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Can we get Nico Okarr at all?


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I did not even know about this game when it was released, but had I have known about it I 100% guarantee I would have been here from the off, could I get a retrospective founders title because I had not even heard of the game when players qualified for the title?
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Here's the thing with these Exclusive sub rewards. It's basically a prize for staying loyal to SWTOR and paying your subscription (however you do it) to ensure there is more content in the future (whatever it may be) and to keep the servers running.


When you don't subscribe by a certain time that Bioware tells you you must be subbed by or on, you are 'punished'. Sure, you can play as free to play or preferred, but you're being punished by not being an actual every month subscriber for that prize.


Party Jawa was a prize for the loyal subscribers who stuck around and continued to subscribe when the game introduced free to play.


The Founder title was a prize for being one of the first subscribers and players during the early months of the game.


Nico was a prize for being a subscriber when KotFE was announced and people kept paying.


HK-55 was a prize for continuing to subscribe and support the game even when it isn't giving people every single thing they want content wise, like ops, etc.


The bonus chapter is a prize for being a subscriber from October? until August ? when you get it unlocked for being a loyal subscriber and paying every month.


I know, **** happens, things go belly up. But how exactly is it hard to keep a sub going? I've switched from one credit card to another to using time cards, etc to keep my sub going. Oh, I might not have enough cash in my debit account this month? Switch it to my credit card. Oh that credit card is getting close to being maxed? Switch it to another or buy a time card.


Due diligence. I always assume a reward will be coming. Plus, I'm not playing this game as preferred or free to play cause then I only get like 2 out of the 36+ characters I have I can play and I'd have to spend MORE money to unlock **** when I get that automatically just being a sub. Whether I pay $15 a month, $180 for 6 months, or pay for a full year, whatever.


Sometimes I can't play right away, cause I have work I have to go to. Sometimes I can play all day. To me, $15 a month is nothing, I spend more than that per week on diet coke and cigarettes for me and the hubby.

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Again, what part of "EXCLUSIVE to people who met the criteria to receive X reward" is so hard for people to comprehend?


It makes NO difference how much Johnny is willing to pay to get X reward that was EXCLUSIVE to those players who met the criteria to receive that reward, if Johnny did not meet the criteria to obtain that reward. If Johnny did not meet the criteria, he should NOT EVER receive that EXCLUSIVE reward.


I don't really care about the exclusivity of it..... I care about making sure you pay what I paid. Folks are asking for it and if they are willing to pay let 'em. But as I have illustrated in my examples it is $15/month or whatever the monthly sub fee is. So Nico will cost roughly $180 USD

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I don't really care about the exclusivity of it..... I care about making sure you pay what I paid. Folks are asking for it and if they are willing to pay let 'em. But as I have illustrated in my examples it is $15/month or whatever the monthly sub fee is. So Nico will cost roughly $180 USD


There will be no cost for Nico as Nico is EXCLUSIVE to those that were subscribed on one of the two appropriate dates. It should remain that way.


YOU may not care about the exclusivity of that particular reward, but many others DO care.

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There will be no cost for Nico as Nico is EXCLUSIVE to those that were subscribed on one of the two appropriate dates. It should remain that way.


YOU may not care about the exclusivity of that particular reward, but many others DO care.

You need to chill the **** out.


You may be right, but your point goes down a ditch the moment you post with this rudeness.

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Well, they *could* CC it but I can see where that could lead to mass riots if that were done.


I don't have a problem with not getting the perks if I'm not sub'd. I had to miss out on some due to RL issues and whilst it would be fun to have Nico, I'm perfectly fine with the reality of "not here? no Nico for you".


we had riots when they destroyed the CSM. you will get over your anger, they know that. You can tell them how upset you are at the next cantina event.

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we had riots when they destroyed the CSM. you will get over your anger, they know that. You can tell them how upset you are at the next cantina event.


I'm...not upset.


I tried to make that pretty clear. :) A little wistful at missing out on him (only thing I think I have missed out on) but upset? Nah.

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I guess I just don't understand the need people have to stop others from getting things. Or the need to comb through another player's thread history so you can creepily slander their intent. Or the need to type words in caps page after page, as if typing hard enough will make people who have different opinions go away. Anyway, sucks to immediately feel punished after subbing for the first time, and I think a dissenting viewpoint on exclusive content should be voiced, even if not acknowledged.
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I guess I just don't understand the need people have to stop others from getting things. Or the need to comb through another player's thread history so you can creepily slander their intent. Or the need to type words in caps page after page, as if typing hard enough will make people who have different opinions go away. Anyway, sucks to immediately feel punished after subbing for the first time, and I think a dissenting viewpoint on exclusive content should be voiced, even if not acknowledged.


