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Planet level sync


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As this has not come out but will come out with the expansion, I just want to address that I am negatively affected by having to do heroics on a lower planet by grouping up because of level syncing with that planet when my character has far out leveled the planet by a lot. I like to solo heroics and not have to worry about grouping up. If my character has to group up then I will be spending more time grouping up than actually doing the heroic. I do not like this one bit.
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It REALLY needs to be said. As a GM I'm often helping my guildies in their quests, and I really don't want to have to wade through mobs to get there. Now, here is my suggestion:


Keep the plans for this but turn off the "debolster" as soon as the toon is max level.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont like this sync too! The level system of swtor is killed. Also killed merry walking on low level planets and this probably will reduce planet traffic: it is now not so quick and simple, but we have 65 level missions... why suffer on low level planets? Or we dont need levels...


Aurora Canon now dont need 4 players! But also we have this foolish "planet sync" and we need "some assistant". odious dissimulation!

Edited by SomeConservator
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I am negatively affected by having to do heroics on a lower planet by grouping up because of level syncing with that planet when my character has far out leveled the planet by a lot. I like to solo heroics and not have to worry about grouping up.

Before I left for work this morning, I sent my level 60 Gunnery Commando to Ord Mantell (after giving Elara her pistol back and restoring my messed-up main skill bar).


I was synced to level 12. I roflstomped the heroics on the savrip island. I could have roflstomped them without Elara.


(Character wears a mix of 178s, 186s and Ziost 190s.)

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The forced lvl scaling is by far the dumbest change in any MMO to date. What is the point of even having levels anymore.


I was thinking the same thing what is the point in having lvls if you are going to scale them down to nothing. The lvl system now is superfluous, because they demand now that you be a certain lvl when you head to each planet. Its only there to give you moves and you could give them at the end of each story mission now. I mean for a company built upon choice they sure aren't giving us one. I hear people arguing about WB, saying stuff like well I am sorry you want to be Op, but World bosses are for groups. Well speaking from a person who has never soloed a WB. I don't feel like those who don't solo should be punished for what the majority is doing. I do Ops and when I do I want to go in prepared, Not prepared at the lvl Bioware is sure you will win. Its ridiculous. I am unaware what I am striving for anymore because the strength I gain doesn't count any longer. By the release of the next couple of chapters it better be optional or I am out. I don't need to play when there is Dailymotion and youtube. You want you money start giving me content of value not content you think I should value. Optional.

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If you like soling low lv instances and helping low lv ppls,now is over.Leveling on Korriban as Lv 60 Darth is most stupid and illogical idea i ever see in this game of abaut 3 years.

Now you cant come to Balmora as lv 60 and help you low lv mate because now YOU need help there rotlf.

ToR become automated and simplified patch after patch,i can live without talent trees but this comes too far.

Trees gives you more felling and let you more emphatize with your char,not to mention you can mix them and have more unique character,thats counts a lot for RP players whos like somthing more then nice graphics and emotes.

But 90% of ppls like **** in shiny box and BiOWare meake it and sale.Demand Supply.

I buy sub for Tor last time,after its end i finish here for good like i finish wow after WOTK

Is saddens me because few months back ToR was my favorite game and one i can play,longer then week.All rest is-

without climate mood


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Have any of you people actually utilized level sync?

"You can't go to Balmorra to help your buddy cause you need help."

You need help, being high-level capped, with all your abilities and passives? IF you are helping your friend, you guys can party up now. You both get full exp. And you alone should easily be able to kill everything, even in a H2+ area...

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Have any of you people actually utilized level sync?

"You can't go to Balmorra to help your buddy cause you need help."

You need help, being high-level capped, with all your abilities and passives? IF you are helping your friend, you guys can party up now. You both get full exp. And you alone should easily be able to kill everything, even in a H2+ area...

Yes, absolutely. Read my post above. I did it with no problem at all.


And doing the three Ord Mantell H2+ missions got my trooper 38% of the experience needed to go from level 60 to 61.


Shame about Travi Potts and Gizmel Gam.

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The problem with this level sync is that now in pvp the opossing faction cant kill the guards or lower levels in world pvp anymore as oh suppose this stops griefing which is a good thing but has a terrible impack on those who struggle to find a group to do a heroic.Were in the past I would see loads of players looking to complete say shadow spawn and my lvl 55 was in the area farming crystals etc I would wait till I see them repeating a call for help and wade in and make a lower lvl player happy increasing their confidence of finding a future group for a heroic but now theres a level sync I cant do that any more so a lot will eventually abandon the heroic and move on making hc obsalite so might as well remove them also last night I recorded a few ingame objects that don't have any names on them as they was missed by the sight seers in the beta of the expansion.I miss dressing up my companions as that was nice I could customise their looks so I don't feel like my companions look different to anyone else in the world giving the experience a epic feel now that's gone so has the epicness.I now don't feel a all powerful sith when I visit a lower planet I feel like a apprentice when I step on any lower lvl planet and that's not how a game model should be I did here some complained about players stealthing in pvp and they dropped their dummys from their prams and complained those players are not improving the game those players and putting the game into a backwards stance and hard to recover from it also the bosses on say drumon kas wont be able to kill as a higher lvl now myself I used to help and post the items to anyone at random on that planet now that wont happen sorry to all those I normally help and stream I am now forced to stream a different game from now on.
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Low planet heroics are now IMPOSSIBLE!

I am on Voss, and there are 25 people on planet, and NO ONE wanted to group with me for heroics.

I CANNOT solo them because of level sync, and i am stuck having to depend on others.

So yeah, level sync SUCKS big time. I cannot get my heroic achievement, because I cannot do the heroics.

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Low planet heroics are now IMPOSSIBLE!

I am on Voss, and there are 25 people on planet, and NO ONE wanted to group with me for heroics.

I CANNOT solo them because of level sync, and i am stuck having to depend on others.

So yeah, level sync SUCKS big time. I cannot get my heroic achievement, because I cannot do the heroics.


Bioware thought it was a good idea to hire monkeys for devteam so now you can see the fruit of their work ;)

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Low planet heroics are now IMPOSSIBLE!

I am on Voss, and there are 25 people on planet, and NO ONE wanted to group with me for heroics.

I CANNOT solo them because of level sync, and i am stuck having to depend on others.

So yeah, level sync SUCKS big time. I cannot get my heroic achievement, because I cannot do the heroics.


So you are struggling because you're still at the normal level for the planet? There's nothing stopping you from coming back later to complete them. Considering companions can play any role now though, as long as you are geared up, shouldn't be impossible. Slower, maybe, but not impossible.


If you are a higher-level that was Level Synced, needless to say, you should be able to do it with no issues at all.

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