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GS Redeemer: Light or Burst Laser Cannon


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To get that theoretically higher damage you have to shoot with perfect aim for a fairly long period of time, where with BLCs you only have to be on target and click to fire about once per second. So as a practical matter having good enough aim is easier with burst laser cannons.


BLC also has piercing effects that make it more effective at getting significant hull damage, and hull damage is what kills in GSF.

Edited by Ramalina
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Basically: in general, higher rate of fire is less effective in GSF. DPS is a misleading stat. As a gunship, you won't get much time on target (especially not just before you have to run) at the range your primary weapon is effective, so higher DPS doesn't really matter. BLC does more effective damage than LLC does for that reason. You get to take fewer shots, but the shots you do take do more damage.


Start at around 1:42. (Glad I commented on that video when Drakolich posted it; made it easier to find.)


Even if that wasn't the case, though, BLC has something very important that LLC does not: armor penetration. It means you can get in close and clear turrets or bombers if you need to (though this should not happen often). You also have the option for shield piercing instead. which, again, is something that LLC just doesn't have.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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We call it Broken Laser Cannon for a reason:

1: You don't have to be on target constantly for it to be effective-just once every 3/4 of a second if you're perfect. Because of how good pilots fly when getting shot at (very evasively), this is very important.

2: Armor piercing.

3: Generally better upgrade tree. It goes from potent to crazy powerful, with every step on the tree being good.


All three of these mean there's no reason to take any other short-range gun on any ship which has other options.

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I'll add one more thing about light lasers- their niche of being great sustained fire really works only on a target in a very specific location. If you picture a short lance sticking out of the ship, and the only way you can win is to point the lance at something and hold it there for quite some time, you'll have a good intuition of why they are frustrating to try to deal damage with. As others have said, in practice you just don't get much damage out of the gun, because no one will sit in that lance, and leaving it is quite possible.
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