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Darth Marr


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You know best what you have seen, or not :)

But I haven't seen anything either. It's hard to see how they would have split the story with someone of the 'magnitude' of Darth Marr. Unless you only save him to see him die shortly thereafter. And that would be a mean thing to do. :(


Yah...I look at it from a business perspective. If Marr died at the end, okay, that I can see. But if this is a "Choices Matter" thing, why would they put all that energy into developing him in the story if 50% of players do not get to see what happens to him?

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Yah...I look at it from a business perspective. If Marr died at the end, okay, that I can see. But if this is a "Choices Matter" thing, why would they put all that energy into developing him in the story if 50% of players do not get to see what happens to him?


Replay value? If people talk about saving Marr, other people are going to play again to try and save him. He seems to have a pretty big fanbase.

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***SPOILER, FALLEN EMPIRE, SPOILER**** You have been warned!




as for Darth Marr i still think that its a false death, played out specifically like that as a teaser to make people think hes dead, but irrespective of if you kneel or not, the emperor zaps you as well and you both wake up in a kolto tank each as its being drained away. we do not know half of the story yet to think that its all over yet.


i still hope there is the chance to save Darth Marr though, he is one cool cat.


I agree with this. The only thing that makes me sceptical is that hes seen as a force ghost/spirit talking with Satele Shan. I have a theory about that.


So here are my points and my theory why I think Darth Marr is alive.


So firstly, absolute nr.1! Everyone who has seen Darth Marr in the throne room is like "hes dead" or "maybe hes not dead". Well lets see what we know. We know that Darth Marr is hit by Valkorions lightning. We know that he falls to the ground. That is in fact all we know. No one sais that hes dead, which I will get into more later. There is no heartrate monitor popping up and going "piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip" as if hes dead. He could simply be knocked out. He could be injured. Just because one is hit by lightning, falls to the ground and doesnt move does not mean hes dead. Ever heard of falling unconscious? Or yeah, getting knocked out? So everyone who sais hes dead could be wrong. Everyone who sais hes alive could be wrong. The fact is we dont know. And honestly when I saw Darth Marr get hit by that lightning the first thing I thought was "aouch, that is gonna hurt in the morning" not that he was dead. I did not get the impression that he was dead now. I interpreted it like he got injured.


Another thing, everyone is more concerned that the fact we see Darth Marr as a ghost/spirit means hes dead. Wrong, that could be any reason why we see him like that. It COULD, be that hes dead. But it also COULD be that he is in fact using the force to communicate with Satele from far away, or his carbonite prison. Which could just be force telepathy. Jedi and Sith have a sort of telepahy. Thats how they can do for example mind tricks.


So if were going to use Wikipedia as a source for facts, then here is a quote that supports my theory.

"Every Force user, Jedi or Sith, was potentially able to use this ability. The range of telepathy itself is theoretically infinite, but the telepath must be able to sense the presences of those they wish to contact. Thus, communicating with non-Force-sensitives became nearly impossible over distances greater than a handful of kilometers, and the typical upper limit for Force-sensitives was approximately 1,000 kilometers. However, individuals who either shared a biological relationship or a particularly strong emotional bond were known to communicate across far greater ranges. In extreme cases (such as the twin bond between Jacen and Jaina Solo), the link apparently had no spacial limit."


Now I know Darth Marr and Satele were not exactly best friends. But they are both extremly strong in the force. Which could explain how Darth Marr could communicate with Satele from example another planet. And that he did not have to be dead to do so.


Link to quote above:http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Telepathy


Also about wikipedia. That Marr´s death date had been added to Wiki. That is just what is known so far. It is not confirmed and it is just what it seems like. Besides, never trust Wiki, it is never checked. Anyone can go in and type anything in there.


Now I will just be presenting my arguments why I think hes alive.


