be given out for free. Just like no one has suggested Bioware should be coming for your other 'Badges of Loyalty'. For me personally, the suggestion of making the companions potentially available for sale came before I truly understood the depths of desperation so many of you hold to keep them exclusive.


And then, out of nowhere, the anecdotes about people suing because they spilled hot coffee on themselves started pouring in. It just seems so utterly unrelated and off point. Is this maybe about way more than exclusive rewards to some of you? Have you somehow equated this debate with any number of injustices where 'stupid' people have triumphed, and packed your obviously significant pent up angst towards how unfair life can be into this frivolous argument?


Cause if you read back, most of the PEOPLE who SUGGESTED they make COMPANIONS available AGAIN didn't type like THIS. And I have actually seen some well-reasoned and fair counterpoints, but the majority of the thread has been steamrolled by slippery slope nonsense where everyone gets the Founder title, or strawman arguments comparing the opposition to those court cases your lonely aunt forwards emails about.


For my part, I thought it seemed a shame to lock away HK and Nico forever since they're characters people are enthusiastic about. I'd wager I'm not the only one that got into the game after The Force Awakens reminded me how much I love the SW universe, and lots of those people probably missed out on both. My own thinking tends more along the lines of 'it'd be nice to see them get another shot' than 'Bioware needs to teach the entitled masses the meaning of consequences'.


To the few of you who actually bothered to reason out why exclusive rewards can be an effective business model, I did find that interesting. I played free for awhile, and I've found the game vastly more enjoyable since subscribing, but I've never tried playing as 'preferred'. If the occasional major subscriber reward is enough to suck people back in, there's something to be said for it. The question is whether they stayed subscribed, or just went back to playing free once they had their companion.

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Nico and HK-55 are subscriber rewards. You have to be subscribed on the dates bioware tells you to to get those rewards. If you missed it for whatever your excuse was/is, they're not going to bring it back for the special people who demand it because they couldn't be assed to keep a sub going for whatever reason they gave.


Remaining subbed isn't hard. Go off on vacation, you can still be subbed. Go to a few funerals, the sub is still going. Got the entire family clan from your mother, father, and spouse? That sub won't disappear. Didn't know your bank was having issues, due diligence, switch to a time card or credit card. But no, all I'm seeing is excuses, and whining for rewards you don't deserve because you weren't subbed during that time frame. Yeah, life sucks, suck it up, buttercup and accept you ain't getting the reward and never will. You can keep checking the CM if you want, but you'll never see it.


Bioware will lose a lot of credibility and REALLY **** up their subscriptions if they tell us one day we have to sub for items and the next they give out to all subbed or not. I never said they wanted the sub rewards for free, what I'm saying is, next time you want that shiny, you better be subbed.


Speaking of which, there's a speeder coming in June. You outta make sure you're subscribed during by June 1st if you want that speeder.

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Now that there are more companions in game than you can shake a stick at, and they are (almost) all mechanically identical; why are Nico or HK any different from a Founder's title or the Party Jawa?


"They're different because they're companions" is a tautology - companions post 4.0 are a skin wrapped around a bundle of mechanics, just an organization of pixels. Just like a title, or the Party Jawa, or the various sub reward speeders and armor suits.


Please note: I have no issue with them releasing HK-56, or Rico, or whatever recolor of the armors, speeders, etc; as rewards or as direct cartel coin purchase, or whatever. The way they're released a multitude of Prinawe speeders, or Aratech Speeders, or Tauntauns, etc. If they want to release a pack of Baby Blue and Black Striated Color Crystals, more power to them. They release a new astromech pet every May 4th that's a reskin of the previous ones, and you've been able to get different Astromech pets off the CM.


On the other hand, I think the HK-55 chapter is "too big" a reward to be a sub exclusive; but what can I do about it?

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I'm using the party jawa as an example somewhat sarcastically. I would no more expect them to make it available again than I would expect them to make the Founder's title available again.


The achievement, though, that is a little annoying. That I would expect them to remove from 100% planetary completion.


I suppose they could make a "Special" category, or even move it to "Events." But, no matter what they do, there will always be a category that cannot be completed for newer players. I'm not sure it really matters which one it is, because people will complain no matter what. :(

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I'm gonna speak as someone who got the HK-55 companion sub reward, I couldn't care less if Bioware turned around and re-issued him at a later date, it would not hurt or bother me at all, I have no right what-so-ever to tell any player that comes to subscribing to this game after the fact that they are ****-out-of-luck and to "suck it up." If it will bring money to this game that will help the developers fix it and make it better and do better at their job, then I'm all for them making money that can go towards the game.