I guess I just don't understand the need people have to keep asking for stuff that was marked as exclusive when they didn't qualify for it. They are just skins. Skins given to us as thanks for our loyalty.


You weren't there. You didn't get it. Sorry. There'll be more stuff later, much of it will probably be damn near the same.

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I guess I just don't understand the need people have to keep asking for stuff that was marked as exclusive when they didn't qualify for it. They are just skins. Skins given to us as thanks for our loyalty.


You weren't there. You didn't get it. Sorry. There'll be more stuff later, much of it will probably be damn near the same.


You don't understand why people would ask for rewards that other people have? That seems like an exaggeration. You're right though, I'm sure there will be cool stuff in the future. I'll attempt to cool my jets.

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I'm...not upset.


I tried to make that pretty clear. :) A little wistful at missing out on him (only thing I think I have missed out on) but upset? Nah.


you are not upset. the people that think anything will really be exclusive in a game like this are the ones that will be upset. I have nico, it wont bother me a bit if they decide to sell him at a later date. it isnt worth being upset about.

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you are not upset. the people that think anything will really be exclusive in a game like this are the ones that will be upset. I have nico, it wont bother me a bit if they decide to sell him at a later date. it isnt worth being upset about.


I guess I misunderstood your post then.


I don't have a problem with this either way, really. I can see where folk who were rewarded for loyalty would prefer to have exclusivity. It wouldn't bother ME if stuff were made available way after its initial release (so the shiny new wore off having it) but it does "dull" the whole exclusivity thing.

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You don't understand why people would ask for rewards that other people have? That seems like an exaggeration. You're right though, I'm sure there will be cool stuff in the future. I'll attempt to cool my jets.


I don't understand why some players feel ENTITLED to have an EXCLUSIVE reward for which they did NOT qualify and demand that BW allow them to have that reward when they know full well they did not meet the criteria to receive that reward.

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I don't understand why some players feel ENTITLED to have an EXCLUSIVE reward for which they did NOT qualify and demand that BW allow them to have that reward when they know full well they did not meet the criteria to receive that reward.




The best way to make incentives and promotions meaningless is to make it such that people can come in after the promotion and get the item(s) anyway.


But..... this is the state of entitlement in some of the player base of MMOs these days. It won't stop, and they feel righteously entitled to demand things they never qualified for.

Edited by Andryah
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I don't understand why some players feel ENTITLED to have an EXCLUSIVE reward for which they did NOT qualify and demand that BW allow them to have that reward when they know full well they did not meet the criteria to receive that reward.


Don't think I said anything about being entitled, or made any demands, just expressing my opinion that I want to exchange currency for goods and services bro. But I FEEL you, I won't ask BW to let me touch your Nico in his special places.

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Don't think I said anything about being entitled, or made any demands, just expressing my opinion that I want to exchange currency for goods and services bro. But I FEEL you, I won't ask BW to let me touch your Nico in his special places.


It's not about people not wanting to share (well, maybe it is with some people), but it's about people being rewarded for supporting the game at a time when other people decided they had better things to do with their money. Too many people didn't want to "waste" money on a game when they knew there was no content coming for months, so they unsubbed. Which is fine, it's their money, I'm not going to tell them how to spend it.


But some people stuck around and supported the game. And Bioware gave recognition of that by giving an exclusive award, something that didn't give people an advantage, merely a reskinning of another item. And the people who weren't here now want it, even though he doesn't do anything any other companion does.


And to give him, or HK-55, or the Party Jawa out now would not only cheapen the gift, they would lose the faith of the people who stuck by them. If they start giving out subscriber rewards for people who didn't subscribe when they were needed, they'll find out that no-one will. Why stick around, subbing for the entire length of KotFE to get the Bonus Chapter if you can just whine on the forums and get access? Why not just do what a lot of people are doing right now, unsubbing till all the chapters are out, then sub for one month and get the full story?


I'm sure that it would be good for business if everyone only subscribed for 1 month per year, and got all the gifts anyway, all because some people couldn't cope with not having something that someone else has. "Why should he get it, and I can't?" Because he earned it by sticking with the game through thick and thin.


Let's stop calling it an exclusive gift, and start calling it a Badge of Loyalty.

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Maybe there's some compromise (for future gifts). Like right now you only get the bonus mission if you sub for the entire period (7 months or whatever). I came to the game three months in. It would be rad if I could just pay the extra three months sub (from the months I wasn't playing the game) to catch up. Not for this I guess, since people are really attached to the stuff already promised them, but as a future version of this rewards system. Or maybe a more traditional veterans reward system would suffice. I think I'd feel better knowing that there was an avenue for me to get stuff (especially companions and story content), even if it took a lot of time and resources. Not for this though, don't want to start a Nico/HK civil war.
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Don't think I said anything about being entitled, or made any demands, just expressing my opinion that I want to exchange currency for goods and services bro. But I FEEL you, I won't ask BW to let me touch your Nico in his special places.