A. How many have been hit by lightning and walked away? Many, like Ive lost count. Anakin, Yoda, Luke etc. Plus Darth Marr is an extremely powerful Sith. Which makes it difficult for me to accept that one attack killed him. Even if it was from Valkorion himself. Remember The Asylum? That thunder Valkorion makes The Outlander use to defeat Arcann. That was a more full power lightning attack. Compare that to what Marr got, Marr got a tiny zip compared to that. If Arcann could survive that HUGE lightning bolt, are you telling me Darth Marr couldnt survive a lightning hit that was like one tenth the strength of that huge one? And remember, it was Valkorion that was behind them both. The Outlander was just the one wielding Valkorions power against Arcann. So no, I do not believe that attack was enough to kill him. His "death" was to obvious and far to easy. If Marr was gonna die for real, they would give him a proper fight. Not a two second zap and then bye bye. Darth Marr is a far to great character to be killed of in two seconds. Hes a far to great character to be killed of at all as a matter of fact. Despite the fact that we dont encounter Marr much besides in Shadow Of Revan. We still get the sense of what kind of character and Sith he is. A strong fearless leader. A selfless Sith who is not blinded by personal goals and whos not powermad or greedy. Which you have to admit is very rare. Darth Marr has always been about one thing, The Empire and its survival. That is one thing that makes him so fantastic and epic. We survived and were frozen in carbonite. So maybe Marr is alive and possibly still frozen in carbonite. And thats why hes only seen as a force ghost, its his only means to communicate with anyone.


Also, why would Valkorion kill Marr? Hes a powerful strategic warrior whos kept The Empire together and leading them to victory for years. A valuable ally for someone who wants to take down the Eternal Empire. Yes it is likely that Valkorion sees Marr as a threat. So one reason, Darth Marr never trusted Valkorion, no one did. He killed everyone on Ziost after all. Marr "died" refusing to kneel to Valkorion. But what if Valkorion just incapacitated Marr? If Darth Marr sided with Valkorion he would later likely persude The Outlander to not trust Valkorion, not use his powers and such. Maybe Valkorion thought of Darth Marr as an obstacle for his goals. Because lets face it, everything thats happening now is Valkorions doing. We are the puppets and hes pulling the strings. All this, its happening because of Valkorion. He started the war so we could clean up the mess and stop his children. But he knows that we need great warriors to win. Great warriors like Darth Marr. So my point is, Valkorion couldnt afford to kill Marr because he would be a great ally to The Outlander, so he just incapacitated Marr instead.


This is more of an opinion then a point. But Darth Marr is like the most powerful Sith alive. Hes keeping the Dark Council together. They wouldnt listen to someone who was weaker than them. So obviously Darth Marr is stronger then the Dark Council or just as strong as them. Do you really think one hit with lightning could kill someone that strong? So how would a bolt of lightning be enough to kill him? Its just to obvious, boom were suppose to believe hes dead, its to easy. Why couldnt Valkorion just use Force Choke or his lightsaber. Why attempt to "kill" Marr in a way that he could survive from? Force lightning has never been the most efficient or effective way to kill someone. Flashback to Star Wars 6 when Luke is hit by Sidious lightning. It takes ages for Luke to get weaker. Darth Marr takes a bigger bolt then Luke in a short time. While Luke takes a longer and smaller bolt of lightning. Luke survives and he is a Jedi with not that much training. While Darth Marr is a Sith and Dark Council Member with huge amounts of training and an extremly strong connection to the force. No one can say that it has much to do with who attacks Luke and Marr. They are both attacked by two powerful emperors. So why should Luke survive but not Darth Marr? And this is up for debate, but some think the Sith are stronger then Jedi. If thats true then Darth Marr could endure an even bigger lightning hit than Luke. If Valkorion wanted Marr dead with 100% certainty, he would just have used force choke or his lightsaber. If he has one, Ive never seen Valkorion have a lightsaber.


A lightning attack like that is not lethal. Plus if the producers really wanted to tell us "Marr is dead". They wouldnt try to kill him with a non lethal attack. They would have a lightsaber go through his chest, or force chocked to death. They wouldnt leave this so open to interpretation. I mean why make Marr's supposed death so unfinished. Why make it so it could seem that hes alive, because he is. If they wanted him dead they wouldnt make us guess around and speculate. They wouldnt have made it seemed like "hmm, is he really dead, or just knocked out?" They would ingame have Marr killed by Arcann or Valkorion or someone and that would be the end of him. The death of Darth Marr wouldnt be dragged out into a huge "is he really dead?" debate. This is Bioware. Whenever in their past games someone has died it has been straight to the point. There has been no doubt, the character died, period. But this, supposed Marr's death is so full of holes.


