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A few thoughts - and I dont charge a penny


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Howdy. Playing the game for about three years now, I have come to love this game. But, I also have suggestions for improvements:


1. When you are talking to your companions on your ship (or cantina) and they have to go off ship to do some mission, this is an excellent time to change things up. Why not take over as your companion to complete that mission. It mixes things up a bit from some of the monotony and gives some difficulty to those who want it (itd be hard learning their moves). It wouldnt be very hard to do it - each class has maybe 1 or 2 people that go off the ship for their companion lifetime. Eight classes - that will be 8-16 additional missions with 8-16 additional rooms to store the missions in.


2. Mounts can really take an additional leap here because of the enormous amount of different kinds. First, when you mount up, why does the companion disappear? - Where do they go?- Why not have them mount the same type of mount and then ride next to you. Or, if its 2-seat speeder, ride with you (maybe more difficult to do that). Second, the flourish is a good step, but take it further. Lets have speeder races (like KOTOR) and you can race your own type of mount (rancor vs. vorantikus race, anyone?)


3. We have neat stuff for our legacy (and I'm sure this has been brought up) but for those legacy level 40+, not much for us. Definitely need more end-game legacy gear. Some would include: reducing the time it takes to scavenge in open world (it takes 3 seconds to scavenge - boom, one upgrade at legacy level 30 makes it 2, another at 40 makes it 1, legacy level 50 makes it instant).


4. I think I have brought this up before and some of the FP's will actually become soloable now. But what if you can make a team of 4 (you and three others) out of your companions and then run a FP. The drops would be the same as if you were running it solo but the difficulty would be the same if you were running it with other players. I think that would be pretty interesting. What would make it very very interesting is if you had Treeck, HK, and Niko you would have 8 companions (9, then, counting yourself) and you could then run an 8-person Operation. Just saying.... pretty awesome. The scale of running an op with your companions brings a potential tear to my eye.


5. I think there should be some way to turn cartel market items into scrap items. For instance - we buy a hypercrate and yipee! we got 10 items we wanted. But then we have 30 items we dont want nor are they worth anything above 5k on the gtn. Thus, we could turn those 30 items into 30 (purple), 60 (blue), or 90 (green) scrap items. That would make people way happier about getting a lot of "crap items" and still preserve the collection system (some of us actually like collecting some of the armor sets ;-) )


6. Ok so with all of the pets and all of the mounts and all of the toys in the game, there is an issue that arises. They are all mostly great items, so no problems there, but because there are so many we fall into a problem of how to access them fast enough. For example, if I want to put 3 pets, 6 mounts, and 5 toys on my action bars, that will fill up 14 of 72 open spots (12 spaces on 6 action bars) and it kind of makes it look cluttered too. This needs a better system. I understand that the new expansion will bring a new hot bar to the table - I'm thinking that if you hold a certain button that it brings up the bar so you can use stuff on it. If that is the case, then mission successful. You could have a key binding of control Z, which brings up a temporary (after releasing Ctrl Z, it goes away) bar for your mounts/toys/pets.


7. With strongholds, people love things that you can interact with. For this reason, there should be an improvement with strongholds. For instance, for each stronghold, there should be a random encounter. Tatooine is being raided by Tusken raiders. Nar shadaa thieves are trying to rob you. Coruscant gangs are trying to take over your space. And this sounds like it may get tedious and repetitive but with some items and guards that you purchase you can build a fortified base and watch the bandits gets slaughtered! I mean, the point of SHs right now is to make it look pretty - there should be another purpose besides that. Its a "Stronghold" and should be purposed as such.


8. Achievements. We should get 1 Cartel Coin for every achievement we complete. Its not much, but hey - doing every achievement means about 5000 cartel coins - which is a free hypercrate. Also, only subs would get the free cartel coin per achievement.


Thanks for reading!

Edited by Plan-of-Exit
*edited for number 8
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1 - It will definitely add to the immersion, but creating a whole new "class" (with adjusted timers etc) for one or two missions would not be productive. I can't remember which companion it was but one of their talks led to a mission that I joined them on. It was one of my first classes so I sort of expected it afterwards on other classes but it didn't happen. Even something like that would be an improvement for me.


2 - I've always thought comps should ride alongside with you, instead of going *poof*.


3 - The legacy system stopped at level 50, so it would need to make up for it since then. If they could do it then sure. I'm always looking for a reason to play SWTOR.


4 - Is probably the best idea I've heard. The robot who follows you around is obviously soloing the FP, you're just tagging along. Making a group of 4 with your comps instead would be fantastic. Would I sacrifice some tankiness and leave scourge behind to bring another damage dealer, HK maybe :rolleyes:


5 - I don't buy stuff off the GTN so I wouldn't know. Although I do have an unhealthy obsession about collecting all the lightsabers :D


6 - See my Adapative Action Bars (tl;dr: i agree)


7 - You just turned my legacy storage, storage into a tower defence game! It is brilliant. You could have your companions covering different sides against different oncoming enemies. Needing to select which companion is best suited for which role. Sorta like Corellia, at least for the JK. Would give me a reason to upgrade their armour. Hey, that could be in the companion missions! It's all coming together.