I don't think i mentioned any specific person(s) but rather a general "some players". If you feel that I was referring to anyone in particular, possibly because that person knows they fall into that ENTITLED category, then rest assured that I was not speaking of anyone in particular.


It's the specific "goods and services" for which some players feel entitled to exchange currency that this is all about.


It's the fact that some players feel they are ENTITLED to simply "exchange currency" and have an EXCLUSIVE REWARD for which they did NOT qualify made available to them that is what is wrong with this picture.

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Maybe there's some compromise (for future gifts). Like right now you only get the bonus mission if you sub for the entire period (7 months or whatever). I came to the game three months in. It would be rad if I could just pay the extra three months sub (from the months I wasn't playing the game) to catch up. Not for this I guess, since people are really attached to the stuff already promised them, but as a future version of this rewards system. Or maybe a more traditional veterans reward system would suffice. I think I'd feel better knowing that there was an avenue for me to get stuff (especially companions and story content), even if it took a lot of time and resources. Not for this though, don't want to start a Nico/HK civil war.


I've said in the past that going forward I think a veteran reward system could be added alongside the time specific subscriber rewards.


Some of the exclusive rewards could be based on total length of subscribed time and available to anyone once they reach that total amount of subscribed time.


Some of the exclusive rewards would still be based on being subscribed at specific times and only available to those that were subscribed at those specific times, as well.

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I've said in the past that going forward I think a veteran reward system could be added alongside the time specific subscriber rewards.


Some of the exclusive rewards could be based on total length of subscribed time and available to anyone once they reach that total amount of subscribed time.


Some of the exclusive rewards would still be based on being subscribed at specific times and only available to those that were subscribed at those specific times, as well.


Then I suppose we just have to agree to disagree. BW is on your side anyway. Gonna go waste space bucks on Treek I guess, and feel lonely without my space cowboy.

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So, I am on-board with people who take the position that "if they said it was going to be exclusive, then they should keep it exclusive so they don't ruin their credibility," and such ...but with Nico I'm not sure they actually said it was exclusive:


Exclusivity is certainly an incentive that gets people to buy something, but if that's supposed to be the draw, usually the seller will drive that point home "get it now or you'll never, ever get another chance!" and such, but the word "exclusive" doesn't seem like it showed up in the promotion for Nico.


Same's actually true of the HK-55 Companion reward - the promotion itself doesn't actually call it "exclusive."


I wouldn't be shocked to find out they've been keeping their options open by deliberately avoiding that word.

Edited by DarthDymond
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So, I am on-board with people who take the position that "if they said it was going to be exclusive, then they should keep it exclusive so they don't ruin their credibility," and such ...but with Nico I'm not sure they actually said it was exclusive:


Exclusivity is certainly an incentive that gets people to buy something, but if that's supposed to be the draw, usually the seller will drive that point home "get it now or you'll never, ever get another chance!" and such, but the word "exclusive" doesn't seem like it showed up in the promotion for Nico.


Same's actually true of the HK-55 Companion reward - the promotion itself doesn't actually call it "exclusive."


I wouldn't be shocked to find out they've been keeping their options open by deliberately avoiding that word.


Maybe you never saw this post from Eric Musco:


Hey folks,


As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Nico in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Nico, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Nico right away. If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him.


This way the decision is in your hands on whether you want to get him as a part of the recruitment, or if you just want him right away. And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).



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Maybe you never saw this post from Eric Musco:


Take that quote in the context of the conversation it was a part of - he was assuaging concerns that we wouldn't get access to Nico at level 1, but in saying "we'll send you a Token, too - don't worry" he had to be careful that he didn't give the impression that everyone would be getting the Token mailed to them.


Again, if they were pushing these rewards as "exclusive" why wasn't that word plastered top-to-bottom on every ad for them to spur people's "omg, must buy now so I don't miss out on it forever!" response?

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Take that quote in the context of the conversation it was a part of - he was assuaging concerns that we wouldn't get access to Nico at level 1, but in saying "we'll send you a Token, too - don't worry" he had to be careful that he didn't give the impression that everyone would be getting the Token mailed to them.


Again, if they were pushing these rewards as "exclusive" why wasn't that word plastered top-to-bottom on every ad for them to spur people's "omg, must buy now so I don't miss out on it forever!" response?


Go ahead and keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.


What part of "Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him." is so hard to comprehend, though?

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