B. Did you see the contacts in N? HK-55 is there with Marr. First when Marr was alone I thought "crap, list of dead people." But no, Theron shows up on it later. So point is, why bother have a dead guy on the contacts list? And why is he on the same list as someone alive, aka Theron? And why bother giving us affection options in conversations for someone whos not going to be alive after chapter 1? Why waste the time to create conversation options that effect his affection when he dies so early? Why bother have an affection scale on Marr at all? Because hes not dead. Think about it, Marr "dies" so fast. You have like in total 3 conversations with him before getting to the Eternal throne. Thats barely enough time to make Marr's affection lvl budge. So why include it at all? Answer, because we will have use of it later when he returns to us alive in Chapter X or later.


C. And like I said earlier. The fact that Marr is seen as a force ghost. Couldnt that just mean that hes communicating with Satele using the force from far away? Or couldnt it be that its his only way to communicate from his carbonite prison?


D. Valkorion survived inside The Outlanders mind. Isnt it possible if Marr's body was destroyed that its the same thing for him? He hitched a ride in someones head. Which could explain why we only see him communicate as a force ghost/spirit. Because his body is destroyed. Valkorion does that to, his body is dead, yet we all know hes alive inside The Outlander. So why couldnt Marr be alive inside The Outlander to or inside someone else? How do we in fact even know if Satele isnt really talking to Valkorion? We have seen his power, it would be easy for him to disguise himself as a ghost figure of Darth Marr. Ever since he jumped into our head he occasionally appears to us as a ghost figure when he stops time and presents us with some choice. So what if Darth Marr is on some world, or in prison while Valkorion is pretending to be Marr to Satele?


I can keep going, like I said we have seen Valkorions power. It seems to be limitless, he has literally cheated death a number of times. So what was to stop him from attacking Marr in the throne room, but preserving his life. Having Marr sent to some world or to prison while he jumped into the Outlanders head after Arcann had him killed. Earlier I said that it could be good for Valkorion to be rid of Marr since he doesnt like him or trust him. Valkorion would hardly want someone keeping an eye on him the entire time. But at the same time I said it would be very stupid to kill a potential ally as powerful as Darth Marr. So this could be a possibility for Valkorion, be rid of Marr but at the same time one day he could return and be The Outlanders ally again.


E. No one sais that hes dead. Valkorion doesnt, Darth Marr himself doesnt admit that hes dead and Satele doesnt. Only The Outlander because thats what hes/shes lead to believe. Which is not so surprising. If we saw someone hit by lightning then falls to the floor and isnt moving, we jump to the simplest conclusion, that hes dead. The only thing Marr sais is that he didnt realise who Valkorion was until his own life depended on it. But that isnt some admission that hes dead. That only means he didnt realise who Valkorion was until he was in the throne room. Marr is no fool, maybe he was testing Valkorion to see how much power he had. Because he knew he could take it, remember, Darth Marr is an extremely powerful Sith. Marr knows The Empire needs him, he made an alliance with the Republic because hes in that much need of help. And the Republic needs the Empire. Darth Marr wouldnt gamble his life away because of his pride or hate to not kneel to Valkorion. But wouldnt it also be a crippling strategic blow if the Empire believes its defender and champion is dead? Of course it would, a blow to morale to. So maybe it was just meant to weaken the Empire. Be a rumor that The Outlander spreads because thats what he/she thinks. But really its a false one.


Yes in the contacts list it sais "killed" by Valkorion. But why keep him in the contacts? Why not just add that to his Codex entry. Why mix dead people with alive people, and why in a list thats suppose to be a list of people that can help make the alliance stronger? Answer, because Darth Marr will return and help make the alliance stronger. But at the same time that Contacts list entry of Marr cant say that hes not dead because were suppose to believe that he is dead.



Ok yeah, this is just speculation based on some facts. But Darth Marr has always been my favorite bad guy ever in Star Wars. Yes more then Revan and Darth Vader. So Id hate to see him go for real. I believe that we are just suppose to think Marr is dead. Until Marr himself sais hes dead or something like that. I will continue to be hopeful that Marr is alive. Or if nothing else will come back. Remember Star Wars III? Darth Sidious sais it is possible to cheat death through the Dark Side. We have seen Valkorion do it plenty of times. So if Marr is dead, maybe he will come back.


