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Darth Nox vs Mace Windu


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Honestly we have no idea what effect Vaapad would have on someone like Nox. Honestly the whole concept doesn't even make a lot of sense with most force users since one of the main purposes of a force barrier is to block the perceptions of an opponent. Now of course if you are blasting a stream of dark side energy (lightning) out of your fingers, this becomes moot.


However, unlike Sidious, Nox has a lot nastier stuff at his/her disposal than lightning.


Nox: *Zap*

Mace: "You're only making me stronger!"

Nox: "Right you are" lazily waves hand creating death field

Mace disappears in a burst of dark energy

Nox: "Ya, that's right"


Do you think Mace Windu will ever offer him the opportunity he is a jedi guardian he fights with his lightsaber not the force when will Nox have the opportunity to use the death field.

As the death field is a ability that you need to channel and takes time. Lighting does not but that will come back to you as it came back to Sidious.

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All good points, yet I think Luke could defeat Box more so than Mace when I think about it. Since Luke uses more intangible force powers and adaptations of said powers. I'm using the 2 most recent novel series as a basis for this. Where the Vong are immune to the force so Luke uses small stones in a whirlwind to shred one of them. The more I think of it the more I determine Nox and Mace are use to fighting against force users or sabers. So their expectations and courses of action funnel into a singular methodology. Where as Luke has to deal with much more than Droids or power hungry sith. As I said before great debate with many interpretations.
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Do you think Mace Windu will ever offer him the opportunity he is a jedi guardian he fights with his lightsaber not the force when will Nox have the opportunity to use the death field.

As the death field is a ability that you need to channel and takes time. Lighting does not but that will come back to you as it came back to Sidious.


Where does your death field assumptions come from? The 3 cases of it that I know of in lore all are instant abilities, and only 1 is a channeled ability (Darth Bane, and those caught in its effects probably didn't much care about whether it was channeled or not)

Edited by MadDutchman
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Where does your death field assumptions come from? The 3 cases of it that I know of in lore all are instant abilities, and only 1 is a channeled ability (Darth Bane, and those caught in its effects probably didn't much care about whether it was channeled or not)


Well you just answered the question on why do I think is a channeled ability. Which are the other 2 you know of?

The other I only know is Lord Draagh and while it did seemed to be instant it was not after the TK he too his time to use death field indicating he channeled it.

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Well you just answered the question on why do I think is a channeled ability. Which are the other 2 you know of?

The other I only know is Lord Draagh and while it did seemed to be instant it was not after the TK he too his time to use death field indicating he channeled it.


KOTOR and the SI ability are the other two. Both are instant, neither are channeled.


And in the case of Bane, those caught in the area were killed practically instantly, so whether it is channeled is kinda moot.

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KOTOR and the SI ability are the other two. Both are instant, neither are channeled.


And in the case of Bane, those caught in the area were killed practically instantly, so whether it is channeled is kinda moot.


There are methods to resist force drain. It's not fool proof.

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KOTOR and the SI ability are the other two. Both are instant, neither are channeled.


And in the case of Bane, those caught in the area were killed practically instantly, so whether it is channeled is kinda moot.


No its not because he has no time to use it. He is a jedi guardian and the second fastest jedi of his time after Yoda you get not time to channel anything. And force drain meaning death field well for example Obi Wan and Anakin can resist it and they did. Anakin by learning a technique from a ancient sith/jedi and Obi Wan by cutting himself from the force a technique learned from some backwater force sensitives that they teached it to the jedi. They have the knowledge and Obi Wan learned it maybe Mace did the same.

Now for example ignoring Nihilus as he was special Kreia did channeled it sure she talked a lot during that but she channeled it and she had to keep the jedi masters far from her by chocking them. It takes time.

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Eh cutting yourself from the force seems like a very bad tactical decision in a duel...just saying:D


....as for the death field and is it channel or not - imo you shouldn't take gameplay for a show of how it works...if it is cutscene or from a novel that is fine, but gameplay - that is not fine. If we take gameplay for abilities known then Nox is a good/very good duelist (force speed + assassin fighting ability) that have some minor regeneration + powerful heals....oh let's not forgot the ability to teleport at will:)

....which is why I can't take such discussions seriously - Nox is imo just too...vague:)


....btw he/she does beat that sith lord even being completely drained from the force (the artifact) so he/she is good duelist...

