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Jedi Knight story progression stuck?


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I just finished Nar Shaddaa and it didn't give me a story mission to continue. I skipped Taris, seeing as how with the x12XP I didn't need to go there, but now im wondering if i have to go back and complete the story missions on Taris even though I am above level for it. If that is the case why even give the option to go to one or the other?
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They never gave you the option to skip it.

It stayed in your quest log and couldn't be removed = Unskippable.

Granted I never understood why the hell they offered two planets at a time during each part of Chapter 1, since without x12 XP you had to go the "normal" way to level up.

Anyway, Taris introduces a major NPC for your chapter 1 storyline so it can't be skipped.

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They never gave you the option to skip it.

It stayed in your quest log and couldn't be removed = Unskippable.

Granted I never understood why the hell they offered two planets at a time during each part of Chapter 1, since without x12 XP you had to go the "normal" way to level up.

Anyway, Taris introduces a major NPC for your chapter 1 storyline so it can't be skipped.


Well in that since it is true. But, yes why is it a option to go ahead of it to the second planet in the first place? Seems like a poor develpment choice, and kind of turns me off to the game. If the developers thought it was a good idea to say hey you can go to the planet ahead of this one, even though you have to complete this, to progress.,,, makes me wonder what other stupid **** they did.

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I said screw it and went back to my sith that I started way back when the game first released. I see that I ran into the same problem back then too because I was doing missions on Alderaan, before I went to Tatooine... Really Bioware ***. I come back because I've had a itch for all things Star Wars, but really this kind of kills it for me, makes me regret subscribing agian.
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If it's any help, this will be less of a problem with the level scaling in the expansion. Your abilities will be brought down to the level of the planet you're on and rewards will be matched to your current level, so you should be fine to do them out their usual order. You can't skip a whole planet, though, because you'd miss out a chunk of the story. Not always a very important chunk, but still. Edited by Joachimthbear
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