However, if Marr sadly really is dead. I will definitely require some more substantial proof. But if he is dead then my Sith Warrior will take his place. Defend The Empire no matter what. Do what Marr would do. Marr's last act, if hes really dead, was to unite The Empire and The Republic and try to fight as one against the Eternal Empire. That is what I will do, honor Darth Marr.


But Bioware, if you have really killed of Darth Marr, you will have a lot of unhappy players. I do not understand the need to kill of epic characters. I never have and I doubt I ever will understand that.


So to end this, my final conclusion. Darth Marr is...NOT dead. That is if you ask me.


Edited by AkeroStar
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***SPOILER, FALLEN EMPIRE, SPOILER**** You have been warned!






I agree with this. The only thing that makes me sceptical is that hes seen as a force ghost talking with Satele Shan. I have a theory about that. Couldnt it just be that Marr is communicating with Satele from far away using the force? But here are some points that make me think hes alive.


A. What you said Celise. How many have been hit by lightning and walked away? Many, like Ive lost count. Plus Darth Marr is an extremely powerful Sith. Which makes it difficult for me to accept that one attack killed him. Even if it was from Valkorian himself. Remember The Asylum? That thunder Valkorian makes The Outlander use to defeat Arcann. That was a more full power lightning attack. Compare that to what Marr got, Marr got a tiny zip compared to that. So no, I do not believe that attack was enough to kill him. His "death" was to obvious. If Marr was gonna die for real, they would give him a proper fight. Not a 2 second zapp and bye bye. We survived and were frozen in carbonite. So maybe Marr is alive and possibly still frozen in carbonite. And thats why hes only seen as a force ghost, its his only means to communicate with anyone.


Also, why would Valkorian kill Marr? Hes a powerful strategic warrior whos kept The Empire together and leading them to victory for years. A valuable ally for someone who wants to take down the Eternal Empire. Yes it is likely that Valkorian sees Marr as a threat. So one reason, Darth Marr never trusted Valkorian, no one did. He killed everyone on Ziost after all. Marr "died" refusing to kneel to Valkorian. But what if Valkorian just incapacitated Marr? If Darth Marr sided with Valkorian he would likely persude The Outlander to not trust Valkorian, not use his powers and such. Maybe Valkorian thought of Darth Marr as an obstacle for his goals. Because lets face it, everything thats happening now is Valkorians doing. We are the puppets and hes pulling the strings. All this, its happening because of Valkorian. He started the war so we could clean up the mess and stop his children. But he knows that we need great warriors to win. Great warriors like Darth Marr. So my point is, Valkorian couldnt afford to kill Marr because he would be a great ally to The Outlander, so he just incapacitated Marr instead.


This is more of an opinion then a point. But Darth Marr is like the most powerful Sith alive. Hes keeping the Dark Council together. They wouldnt listen to someone who was weaker than them. So obviously Darth Marr is stronger then the Dark Council or just as strong as them. Do you really think one hit with lightning could kill someone that strong? So how would a bolt of lightning be enough to kill him? Its just to obvious. Boom were suppose to believe hes dead, its to easy. Why couldnt Valkorian just used Force Choke or his lightsaber. Why attempt to "kill" Marr in a way that he could survive from? Force lightning has never been the most efficient or effective way to kill someone. Flashback to Star Wars 6 when Luke is hit by Sidious lightning. It takes ages for Luke to get weaker. And this is up for debate, but some think the Sith are stronger then Jedi. If thats true then Marr could endure an even bigger lightning hit than Luke. If Valkorian wanted Marr dead with 100% certainty, he would just have used force choke or his lightsaber. If he has one, Ive never seen Valkorian have a lightsaber.


A lightning attack like that is not lethal. Plus if the producers really wanted to tell us "Marr is dead". They wouldnt try to kill him with a non lethal attack. They would have a lightsaber go through his chest, or force chocked to death. They wouldnt leave this so open to interpretation. I mean why make Marrs supposed death so unfinished. Why make it so it could seem that hes alive, because he is. If they wanted him dead they wouldnt make us guess around and speculate. They wouldnt have made it seemed like "hmm, is he really dead, or just knocked out?" They would ingame have Marr killed by Arcann or Valkorian or someone and that would be the end of him. The death of Darth Marr wouldnt be dragged out into a huge "is he really dead?" debate. This is Bioware. Whenever in their past games someone has died it has been straight to the point. There has been no doubt, the character died, period. But this, supposed Marrs death is so full of holes.