There are a lot of entitlist in this game and I will never be one cause I could really care less, as far as I'm concerned I got HK-55 first and he will always be special to me because he's MY companion, I'm not ****** at all that I see others who have him so why should it bother me if they re-issue him? If you're gonna be all "You're sol" and "Suck it up." and you aren't hurt by the fact that others who subscribed at the same time do too, why be a dick about it if they released him again? My point is other people have him besides you, you're not the only one. I'm not the only one with HK-55 so why should it bother me if they re-issued him?


Same with Nico, or any other sub-reward, why care if they re-issue him? It's not that big of deal... It's just a popular item that can get Bioware more money and we as a player base need to be more concerned about putting more money in Bioware's pocket then being "You're SOL" and "Suck it up."

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I'm gonna speak as someone who got the HK-55 companion sub reward, I could really careless if Bioware turned around and re-issued him at a later date, it would not hurt or bother me at all, I have no right what-so-ever to tell any player that comes to subscribing to this game after the fact that they are ****-out-of-luck and to "suck it up." If it will bring money to this game that will help the developers fix it and make it better and do better at their job, then I'm all for them making money that can go towards the game.


There are a lot of entitlist in this game and I will never be one cause I could really careless, as far as I'm concerned I got HK-55 first and he will always be special to me because he's MY companion, I'm not ****** at all that I see others who have him so why should it bother me if they re-issue him? If you're gonna be all "You're sol" and "Suck it up." and you aren't hurt by the fact that others who subscribed at the same time do, why be a dick about it if they released him again? My point is other people have him besides you, you're not the only one. I'm not the only one with HK-55 so why should it bother me if they re-issued him?


Same with Nico, or any other sub-reward, why care if they re-issue him? It's not that big of deal... It's just a popular item that can get Bioware more money and we as a player base need to be more concerned about putting more money in Bioware's pocket then being "You're SOL" and "Suck it up."


Once again, I question your motivation for your "generosity".


I know you say you don't care if they re-issue HK-55, but it wouldn't look good for you to say that you want HK-55 to remain exclusive when you so desperately want that Nico companion that you do NOT qualify to receive.


It may be a an item desired by those who did not meet the criteria to receive him, but given BW's history with regards to exclusive subscriber rewards, it will likely remain unavailable to those who did not meet that criteria, as it should.

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Once again, I question your motivation for your "generosity".


I know you say you don't care if they re-issue HK-55, but it wouldn't look good for you to say that you want HK-55 to remain exclusive when you so desperately want that Nico companion that you do NOT qualify to receive.


It may be a an item desired by those who did not meet the criteria to receive him, but given BW's history with regards to exclusive subscriber rewards, it will likely remain unavailable to those who did not meet that criteria, as it should.


1. Ratajack, do you know the definition of harassment? I have told you once before to stop trolling me and you continue to do so, you are now harassing me. Leave me alone, stop replying to my post you are troller.


2. Question me all the **** you want, I don't give a ****, you don't *********** know me, you have never once met me in person, you know nothing about me personally.



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1. Ratajack, do you know the definition of harassment? I have told you once before to stop trolling me and you continue to do so, you are now harassing me. Leave me alone, stop replying to my post you are troller.


2. Question me all the **** you want, I don't give a ****, you don't *********** know me, you have never once met me in person, you know nothing about me personally.




Report me if you wish and let BW make the call, but I can respond to any post on these forums.


I simply question the motivations of any player who makes the claim that he does not care if a DIFFERENT exclusive subscriber reward were made available again since that would mean that the reward that player wants but does not qualify to receive would also likely be made available again.

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I'm gonna speak as someone who got the HK-55 companion sub reward, I couldn't care less if Bioware turned around and re-issued him at a later date, it would not hurt or bother me at all, I have no right what-so-ever to tell any player that comes to subscribing to this game after the fact that they are ****-out-of-luck and to "suck it up." If it will bring money to this game that will help the developers fix it and make it better and do better at their job, then I'm all for them making money that can go towards the game.


There are a lot of entitlist in this game and I will never be one cause I could really care less, as far as I'm concerned I got HK-55 first and he will always be special to me because he's MY companion, I'm not ****** at all that I see others who have him so why should it bother me if they re-issue him? If you're gonna be all "You're sol" and "Suck it up." and you aren't hurt by the fact that others who subscribed at the same time do too, why be a dick about it if they released him again? My point is other people have him besides you, you're not the only one. I'm not the only one with HK-55 so why should it bother me if they re-issued him?