Edited by Saelinne
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No its not because he has no time to use it. He is a jedi guardian and the second fastest jedi of his time after Yoda you get not time to channel anything. And force drain meaning death field well for example Obi Wan and Anakin can resist it and they did. Anakin by learning a technique from a ancient sith/jedi and Obi Wan by cutting himself from the force a technique learned from some backwater force sensitives that they teached it to the jedi. They have the knowledge and Obi Wan learned it maybe Mace did the same.

Now for example ignoring Nihilus as he was special Kreia did channeled it sure she talked a lot during that but she channeled it and she had to keep the jedi masters far from her by chocking them. It takes time.


You don't need time to channel, Mace moving fast just means he'll be moving faster when he crashes headlong into the death field (assuming Darth Bane style field)


If you take gameplay mechanics as anything, it's even worse for him, as it is both instant cast and not requiring a channel.


Assuming Anakin or Obi-wan taught Mace those abilities is pure speculation. We also don't know if the drain resistance Anakin learned is even applicable to non Harvester/Reaper drain attacks.

Even if he did learn the severe force technique from Obi-wan, that would be suicide. Sure, it may protect him from the death field, but he would lose his speed and Vaapad, making him an easy target for any other more direct force power, or even a lightsaber strike.

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With Nox are we talking about Nox year three up to destruction of Ziost? Or Nox if the Darth managed to live like four thousand or so years to that point in time where they could face Windu.


To me Nox wouldn't be fighting Windu toe to toe Nox would know better to be that reckless. My Nox would try to test his will overall make him go mad, be paranoid, have him chasing shadows. Seeing what he can do first and the limit of his combat abilities.


If this is an ancient Nox we're talking about. Whom at this point would have mastered both Sin and Sorc abilities. Plus is comfortable using either a double bladed saber or single saber to lethal effect. Also we haven't even gone into what saber form Nox would use if they had an option to choose in game. Niman would be overall choice which makes perfect sense for Hatred spec. Yet Nox would also understand Juyo and Soresu forms. Since Deception is honestly more aggressive than Hatred that would take more Juyo influences and Darkness would have more Soresu influences. Now also take into account if Nox has a choice to take Valkorion's ghost at the end of KOTFE. Which would make Nox a force to be wary around since it wouldn't matter alive or dead that level of force control would be something Windu never seen before.


Now if we're talking end of Ziost in their "prime" Nox overall wouldn't stand a change since Nox hasn't fought notable saber specialist. Nox may have worked with the The Emperor's Wrath, Hero of Typhon and The Barsen'thor yet hasn't fought them. Also at this point Nox was still weaker than Jadus whom The Imperial Ghost defeated early in their story and still recognized as the strongest Sith in the Empire So overall if it was this Nox whom was more focused on building power bases, subversion and overall not trying to die from basically overloading themselves on force ghost juice. They would have been swept up by a combat specialist like Windu. Nox wouldn't be a fool they would most likely run if they saw a moment to do so yet I still see this Nox being killed without much resistance.

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From what I see it would seem the Nox in most of this is Dps Sin or Sorc. What would a tank Nox be like in this scenario? With wither, pull, and dark ward. Not sure if those would be tremendous help but maybe they would. I assume pull could be used not as a gap closer, but to hurl someone at something or off something. Also that doesn't seem to be tied to light or dark, but more neutral.
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From what I see it would seem the Nox in most of this is Dps Sin or Sorc. What would a tank Nox be like in this scenario? With wither, pull, and dark ward. Not sure if those would be tremendous help but maybe they would. I assume pull could be used not as a gap closer, but to hurl someone at something or off something. Also that doesn't seem to be tied to light or dark, but more neutral.


Well, pull in this case is just basic TK, some powers we can assume everyone has, even if they don't have it in game

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Just curious, but did you play Nox only in KotFE expansion?

Not at all been playing the game since it came out and been on the forums for a long time.Stop playing a but ago and left the forums when alot of friends left the game and this forums because of KotFE also know a good chunk of Star wars lore.Mainly Vaapad give Windu enough strong to defeat NOx to to mention his decades of experience. Read this thread from the start and you will see what am talking about.

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Sidious is more powerful than Valkorion/Vitiate. Revan/Vader are close to equals and Vader loses to Sidious much like Revan loses to Vitiate. The debate has been done to death and the star wars community as a whole accepts Sidious > Valkorion.


Unless you back stab them because they have no force sense neither Sidious and Valkorian that is why they are dead so assassin is the way to go.

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