B. Did you see the contacts in N? HK-55 is there with Marr. First when Marr was alone I thought "crap, list of dead people." But no, Theron shows up on it later. So point is, why bother have a dead guy on the contacts list? And why is he on the same list as someone alive, aka Theron? And why bother giving us affection options in conversations for someone whos not going to be alive after chapter 1? Why waste the time to create conversation options that effect his affection when he dies so early? Why bother have an affection scale on Marr at all? Because hes not dead.


C. And like I said earlier. The fact that Marr is seen as a force ghost. Couldnt that just mean that hes communicating with Satele using the force from far away? Or couldnt it be that its his only way to communicate from his carbonite prison?


D. Valkorian survived inside The Outlanders mind. Isnt it possible if Marrs body was destroyed that its the same thing for him? He hitched a ride in someones head. Which could explain why we only see him communicate as a force ghost/spirit. Because his body is destroyed. Valkorian does that to, his body is dead, yet we all know hes alive inside The Outlander. So why couldnt Marr be alive inside The Outlander to or inside someone else?


E. No one sais that hes dead. Valkorian doesnt, Marr himself doesnt, Satele doesnt. Only The Outlander because thats what hes/shes lead to believe. Which is not so surprising. If we saw someone hit by lightning that falls to the floor and isnt moving, we jump to the simplest conclusion, that hes dead. The only thing Marr sais is that he didnt realise who Valkorian was until his own life depended on it. But that isnt some admission that hes dead. That only means he didnt realise who Valkorian was until he was in the throne room. Marr is no fool, maybe he was testing Valkorian to see how much power he had. Because he knew he could take it, remember, Darth Marr is an extremely powerful Sith. Marr knows The Empire needs him, he made an alliance with the Republic because hes that much in need of help. And the Republic needs the Empire. Darth Marr wouldnt gamble his life away because of his pride to not kneel to Valkorian. But wouldnt it also be a crippling strategic blow if the Empire believes its defender and champion is dead? Of course it would, a blow to morale to. So maybe it was just meant to weaken the Empire. Be a rumor that The Outlander spreads because thats what he/she thinks. But really its a false one. Yes in the contacts list it sais "killed" by Valkorian. But why keep him in the contacts? Why not just add that to his Codex entry. Why mix dead people with alive people, and why in a list thats suppose to be people that can help make the alliance stronger? But at the same time that Contacts list entry of Marr cant say that hes not dead because were suppose to believe hes dead.



Yeah this is just speculation based on some facts. But Darth Marr has always been my favorite bad guy ever in Star Wars. Yes more then Revan and Darth Vader. Anakin Skywalker was my favorite good guy. So Id hate to see him go for real. I believe like Celise said that we are just suppose to think Marr is dead. Until Marr himself sais hes dead or something like that. I will continue to be hopeful that Marr is alive. Or if nothing else will come back. Remember Star Wars III? Darth Sidious sais it is possible to cheat death through the Dark Side. So if Marr is dead, maybe he will come back.



If you ask me Darth Marr just cant die. He is the greatest Sith ever! He is like the only Sith that doesnt take part in the infighting of the Empire and the power moves. He only cares about The Empire as a whole. He is the defender and champion of the Empire. His selflessness and loyalty to The Empire alone is just inspiring. Hes only focused on his factions well being. And hes willing to do what ever it takes to ensure its safety. Like he has now, allied with the Republic. Because he realises he cant defeat the Eternal Empire alone. Hes a very open minded Sith, and its just very big of him to ask his usual enemies for help and to make an alliance with them. No one give Darth Marr any crap. He can see past the petty rivalry and hatred the Sith and Jedi, Republic and Empire have over each other for the greater good. Hes an amazing character, one that cant be replaced by anyone. I really hope Bioware hasnt killed him of for good.


However, if Marr sadly really is dead. I will definitely require some more substantial proof. But if he is dead then my Sith Warrior will take his place. Defend The Empire no matter what. Do what Marr would do. Marrs last acts, if hes really dead, was to unite with the Republic and try to fight as one against the Eternal Empire. That is what I will do, honor Darth Marr.



