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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Poll: who likes level sync and who doesn't


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The main reason why it's the greatest thing ever is because I can level up my higher level characters where I want to. Missions on Nar Shaddaa? Yap! Missions on Coruscant? Yap! Killing elites on Tatooine? Yap! It's just the greatest thing that has ever happened to this game.
granted, but then you're level 60 by the time you get to hoth? then stop levelling altogether?
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Not a big deal to me but not a fan. Whats the point? Its not a challenge, at all (nothing is anymore really but this even less so). All it does it allow mobs to aggro and dismount you while youre trying to just get somewhere and require the use something other than basic attack if you want to get moving faster.
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I'd just like to get a feel of the forums general temperature about this change, just a simple for or against with no childish insults from either side to muddy the waters.


level sync is an insult for us who leveled to the previous cap of 60.

All that hard work is wasted.

Now everything is receiving a bolster for those who used to be way underleveled so if you run with people who never did an fp before, have fun, holding the wrath in.

No more kicking wbs in the teeth or soloing the old fps.

Also, it makes no sense for a 60 plus to go do heroics or help a friend or guildie do a planet just so they lose their hp thanks to level sync.

And to all of you fanbois who thinks its great, remind yourselves how hard you worked to get to 60 before FE.

unless, you're 1) a hacker or 2) you don't give a flying rat's ask.

So you can keep you're fun loving love level sync to yourselves.

Only my opinion matters to me and yours to you.

have a nice day.

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level sync is an insult for us who leveled to the previous cap of 60.

All that hard work is wasted.

Now everything is receiving a bolster for those who used to be way underleveled so if you run with people who never did an fp before, have fun, holding the wrath in.

No more kicking wbs in the teeth or soloing the old fps.

Also, it makes no sense for a 60 plus to go do heroics or help a friend or guildie do a planet just so they lose their hp thanks to level sync.

And to all of you fanbois who thinks its great, remind yourselves how hard you worked to get to 60 before FE.

unless, you're 1) a hacker or 2) you don't give a flying rat's ask.

So you can keep you're fun loving love level sync to yourselves.

Only my opinion matters to me and yours to you.

have a nice day.


Didn't know you were capable of making a cohesive post, with no swearing.

Edited by Djiini
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