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SWTOR 4.0 Level sync changes Bad idea


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That level sync nonsense is completely awful, it has no good or practical application other than making the game difficult despite your level.


The entire... The ENTIRE point of leveling up in an RPG is to get stronger, they are literally removing the ability to get stronger as you level up... that is bullcrap. One of the best parts of leveling up is the ability to go back to older planets and to walk around like you own the place -(Future-Bound-Entertainment)... If this level sync nonsense is implemented there are going to be alot of people leaving the game. Also the whole putting level 60's up the cartel market is going to be a huge discouragement for max level players who worked hard to get where they are. I mean why didn't you put it out from the beginning and made our lives easier. Some of us have spent 3 months leveling up just to be max level.

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I agree to the full extent. I have been here for a long time and have left before due to the mistakes of the Swtor team. They removed the hybrid specialization to make things simpler and less unique per person's play style. I left once and I have no issue leaving again until they FIX this. If I level up, I want to be.. um I don't know LEVELED UP. This will actually discourage people from helping each other. If I am level 60, I will gladly help someone level because the job will be simple and go by quickly. If I am the same level (stat/gear wise) that means more time invested into helping and more of a pester. Soon asking for help will be a matter of how many credits you have in your bank account or how many real dollars are you willing to put up. Paying for your levels is just ridiculous. This game is turning into a pay to success. Your success of anything will now be determined to how deep your pockets are. Great job, turning effort into a simple credit card number. Goodbye dailies, goodbye heroics, goodbye weeklies / and even you Ops. I have a hard enough time finding people for things I cannot handle alone (Ops for example). So now I am going to have to find a FULL group instead of just a few max levels. This will just make that worse. I guess if this actually gets applied this will be my farewell. I will not be controlled by a game demanding you funnel more money into their pockets to even enjoy it. $15 should be sufficient enough a month, but I guess not for them.
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That level sync nonsense is completely awful, it has no good or practical application other than making the game difficult despite your level.


The entire... The ENTIRE point of leveling up in an RPG is to get stronger, they are literally removing the ability to get stronger as you level up... that is bullcrap. One of the best parts of leveling up is the ability to go back to older planets and to walk around like you own the place -(Future-Bound-Entertainment)... If this level sync nonsense is implemented there are going to be alot of people leaving the game. Also the whole putting level 60's up the cartel market is going to be a huge discouragement for max level players who worked hard to get where they are. I mean why didn't you put it out from the beginning and made our lives easier. Some of us have spent 3 months leveling up just to be max level.


You can still level up and become stronger... level sync won't mean much when your stomping around with auto-crit passives and god-like DCD's as a 65 on Tatooine. Sorry you can't solo a world boss anymore but those are meant for groups.

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You can still level up and become stronger... level sync won't mean much when your stomping around with auto-crit passives and god-like DCD's as a 65 on Tatooine. Sorry you can't solo a world boss anymore but those are meant for groups.


And that's pretty much the only thing "lost", content-wise.

A downleveled 65 seems easily able to solo a Heroic 2+ and every Heroic has been converted as such.

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And that's pretty much the only thing "lost", content-wise.

A downleveled 65 seems easily able to solo a Heroic 2+ and every Heroic has been converted as such.


It honestly won't be very difficult. The only ones I can see an annoying issue with is the Section X heroic.

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I don't see the issue. It means that because rewards also improve, you may now replay old content and be rewarded for it, effectively greatly expanding the material available to you at max level. It's not as if at level 60 you still go back Dromund Kaas and assert your dominance over the local Yozusks in order to feel special. Nobody does that, unless there's a specific reason to go back to an early planet (say an event), people just don't bother.
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Negative for those farming mats on the planets. I don't worry about it today when getting mats as I don't agro anything. Once level sync goes into place it's going to suck pretty much.


The BLUE chests you get from the H2 are not exactly earth shattering AWESOME rewards. A run or two in the freshly scaled operations will give you better gear with better stats. Only benefit I've seen is helping a buddy level a new character or a new player that has never played before. (Which is the target audience of the game now)


Going to be cynical here and state because they have already drained the wallets of all the existing players and need new wallets.

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This should be optional. Do you know how hard it is to get groups together for heroics and flash points? I would rather do them alone so I can control the story. When one group member is not aligned with the other they can make a dark or light choice you don't want. Also, I will now have less reason to play a character that has leveled up to 60 plus. Once I play content I will not want to play again if it stays the same level. What will the point be of trying to get stronger if it won't matter in game? Why do I want stronger gear? It's going to be leveled down. Some times I wonder what you guys are thinking. Do you really believe you are doing a good thing?
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Yup, basically your lvl no longer matters in PVE... once again the developers of this game make a choice that just makes me /facepalm and shake my head... I will stay subscribed for 2 months so I can play the new storyline then cancel subscription again and uninstall because of stupid design choices like this. There really is no point to even playing this game anymore... you can just buy a lvl 60, play the storyline then uninstall because your lvl and equipment no longer mean anything.
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You can still level up and "pwn" almost everything on any lower level world by yourself...


