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Ion Rail Guns .. wth ?


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From my experience, at most levels of GSF play Gunships with Ion Rail are at the same level as T2 scouts or bombers.

Only problems I see is that in TDM:

1) The skill floor for Gunships is a bit to high.


2) There is no reason not to stack Gunships close together.

Other games have a risk factor involved if all your AA Units or squishy long range damage dealers are stacked for maximum firepower.

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If you take 2 equally skilled pilots in an 1v1 environment, the best ship will be the T2 Scout..
This is partially true. At the high skill levels it is true. Once you continue to go down to mid and low tier it becomes an even match up and then one favoring the Gunship.
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While playing on Shadowlands Imp side I tried an experiment with Ion rail. On a deathmatch on Kuat on a Mangler I only used Ion railgun, no slug. I even passed up a few chances to finish off a crippled opponent, since I was aiming for assists. The match was a medium skill level, a few 5 shippers on each side. I ended up with about 4 kills, and 25 assists, which is a career high for assists for me. Other pilots were finishing off the targets I hit. We won but not a rout, I think it was about 50 to 35 or so.


So Ion rail gun is a potent weapon, especially if your teammates are alert and good enough to take advantage of affected opponents. Whether it is OP I am not so sure. When I fly gunships I am more worried about being attacked by 1 scout than by one gunship. Even if I get hit by a gunship, I can often move out of range before his second shot, but if a scout gets close I usually can't get away without help from teammates.


That said, I think bombers are a bigger problem for scouts. If we want to get more dogfighting, I think removing or nerfing bombers will have a greater effect.


An unrelated side issue: has anybody else had problems with the PrtScn not working sometimes? I would guess about 1 out of 4 or 5 times I hit PrtScn and do not get the image saved.

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This is partially true. At the high skill levels it is true. Once you continue to go down to mid and low tier it becomes an even match up and then one favoring the Gunship.


How, exactly? There is never any situation where the gunship comes out on top if the two players have equal levels of skill and upgrades. The only way the gunship wins is if the scout makes a mistake. Explain to me how that works if you're going to seriously make a claim like that.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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How, exactly? There is never any situation where the gunship comes out on top if the two players have equal levels of skill and upgrades. The only way the gunship wins if it the scout makes a mistake. Explain to me how that works if you're going to seriously make a claim like that.

Gonna go out on a limb here, and say that it's the point just before the Scout Pilot realizes that you shouldn't approach a GS in a straight line as they're looking at you and charging a shot? They should both know how to fire weapons at that point, and probably fly around some.

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An unrelated side issue: has anybody else had problems with the PrtScn not working sometimes? I would guess about 1 out of 4 or 5 times I hit PrtScn and do not get the image saved.


That's an old problem and the reason why I run Fraps (test version is enough to make screenshots) when playing GSF.

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What about just dropping slug damage to 1000?


This would make the Condor obsolete and not really help Strikes at all.



When I'm flying scout, it's not the gunships that scare me. It's the railgun drones. If you use full evasion and fly smart, even top gunships should really only be landing a quarter of their shots at most. The job of the scout is to keep the gunships running backwards so that your gunships can move in and clean up. And then your bombers can move up and set map control with their deployables. Map control means more damage overcharges for your scout, which basically puts the nail in the coffin. I think a lot of people get caught up in this idea that a scout has to insta-kill a gunship for the game to be balanced. The game is more complicated than that.


I will admit that when playing with useless PUGs it's a lot more frustrating playing scout because you are basically forcing yourself into 8v1 most of the game. If you fly gunship you have a lot more breathing room and you can typically influence the game a lot more if you manage to get a lot of damage overcharges. But if all players in the game are competent, the game is balanced between the big 3. And 1v1 a scout owns a gunship almost every time (assuming equal upgrades and skill level). The only chance the gunship has is to get super lucky RNG for evasion/crits.

Edited by RickDagles
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How, exactly? There is never any situation where the gunship comes out on top if the two players have equal levels of skill and upgrades. The only way the gunship wins is if the scout makes a mistake. Explain to me how that works if you're going to seriously make a claim like that.
So you are saying that you live in a world where low skill level players do not make mistakes?


I have a suspicion that you do not know the difference between skill and talent.


A skill is something that is developed.

Talent is something a person is born with.

Edited by Lendul
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So you are saying that you live in a world where low skill level players do not make mistakes?


I have a suspicion that you do not know the difference between skill and talent.


A skill is something that is developed.

Talent is something a person is born with.


Everyone makes mistakes. You didn't answer my question. As far as I'm concerned, if the scout loses more often than not, the scout is seriously lacking in the skill department. Which is fine, because, as you say, it's something they can learn.

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