Maybe Valkorion killed Marr due to somthing you actually brought up, Marr was the one holding the Council together. Maybe Valkorian thought that if Marr was alive, he and his followers would be less likly to follow the Outland who had Valkorian inside his head. Maybe he knew that Marr would leave the empire in a more susceptiple state.


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Maybe Valkorion killed Marr due to somthing you actually brought up, Marr was the one holding the Council together. Maybe Valkorian thought that if Marr was alive, he and his followers would be less likly to follow the Outland who had Valkorian inside his head. Maybe he knew that Marr would leave the empire in a more susceptiple state.



Possibly, but at the same time Valkorian only got the Eternal Empire to meet the rest of the galaxy so there would be war. He wants us to defeat his children. Because he said it himself, they are abusing their power. So why get rid of an extremely valuable and powerfull ally that could definitely aid a lot in Arcanns downfall, aka Darth Marr. It is kind of silly for Valkorian to get rid of Marr just because he didnt side with him. Valkorian captured Marr and The Outlander because he knew they were the only once in the galaxy that possesed strength that was equal to his. Of course they are suspicious of a man who devours an entire planet of billions and then is a daddy on the other side of the galaxy. My point is, no matter how you twist and turn it. Valkorian needs Marr, no matter how much Marr despises him and is suspicious of him. The true enemy is Arcann. Not saying Valkorian isnt an enemy, but things were a lot better when he ruled the Eternal Empire.


Also, considering the state of things I doubt Marr would leave the Empire in a more susceptible state. They were at war after all. If anything he might try to make it less susceptible.


Plus, we have no clue what could have happened if Marr didnt try to attack Valkorian. For all we know Valkorian might not have died at all, which would mean that The Outlander wouldnt have Valkorian inside his head. So no reason for the others on the Dark Council or The Empire to have any concern about him.


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Possibly, but at the same time Valkorian only got the Eternal Empire to meet the rest of the galaxy so there would be war. He wants us to defeat his children. Because he said it himself, they are abusing their power. So why get rid of an extremely valuable and powerfull ally that could definitely aid a lot in Arcanns downfall, aka Darth Marr. It is kind of silly for Valkorian to get rid of Marr just because he didnt side with him. Valkorian captured Marr and The Outlander because he knew they were the only once in the galaxy that possesed strength that was equal to his. Of course they are suspicious of a man who devours an entire planet of billions and then is a daddy on the other side of the galaxy. My point is, no matter how you twist and turn it. Valkorian needs Marr, no matter how much Marr despises him and is suspicious of him. The true enemy is Arcann. Not saying Valkorian isnt an enemy, but things were a lot better when he ruled the Eternal Empire.


Also, considering the state of things I doubt Marr would leave the Empire in a more susceptible state. They were at war after all. If anything he might try to make it less susceptible.


Plus, we have no clue what could have happened if Marr didnt try to attack Valkorian. For all we know Valkorian might not have died at all, which would mean that The Outlander wouldnt have Valkorian inside his head. So no reason for the others on the Dark Council or The Empire to have any concern about him.


1. I was saying that killing Marr off would leave the Empire more susceptible

2. Valkorian always knew that Arcaan would kill him, you can tell when he's stabbed.

3. I think things were better for Zakkul, well... If Kothe is any indication

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1. I was saying that killing Marr off would leave the Empire more susceptible

2. Valkorian always knew that Arcaan would kill him, you can tell when he's stabbed.

3. I think things were better for Zakkul, well... If Kothe is any indication


My bad, I misunderstood.


1. Agreed, The Empire would be incredibly weakened considering what a great leader and what an important role Darth Marr played in the military.


2. Yeah, hes kind of a damaged kid. First Thexan, then Valkorian. In the trailer you can see how hes bothered growing up by Valkorians distance to him and Thexan.


3. Zakuul had it better, no doubt. But the rest of the galaxy became oppressed and basically had a full surrender. Id rather see Valkorian back on the throne. Rather Zakuul suffers a little and the galaxy is freed. One plantes needs can not match the freedom of an entire galaxy.


Anyways, well this entire post is about Darth Marrs fate. Instead of making that huge post again, I shall just say I believe we shall see Darth Marr in the flesh again. I at least hope so.


Oh and I just thought of this. We, the player, were gonna die. Just hear me out.