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9. Have some better way to sort the items in cargo hold. For instance, being able to sort by level requirement and by alphabetically, would be great.


10. For stronghold items, have a container or item in which you can store your blaster/lightsaber collections. I mean, a lot of people collect them and itd be nice to show them off at our stronghold. Think, trophy room. That also brings up a good item! Animal trophies from all the beasts you have beaten. Think Calo Nord's room on Taris in SWTOR. Make it a reward for an achievement: beat 1000 Rancors on Belsavis, here is your Rancor head trophy!

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11. PVP battle with 16 people. But it's free-for-all. I mean, why hasnt this been done already? And where is capture the flag too?


There are already several zones and opportunities for FREE FOR ALL pvp, but no one ever uses them except for the Gree event. Perhaps introducing something like this that is more easily accessible to endgame players all the time instead of just one event that happens twice a year would be successful. Not a bad suggestion, but I would speculate that not many people would utilize it unless it was something you could Queue for, such as adding a new pvp map in rotation. That would be pretty unfair for players who aren't as good solo or don't have enough gear either. I'm sure there is a fair solution here, but there would be a lot to consider.


Perhaps adding some sort of reward for participation in the area on Tatt would work......

Edited by -Calypso
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1 - It will definitely add to the immersion, but creating a whole new "class" (with adjusted timers etc) for one or two missions would not be productive. I can't remember which companion it was but one of their talks led to a mission that I joined them on. It was one of my first classes so I sort of expected it afterwards on other classes but it didn't happen. Even something like that would be an improvement for me.

It might not be all of them (but that would be a bit weird), but I've had this on:


* Fem-Trooper with Aric

* He-Agent with Kaliyo

* He-BH with Mako

* Fem-SI with Andronikos


I have a nagging feeling that I did this on others as well. It might well be that you do it on your romance target(s) or something.

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2 - I've always thought comps should ride alongside with you, instead of going *poof*.

Can you imagine M1-4X or Bowdaar on one of those tiny speeders(1), a Longspur, Ubrikkian, or a Walkhar?


Come to think of it, how would Blizz or T7 drive a stand-up speeder?


OK, of course that doesn't mean they can't do it, but they'd need to do something a bit special for some of the companions.


(1) Unlike weapons and armour, speeders do not adjust their size for the size of your character, which makes BT3 men look distinctly uncomfortable on small speeders.

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There are already several zones and opportunities for FREE FOR ALL pvp, but no one ever uses them except for the Gree event. Perhaps introducing something like this that is more easily accessible to endgame players all the time instead of just one event that happens twice a year would be successful. Not a bad suggestion, but I would speculate that not many people would utilize it unless it was something you could Queue for, such as adding a new pvp map in rotation. That would be pretty unfair for players who aren't as good solo or don't have enough gear either. I'm sure there is a fair solution here, but there would be a lot to consider.


Perhaps adding some sort of reward for participation in the area on Tatt would work......


Yeaaah, I'm talking about something you actually que up for and keeps a score going. Think old school 007 on n64. They could take the maps of different settings around the swtor planets and make them into a free-for-all q'd-up pvp battle.

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13. Ok - this will probably never happen so dont slam it too hard. But the game is too easy at times. So instead trying to make yourself weaker (taking off gear, for instance), there could be a way to make individual servers of varying difficulty levels.For instance, have one pvp server, then three pve servers, which one is normal mode, one is hard mode, and one is brutal mode.


14. Be able to block a person's account. This would be an easy solution for credit spammers.


15. Ok, legacy datacrons is an awesome idea but now you have something in the game that many people don't need to worry about - the datacrons. Instead of completely erasing them from existence, make it where those who still enjoy the challenge (or miss the challenge) of the datacrons still get something in return. My thoughts would be to get matrix shards instead - which means that we should be able to make better and more complex relics from the shards.


16. Increase the amount of money needed to become a preferred player. Say, $10. But, increase the amount of credits that they can hold. Say, 500,000 credits.


17. I love walking into a storyline - it can be very immersive but it sucks when I have to press the walk button when I go into combat. It would be nice if you automatically run when you go into combat.

Edited by Plan-of-Exit
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13. Ok - this will probably never happen so dont slam it too hard. But the game is too easy at times. So instead trying to make yourself weaker (taking off gear, for instance), there could be a way to make individual servers of varying difficulty levels.For instance, have one pvp server, then three pve servers, which one is normal mode, one is hard mode, and one is brutal mode.

Dofus has something vaguely like this. Instead of the hard-mode servers actually being more difficult as such, the penalty for being defeated in combat is having your character reset to level 1, as if you just began, but without losing e.g. the contents of your bank/cargo hold, but that is because the "bank" (holds both Kamas (currency) and items) is legacy-wide.


There are two versions of this, one where the reset-to-1 is done on any death, and one where it is only on PvE deaths.


That said, dying in combat in Dofus is distressingly easy (but that difficulty was traditionally strongly dependent on class, with the Féca (anagram of café, coffee in French) being incredibly tough, although this was heavily nerfed about 18 months ago), so a reset-to-1 makes it hard to reach max level.

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