Are you getting butt hurt because you can't 1 shot kill everything like "God of da Newbz?". Give it up, other games have this feature and it hasn't negatively impacted gameplay. This is just another example of people getting a sad on because they won't be able to zerg everything now...


Also, any argument about travel is invalid as ALL speeder points are unlocked and as I said, you can still easily kill everything.




EDIT: You still have ALL skills, ALL your passives and hopefully all your brains... Or are people upset they can't gank lowbies on Tat anymore?

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
rude part removed
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You can still level up and "pwn" almost everything on any lower level world by yourself...


Are you getting butt hurt because you can't 1 shot kill everything like "God of da Newbz?". Give it up, other games have this feature and it hasn't negatively impacted gameplay. This is just another example of people getting a sad on because they won't be able to zerg everything now...


Also, any argument about travel is invalid as ALL speeder points are unlocked and as I said, you can still easily kill everything.


My new motto: they are lobbying to have the option to remain Superman rather than being "gimped" by being merely Spiderman.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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Negative for those farming mats on the planets. I don't worry about it today when getting mats as I don't agro anything. Once level sync goes into place it's going to suck pretty much.


The BLUE chests you get from the H2 are not exactly earth shattering AWESOME rewards. A run or two in the freshly scaled operations will give you better gear with better stats. Only benefit I've seen is helping a buddy level a new character or a new player that has never played before. (Which is the target audience of the game now)


Going to be cynical here and state because they have already drained the wallets of all the existing players and need new wallets.


Possibly the single dumbest comment I have seen. Ok enough of hte hyperbole on to business:


You know why? Because it is higher tier, tougher, larger scale group content. Heroics aren't nearly as difficult as an Operation. Boss mechanics in Heroics are limited to primarily interrupt and small aoe (sometimes a terminal). Not all people run end game ops on a day to day or week to week basis and A LOT of people as a result do not benefit from the Token gear. So where do they get gear? Heroics and other smaller group or solo content.


Saying "why do a heroic when you can do ops for better gear" is like saying why buy that affordable house that you can live comfortably in when you can buy the much more expensive mansion with debt? The second choice is obviously better but not everyone can attain it. :p



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Level Sync is not that bad. I have a level 60 shadow and when she went to the black hole daily today she was level sync to 52 but guess what I barely lost any health (70% was the least amount of health I had) while doing the heroic.


I am not the best player, as I don't do operations and barely any hard mode operations but if I can do the dailies with no problem I serious doubt the ones of you that have excellent gear and have been playing operations and hard mode flashpoints should have any trouble.

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I have to agree that this downgrading thing should be optional. Now there's really no point to leveling up. Maybe I don't really care much about getting the experience points on lower-level planets and that's the reason I didn't do those particular quests in the first place. Maybe I wanted to reach a high level for a reason and maybe I like being extra powerful on a low-leveled planet. For those who don't want that, that would be where the optional aspect would be helpful. Plus, now I can't really help out lower-level friends out anymore (or at least, not any more than a random person on whatever planet they're on). So yeah, thanks for ruining the game. I have 3 more months of paid subscription, but right now I doubt I'll use hardly any of them and definitely won't continue subscribing.
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Maybe some of us enjoy soloing WB. Maybe people like me did it and gave away the rewards for free or sold them cheap for low level players to enjoy. Maybe someof us enjoyed making great amounts of creds soloing heroics and now can't and have to pay higher repair bills. Story is one thing, but when the story is over or on hold, I like to make credits. Now I can't. I'm not here to work harder after I've already worked hard to get to this point, I'm here to have fun and prevent boredom from kicking in while I work. I had played The Black Hole today and had no fun whatsoever arroging all over. Call me a "drama queen" if you aren't affected or don't care, I don't care. This game has been ruined
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Takes all the fun of being and feeling more powerfull. Really awsome to be able to die agains lvl 20,30,40,50 npc's with maxed out lvl 60 gear char(yes if you die your poor player but still sucks monkey balls) I don't care to do the same F...ing quest witch i did 100 times and gain xp since i'm max level. This has to be optional! There is no point of being high level anymore because you will never feel like you are more powerfull then you where 40 level's ago! This is a complete disaster . If Bioware don't change lvl sync to optional i will unsubscribe ASAP!
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I was looking forward to becoming lvl 65 so I can finally solo some of the group quests and such that I never could get done as there was never anyone to do it with. Now I still can't because of the dumbest change to an MMO ever made. Forced level scaling? In an MMO! Then what is the point of having levels in the first place?!


After my sub runs out, I highly doubt I will ever sub to this game again if this is still in place.

Edited by Merwanor
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