Arcann distracted Valkorion, we killed him. His death lead to him jumping inside our mind. So logically the only way for Valkorion to jump in and out of bodies is if the one hes currently in dies. I mean that is the only way that is presented to us for Valkorion to be able to jump around in bodies. But, the producers cant just kill us, the players of. Then the story is over for good, game over. And online games have no end. So my point, I believe we will die, a real death, dead for real. BUT, we will come back to life. I mean in the future story we will hardly still be walking around with Valkorion inside our heads. He will go away somehow eventually. Not in Chapter X, I mean in the end of the FE story, or after the FE story.


So why do I bring this up when the topic is about Darth Marr and his true fate? Because, if we can die for real and come back to life to get Valkorion out of our minds. Then if Marr is really dead now he can also come back to life. For one hes also way more powerful then the Sith and Jedi players we play as.


The force is basically like magic. You can do like anything with it. Move objects, mind control. And if you have watched Star Wars Clone Wars, specifically the episodes that take place on Mortis really powerful force users can also shapeshift. The son turned into some demon bat and the daughter turns into some griffon. The power of the force is like limitless. You can do practically anything with it.


So my point is, even if Darth Marr is dead now, 100% dead. I believe we will die some point in the future to get Valkorion out of our heads. So obviously we will have to come back to life somehow, if we can come back to life so can Darth Marr.


I also just thought of this. It could be unlikely that now all of a sudden after 5 years Marr is appearing as a ghost looking figure from his carbonite prison. So maybe he is out of the prison now but unable to get to Satele and speak to her personally. So he uses the force to speak with her. We know for a fact that Sith and Jedi can create illusions. Illusions of themselves and other things. During the FE story Valkorion creates an illusion of himself when we have conversations with him. So why couldnt Darth Marr be able to create an illusion/image of himself when speaking to Satele. Darth Marr could be on some other planet and using the force power telepathy to contact Satele. Because as it is stated on Wookieepedia the range of the force telepathy can be practically limitless. There are factors that can effect how far a force user can use telepathy to contact other Sith or Jedi. But since Satele and Darth Marr are both very powerful force users I believe that they can use force telepathy to contact each other over practically a limitless distance. And this is why seeing Darth Marr as a force ghost looking figure does not have to be Darth Marr´s spirit. But just an illusion he creates of himself from somewhere else.






Also, if Darth Marr predicts his own death then he would be ready for it. He would know what would happen, who would kill him and such. He wasnt ready for what happened in the throne room, since he hadnt even realised who Valkorion was. So that could not be his true death.


Also Marr could have used Force Barrier to defend himself against the biggest blows of Valkorions lightning attack. But some still hit him since his armor was literally smoking and you could see some electricity moving around on/in him.


Darth Marr´s armor could have been made of a material that was resistant to electrical currents. So his armor would get hit and electrocuted. But it would not harm Darth Marr. So only the blast himself pushed him away, knocked him down and knocked him out.


“Darth Plagueis also implied that the users' abilities with Force Lightning would grow even stronger when subjected to their own attack.“

Couldnt that mean that Darth Marr would be able to resist Force Lightning and have built of a sort of biological defense to it? That hes less susceptible to being attacked by Force Lightning. Since Darth Marr is one of the Sith who can use Force Lightning. Over Darth Marr´s years he has very likely been attacked by Force Lightning before. So maybe after all this time hes built up a sort of resistance to being attacked by it.


Also after watching the throne room scene several times. Watching Valkorions lightning attacks hit first Darth Marr then Arcann. It is easy to see both attacks are just as big and just as strong. Arcann got up and walked away. So that just proves that Darth Marr isnt dead, if Arcann survived it so did Marr. Also, if you pay attention you will notice Darth Marr´s body is removed when Vaylin orders the guards to clear the room. Which could be that Vaylin has Marr put in carbonite or in prison. If Marr had died why bother remove his corpse for added privacy? Marr could still be conscious but just to weak and/or injured to move or do anything. Or he could be unconscious, but his subconscious could still listen to conversation. It is actually a medical fact that people in a coma can still hear things around them and remember them once out of the coma.





“Due to the fact that Force lightning was, at its core, simply electricity generated by the dark side, it could be grounded with any material that was resistant to electrical currents.“

Edited by AkeroStar
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