Same with Nico, or any other sub-reward, why care if they re-issue him? It's not that big of deal... It's just a popular item that can get Bioware more money and we as a player base need to be more concerned about putting more money in Bioware's pocket then being "You're SOL" and "Suck it up."


It's not a question of caring whether other people have the special shiny thing. It's not about trying to keep people from having things they want.


It is a matter of principals. Some people stand up for them and others allow themselves to be walked-over. To go back on such things would call into question BW's integrity. Why would I bother subbing for the thing (which is their ultimate goal; to get subs) if I knew I'd be able to get it later? ***EDIT*** And why would I ever trust them again when they say something is exclusive?


You (and/or others) can argue all you want that it will make more money for the game if they make Nico available via CM. But, I'm not so sure you're right. It may seem that way as a few suckers line up to buy him. But what is the overall cost?


A sub is worth more than even a $20 CM purchase. A CM purchase is a one-time thing with no guarantee of future purchase. A sub (while still not guaranteed) is much more likely to stay subbed beyond the first month. It's a more reliable source of income.


Think of it like a gym membership. Even if there is no contract, many people keep that membership active (by paying for it) based on the intention to go back to the gym. And there are a fair number who just forget about it, either way. This is what BW wants in a sub. If they continue to play, great. If they play often, even better. But if they forget and keep paying... well, the money is the same.

Edited by AlienEyeTX
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It's not a question of caring whether other people have the special shiny thing. It's not about trying to keep people from having things they want.


It is a matter of principals. Some people stand up for them and others allow themselves to be walked-over. To go back on such things would call into question BW's integrity. Why would I bother subbing for the thing (which is their ultimate goal; to get subs) if I knew I'd be able to get it later? ***EDIT*** And why would I ever trust them again when they say something is exclusive?


You (and/or others) can argue all you want that it will make more money for the game if they make Nico available via CM. But, I'm not so sure you're right. It may seem that way as a few suckers line up to buy him. But what is the overall cost?


A sub is worth more than even a $20 CM purchase. A CM purchase is a one-time thing with no guarantee of future purchase. A sub (while still not guaranteed) is much more likely to stay subbed beyond the first month. It's a more reliable source of income.


Think of it like a gym membership. Even if there is no contract, many people keep that membership active (by paying for it) based on the intention to go back to the gym. And there are a fair number who just forget about it, either way. This is what BW wants in a sub. If they continue to play, great. If they play often, even better. But if they forget and keep paying... well, the money is the same.


I still don't see it as a big deal even after this, while I understand what you are saying, it still not a big deal to me and wouldn't alter my opinion on BW at all, and as far as trust goes, never trust any company, no matter who they are, it's not just Bioware I'm talking about either, it doesn't matter what company, whether it be Bioware/EA, Nintendo whatever it doesn't matter, never trust them. All they are out for is money, that's it and if Nico is a way for them to make more money, I don't doubt they'll make it worth their while to do so.


I don't trust Bioware, they don't seem to do things right anyway, I mean look at the bug issues, some that have been going on for quite some time that they are probably aware of and do nothing about or they pick and choose which ones to fix, that gives me trust issues with them, that not everything is a priority when there are some that are. All bug issues should be a priority in this game cause it shows they want to use the money they are getting from everything they get from Cartel Coin purchuses, subscription to the Digital Upgrade Pack and the Shadow of Revan expansion to make this game a good quality game, to pick and choose like they do or make it look like they are flat out ignoring the issue does give me trust issues with them. But that's my opinion.


But as far as I'm concerned if Nico will get them money, I would say let them do so. And as for Ratajack's BS comment, I didn't subscribe when Nico was coming out, I was aware of him and didn't care, I wanted the KOTOR bike more then that him cause it had to do with, oh that's right REVAN. And even if they re-issued that it wouldn't bother me any, people need to quit holding onto the fact that these items are exclusive, so what?0


Bioware breaks exclusives all the time in this game, Revan's Armor Sets were exclusive to certain Cartel Packs yet then you were able to get them in the Gold Armor Pack and now in a Grand Chance Cube. Yes they are very rare drops but the point is they were suppose to be exclusive to the packs that they were released in yet they broke that and yet they made other ways to obtain them. You don't hear anyone complaining about that and saying they should've remained exclusive to those particular packs.

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